Affiliate users


Is affiliate enterprise, affiliate users, affiliate permanent compatible with wpeverest user registration plugin? We made a registration page for WP with user registration plugin but permanent affiliate and affiliate is not saved. The user is created as an affiliate. Where can i search?

best regards



One response to “Affiliate users”

  1. Eugen Bleck Avatar
    Eugen Bleck

    Hi Michael,

    I trust you are safe and feeling great.

    First off, thank you so much for being a valued customer of our plugins for all these years.

    You can find the Affiliates on your system by
    1. Navigating to your WordPress admin dashboard
    2. Then navigating to Affiliates -> Manage Affiliates

    Once there you should see all the affiliates created alongside the affiliate username and id. You can also create a new affiliate based off an existing user account. Readmore HERE.

    For compatibility with wpeverest, I am not certain you can use one of its forms to create an Affiliate directly, however, once you’ve used wpeverest to create a user you can add this user as an affiliate. Here’s a resource to guide you on this: RESOURCE.

    But if you wouldn’t mind giving me a temporal Admin logins to your staging site, I would be more than willing to help test it out for you. Or better still you could send a copy of the wpeverest plugin so I test and share my thoughts.

    I look forward to helping you however I can. Please if you are to send any login details or files, please use:

    eugen [at] itthinx [dot] com..

    Resource to read on how to handle Affiliate registration;
    1. HERE
    2. affiliates_dashboard_registration

    I wish you an awesome and amazing weekend.

    kind regards,
