Affiliate URL directing to a post instead of home page

I just installed Affiliates Pro for Jigoshop and my new affiliate IDʻs are being routed to a post instead of the home page. for example goes to a post rather than

Also, the redirect checkbox: Does that just strip the Affiliate ID or is the sale still attributed to the affiliate?


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8 responses to “Affiliate URL directing to a post instead of home page”

  1. Hi,

    I have a similar issue – do I need to post the [affiliates_url] shortcode, as you showed the example above:


    on every page of my website?
    and on every page where a product is sold?

    I've never used shortcodes like this before - so I'm quite confused.

    Thanks for your help.

    1. antonio Avatar

      with this shortcode you create an url that affiliates can share to generate commissions. Normally affiliates share home page, but sometimes they want share a specific product.
      So you don’t need use this shortcode for every page/product, only for the product you can use as “banner” for affiliates.

      1. Can you please explain this a little more clearly for me?
        I have upgraded to the Affil Pro for Paypal – but the links
        do not seem to be working and generating test referrals.

        If I have 7 affiliates with 7 different affiliate urls sending their customers to what becomes the redirect, home page – how will the various pages of products and checkouts be attributed to the appropriate affiliate?

        Does the program remember the url that entered the site and then track all subsequent purchases, page views, etc. back to that url and affilite?

        From my reading of the banner and watching the video – the banner ads are not applicable.

        I need to have a possible purchaser follow my affiliate link – review any and all pages on my web site – select any of our offered products(in this case a continuing education course) and pay – so that it all tracks back to an individual affiliate. Can this be done? and if so, how do I do it?

        1. Once a customer has been referred to the site and makes a purchase of any of the products, the affiliate will be credited with a referral as long as your integration has the correct settings and, in the case of the PayPal integration, the PayPal buttons have been enclosed as indicated in Affiliates > PayPal.

          Please don’t post unrelated questions on an existing topic but rather create a new topic. Closing this one now.

  2. biergarten Avatar

    thx for your support!

  3. biergarten Avatar


    I have the same problem:


    How do I apply that for the banners?

    Second question. I embedded the shortcode for the graphs. But there is no content shown in the graphs.

    [affiliates_affiliate_graph interval="month"]

    [affiliates_affiliate_graph interval="year"]

    Your help is appreciated!

    1. antonio Avatar

      please try checking “Redirection” in Affiliates->Options.
      Relating to affiliates_affiliate_graph, please take a look to this topic.

  4. antonio Avatar

    you can use [affiliates_url] shortcode, for example:
