affiliate status close after monthly payment done

the bulk change option to make affiliate status close after monthly payment done

please provide if you have any video or step


One response to “affiliate status close after monthly payment done”

  1. Hi Jayesh,

    Welcome back to our support forum for Affiliates Pro plugin.

    The process to mark Referrals as Closed is pretty simple and quick. Once you visit the Affiliates > Totals, you can adjust the results shown using one or more of the available Filters especially the From/Until since you are interested in the monthly referrals. Once you are done selecting the filters then you should click on Apply button and for the updated results, do a quick review and then hit the Close Referrals button appearing on top. This operation will mark this set of referrals as Closed.

    You may also check the detailed description in the plugin documentation found under How it works section:

    Kind regards,
