Affiliate Registration Approval Steps

What is the best way to use your set up of “Affiliate Area” and “Join Our Affiliate Program” BUT provide a step for manual approval. We DO NOT want to automatically approve all applicants that fill out the join form, please advise.

Would it also be possible to get on a phone call for support as we will have other questions?

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7 responses to “Affiliate Registration Approval Steps”

  1. Hi Michael,

    After installing Groups, create a capability named “affiliates”.
    Then, create a group named “Affiliates” and add the capability affiliates to that group.

    If you haven’t done it already, generate an Affiliates Area page through the Dashboard at Affiliates>Settings>Pages, by pressing the “Generate” button.

    Edit that page, and replace the shortcode [affiliates_registration] with this shortcode, [affiliates_registration redirect="true" redirect_to="http://url_to/your_pending_approval/page" ].
    In the same page, add the shortcode [groups_member group="Affiliates"] right before [affiliates_is_affiliate]. Also, add the shortcode [/groups_member] right after [/affiliates_is_affiliate] shortcode. The block will look like this:

    [groups_member group="Affiliates"]

    …….(the rest of the generated content appears here )


    The above will ensure that only members of the Affiliates group will be able to see the affiliates tools and info.

    As for the page we redirect to after registration, the pending approval page. This page can contain your message for the newly registered affiliates, where they will be redirected after registration.

    Once you decide to approve a new affiliate, simply visit the Dashboard, edit the respective user and add him/her to the Affiliates Group. You can also send the affiliate a notification upon approval by using @Antonio’s extension Groups-Emails.

    If you need further info on that, you can always reply here.

    Kind regards,

  2. Hey George, I’m also looking to implement an approval process. Would you mind putting up some detailed instructions on how to implement groups for approving new affiliates?

    Does this method enable notifications to the user? eg. once they click register, could they see a notice saying “your application is awaiting approval, you will be notified shortly”. I’m sure you get the idea…



  3. If you prefer to moderate only new affiliates, then you should go for the option using Groups. This also means that only approved affiliates would be able to access the affiliate area page.
    If you prefer to moderate all the users in your site, then you should go for th23 plugin.

    Also, here is the flow chart for groups and for th23.


  4. George, from your experience is it better to use the 3rd party plugins as mentioned, or your Groups?

    Either way I will need a flow chart from the time a customer fills out the Join form… Need to see exactly what will be happening within the software!

  5. Perhaps i didn’t express it properly.

    Once you decide to approve a new affiliate, you simply put the affiliate to the affiliates group. The affiliates area page will be restricted to the users of the affiliates group, so once the affiliate is approved aka added to the affiliates group, he will be able to access the affiliate area page.

    If you like, i can give you detailed instructions on how to implement this.


  6. George, when you say:

    – “Once you decide to approve registration of a new affiliate, you simply add that affiliate to the affiliates group.(ok got it) That way a user can login to your site, but cannot see his affiliate’s links and banners etc.” (But if we approve the affiliate and the user CAN now login, why can HE NOT see his affiliate’s links and banners etc.? Please advise as I would imagine if approved he would have access like any other approved affiliate?

  7. Hi Steve,

    Although, new affiliate/user registration approval is not supported by Affiliates plugin, you can use third party plugins like th23 User Management which offers the option to approve a new user before he/she can login.

    You can also create groups of users, using Groups by itthinx and restrict the Affiliate Area page to the group of affiliates. Once you decide to approve registration of a new affiliate, you simply add that affiliate to the affiliates group. That way a user can login to your site, but cannot see his affiliate’s links and banners etc.

    For further questions, you are welcome to post your topics here in this forum. One of the support members will reply to you like i did. Support is provided through the forums only.

    Kind regards,
