Affiliate Referrals & Custom Fields

We want to be able to … if someone signs up as a member to manually give them to a affiliate member. For example family member signs up and give out link improperly so we want to be able to give them to them. 🙂 Also the extra fields we want to add the field “what company are you associated with?” How would this be added using the plugin. Can you provide us the code snippet so we can see how?
Thanks so much.

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3 responses to “Affiliate Referrals & Custom Fields”

  1. Hi we have a person come under the affiliate membership under our base id for example 0001 and we want them to be a referral under another id 0002 how can we move them so they are there and that they continue there?

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can’t move it. You could delete it and create another (if 002 is not used).

  2. antonio Avatar

    if you need to add a referral manually, you can do it in Affiliates->Referrals.
    To add extra fields please have a look to Affiliates Extra fields plugin.
