Affiliate profile

Hi Kento,

sorry last one for today, all documentation is clear but this one I can\’t get my head around it. It\’s about the profile page for the affiliates, most important that they can edit their info and paypal email. this is what i posted on my blog, but only the first part works. I can edit First and Family name and email, that\’s it. What did I do wrong?

Thanks in Advanced!

[affiliates_affiliate_profile show_name=\”true\” edit_name=\”true\” show_email=\”true\” edit_email=\”true\” show_attributes=\”paypal_email\”,\”referral_amount\”,\”referral.rate\”, \”coupons\” edit_attributes=\”paypal_email\” /]

U kunt uw paypal e-mail adres hier invullen als u tussentijds uitbetaald wilt worden (dit kan op maandelijkse basis). Normaal gesproken wordt er jaarlijks uitgekeerd, met name wanneer u wilt dat we het over maken naar een bankrekening (i.v.m. vele handmatige acties).


Log eerst in om toegang te krijgen tot de banners met uw persoonlijke id\’s.


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3 responses to “Affiliate profile”

  1. rachidtobi Avatar

    Thanks it works. I only miss how an affiliate can change it’s auto created password? I couldn’t find it in the online documentation.


    1. antonio Avatar

      you can do it using wordpress edit profile. Take a look to this comment.

  2. antonio Avatar

    you have too many ” in show_attributes. You shortcode fixed:

    [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_name="true" edit_name="true" show_email="true" edit_email="true" show_attributes="paypal_email,referral.amount,referral.rate,coupons" edit_attributes="paypal_email" /]

    In documentation there is an error, is referral.amount, not referral_amount.
