Affiliate Pro S2 Pro and Ecwid

My S2 member site is set to allow my prospective affiliates to register for free. After I determine that I want to confirm them I will manually register them into affiliate status. The products they are referring is 1) a appointment reminder card with QR code for Yelp-like reviews and 2) a full service rep management program to businesses. Would the Ecwid plugin be good as the store front for these products? Is there any conflict between Affiliate Pro & S2 Pro + Ecwid? Or should I just use S2 and Affiliate Pro? I provide the affiliates with reference material and marketing tools on the S2 site: should I just set up a page for each affiliate and a banner ad for each product, that they would send clients to, or a link url they could send to the client in an email? Thank you already.


One response to “Affiliate Pro S2 Pro and Ecwid”

  1. There shouldn’t be a problem with those two working together in this scenario, but the best would be to try it out. You can install the free integration and test it on your site.

    As to whether Ecwid would be a fit to sell your products, I would assume yes (just keep in mind they don’t offer subscriptions yet, but using s2 you already have an alternative).

    You don’t need to set up an individual page for each affiliate, rather an affiliate area – make sure to review the Setup section in the documentation for that if you haven’t already.
