Affiliate Parameter and additional parameter

Hi there.

I hope you can advise me.

I am would like use multiple parameters in a given URL.

For example
Parameter 1 = Affilate Parameter

Parameter 2 UTM Parameter for analytics

I have tried both parameters separately and they work but when I join them together like this:


The plugin doesn’t register the hit on the affiliate.

Is this because the plugin doesn’t support multiple parameters or am I doing something wrong?

I look forward to your response,




One response to “Affiliate Parameter and additional parameter”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Josh,
    Affiliates supports multiple parameters. Maybe the plugin that you are using to analytics is filtering parameters.
    You can try to disable the analytics plugin, and visit the link with all the parameters. If the Hits is registered in Affiliates->Visit & Referrals then the conflict is with the other plugin.
    Kind regards,
    Antonio B.
