Affiliate not receiving comission

I have purchase affiliate pro and affiliate coupon. Have checked that there is one coupon tied to my affiliate. However, when my customer purchase, he apply the coupon code and able to get the discount, but the affiliate not getting the comission, why? I am currently using the Referral Rate method.



4 responses to “Affiliate not receiving comission”

  1. Perfect!

  2. Wee Gim Woon Avatar
    Wee Gim Woon

    I got it dy, it is in the total amount there. Thanks

  3. Wee Gim Woon Avatar
    Wee Gim Woon

    okay thanks.

    May i know how can i mark or note down how much i have paid to my affiliates?

  4. Hi Wee Gim,

    Can you please check your plugins list and make sure that Affiliates WooCommerce integration is installed and activated? FYI, the integration can be installed once you visit Affiliates > Settings > Integrations (tab) and click the install button for the WooCommerce addon found on this page.

    Kind regards,
