affiliate login page is blank

Greetings! I’m having trouble accessing the affiliate login page even though I’m using the correct shortcode. The page appears to be blank. On other pages, the shortcodes are working properly.


3 responses to “affiliate login page is blank”

  1. That’s great, thanks for the follow-up!


  2. Micah Chukwudi Avatar
    Micah Chukwudi

    Thanks for your quick response, it is working now. The first reason is the cause of it. I logged out and it started working.

  3. Hi Micah,

    Welcome to our support forum.

    Based on your description I can think of two possible reasons why you see a blank page.
    For the first one, and if the shortcode doesn’t render anything, but you still see the rest of your site’s elements. It is possible that you’re visiting the page containing the shortcode as an authenticated user.

    As for the second one, and if the blank page is the WSOD then there are errors on your site that should be addressed.

    Kind regards,
