Affiliate leads not attaching to affiliate leads when they are logged in.


I used your affiliate plugin to build a system for a client that has a kind of unique way of tracking affiliate leads. Here’s the process:

1. User is created as an affiliate
2. They get an email with a link to confirm the account
3. They login to confirm the account with the admin bar hidden, so they can’t get to the admin area.
4. They click on the affiliate link in the affiliate area page after confirmation.
5. The affiliate fills in information for a lead.
6. The information doesn’t get logged in the affiliate pro stats and no emails go out anywhere from the affiliate pro contact form
7 add-on.

I figured out that they have to log out of the admin area in order for the lead to be properly attributed to the user. Is there any way to fix this?



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One response to “Affiliate leads not attaching to affiliate leads when they are logged in.”

  1. George Avatar

    Hi Nathan,

    This happens because the new affiliate-user is trying to refer himself/herself.
    If you check the documentation page here in the section Auto-referrals and auto-coupons you will find out that this is normal if the option for Auto-referrals is not selected.
    Depending on your configuration, you can enable/disable this option under Affiliates>Settings>Referrals.

    Kind regards,
