affiliate groups

how can I create affiliate groups to group affiliates together fir easy rate allowcation

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4 responses to “affiliate groups”

  1. Petrus Stapelberg Avatar
    Petrus Stapelberg

    Thanx George
    What capabilities do I need to link to the groups so that I can link the affiliates to groups, I can link rates to groups but not Affiliates to groups to get that commission. I just want to adjust the group percentage and not all the affiliates, there is aff_access and aff_admin, which is required and I’ve read the documentation on groups, and it’s not in there either.

    Please assist

    1. George Avatar

      Hi Petrus,

      Please check my reply on this matter on your support topic here:


  2. Petrus Stapelberg Avatar
    Petrus Stapelberg

    Thanx George

    What access should I give the groups that I create to link to the affiliates so that I can link them to groups?

  3. Hi Petrus,

    Welcome to our support forum and many thanks for using our affiliate marketing tool on your site.
    You can easily create groups and organise your affiliates to them using our free plugin called Groups found in repository.

    Kind regards,
