Affiliate Export

Hello, when we try to export our affiliate partners to a new page and than import them, the format of the file is not correct, so i needed to manually fix the formating myself. Can you guys please check this and fix it ? i go trough the doc first and check if i didn’t miss anything but it was always in a wrong format.


One response to “Affiliate Export”

  1. Hi Norbert,

    Welcome to our support forum, can you please mention how did you export your affiliates? Is it via the Export button found under Affiliates > Manage Affiliates?
    This feature exports affiliates’ data as shown in the current view, so the export file will include the columns that are enabled.

    On the other hand when importing with Affiliates Import addon, the actual set of data that should be provided, is determined by the fields defined under Affiliates > Settings > Registration.

    The Export feature and Affiliates Import addon, are not strictly tied with each other, because the former supports various different exports based on current view, whereas Affiliates Import supports only the necessary fields for creating affiliates entries.

    Kind regards,
