Affiliate Enterprise Events Manager


I am running a multisite with 1 subsite in. On Dashboard for singlesite – i recive this error “The Affiliates Events Manager Integration plugin requires the Events Manager plugin to be activated.”

Both Events Manager Pro and Events Manager free is activated on BOTH Multisite admin (network activated) and on subsite.

What could generate a error that the integration does not work in Affiliate Enterprise menu …and how do we get the event manager integration to become activated.



3 responses to “Affiliate Enterprise Events Manager”

  1. CMzKonsult Avatar

    Hi George

    Sorry Jzntech , my friend that I borrow the thread and answer 😉

    Looking forward for that feature.
    Thanks in advanced George

    1. George Avatar

      Thanks for expressing your interest on that, once the updated integration is released, you will notice an update notice on your plugins page.


  2. George Avatar

    Hi Patrik,

    Thanks for mentioning your error, but at the moment Affiliates Events Manager is intended to work only on WP single site installations. However, since this sounds like an interesting feature, I will have a look and update the plugin to support multisite installations as well.

    Kind regards,
