Affiliate Custom ‘Affiliate message:’ is needed

When an affiliate registers, the are send an email that gived them their password and login URL – this url is the wordpress URL – not the affiliate login URL. So when they login, they are sent to the ‘woocommerce’ cutomer afrea and not their affilaite area.
why can’t I customise the ‘Affiliate message’ ?

Furthermore, how do I stop the affiliate from ever going to the woocommerce customer profile page and ONLY to their Affiliate profile page?

Quick help would be greatly appreciated, I’m on a terrible deadline.


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3 responses to “Affiliate Custom ‘Affiliate message:’ is needed”

  1. amdreou11 Avatar

    Thank you for the information about the plugin Antonio.
    With all due respect, the post was about customizing the ‘Affiliate message’ ‘ONLY’
    The Affiliates Pro plugin is what I’m inquiring about; not a method to modify the ‘Wordpress’ email responses.

    I can’t be the only one with this problem. It is too obvious for no one else to have noticed.
    Please can someone tell me the errors of my ways, am I being an idiot or is there a genuine issue here?

    1. antonio Avatar

      when an affiliate is registered, a new user is created (and the wordpress wellcome email is sended, using default wordpress email system). Affiliates doesn’t sent an especific email.
      You can configure notifications to an affiliate when a new referral is created, and to admin when a new affiliate is created in Affiliates->notifications.

  2. antonio Avatar

    You could customize the welcome message using SB Welcome Email Editor and hook into the message adding the affiliate’s link.
