Affiliate Coupons

– How can I know that this affiliate is linked to that coupon in admin ?
– I used [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes=”coupons”] but it showed a form without even with coupon empty (I want to
– display just the coupon in ) I have done a bulk coupon for existing affiliates – Attached
Will the coupons be automatically created for each registered affiliate ?


One response to “Affiliate Coupons”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Abubakr,
    From Affiliates->Manage Affiliates, above the affiliates table you have the ‘Columns’ filters with the ‘coupons’ option for display the coupons in this table.
    Using your shortcode, if the affiliate has a coupon, this should be shown.
    If you need to display the coupons as lineal text, you have available this plugin.
    The bulk action of the Affiliates Coupons plugin, creates the coupons and assign this coupon to the affiliate.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
