Affiliate Coupons

I have purchased Affiliate Pro and Coupons and i am struggling with the coupons – to be honest this is not working as expected. Why can’t i simply create coupons in woo-commerce as per normal and then assign to one of my existing Affiliates? Instead i have to re-create the Affiliate and make sure the auto create is on? with this method ALL coupons have to take the same rule?

Furthermore in the Affiliate Coupons > WooCommerce section there is no products listed, nor can i search so i cannot limit it to the two products i want.

Am i missing something very simple here?


5 responses to “Affiliate Coupons”

  1. Andrew Avatar

    Hi Antonio i have created a user for you. I have tried all the options to get the coupons working. If you can take a look it would be much appreciated. Email has been sent.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Andrew,
      sorry I don’t have the email, please send me the credential indicating this topic.
      Antonio B.

  2. Andrew Avatar

    Thanks Antonio – i have managed to link my coupon to my Affiliate. When i checkout with a customer and apply the coupon the coupon discount is applied correctly to the order. However in the affiliates section of admin console i cannot see where the referral or commission amount of $10 per product is being applied to the Affiliate.?

    I will try with several other coupons and see if i can get it working. Appreciate your help.

    1. antonio Avatar

      remember that the referral value is not the coupon value. But you should have the referral recorded.
      If the problem persists, you can send me dashboard admin access, indicating this topic, to antonio at itthinx dot com and I’ll have a look at your settings.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. antonio Avatar

    Hi Andrew,
    With the Affiliates Coupons plugin you can automatically generate coupons to the new affiliates and/or create bulk coupons to the existing affiliates.
    If you already have a Woocommerce coupon and you want to assign this coupon to an affiliate, you can do it editing the affiliate (in Affiliates->Manage Affiliates), and adding the ‘Coupon’ attribute.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
