Affiliate Commission

I have installed Affiliates pro plugin on website. Can you help me on below requirements?. Please give me steps to implement below changes.

The link will give the user a 15% discount
The affiliate will earn 10% commission.

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3 responses to “Affiliate Commission”

  1. Sorry my mistake.
    After adding a coupon attribute to the affiliate, customers don’t have to follow the affiliate’s link. They should only use the affiliate coupon during checkout. That way the affiliate gets the referral and the customer gets the discount.


  2. I have installed woo-commerce e-commerce on website. I have created coupon as given in above conversation, see snapshot ::

    Also assigned coupon to affiliates see snapshot : .

    Also set commission in affiliates as given in above conversation. After visit of affiliate link & cookie set , i have added product in cart, but no discount value is shown on cart. Can you help me.

  3. Hi Harold,

    Which e-commerce solution do you use?

    In order for the affiliates plugin to record referrals, you should install the appropriate integration through Affiliates>Settings>Integrations. More info on integrations is available in the documentation.

    The best solution would be to assign a coupon per affiliate. The coupon should have a 15% discount.
    Once you have created the coupons for your affiliates, assign each coupon code to each one of your affiliates.
    A coupon can be added to an affiliate as attribute. Visit Affiliates>Manage Affiliates, edit the affiliate and add a new coupon attribute with the coupon code.

    In order to set the commission for your affiliates, visit Affiliates>Settings>Commissions and set the method to Referral Rate and the value to 0.1.

    Kind regards,
