Affiliate Attributes, both Referral Amount & Referral Rate & a Coupon


I am using affiliate pro with woo commerce integration.

I want my affiliate to receive a $5 fee per sale, when a customer uses a coupon. And a different rate when the customer ueses the affilaite link.

I created a coupon that gives the customer a 50% discount – and setup the coupon under the affiliate attributes.
I also setup a Referral Amount of 5

Question #1: Am I correct in understanding that there can be only one affiliate per coupon? And the affilaite can have multiple coupons (separated by commas)

Question #2: If there is an attribute Referral Amount and Refferal rate, which one would the system use on the coupon?
here are the current attributes for one of my affiliates

Coupons flyer-acme
Referral Amount 5.0
Referral Rate .1

Question #3: Somewhat related to #2. What if I wanted the coupon to give the affiliate a flat rate of $5, but if their affiliate link was used, I give them a 10% ?
Is that possible?

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5 responses to “Affiliate Attributes, both Referral Amount & Referral Rate & a Coupon”

  1. Hi Antonio, Im sorry there is a missing link for me.

    “Affiliates->Settings:Commissions determines the method to use to calculate the commissions”

    Does that mean that ALL affiliates must use the same method? either rate or amount?

    I have 2 affiliates, and the default is set to referral rate of .1 for 10%.

    I want one affiliate to get 25%, and the 2nd affiliate to get an amount of $25, is that possible?

    affiliate #1 attribute referral rate = .25 for 25%
    affiliate #2 attribute referral amount = $25

    will this work?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Kim,
      sorry You can not do it. If you select ‘rate’ as method, then all affiliates will get a rate commission. You can have a 10% as default, and a 25% as custom value, but not $25.
      You could have a “mixed system” (rates and fixed amount) creating a custom method, but by default it’s not possible.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Hello – Thank you for your answers.

    Regarding question number two,

    2.- The method used is set on Affiliates->Settings:Commissions

    so if this setting is set to referral rate with a value of 0.10, each affiliate would receive a 10% commission, unless the affiliate has an attribute for referral rate at a different rate.

    If an affiliate had an referral rate attribute of .25 – then this affiliate would get a 25% commission. – while all others would receive 10%

    if I have an affiliate with an attribute of Referral Amount of $5 and Referral Rate of .10, will the amount be ignored and the rate be used as this is the default setting in Affiliates->Settings:Commissions?

    am I correct in my understanding that the default under Affiliates->Settings:Commissions, determines how all affiliates get paid? or can the affiliate attribute override this?

    thank you for your time

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Kim,
      Affiliates->Settings:Commissions determines the method to use to calculate the commissions. If the affiliates has a custom value for this method, then the affiliate’s value is used, but this should be the same that the settings.
      If you set Referral rate as method, then the value set in Affiliates->Settings:Commissions is used as default. If the affiliate has a custom Referral Rate, then this value is used. If the affiliate has only a Referral Amount custom value, then this is not used.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. antonio Avatar

    Hi Kim,
    1.- Yes, that’s true.
    2.- The method used is set on Affiliates->Settings:Commissions
    3.- As default you can not do it. But usign the Affiliates API and this custom method as reference you can do it.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
