Affiliate Area Page

I have created an affiliate area page automatically but when I view it all it says is this:

Please log in to access the affiliate area. If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here:

Then when I go to the edit the page it displays this:

[affiliates_is_not_affiliate] Please log in to access the affiliate area. [affiliates_login_redirect] If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here: [affiliates_registration] [/affiliates_is_not_affiliate] [affiliates_is_affiliate] Welcome to your affiliate area. Here you can find information about your affiliate link and earnings.

Affiliate link

Your affiliate URL: [affiliates_url] Use this code to embed your affiliate link: Affiliate link Tip: You should change the text Affiliate link to something more attractive.


Total Earnings

Commissions pending payment

[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”accepted”]

Commissions paid

[affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”closed”]

Number of sales referred

Accepted referrals pending payment: [affiliates_referrals status=”accepted”]
Referrals paid: [affiliates_referrals status=”closed”]
Monthly Earnings

[affiliates_earnings] [affiliates_logout] [/affiliates_is_affiliate]

I don’t understand.

I would really appreciate it if someone could explain this.

Thank you


15 responses to “Affiliate Area Page”

  1. Also please forget the issue entitled “Affiliate Landing Page After Login.”

    I have deactivated the offending plugin called Userpro and replaced with S2 member and added your s2 integration.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Ok, thanks

  2. Antonio – please forget this because when an affiliate signs in this code is changed to reflect his affiliate code which has the overall effect of shortening the code and therefore it no longer exceeds the width of the screen.

    1. antonio Avatar

      perfect 🙂

  3. Thanks Antonio and now for something else – I’ve just created a banner page and created banners.

    Unfortunately the banner code is so long it goes off the edge of my screen and you can’t see the closing bracket thus >

    Any idea how to fix?



  4. Antonio, the problem is a plugin conflict with Add Link to Facebook which you can see here

    I’ve deactivated the plugin and now affiliate area page is showing the affiliate registration form.

    Any suggestions as to how this conflict could be resolved?



    1. antonio Avatar

      you could try:
      1.- Enable debugging for WordPress, in wp-config.php add/change these lines:
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
      2.- Visit your affiliate-area page without being registered.
      3. Disable debugging
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, false );
      4. Please post the contents of the file wp-content/debug.log through

  5. Thanks Antonio. One other thing when I click on Affiliate Area page here it shows the login page and underneath it says If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here:

    However it doesn’t show the affiliate registration page to enable this.

    Can you please advise?

    Thank you


  6. Antonio,

    Thank you – I understand.

    Do I add enclose the PayPal button codes with these [affiliates_paypal_form][/affiliates_paypal_form]on my website page or in my PayPal account?



    1. antonio Avatar

      in your website post/page.

  7. Thank you Antonio. Now one last question re setting up PayPal buttons. I’m using an affiliate scheme to sell my dating profile services. I already sell these services using PayPal buttons.

    I understand for the affiliate scheme to work I need to enclose the button codes like this [affiliates_paypal_form]button code[/affiliates_paypal_form]but how can I differentiate between sales via affiliates and those that happen as a result of my own efforts on my website?

    Do I just create duplicate buttons enclosed in these brackets like so[affiliates_paypal_form]button code[/affiliates_paypal_form]

    Thanks for your help.


    1. antonio Avatar

      you don’t need to duplicate the buttons. In Affiliates->Options you can select “Store direct referrals” so when an user makes a purchase and he hasn’t used an affiliate’s link, then the commission is assigned to Direct. ‘Direct’ will be similar to ‘my own efforts’.

  8. Antonio,

    Thank you. Is the Affiliates Area page just a container for the shortcodes and therefore I need to create a new page for each shortcode?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Really you should not need to create any more. But you can use the shortcodes available to customize your affiliates page if you want.

  9. antonio Avatar

    when you visit this page, you can be:

    1.- NOT affiliate: Then you will see all inside [affiliates_is_not_affiliate] shortcode. This is a login form and a registration form.
    2.- An affiliate: Then you will see all inside [affiliates_is_affiliate] shortcode. This is all information about your custom links and commissions.
    Please have a look to shortcode documentation page.
