Affilates not working after trafic surge.


Affiliates pro quit working for a specific user. It will track sales for other users but not this one. It quit working after a surge of traffic (30,000 users in a few hours) from that user. The server bogged down I don’t think it totally crashed. Then the next day it credited one sale. Now I test and it will not grant a sale to that user.

It works for other users but not him.

Could you provide some steps to trouble shoot or resolve the issue. I need the plugin to work if possible.


One response to “Affilates not working after trafic surge.”

  1. antonio Avatar

    Hi Guy,
    Please check if your affiliate is ‘Active’ (from Affiliates->Manage Affiliates), maybe he has another status.
    If he is active, you can try to visit his custom link, and check from Affiliates->Visits & Referrals if the visit is registered.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
