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Affilates not working after trafic surge.
Affiliates pro quit working for a specific user. It will track sales for other users but not this one. It quit working after a surge of traffic (30,000 users in a few hours) from that user. The server bogged down I don’t think it totally crashed. Then the next day it credited one sale. Now I test and it will not grant a sale to that user.
It works for other users but not him.
Could you provide some steps to trouble shoot or resolve the issue. I need the plugin to work if possible.
Posted in Affiliates Pro
One response to “Affilates not working after trafic surge.”
Hi Guy,
Please check if your affiliate is ‘Active’ (from Affiliates->Manage Affiliates), maybe he has another status.
If he is active, you can try to visit his custom link, and check from Affiliates->Visits & Referrals if the visit is registered.
Kind Regards,
Antonio B.