
Sorry have to create new one because cant answer in first topic. No reply box.
I activate authors for woocommerce products using this code: function wpse_74054_add_author_woocommerce () {
add_post_type_support( ‘product’, ‘author’ );
Is there a way to use author as affilate by default. I mean now i have to manualy choose for every product affilate but it would great if plugin would use author meta. Thanks!
Don’t know why can’t reply to your answer. Yes this option is activated in affilates products. But it not work.


6 responses to “Affilate=author”

  1. And yes they have role “author”

  2. I create product as admin and then change to the author that i need.

    1. If you create it as admin, then the association will not be triggered. It is the author who has to create the product for that to happen.

      1. So when admin cange authot in meta “author” on product page plugin dont care about it? Only one time author asigned? To person that create it?

        1. Yes, it is designed to be like that to leave the decision up to the admin when it was not the author who created the product.

  3. Are you logged in as the author when the product is created?

    (First topic was closed assuming it was resolved.)
