AddtoAny Not Showing Affiliate ID

I was notified today by a customer that their Affiliate ID was not attached to the AddtoAny links on any of our product pages. I went to take a look and noticed the same issue. The AddtoAny plugin seems to be working fine by creating the links but they are missing the important part to making our customers easily share with friends and family, their ID’s.

I am on Affiliate Enterprise Version 2.15.12, Affiliates AddtoAny Integration Version 1.2.0 and AddToAny Share Buttons Version 1.7

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also, you can see the AddtoAny reference here on my website and any of the other product pages –



4 responses to “AddtoAny Not Showing Affiliate ID”

  1. Hi Chris,

    Indeed there seems to be an issue with AddtoAny integration which has been reported.
    In the meantime you can use Addthis with Affiliates Addthis integration.

    Kind regards,

  2. Thanks Chris,

    I will have a look and let you know.


  3. email sent, thanks George.

  4. Hi Chris,

    Can you please create an affiliate account for me with the following credentials:
    username: george
    email address: ,

    or you can send me your admin credentials at, in order to make some tests on your installation.

    Kind regards,
