Adding conditions to a content block

I have the wordpress shortcode for a button working correctly as a content block using the Groups plugin. Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to add a conditional statement to limit the visibility to a specific group. The code I am using is:

[widgets_control_content id=”8984″ conditions=”{group:US}” ]

Unfortunately, the widget content, in this case a button, shows for all groups, not just the US group.


One response to “Adding conditions to a content block”

  1. Denitsa Avatar

    Hello, Nathan,
    Would you try combining the [widgets_control_content] with the [widgets_control] shortcode? Perhaps have something like:
    [widgets_control conditions="{group:US}"][widgets_control_content id="8984"][/widgets_control]
    The doc page for the Shortcodes provided by the Widgets Control Pro plugin is here ->, in case you haven’t checked it already but would like to know more about the different scenarios when using shortcodes.
    Let me know if this works!
