Access to $Affiliate_ID in PHP


I find that shortcodes are not recognized/interpreted in widget area and some areas handled by other plug-ins. I would like to implement PHP code within a page or so. Please suggest what’s the most convenient way to get Affilaite ID of currently logged-in user?

Thank you,


4 responses to “Access to $Affiliate_ID in PHP”

  1. I want to amend <a href="”> to reflect the affiliate code if possible

    1. Hi,
      you can use [affiliates_url] or [affiliates_id] shortcodes to create your own href version.

  2. How would I amend <a href=""> to include the affiliate id for affiliates but show nothing for non affiliates. I thought it was <a href="?coach="> but I was wrong.

    Is it possible to adjust the entry-title class or must I include the amendment in instance in my template and plugin?

    Thanks in advance!

  3. antonio Avatar

    with the Affiliates API you could create your own function, for example get_affiliate_id().
