A few for us very important questions

Dear all, we are currently using AffiliatesPro as well as Affiliate products – during our Wintersale we made some experiences which are strange for us and we would like to understand the issues better hopefully you can help us ?

Manual Referals:
Sometimes a client of a affiliate do not use his link – but we know that a client x belongs to affiliate y.
We of course are able to add manual referral but some things are missing here

For example: Changing Date /Time and so on doesn’t work – AffiliatesPro allways take the current time (yes I use the right format)
We are not able to assign an OrderID which is connected to manual referals
We can add description – amount, currency ID – Status and Reference but we of course would also like to assign an Order ID

See pic 1 and 1-1 here
http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=7adf48-1483302439.jpg 1-0

http://www.bilder-upload.eu/show.php?file=7adf48-1483302439.jpg 1-1

2.) WPML
Lets pretend an affilliate is from USA he gets an link tld.com/affilliate id – now a german client clicks on this affiliate link – he then will be rediricted to tld.com/de/
affilliate link is missing here – is this an issue ?


In Settings/Commissions/Global you can set a default referal rate for example 0.20%
You can also set a commission per product – so if I set in Settings/Commissions/Global an referral amount of 0 and a referal amount directly on the product for example 20% what will count in this case? I am here a bit lost


When a referral is done – affilliates allways get two(same) emails not only one

When this questions are done I have 2-3 more which are also important but lets first solve this

WordPress 4.6 (We will update soon)
AffilliatesPro 2.16.3 (We also will update soon)
Affilliate Products 1.5.1
Affilliates Export 1.0

Posted in


14 responses to “A few for us very important questions”

  1. Gilbert Avatar

    Just created an admin user for you 🙂 and sent u an email

    1. Thanks!

    2. Can I disable the second somehow? (99,16)

      1. Yes, you can disable the Woocommerce Integration if you only want to generate referrals with the Affiliates Products plugin.
        Kind Regards,
        Antonio B.

  2. Gilbert Avatar

    One more thing just poped up
    for some reason sometimes there are double commissions – and i dont know why have a look – its only one (and the same) product)


    1. Hi Gilbert,
      The first one (322.26) is generated throw the Affiliates Product plugin ( https://agenatrader.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=affiliates-products-woocommerce&paged=6 ) This affiliate always get commissions when this product is sold.
      The second one (99.16) is generated throw the Affiliates Woocommerce integration. This is generated because the user uses the affiliate’s link.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. Gilbert Avatar

    Thank you – there is one more issue – if an affilliate sells more then one product the description is not correctly shown

    One Product has all the Informations
    Order ID
    Product ID
    Product Description
    Product Quantity

    Full description


    Second product only contains


    I think the infos should be equal


    Regarding Dashboard access – will contact you soon regarding this – thank you for your help 🙂

    1. antonio Avatar

      The referral with extended information is generated by Affiliates Products related with the affiliate-product association. And the referral with simple information y generated by the Woocommerce integration when the order is created. This is because the information is not the same.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Gilbert Avatar

        Hey, you have any plans to solve it ? This would be very important for us 🙂

  4. Gilbert Avatar

    1.- When you want to indicate the order ID in a manual referral, you need to use the description field. There isn’t specific field.

    A: I know there is a description field but I am talking about something else
    Please find here a PDF file – which hopefully better explains what we want to archive

    http://docdro.id/JOXjpvE -if you have questions let me know 🙂

    2.- This should work fine. Please give us your WPML language redirect options.
    A: Redirict visitors based on browser language if translation exist

    3.- If you want to set custom rates per products, you need to enable the ‘Enable product referral rates’ option from Affiliates->Woocommerce integration and set here the default rate. Then select ‘Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates’ from Affiliates->Settings:Commissions.

    A: Thank you – i just changed this – lets see what will happan 🙂

    4.- Maybe there is another plugin related with emails that is generating conflict with the Affiliates notifications. If you have one you could try to disable it to see if the problem is solved.

    A: Only Plugin we are using is contactform7 thats it.

    P.s: When we solve this we want to upgrade to enterprise – is there some kind of presales question chat or phone?

    Thank you

    1. Gilbert Avatar

      Additional Question to #3
      So we have general products which all affilliates can sell with a specific ref rate, we also use Affilliate Products

      So there are two categories 1) geenral products – all affilliates which are selling those will get a commission
      and we have lets say “branded products” which only specific affilliates can sell.

      For this branded product I added a general referal rate of 0 – in ProductName / Affilliate / Referal Rate
      But for the affilliate which is the “owner” of this product I added 0.20 -> 20% – so this will work out with this settings i guess? Right?

      1. antonio Avatar

        Yes, that should work.

    2. antonio Avatar

      1.- Thanks for the pdf. Sorry, right now manual referrals don’t have these fields, only the basic fields, to make them easier to create. That could be interesting, we will review it for future updates.
      2.- Testing with this options, it seems to work fine. If you can, please check if a ‘wp_affiliates’ cookie is created when you visit the german page. (*)
      3.- Perfect.
      4.- We are compatible with CF7. (*)
      If you need presales questions, please use the forum and/or the comments system on the enterprise plugin page.
      (*): If you want, you can send me dashboard admin access to antonio[at]itthinx[dot]com and I’ll have a look at your settings.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  5. antonio Avatar

    Hi Gilbert,
    1.- When you want to indicate the order ID in a manual referral, you need to use the description field. There isn’t specific field.
    2.- This should work fine. Please give us your WPML language redirect options.
    3.- If you want to set custom rates per products, you need to enable the ‘Enable product referral rates’ option from Affiliates->Woocommerce integration and set here the default rate. Then select ‘Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates’ from Affiliates->Settings:Commissions.
    4.- Maybe there is another plugin related with emails that is generating conflict with the Affiliates notifications. If you have one you could try to disable it to see if the problem is solved.
    Kind Regards,
    Antonio B.
