404 but don’t want a redirect

I am relatively new but do have a basic understanding. I have a market place (like etsy) and I have created a group with a monthly subscription. I need the subscription to be public so that someone can pay and join.
You get the 404 page is lost message but of course you don’t get the 404 message if you are registered.
How do I correct this?

Thank you,


20 responses to “404 but don’t want a redirect”

  1. sidney Avatar

    Hello Antonio… I apologize but I don’t know what you are suggesting\saying. I am learning 🙂 Please be detailed for me:)

    Thank you,
    Sidney Muniz

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi sidney,
      don’t worry, If you are not a developer, is normal that you do not understand.
      The option to notify when a subscription is due is not available, so you need a developer to create your custom solution ( probably using the “groups_updated_subscription” action ).
      Maybe in http://jobs.wordpress.net/ you can found a developer.
      Kind regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. sidney Avatar

    Ok… I figured it out. When someone tries to subscribe, they get prompted to register 1st……..So, Someone must register 1st, then they can purchase subscription and then I can give them vendor privileges.

    Thank you so much…

    Question: Is there a way for me, the admin to be notified when someone’s monthly subscription is due? That way I can send out a reminder??

    Thank you,

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi sidney,
      You could use the “groups_updated_subscription” action ( do_action( “groups_updated_subscription”, $subscription_id ); ) checking the subscription status.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. sidney Avatar

    They are empty:) I don’t want to waste anymore of your time. Please send me an email so that I can show you some screen shots and get this resolved.
    Thank you,

  4. sidney Avatar

    Yes, my groups are restricted until they pay for subscription 🙂

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi sidney,
      but your subscription page should not be restricted.
      This fields should be empty:
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  5. sidney Avatar

    I need an email to send screen shots…..I only have your noreply….email 🙂

    Thank you,

    1. antonio Avatar

      Please send me a screenshot about editing your page.
      Antonio B.

  6. sidney Avatar

    Hello I had already added that code to my subscriptions. It works just fine if you are already a member and signed in. The member can go to the subscription page and click the Subscribe button and PayPal opens etc…That is Good.
    When someone (who is Not signed a member or signed in) clicks on the subscribe button, that is when I get the 404 error.
    I have several screen shots that include my shortcode in Subscriptions, Permalinks etc; but don’t know how to share them with you.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Sidney,
      you can send me the screenshots and the url to test it to antonio at itthinx dot com indicating this topic.
      Antonio B.

    2. antonio Avatar

      Thinking … maybe you have the page restricted to a group, or in a category that is restricted to a group ?

  7. sidney Avatar

    o.k. I redid a test Subscription page with just one subscription product. Hopefully you will see something in the code that is preventing a non-logged in member from being able to click on a “subscribe” button without the “404” error.

    Thank you,

    [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Subscription Options:[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”1670″ img_size=”full”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]Small Shop: For stores with 1-10 products.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_btn title=”Small Shop” style=”3d” color=”warning” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fgreatart4sale.com%2Fsubscription%2Fsmall-shop-subscription%2F|title:Small%20Shop%20Subscription|target:%20_blank”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]

    1. antonio Avatar

      Thanks Sidney,
      please try this:
      – Create a subscription ( from Subscriptions->Add new ) adding this code in the content: [groups_paypal_subscription]
      – If you visit this subscription and directly you are redirect to 404 page, then visit Settings->Permalinks and click on Save (you do not need to change anything)
      – Then you should see this subscription.
      If the problem persists, please give me an url to test it.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  8. sidney Avatar

    I am not sure how to let you check…I have all my paypal info etc.. if I let you in as an admin 🙂

  9. sidney Avatar

    I don’t see any code on my subscription page. I use short code [groups_paypal_subscription] in the subscriptions groups .

  10. sidney Avatar

    Here is the url http://greatart4sale.com

    Thank you,

    1. antonio Avatar

      Please give us the code used on your subscription page or send me dashboard admin access to antonio at itthinx dot com indicating this topic and I’ll have a look at your settings.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  11. sidney Avatar

    Hello Antonio,

    I have created a monthly subscription for my vendors and it seems like only registered members can see the subscription and then purchase. I want the subscription to be public so that anyone that wants to become a member must purchase a subscription 1st before become a member.

  12. antonio Avatar

    Hi Sidney,
    really I don’t understand your scenario. It seems that you have restricted your subscription page so you get the 404 when you visit the subscription page.
    Please give us an url and an use case.
    Kind regards,
    Antonio B.
