0 commision with Product referral rate for affiliates.


I set the Product referral rate for affiliates to 0.3 and test it on one of my affiliates,
the product price was $6 and after i used coupon the price was $1
the affiliates didn’t get commision at all… why?

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3 responses to “0 commision with Product referral rate for affiliates.”

  1. George Avatar

    Then please have a look in Affiliates > Settings under Commissions tab. There you should choose Referral Amount Method and as value Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates. If the above suggestion is already set, choose Referral Rate as method, set a value of 0.3 and do a test sale again.

  2. Vitaly Avatar

    I have the latest version
    Affiliates WooCommerce Integration 1.7.1
    Affiliates Pro 2.18.1

    The product referral rates in on but i didnt set default rate

    Product referral rate for affiliates on the product page set to 0.3

    I can see the referral in affiliates-admin-referrals but there is no commision

  3. George Avatar

    Hi Vitaly,

    In case you didn’t use the default rate for all products under Affiliates > WooCommerce Integration, check the product you bought if it has an affiliate rate set.
    Also, make sure you have installed the latest versions of the plugins. Affiliates Pro/Enterprise latest version is 2.18.1 and Affiliates WooCommerce integration is 1.7.1.

    Kind regards,
