Restrict Payment Methods


Limit the use of Payment Methods by Group Memberships, Roles, Countries, and Order Amounts


Limit the use of Payment Methods by Group Memberships, Roles, Countries, and Order Amounts.

This extension allows to limit which payment methods customers can use at checkout. Restrictions can be based on group memberships, roles, countries, and order amounts. As a shop owner, you benefit from its efficient and flexible approach.

  • Restrict the use of any payment method based on group memberships, roles, countries, and order amounts.
  • Free of complicated rules, easily manage which payment methods your customers are allowed to use.
  • Restrictions are conveniently managed for all payment methods in a subsection of the Payments settings.
  • The extension is very intuitive, quick, and easy to set up and use.


A new Restrictions section is added to the Payments settings, where payment method restrictions are shown and managed for all payment methods.

Restriction Features

Payment methods can be restricted using one or more criteria:

Restrictions by Group Memberships

  • Restrict to Group Members: Limit the use of a payment method to members of one or several groups. The free Groups plugin is required for this option.
  • Exclude for Group Members: Exclude members of one or more groups from using a payment method. The free Groups plugin is required for this option.

Restrictions by Roles

  • Restrict to Roles: Limit the use of a payment method to one or more roles.
  • Exclude for Roles: Exclude one or more roles from using a payment method.

Restrictions by Countries

  • Restrict to Billing Countries: Limit the use of a payment method to one or more billing countries.
  • Exclude for Billing Countries: Exclude one or more billing countries from using a payment method.

Restrictions by Order Amount Limits

  • Minimum Order Amount: Restrict the use of a payment method to require a minimum order amount. Shipping and taxes can be excluded from the computation.
  • Maximum Order Amount: Restrict the use of a payment method to orders that do not exceed a certain order amount. Shipping and taxes can be excluded from the computation.

In addition to restrictions, settings for payment methods include options to:

  • Evaluate limits excluding taxes from order amounts.
  • Evaluate limits excluding shipping from order amounts.
  • Log debugging information about rejection reasons applied, which is helpful during tests.

The extension also integrates with WPML to support currency conversion for order amount restrictions.
