WooCommerce Group Coupons

WooCommerce Group Coupons

Exclusive and targeted discounts for your customers? That’s where WooCommerce Group Coupons will help.

This extension for WooCommerce uses Groups and WordPress roles to limit the validity of coupons.

WooCommerce Group Coupons Showing Discount

Use shortcodes to display your coupons.


WooCommerce Group Coupons - Coupon Detail - Groups

Coupon Roles

  • Exclusive discount coupons for group members
  • Exclusive discount coupons for roles
  • Automatic discounts for group members
  • Discount target groups and roles at a glimpse
  • Pretty coupons via shortcodes


See WooCommerce Group Coupons Documentation.


Get the WooCommerce extension on WooThemes.



96 responses to “WooCommerce Group Coupons”

  1. Hey , Could you please share the updated version?

    1. Hi there, valid licensees have the latest version in the Downloads of their WooCommerce.com account.

  2. Does this plugin work for online website?

    1. Hi, please see the documentation for details.

  3. Hi is there a plugin that works with woocommerce allowing you to import products from Amazon for affiliates? I have online gift store. Thanks.

    1. Hi Craig,
      Sorry, we have not plugins related with this functionality.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. Hello,
    Does this plugin work with Woocommerce Store Credits extension? I am trying to build a shop for groups of employees, where each group has it’s own budget. When a group member places an order and uses the store credit, the available balance is reduced for all group members. Thanks.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Scott,
      Sorry, there isn’t an integration with this plugin.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  5. Rodrigo Campos Avatar
    Rodrigo Campos

    Can I setup so one user buy’s a cupon code to auto apply it to a group so lets say “user A” buys a month membership for all users in VIP group and apply it automaticaly for a month?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Rodrigo,
      Sorry, I don’t know exactly what is your scenario.
      With this plugin, you can limit the user of the coupon to one or more groups. So you can have ex. a ‘VIP10’ coupon that only the users in the VIP group can use.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  6. Where can I get demo coupon code of this plugin

    1. Hi,
      please have a look at the demos site.
      Antonio B.

  7. Hi had to get my developer to exclude groups as part of the coupon. Took him 10 minutes……not sure why this feature has not been added yet. Disappointing really..

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Chris,
      I am glad that it has been so easy. We are continually working on improvements.
      Thank you for the suggestion.
      Antonio B.

  8. Hi, I got this plugin and really like it. I just have one question, how can I exclude groups from getting this discount? I have groups with special pricing and I don’t want them to be able to get the extra discount on items. How can I restrict this to customers and guest?

    Thank you

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Trevor,
      in the coupon edit page, you can select the groups to apply the coupon. Simply select all but one.
      Antonio B.

      1. Hi Antonio, I can see that if all the groups where available but there’s not a guest group to select.

        This is my structure:

        Group A gets 50% off
        Group B gets 30% off

        I want to create a discount code that only people not in those 2 groups can use, including unregistered (guest) customers. How can i do that? thanks you

        1. antonio Avatar

          Sorry, the option to exclude coupons from groups hasn’t been added yet. You could create two coupons (one for guests and the other for registered users).
          Antonio B.

  9. Hi! Really need the ability to ‘Exclude’ groups as part of the coupon. I see others have requested this, is there an update on it please?

    1. Hi Chris, thanks for indicating your interest in that option. It has not been added yet due to other priorities.

  10. The codes didn’t work for me. Any other code would be appreciated.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi ssiddique,
      Sorry, what is the problem?

  11. Hi,

    If I used automatic application for a group of customers, can the customer enter another coupon during the checkout?

    1. Hi,
      you can limit to ‘Individual use only’ in the ‘Usage Restriction’ tab in the coupon edit page.

  12. Hi, I wanted to know is there a way where I can provide discount coupons like Buy X and get 50% off on Y? and Buy X and get 50% off on 2nd X?

    Please help!

    1. Hi, thanks for asking but these conditions are not supported.

  13. Hi Kento, import with Smart Coupons deactivated and Import Suite activated works! Thanks!

    Do you know how to restrict coupons to customers and new customers (without an account yet)?

    Or select roles to exclude for the coupons?

    1. Great, thanks for the update on that Clemens.

      Have a look at WooCommerce Coupons Countdown please for the new customers restriction (it allows to limit the usage of coupons).

  14. Clemens Avatar

    Strange, I click on “import coupons” in the Import Suite tab.

    I run both plugins, but it looks like Smart Coupons is overwriting the import function. Any idea how to use the Import Suite import function.

    1. I’ve used the Import Suite only and that works. You’ll have to disable the other one then I suppose.

  15. Clemens Avatar


    I tried your sample, it will import the coupons and maps the custom field, but won’t set the Role restriction.


    Any ideas?

    1. In my test installation it does set the role restriction: Screenshot

    2. You seem to be using Smart Coupons ? I’ve used Customer/Order/Coupon CSV Import Suite to do the test. If Smart Coupons doesn’t import the meta data correctly, then that would be the reason why you don’t see the access restrictions in place. I’d rather use the Import Suite then.

  16. Clemens Avatar

    I just purchased your plugin.

    How can you import a cvs with coupons with a Role restriction using this Group Coupons extension?

    I already tried “meta:_groupon_roles” as a new column in CSV file, with value: “Customer”. Looks like the Import Suite recognises the custom field, but Role restriction is not set for the imported coupon.

    1. Hi Clemens,

      We’re already looking into that with the support team at WooThemes. Note that the correct meta key is _groupon_roles. I’ll run some tests with the importer plugin …

    2. Following up on this, the import with the CSV Import Suite works fine. Here’s an example CSV file which adds role restrictions : Example CSV.

  17. Where can I see working demo coupon code of this plugin?

    1. antonio Avatar

      sorry, right now there isn’t a demo site. You can find more information in documentation page.

  18. Hi Kento,

    I saw from a previous post that you were planning on adding the function to “exclude” groups, I have the same situation where i want coupons to be used by “guest users” but not users that belong to a discounted prices group (i did this with the groups plug and group pricing plug). is there any easy way to do this? basically i would like to exclude this special group from all coupons except when they get a special one, for that i can use this plug.

    1. Hi Arnoldo,

      The option to exclude coupons from groups hasn’t been added yet, but it will be added. I don’t see any easy way to do this except adding it as an option to the Groups section of the coupons.

      Thanks for explaining your requirement, there is an update planned for the plugin soon and I’ll take this into account to see if we can have the functionality available with it.


      1. Any chance you are moving forward with the ability to exclude groups from redeeming coupons? (since customers who sign-up for a discount membership are in two groups, baseline and discount, group, the exclusion would need to make sure that if a customer was enrolled in an “excluded” group he wouldn’t be able to use the coupon even if he were also enrolled a non-excluded group. Cheers.

        1. Hi Justin,

          Thanks for asking, yes it’s still on the roadmap for the plugin, haven’t had a chance to add it yet so I appreciate your reminder 😉


          1. Justin Avatar

            Thanks. That feature will totally rock.

            1. Any update on the proposed ability to exclude certain groups from redeeming a coupon?

              1. antonio Avatar

                Sorry Justin,
                this feature is not implemented yet.
                Antonio B.

  19. Hi Kento,

    I’ve purchased the plugin and I’m trying to use it to “restrict” certain groups and / or roles from using a coupon code. Essentially, I want the plugin to do the exact opposite of it’s intended use. The plugin limits the coupon to certain groups / customers and I want to restrict it from certain groups customers. Is there some script that could modify the plugin to accomplish that?

    Thank you

    1. Hi Carter, the easiest would be to create a group that restricts to the subset of users that should have access. The plugin isn’t intended to do the opposite, it’s intended to limit to users that belong to a certain group. So to achieve the opposite effect, it’s sufficient to include those users who should have access in the appropriate group.

  20. Hi I am wanting to find a woocommerce extension that will let me select only guests and customers user roles to be allowed to use certain coupons and also have coupons that will only work for my wholesale user roles as well. I am not using the anything to do with memberships or groups, and I don’t have any other groups or membership plugins installed on my site, but I basically only need the basic coupon feature that is in woocommerce already but I just need to make it so I can have user role permissions with the coupons I am making. Does your plugin do that or do I have to use some sort of memberships or groups to make this work? P.S. You have a LOT of very cool plugins! Nice Work!

    1. Hi Thomas,

      Thank you very much for your kind comment 🙂

      With the Group Coupons extension for WooCommerce, you can limit coupons to certain roles, i.e. if you don’t need groups, you can also use the extension and just work with roles. You can find details on the features related to roles on the documentation page here Group Coupons.

      1. Awesome! Thank you so much I will be getting it this week from you 🙂

      2. Okay so I was just about to pull the trigger and buy the Group Coupons BUT I just saw that it says this:This plugin requires WooCommerce Groups extension + the Groups plugin. here?: http://docs.woothemes.com/document/group-coupons/ is that true if I don’t need any of the memberships or groups features? I only need the user roles feature for my application.

        1. Hi Thomas,

          Thanks for pointing out the inconsistency on the documentation page. This has been corrected – you do not need any additional plugins to restrict coupons by role as that is supported by the Group Coupons extension without any further requirements.


          1. Ok fantastic! I will go buy it right now 🙂

            1. Thank you 🙂

  21. justin Avatar

    Kento, I found a workaround for the time being: create a special login only category for VIPs and just put our VIP products in this category (duplicating everything), then exclude coupons from this category. For me, this will probably work, but total group exclusion from particular coupons would be better since my workaround is rather limited in that everything has to be doubled.

    1. Thanks for sharing the approach taken, yes that looks like a solution but of course having the option to exclude groups would be more direct.

  22. justin Avatar

    Can the plugin prevent coupons from working for certain groups? We have the subscriptions plugin and all customers and buyers become “registered.” We then sell a $100 membership and these customers automatically become VIP group members and get bottom level pricing whe logged-in. I want to offer coupons to only registered groups, but not VIPs. Unfortunately, the VIPs are both registered and VIP group members. Can the plugin work to prevent coupon redemption by those in the VIP group(who are also registered members) while working for “registered” only group members?

    If you have 2000 people in VIP, it is not practical to manage their group membership by hand. If your coupon plugin does not manage this, then can you recommend anything? Maybe my VIP members should become a user role rather than group members?

    1. Hi Justin,

      That would actually be a great addition to the plugin, I mean the ability to exclude certain groups from a coupon. That would cover your case exactly and I figure that you’re not the only one who would welcome that.

      I’m adding this to be scheduled for implementation on top of the list for the plugin.

      If you have a developer at hand or the knowledge, meanwhile you could use the Groups API and implement a hook on the coupon validity to restrict it. Is that a possibility for you while this is being added?

      1. Yes… add us in! We need the EXCLUSION ability. Great product otherwise.

        1. Thanks for your vote on that feature Teena!

  23. Tarnya Avatar

    I have a wholesale pricing plugin for my website. I set up a retail group and a wholesale group. When I log onto my site as a wholesaler, the message for discounts to retail customers is showing, even though the discount structure isn’t applicable. I would prefer that the message doesn’t show up for wholesale clients.

    Thanks for your quick response Kento.


    1. Ok thanks for explaining that. Is it possible that you are testing this with a user account that belongs to both the retail and the wholesale group? Otherwise I don’t see where you would get a coupon message that is directed at a particular group only.

  24. Tarnya Avatar

    Hi there,

    I purchased this plugin on Woocommerce. Do I need to submit a queery on there or on this site? I’m getting the discount notice on a wholesale group category (different plugin) and I was wondering if it’s something I’m missing or if it’s to do with incompatible plugins.


    1. Hi Tarnya,

      You’re welcome to ask questions about the plugin here and if we can help we’ll be happy to. What notice exactly are you getting please?


  25. Does this plugin have the ability to restrict a coupon by country?

    1. Hi Sally, not really, unless you had each user in a group representing the country.

  26. Hi,

    i use groups coupons to give a 20% discount to members of a group on my site. Ive just spotted that multiple orders of a product give an increasingly large discount which rather than being fctored by the number of item ordered is factored by the number ordered squared (so 1 item gives the correct discount, 2 gives the discount 4 times and 4 items ordered gives the discount 16 times)
    everything else seems to work.
    can you help please.

    1. antonio Avatar

      please give us an url, a test user and a test coupon code to have a look.

    2. antonio Avatar

      You can send us these data to support at itthinx dot com.

  27. it would be nice to be able to limit coupon by group name as well like your other plug-in. ANy chance this will be intergrated in the future?

    1. That’s a good idea, the suggestion sounds familiar, I already have a note on that here as a suggested feature and I think it can be added.

  28. Isaac Savage Avatar
    Isaac Savage

    Does this plugin have the ability to automatically place the user in a group if they use the coupon?

    1. That’s an interesting thought! Currently not, but I’ve taken note to consider adding this. Thanks for the suggestion!

  29. I just installed the group plug in. I have two types of groups weekly- and by-weekly is there a way to have customers select what group they want to be added to? or do I have to do it manually?

    Do you reomend any of your other plug-ins? Im not charging for the membership but need to set different pricing for each group I’m using the cupon feature on woocommerce and selecting by group but I need new customers to select what memebership (group) they want to be added. Thank you!

    1. Hi Alex,

      The [groups_join] shortcode would be an option. See documentation for details please.

  30. Hi guys, thanks for your responses – very helpful, and much appreciated 🙂

  31. Hi there, I’m about to purchase this extension, but have a pre-sale question. When using the plugin, is it possible to create a single-use coupon and send it out to every group member … essentially allowing all members a one-off coupon discount?

    Thanks in advance 🙂

    1. Hi,
      you can restrict coupons to groups, but not only one use by user (this feature will be added to Woocommerce 2.1, please have a look to this conversation)

    2. Hi Mark,

      To limit the number of uses to 1 per user, you would also need the WooCommerce Coupons Countdown plugin which has a “Usage limits per user” option.

      Thanks for asking 🙂

  32. Hi antonio,
    I know that’s it’s only available there at the moment and that’s sad for me. Are there any plans to offer it on codecanyon in the future, too? I really would appreciate that so I hope you consider this.

    1. Hey there,

      Sorry but no, it’s exclusive on WooThemes and I can only recommend purchasing there, it’s a great marketplace with great people providing products and support.

  33. Hi,

    really would like to buy that plugin (already bought WooCommerce Coupons Countdown) but not on woothemes. Please can you make it available at codecanyon, too.


    1. antonio Avatar

      sorry it’s only available on woothemes.

  34. Hi Kento,
    Thanks for reply.
    I’m glad to hear that this is a feature you plan to integrate into next release.
    Actually, this is the last step that I need to lunch my page. So, I’m ‘urgently’ waiting for this release 🙂
    Any idea when it will be ready? can I test a pre-version?

  35. Hi!
    I used the shortcode [group coupons …] successful with coupons having “product % discount”.
    I can see the code and the text “x% discount on blablabla”.
    Then I changed to “recurring % discount” but no text shows up anymore.
    Can this be fixed or do I understand something wrong?

    1. Hi Frank,

      We’ll need to add support to the subscription type coupons for that to work. It’s already been noted and I hope we can have an update for that out soon.

      Thanks for asking, it’s certainly a worthy addition to support these.

    2. This has been added to version 1.3.0, you should see the update notified shortly.

  36. Is there a way to assign coupons, so instead of the customer gets a discount, he is donating 10% to a charity organization (dogs wellfare)?
    I have been strugling on this issue for a while now!

    1. Sounds like a case for Affiliates Products 🙂

  37. Cool, but WooCommerce Volume Discount Coupons provides another set of features, does it hook into this one so these coupons gets displayed in the product price display?

    If not, how hard would it be to implement the same feature in this plugin?


    1. I would probably use the description option on those coupons to display along with the price to have it more customizable. The automated display would also work. Adding that feature to the WooCommerce Group Coupons plugin is another option, although then we would have two places where users of both plugins can enable it. Worth considering at least.

  38. This is just what I am looking for, especially with the automatic application. What I want to know is does the discount show on the product prices when a member of said group is logged in, or does i only show up in the cart? The former could help drive sales..

    1. Hi Lasse,

      It provides shortcodes to display the coupons, see the documentation for details on how these are used. There is also WooCommerce Coupon Shortcodes which you can use to display information conditionally based on coupons, for example, to display coupon information in the cart based on which coupons are valid. This plugin doesn’t add the information on the product price display directly, but WooCommerce Volume Discount Coupons provides options for that.

  39. I couldn’t find this on the WooThemes site. Is it no longer available?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Jason,
      sorry, you can find the plugin in Codecanyon.

    2. It will be available on WooThemes in a few days.

      @antonio The one that is on codecanyon is WooCommerce Coupons Countdown.

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