Itthinx LazyLoader Installation

Installation is really easy …

  1. Upload or extract the itthinx-lazyloader folder to your site’s /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Or you could use the Add new option found in the Plugins menu in WordPress.
  2. Enable the plugin from the Plugins menu in WordPress.

You can now enclose content within [itthinx-lazyload] shortcodes.

Install the Lazy Widget Loader to enable lazy-loading for widgets – yes, you do want to have that one as well. It’s not a must, but sure makes things a lot easier for widgets.

After installing, to use the Itthinx LazyLoader on any widget, go to your Widgets section under the Appearance menu and check Use Itthinx LazyLoader.

Please also visit the Lazy Widget Loader plugin page for the latest info.


12 responses to “Itthinx LazyLoader Installation”

  1. seriestv Avatar

    I have asked my host provider.
    So, safe_mode is off but open_basedir is activated and set, and there’s no way I can set this off.

    What can i do? I have tried mesosense and such, not working. How can use fopen instead o curl?

    Thank you

    1. Quoting from what the manual has to say about open_basedir: … This directive is NOT affected by whether Safe Mode is turned On or Off.

      Also the loader will use cURL if available and otherwise fall back to an alternative method.

      Please provide a link to your site to have a look at what happens there.

  2. seriestv Avatar

    I want to use this in the header template, but is not working. I already tried with echo do_shortcode but not working my friend. What can I do?

    1. Please have a look at the Manual and there is a fresh example right here.

      1. seriestv Avatar

        Thank you kento, I can see the code in header now, but this is what I got:

        CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION cannot be activated when safe_mode is enabled or an open_basedir is set in /home/quierode/public_html/juegos/wp-content/plugins/itthinx-lazyloader/lib/ix/ix-lazyloader-pull-min.php on line 17

        I also dont know what to configure in whitelist, cant find that in your manual

        1. Great; for that issue see for example:
          About the whitelist, to quote the settings page: The whitelist limits the external sources that may be obtained by the loader’s proxy. Indicate all domains the proxy is allowed to access. A typical example would be:

          1. seriestv Avatar

            ok I have information about this, because my server already has safe mode off and I have allow_url_fopen

            So, dont know where the problem is. I have the whitelist in blank for now, I have PHP Version: 5.3.10 and use litespeed, might be that the problem?

            Im so dissapointed, please help

            1. Is mod_security filtering? Please provide a link to the site where the issue occurs so we can check that.

  3. Hey, how to download it, i was pay it, but i can’t download directly…

    1. You should have received a download link by email, just sent it to you again. Thanks for your contribution 🙂

  4. Moogle Stiltzkin Avatar
    Moogle Stiltzkin

    Hi kento,

    I’m interested in your plugin for my website.

    However, i want to know how this would work with head cleaner

    Do they work together, or do i only use your plugin only ?

    1. Hi Moogle, thanks for your comment. I haven’t tried the plugin you mention but will test it and let you know.

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