Groups is designed as an efficient, powerful and flexible solution for group-oriented memberships and content access control.

It provides group-based user membership management, group-based capabilities and access control for content, built on solid principles.

Groups is light-weight and offers an easy user interface, while it acts as a framework and integrates standard WordPress capabilities and application-specific capabilities along with an extensive API.

Enhanced functionality is available via Official Extensions for Groups.

Groups is a WordPress plugin that provides group-based user membership management, group-based capabilities and content access control. It integrates standard WordPress capabilities and application-specific capabilities along with an extensive API.


The official documentation is located at the Groups Documentation pages.


User groups

  • Supports an unlimited number of groups
  • Provides a Registered group which is automatically maintained
  • Users can be assigned to any group
  • Users are added automatically to the Registered group

Groups hierarchy

  • Supports group hierarchies with capability inheritance

Group capabilities

  • Integrates standard WordPress capabilities which can be assigned to groups and users
  • Supports custom capabilities: allows to define new capabilities for usage in plugins and web applications
  • Users inherit capabilities of the groups they belong to
  • Groups inherit capabilities of their parent groups

Access control

Access to posts, pages and custom post types can be restricted by group.

If access to a post is restricted to one or more groups, only users who belong to one of those groups may view the post.

Fully supports custom post types, so that access to post types such as products or events can easily be restricted.

  • Built-in access control that allows to restrict access to posts, pages and custom content types to specific groups and users only
  • Control access to content by groups: shortcodes allow to control who can access content on posts, show parts to members of certain groups or to those who are not members –
    Shortcodes: ,
  • Control access to content by capabilities: show (or do not show) content to users who have certain capabilities –
    Shortcodes: ,
  • Blocks: The Groups Member block allows to restrict the visibility of its content to members of selected groups.
    The Groups Non-Member block hides its content from members of chosen groups.
    The blocks can be nested to provide multiple layers of access control to content.

Easy user interface

  • Integrates nicely with the standard WordPress Users menu
  • Provides an intuitive Groups menu
  • Conceptually clean views showing the essentials
  • Quick filters
  • Bulk-actions where needed, for example apply capabilities to groups, bulk-add users to groups, bulk-remove users from groups

Sensible options

  • Enable access restrictions by custom post type
  • An optional tree view for groups can be shown when desired
  • Provides its own set of permissions
  • Administrator overrides for tests
  • Cleans up after testing with a “delete all plugin data” option


  • Groups is designed based on a solid and sound data-model with a complete API that allows developers to create group-oriented web applications and plugins


  • All features are supported independently for each blog in multisite installations


Enhanced functionality is available via official Extensions for Groups.

Groups is a large project that is providing essential functionality to tens of thousands of sites since 2012. By getting an official extension, you help fund the work that is necessary to maintain and improve Groups.

  • Groups WooCommerce : Sell Memberships with Groups and WooCommerce – the best Group Membership and Access Control solution for WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • WooCommerce Product Search is the essential extension for every WooCommerce store. It provides the best Search Engine and Search Experience for WooCommerce and is compatible with Groups and its access restrictions on products.
  • WooCommerce Group Coupons : Automatically apply and restrict coupon validity for user groups. Offer exclusive, automatic and targeted discounts for your customers.
  • Groups Drip Content : Release content on a schedule. Content dripping can be based on user account creation, group memberships and specific dates and times.
  • Groups File Access : Allows to provide file download links for authorized users. Access to files is restricted to users by their group membership.
  • Groups Restrict Categories : Features access restrictions for categories, tags and other WordPress taxonomies, including support for custom post types and taxonomies.
  • Groups Forums : A powerful and yet light-weight forum system for WordPress sites.
  • Groups Import Export : Provides import and export facilities around users and groups.
  • Groups Newsletters : Newsletter Campaigns for Subscribers and Groups, also integrates with WooCommerce.
  • Groups Gravity Forms allows to add users to groups automatically, based on form submissions.
  • Widgets Control Pro : An advanced Widget toolbox that adds visibility management and helps to control where widgets are shown efficiently.

Get involved

You & Groups

Beta-testers and developers who need to integrate group-based features in their plugins and web applications: please use it and provide your feedback.


Feedback is welcome!

If you need help, have problems, want to leave feedback or want to provide constructive criticism, please leave a comment below.

Please try to solve problems there before you rate this plugin or say it doesn’t work. There goes a lot of work into providing you with free quality plugins! Please appreciate that and help with your feedback. Thanks!

Stay informed or contribute

Follow @itthinx (or on Reddit, Mastodon, … ) for news related to Groups and other plugins.

Get development notifications, contribute code or open issues at the repository on GitHub.


Translations have been contributed by many from the WordPress community, via the GitHub repository Groups, the section for Groups on Translating WordPress or as direct contributions.

Where to get Groups

Groups is free. You can install it directly from your WordPress dashboard or download it from the Groups plugin page and install it manually.


2,693 responses to “Groups”

  1. Is there a way to change the error message displayed when a user doesn’t have access? Or does it just use the theme’s default 404 message? It would be really nice if it were a separate message and customizeable. If found this plugin: but I have a custom registration page. So I’d like to say something like “Sorry this page is only available to registered members. Please login or register.” Is that possible? If the page is actually 404, then I want the default to display. But if it’s just protected by Groups, I’d like to display a different message and some links like that. Thanks.

    1. Yes that’ possible, actually that plugin allows you to redirect to a specific page where you can place that message, links, etc.

  2. Hi, Kento.

    First of all, thanks for the great plugin. I have just one small feature request. Could you add a parameter to the [groups_join] shortcode, that could be set to display a message to logged-out and non-registered users? So we could do something like:

    [groups_join group="X" logged_out_message="Please register or log-in to join this group"]

    I tried just putting a message like that within a [groups_non_member group="registered"], but it doesn’t work, because this is already in another [groups_non_member] block.

    I guess another option to fix this problem would be to enable nested shortcode blocks.

    Thank you for listening.

    1. I was able to get around this by using [groups_can_not capability="level_0"] to enclose the message. But I still think that there should be a message like that built in, to let people who aren’t registered or logged in know that they need to before they can join.

      Thanks again for a great plugin!

      1. I just saw your follow-up on this 🙂 I would rather not use level_0 (user levels were deprecated in WordPress 3.0) but try the approach I’ve suggested. In any case, I’ve taken note of your suggestion to add that parameter 🙂

    2. Hi JD,

      That would be an option, although wouldn’t it be simpler to just do:

      [groups_non_member group="Ducks"]Please register or log-in to join the Ducks[/groups_non_member]
      [groups_join group="Ducks"]

      The shortcodes allow nesting by the way, you just can’t nest the [groups_non_member] shortcode within itself.

      Thanks for using Groups JD, suggestions like this are always welcome. Please let me know if the above is a viable approach to what you want to do.

  3. Hi Kento,

    Thanks for an excellent plugin. I would like to report a minor bug and propose a fix; to add a column to the table on the users page in the admin interface, you return ” if the column name isn’t the one of the groups plugin in class-groups-admin-users.php:manage_users_custom_column. However, if there are other plugins, you’re effectively emptying their column. The signature of this method and its first line ‘should’ be:

    public static function manage_users_custom_column( $output, $column_name, $user_id ) {
    $output = $output ?: ”;


    1. Thanks Erwin, good point! I’ll fix that. Out of curiosity, using which other plugin have you discovered that bug?

  4. Hi there,
    I have been using the Groups plugin very successfully, really like it. I am also using WooCommerce for my shop. I know I can use the access restriction at a product level but I would really like to use this at the variation level.
    For example, I have a product that is available in one size for non registered users. The same product is available in different sizes and prices for registered users.
    So rather than create duplicate products to handle this, would it be possible to have the access restriction at the variation level?
    Thanks & best wishes.

    1. Hi Kate,
      Although the idea seems quite simple, I don’t think this is something that would be added to the general solution, because it would add a lot of complexity that in most cases wouldn’t be used. May I ask what kind of product this is and why you restrict different sizes to registered users? In case a simpler idea might help …

      1. Hi Kento,
        I thought I’d subscribed to receive a notification of your reply but I think I must have missed it, only just checked back. Thanks very much for your reply.

        I’m working on a site that is open to the public and also has a registered members area. The Shop is available for both types of user.

        It’s for an aromatherpay company selling essential oil blends. For non members (i.e. the general public), the blends are available in 5ml size @ 11.99. For members, the same blends are available in 5ml size @ 7.99, but also in 25ml and 50ml sizes.

        I’m going with the option of having two product pages for each blend, one with the public price and one for members only with discounted price & bigger size options.

        I was hoping to be able to use the same category for both public and members blends, but that would mean members would see duplicates as I can’t see a way to not show the public content to members.

        So the only solution I can see is to use separate categories, which is not ideal as the public will see the members category and vice versa, however I can some information on becoming a member for the non members viewing the member category.

        I think that will work, unless you have a much simpler solution! 🙂

        Any help very gratefully received!

        1. Thanks for explaining your solution Kate, it sounds suitable. Would you mind sharing a link to the site?

  5. Hi,
    I have a little question : how can i send email to some “group users” ?


    1. Like mass-mailing a group? I’ve got that on my @todo list 😉

      1. Yes !
        I have purchased “Groups File Access”, but i don’t know how can i warn all people in a group that there is an update.
        I hope you will do a “mass-mailing a group” quickly.

  6. Hi, just a question. As mentioned I uninstalled groups from my multisite, and want to clean my db.

    In my “options”-table I find these rows:

    with this value: a:1:{s:7:”general”;a:1:{s:22:”read_post_capabilities”;a:1:{i:0;s:16:”groups_read_post”;}}}

    gropus_plugin_version with 1.3.2

    Can I delte these two rows?

    1. Make a backup of your database before you do any deletions just in case, then, if you’re not going to use groups you can delete these rows.

  7. Courtney Avatar


    I installed your Groups plugin for the WordPress website that I am creating, and first of all nice work. It works very smoothly and is just what I have been looking for. Where can I go to donate?

    There is only one thing that I would like to do differently, and I would appreciate your advice on how I should accomplish it. Normally the Groups plugin causes an error to be displayed when a restricted page is referenced. When the appropriate user logs in, the page displays normally in both the navigation and through a direct link. Is there any way that I could send the user to a login page rather than an error page?

    Thank you very much.

    1. Hi Courtney,

      Many thanks, it’s always good to hear it is appreciated 🙂

      After considering that this is not the first request for an alternative to the 404’s, I’ve taken the time to write a plugin that allows to redirect to another page or to the login page. You can download the plugin Groups 404 Redirect.

      As for donations and collaboration, you’re more than welcome to get in touch or contribute by using any of the premium extensions, by leaving a good review or whatever nice things come to your mind 😉

      Thanks for using Groups!

  8. Please, tell me: How do i completely remove all traces from this plugin in my multisite install? Simply deactivating and removing the plugin did not do the trick.

    I think most of it is gone now, but in my main blog option table I find the row “groups_options” – does this belong to the plugin?
    I guess this does: groups_plugin_version

    Further: Do this plugin leave any settings inside each OPTION table –>user_roles in wordpress? If so, how do I identify and disable this?

    1. For a single site Groups > Options has an option to delete all plugin data, and in the Network Admin an option under Groups.

      1. But I have removed the plugin and deleted the obvious tables in my database manually. But I think some settings still are there, somewhere.
        Do you say that I should re-install the plugin to un-install all settings and data?

        1. No, if you have manually modified the database or table data (which you shouldn’t have) then it’s probably best to delete remnants manually as well. Make sure to back up your site before doing more modifications.

          1. Ok, but I need to know: has this plugin changed anything vital inside the different blogs OPTIONS table (for example user_roles) ? Something that might affect blog/user settings? I have a odd issue with my sites comments: despite the fact that all sites are set to auto approve comments from logged in and registered users, all comments are withheld for moderation. Can this be an effect from the remains from this plugin?

            1. No, and it doesn’t work with roles either.

  9. Hi,

    I installed your plugin but I do not understand it. I have 4 pages that I want to restrict to a members group.

    Let’s say “Subscriber” group within WordPress. How do i assign access from the “Subscriber” member group to these 4 pages only?

    Thank you for help.

    1. You can follow the instructions as explained for example here (only steps #2 and #4 apply).

      1. Hi Kento,

        Thanks so much for the quick reply. I followed steps #2 and #4. One more question. How do I assign members to get access to the group I created in the steps? I go to users in WordPress and the group I created does not show up there.

        Thanks again,


        1. Hi John,
          You can assign them manually from the normal Users section in the admin area – new groups appear in the dropdown on top of the table.

          1. Sorry I am not following you. Where is the normal section? Do you mean WordPress users? Under wordpress users the new group I added with your plugin does not appear under user “Roles”. So I do not get it where to add someone. All seems very vague.

            1. No, it isn’t vague at all, but groups and roles are different things and you should not expect a group to appear as a role. On top of the Users table there is a facility to add or remove users from groups – nothing to do with roles. If that doesn’t appear in your setup, then there is something wrong with it.

          2. How do i get to the users table? I do not see it.

            1. It’s the normal Users admin section in WordPress.

          3. Okay i do not see it. Appreciate your help. I uninstalled it and installed UAM user access manager and got it setup in less than 3 minutes and working so i guess this plugin is just too complicated for what i need. Thanks again for your help.

            1. Whatever suits your needs best is what you should use.

  10. Alex Wolk Avatar
    Alex Wolk

    Hello, I recently posted about groups breaking the mail press plugin. I’m so desperate I would be willing to pay you to fix the bug. Thanks again

    1. They do conflict, I’ve created a little plugin you can use that solves the conflict: Groups MailPress

      1. Alex Wolk Avatar
        Alex Wolk

        Wow! Thanks. You are the best!

  11. Been trying out your plugin which is awesome.
    I’ve run into a problem when it comes to handling pagination.
    The pagination seem to be based on posts regardless of access. Example result: when I list posts the first page may be empty, while others may have 1,2,3 or more items.

    I found:
    public static function the_posts( $posts, $query ) {}

    But for some reason it doesn’t seem to trigger. Not really skilled enough in my scripting to debug where things go wrong. Any advice?

    1. Thanks Richard, it’s always good to hear that 🙂
      The function you refer to filters out posts that the current user is not allowed to see. It sounds like the pagination you are using does not take the actual number of posts into account?

  12. Alex Wolk Avatar
    Alex Wolk

    Is there a way to sync group memberships with roles in WP? I’m using the woosubscriptions and it would be nice to use roles with other plugins that don’t support groups

    1. It’s a different paradigm, Groups is designed to overcome some of the limitations that the model based on roles has. Of course one could create something that maps roles and groups, but I’m not sure that would make sense within the context you are working with.

  13. Holly Chervnsik Avatar
    Holly Chervnsik

    Is there a way to group the files into folders? I’m using this for a company that has many files to manage, and I don’t want the users to have to scroll through all the documents to browse for what they need.

    1. You mean with Groups File Access? Would grouping file links on different pages work? The page hierarchy could resemble a folder hierarchy.

      1. Holly Chervnsik Avatar
        Holly Chervnsik

        Thanks for your reply….I’ll try that and see if that works for the client…might actually be easier for them to use anyway.

  14. Hi,
    Your plugin is perfect !
    But i have a question : i use FastSpring to sell my product. FastSpring give me the possibility to execute a script (php or what i want, on their server) when the user has finished buying the product.
    My question is simple : it is possible to execute a script (external script, on FastSpring) which create the user (and a random password) automatically ?
    I don’t know what is the best way to automate this process.

    Thank you.

    1. Thanks 🙂
      Have you had a look at FastSpring on GitHub? You would need to communicate with the site where you want the new users to be created, it’s not specific to Groups, rather a question of having your site receiving authenticated requests to create user accounts (and then assign them to groups if needed).

  15. well it’s been almost a year, figured I would check back to see if #1 ever made it into the plugin.

    *protecting an entire blog via group access…

    1. There’s no default option to do that yet, although basically you could write a little plugin that automatically sets an access restriction on new posts published (or I could add the option to apply access restrictions by default to Groups … hmmm).

      1. I currently use amember which has this option ‘protect the entire blog’ where it is very simple to protect an entire blog. The only thing I don’t like about amember is that it is a separate system, even though the integration is very good.

        The concept of how amember works is pretty simple, you create a custom group and then the new blog only shows up to that group. So when a user purchases a product they are added to that custom group, thus giving them permission to access that blog.

        This allows me to have an unlimited number of groups, each group has its own blog assigned to it with all content automatically protected.

        Like I said, it would just be nice to have an admin that is a true WordPress plugin vs. an external script. It seems your script is very close to being able to do this.

        My entire idea is a user purchases product ‘abc’ is added to group ‘abc’ thus they get access to the product ‘abc’ support blog. Same goes if a user purchases product ‘xyz’, becomes member of group ‘xyz’ and has access to blog ‘xyz’.

        The idea being able to have dedicated support websites on a per product purchased basis.

        1. Ok thanks for explaining that, so the basic idea is to have a support area for members of a group? It’s funny, because I’m working on a new extension called Groups Forums right now 🙂 It’s not exactly the same as you describe, but provides Forums that can be linked to groups where e.g. only group members can post a topic or reply to a topic based on their group membership.

  16. Liking the plugin more and more as I become more familiar with it. Have one stumbling block. How can I display group members on a page?

    Thank you in advance for your assistance.



    1. Thanks RevKev, it’s great to see it put to good use 🙂
      For example: [groups_group_info group="Registered" show="users"] would show a list of registered users.

  17. I have one page that I want blocked from non registered customers. If they purchase a product, they become “Registered” I believe I have the page blocked from non buyers and readable from buyers (Registered)

    Right now, if the visitor is blocked, they receive a 404 error. How can I direct them to a sales page???

    1. See this comment – there are plugins that allow you to redirect.

  18. hi
    i wanna use your plugin and have a question:
    Is it possible to define restrictions for a specified page (eg: articles page) that every anonymous visitor can see the intro section of article in this page , but the full article just be shown to registered users?

    1. Yes you can do that using the shortcodes explained in the documentation.

  19. Hello,

    I’m getting this error when I try to update the Groups Subscriptions plugin:

    “The package could not be installed. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature”

    I’m posting it on here because the captcha form on the Groups Subscription page doesn’t work (keeps telling me I’m giving the incorrect answer), so I’m not able to leave any comments.

    1. The automatic update works fine but it seems some WordPress installations get that problem due to a number of reasons.

      1. Looks like I just needed to install it manually, thanks.

        1. Ok, I’m glad you could update 🙂

  20. How can I hide the ‘Groups’ menu item in the left side menu from all users except for admins?

    1. That’s how it is by default, you should review your permission settings on the Groups > Options page.

  21. Additionally. This goes for the menu item of the page and not it’s content. I understand there’s a shortcode to show/hide content for specific groups. thanks.

  22. Testtng the Groups plugin. Can’t figure out how to give a specific group the rights to view a specific page. So only one group to have access to that very page and for other visitors not accessible. The groups_read_post capability gives all the groups access who have that capability. Cab I narrow that done to just one group?

    1. If you have a look at the Jigoshop or WooCommerce section in the documentation it explains how to do that for a Premium group.

  23. I was finally able to figure out the capabilities, I didn’t get a answer so hopefully you can help me out this time though.

    I have 3 groups w/capabilities assigned lets call them 1, 2, and 3
    I would like anyone that comes to my site to see my retail pricing they do not have to be logged in. I created a group called wholesale (2) but when they are logged in they also see the retail prices (1). They should only at that point see their pricing. Did I do something wrong?

    1. You just got a reply to that, see this comment. If you protect content within a page you just use the shortcodes and limit visibility by group. This is explained in the Shortcodes section of the Groups documentation.

  24. I posted on the support forum for this plugin, but was supposed to post here I guess:

    Basically I’m getting an error at the top of the theme’s settings page. It appears to conflict with Groups. The author of the theme is claiming it’s a problem with Groups, and not the theme:

    Any help would be appreciated.

    1. What error do you get? Can you please post the exact error message, a screenshot would be good as well.

      1. The error is in one of the links I provided, but here’s a screenshot with it:

        1. This is similar to what happens with the Events Manager plugin:

          Are you using Events Manager? Otherwise the theme might be causing the issue.

          1. I’m not sure I’m following, but I assume you’re saying it’s the theme’s fault. I’ll post this info back to the theme’s dev and see if we get anywhere.

            1. I took the opportunity to have a look at that and make the code in Groups more flexible so that it isn’t affected. Preparing the release right now, once you update that issue’s gone.

          2. Awesome. Thank you! I’ll look for the update to land.

            1. It’s just been released 🙂

          3. Excellent. Thank you! That fixed it.

  25. Hello, it looks like your plugin Groups is not compatible with the newest version of WordPress Version 3.5. When do you plan on updating the plugin?


    1. Thanks Cedric, it’s just been updated: version 1.3.4 is compatible with WordPress 3.5.

      1. Kento, any updates that might conflict with my add on? IE the shortcode file?

        1. No problems as far as I can tell.

      2. Perfect. Thanks!

  26. Just a FYI, I just updated a development installation to WP3.5 and tried the latest groups plugin on it and had some errors.

    1. Thanks for mentioning it, an update has just been released for that.

      1. Thanks! I’ll check it out soon in 3.5. Reverted back to 3.4.2 just to keep it working for a mockup.


  27. Hi I’m have a bit of a problem assigning capabilities. I have 4 groups I need to assign to my website they are different customer levels retail, wholesale, etc. I do not want my customers to be able to see the pricing structure for the other groups. How do I do that? Sorry I have not been successful in my fumbling around thought I’d ask for professional help. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    1. You grant exclusive access by assigning a separate capability for each group. Group A gets capability X, Group B gets capability Y, etc. and in Groups > Options you enable these for access restriction if you want to protect individual posts.

  28. What I was doing wrong was using relative paths in the head to call my styleshees and js files. This plugin needs absolute paths for some reason. Seems to work now.

  29. Hi. I’m not quite sure how to ask for support so I’m posting here and here. I don’t mean to be annoying so pls only respond where you like.

    I’ve successfully allowed access to a url with the Groups plugin. The page loads for a member of that group but none of the associated files (CSS, .js, etc.) are loading on that page. Not sure what I did wrong.

    The page uses a custom page template and loads well for my admin account but not for a group memeber’s admin account.

    Thank you.

  30. I have a blog that is used for education and there are posts I want to assign for view and making comments to GROUP1 and other posts I want to assign to GROUP2. Neighter group should be able to see or access the posts from the other group. So that the blog home page only shows a list of posts that particular group has access too.

    Is that possible with your plugin. If so I am having a challenge warping my head around just how to accomplish that. Please help!

    1. Create a capability for each, assign the capability to its corresponding group, enable the capabilities for access restriction in Groups’ options and check the capability on the posts you want to restrict access to.

  31. Hi

    I can’t make “the content visibility for members and non-members” work. Nothing shows up. To be absolutely sure, I’ve even used your example ([groups_member group=”Registered”] etc).

    Using WP 3.4.2.

    1. You seem to be using the wrong kind of double quotes: instead of , you must use ".

      1. The power of copy-paste … Solved the problem, thanks.

  32. I’m having trouble getting your shortcode to print in my comments section. I want it to show the commenter’s group name, but it’s not showing the group. Everything else is working. Here is my code from the site:

    $role = ( isset( $roles[$user_id] ) ? $roles[$user_id] : ” );

     redeemed special from

    1. Can you please use pastebin to post the code – the comment filter ate up part of what you posted.

      1. Thank you for the reply. Here is the pastebin url:

        Hopefully I did postebin correct. I’ve never used it before

  33. Hi – is there a way to limit simultaneous logins with the same password/username? If not, is there a plugin you can recommend that could work with this one? Many thanks

    1. Give the plugin directory a try simultaneous logins 😉

  34. Estella Vidal Avatar
    Estella Vidal

    is there any shortcode to display the “User Name” and “Email” from members?

    1. I made a plugin extension to groups (based off of Kento’s shortcode file) that allows you to do this. Its not the best solution, but if your familiar with php at all you should be able to modify it and make use of it:

      1. Thank you so much for sharing your work on this Casey, I’ve wanted to reply earlier but haven’t had a chance to decently say thank you. So I’m doing it now 🙂 Your plugin looks good from what I can say BTW 😉

        1. Thanks Kento. I figured I put in the time and others would probably find it useful, so why not share it as you have done. I appreciate good developments like this that make my life easier. The second version I included below is probably a bit more useful as you can then use the shortcode without using php:.

          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”users”]
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”usersfull”]
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”usersemails”]
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”usersfirst”]
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”userslast”]
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”userstitle”]
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”count”]

      2. Also keep in mind the shortcode spits out a long string separated by semi-colons so in order to get it to display correctly you will have to modify my method in the shortcode, or you can use the provided “extendgrouptest.php” file. You could modify lines 24-32 to add on a and element to make it a bulleted list pretty easily. I had very specific intentions with the way I used it to create a dropdown checkbox form, so you may need to hack it to get it to work the way you want… in fact, while writing this I prepared a different version that will probably fit most people’s needs better. It’s located at:

        1. Well, since I made some updates, I better tell her what all this does:
          The extend plugin will pull from the specified group in the shortcode, and it wraps the list in an html unordered list with list items.

          The shortcodes are as follows:

          Pulls from user_login:
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”users”]

          Full name:
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”usersfull”]

          Users email:
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”usersemails”]

          Users Full name and Email (with mailto link):
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”usersfullandemail”]

          Users First Name
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”usersfirst”]

          Users Last Name
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”userslast”]

          Users Display Name
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”userstitle”] (display name)

          Total users in a group:
          [groups_group_userdetails group=”registered” show=”count”]

          1. Estella Vidal Avatar
            Estella Vidal

            Amazing! thank you very much @caseyctg!

            What about shortcodes to display the user name and email for single/login member @kento?

        2. Thanks a lot, helped me a great deal.
          “But”….. had some trouble with the code.
          In line 122, column 83 there was a ” missing. In case it can help others……..
          Correct line:

          $output.= ”.$FullName.’ – user_email.’”>’.$user->user_email.’‘;


          1. Hi Miakel,
            the comment system filters the code. Please use gist to share the code, and tell us the file name.
            Antonio B.

  35. I’m building a site where a group is associated with a blog post. Memers can subscribe to multiple groups… which will give them access to those corresponding blog posts.

    I want to set up a “My Account” page where members can see which groups (blog posts) they are subscribed to and then click on the group name which leads them to the associated blog post. Is there a shortcode that I can drop into the “My Account Page” to accomplish this?

    1. You would have to code that: Take a group, check its capabilities, see which of them are used for restricting access to posts (or other content types, filter by type if necessary), then obtain those posts that are restricted by these capabilities – see Groups_Post_Access::get_read_post_capabilities( $post_id ) to see which post meta is used. Then echo out a link to the related post(s).

      1. Thanks for the update kento.

        Unfortunately, I’m not a coder, and it sounds like a 3 to 4 step process for every new post/group I add… so I’m wondering… Does the new “Subscriptions” extension for Jigoshop automate any of this?

        In your opinion… do you recommend I continue down this path… or is this project better suited to a membership plugin that has pay per post and a “My Account” page that will output the desired user view?

        Thanks again for your help.

  36. Never mind about the logout redirect. I found a nice little plugin here.

    1. Wouldn’t Peter’s Login Redirect have done the job for you? It’s listed in the Useful Plugins section and I’ve mentioned it a million times in comments 😉

  37. I offer 4 services for my business: PPC Advertising, Local Business Optimization (LBO), Web Development, and Product Photography. Some clients purchase more than one service. For example, most clients who purchase a website also do LBO and/or Photography.

    The reason I created subdomains for each service is because I’m building a dashboard for each one for clients to keep track of the progress, get the right support, and so on. So I needed a way for clients to only have access to their purchased service(s).

    So I created another subdomain, called “Launchpad” ( This subdomain only has 4 links, one for each service. Similar to the Basecamp launchpad ( On the Launchpad I placed a WordPress login form inside a [groups_non_member] shortcode. I also place links for each subdomain (PPC, LBO, Web Dev & Photography) within a [groups_member] shortcode, but for each link I define their respective group:

    [groups_member group="AdWords Client"]link[/groups_member]
    [groups_member group="LBO Client"]link[/groups_member]
    [groups_member group="Website Client"]link[/groups_member]
    [groups_member group="Photography Client"]link[/groups_member]

    So, when a client goes to the launchpad, they login and are redirected to the same page which now shows only the links to the subdomains which they purchased a service for.

    Now I only have 1 problem: How to redirected them back to the Launchpad after logging out.

    If anybody knows how to do this, please share. 🙂

  38. Hello,

    I apologize if this question has already been answered…

    I have a multisite with 4 subdomains and a master domain:

    I’m trying to restrict access to specific subdomains based on groups. for example, ‘Group1’ should only have viewing/login access to ‘’ and not be able to view other subdomains. I would also like to redirect them to a specific page if they’re trying to access a subdomain they don’t have permission for.

    Also, do I need to create only the group that should have access to that particular subdomain? For example, I only create ‘Group1’ on ‘’, ‘Group2′ on’, etc. I assume I would need to create all ‘Groups’ on the master website ( as well?

    Thank you in advance for your help!


    1. UPDATE:

      I think I found the answers to most of my questions. 🙂

      I would still like to know if it’s possible to restrict someone from reaching an entire subdomain. Even if it’s just a 404.

    2. Hi Kevin,
      It would be interesting to know what approach you are using to this. Would you mind explaining briefly how you have solved it? Could be of help for others …
      To restrict access to a whole subdomain, the first thing I can think of (not necessarily the best solution): you could use the API to test whether a visitor is a member of a group that is allowed to access the subdomain before the pages for that subsite are rendered, and if not, throw the 404 …

  39. Jonna Tärneberg Avatar
    Jonna Tärneberg


    Question: If a page has a restriction for only a group and the page is published. How do I make the page visible to all in the frontend? For example in the menu?
    The pages should still be restricted in the admin backend but once a user/author press the publish-button then it should be visible to all in the frontend.

    Thank you for a great plugin!

    1. Hi Jonna, you can place a custom link to the page under Appearance > Menus.

      1. Jonna Tärneberg Avatar
        Jonna Tärneberg

        Hi again!
        Thanks for the replay. I tried that but I get a 404 error when I’m logged out and trying to view the page. What is it that I’m doing wrong? Is there any check in your plugin in the frontend when viewing pages?

        I have one custom restriction added to the page.

        Another question. Can the Access metabox on posts/pages only be showed to administrators? Is this something you set in your plugin?

  40. I think I understand, but where would that code be inserted?

    1. On any template page, you have a line of php that is either the_excerpt() or the_content() in a wordpress loop. You can wrap that tag with what I posted like above and then include your featured image code outside of that. That way the content of the post is only seen by the group you specify, but the image can be seen by anyone as it’s outside of that tag.

  41. How can I use Groups to restrict post access on a subscription membership site, but still have the featured images from the restricted posts show up to non-members on my homepage? Thanks!

    1. Couldn’t you wrap the template content and leave the featured image unwrapped?

      ID ) ): ?>
      ID ), ‘single-post-thumbnail’ ); ?>
      <a href="” title=””><img src="”>

      <a href="” title=””>

      1. do_shortcode(‘ [groups_member group="Registered"]‘);

  42. “The next release of Groups WooCommerce will have an option to limit membership to a certain amount of time”

    That is exactly what we need… looking forward to the next release 🙂

  43. Hello I`m looking to use this Groups Plugin from here and see that the info says


    Groups File Access Groups File Access is an extension that allows to provide file download links for authorized users. Access to files is restricted to users by their group membership.
    Groups Notifications Adds customizable notifications for events related to Groups.
    Groups PayPal Groups for PayPal allows to sell memberships and subscriptions with Groups.
    Groups WooCommerce Groups for WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that allows you to sell memberships.

    So what I would like to know is I see I should use the Groups File Access and the Groups Notifications but what should I use the….Groups PayPal or Groups WooCommerce what would be better and ease on me and members..

    And Now I have 1 more ?….I was looking at the Groups for WooCommerce and thay say Groups is a free plugin for managing memberships yes ok but I would have to get the WooCommerce Subscriptions and the Groups Integration for WooCommerce…

    So please help me deside on what would be the better choice for long term use I have WooCommerce setup and working now….So I was just saking for any info or any one have worked with them both and can tell me anything good or bad……Thank you everyone…

    1. You can use Groups PayPal if you want to have a simple and quick solution to offering paid membership subscriptions, if you want to take advantage of a full store then Groups WooCommerce would be appropriate. For paid memberships, Groups PayPal supports one-time payments as well as subscriptions, Groups WooCommerce supports one-time payments but if you want to handle subscriptions you also need the Subscriptions extension for WooCommerce. The next release of Groups WooCommerce will have an option to limit membership to a certain amount of time, with that you will have an intermediate solution between one-time payments and subscriptions for paid memberships.

  44. Hi,

    Is there a way to hide posts titles in the recent comments box where a user doesn’t have the right to read the post itself?


    1. Actually the widget needs to respect the access rights for the comment to not show up (and I confess, my Decent Comments plugin doesn’t do it just as the default Recent Comments widget) – but it shouldn’t be too hard to derive a thing that does.

      1. I’m happy to do it, however I would need some hint where to start. To be frankly, I tried to figure out what’s need to be done, without any success.


        1. I would start deriving a widget from the one that comes closest to what you want to display, put it in a plugin or in your theme and use Groups_Post_Access::user_can_read_post( $post_id, $user_id = null ) to check if the current user has access to a given post. Pretty simple actually if you wrap that in an if clause 🙂

          1. Sure would be nice if this worked “properly” out of the box. I enclose “properly” in quotes, because, like all things… this is subjective. It’s possible ones desires the post title be displayed within comments as a “teaser” in certain cases, perhaps.

            I wonder… if there exists a filter/hook mechanism into the standard WordPress comments display, that would alter the parsing mechanism that identifies comments to include in lists of comments and therefore pages returned.

            For instance, a block that could be added to ones functions.php to adapt native WordPress comments/posts parsing to respect Groups’ designations.

            This would alleviate having to write, and maintain, new widgets, plugins, etc. … and instead, take advantage of what in standard in WordPress through slight tweaking with through common tactics.


            1. The Codex offers Comment, Trackback, and Ping Filters, certainly worth a look.

  45. Hi Kento,

    I get these errors displayed on the website relating issue Groups Capabilities not been added to Groups:

    Notice: Undefined property: WP_Query::$post in /usr/home/ on line 2986

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /usr/home/ on line 3349

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /usr/home/ on line 3351

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /usr/home/ on line 3353

    I hope it helps


  46. Hi,

    I’ve been using this plugin together with Woocommerce, Groups for Woocommerce and Events Manager plugin.

    I’m trying to set 2 groups capability to one events post but everytime I saved the post, the selected capability does not seems to being saved, even if you have saved 1 group capability before, it seems the save only removes any groups capabilities attached to that post. It won’t happen if I set only 1 capability to the post, but when selecting more then 1, then the problem occurred.

    1. Just to add that any help would be appreciated.

      Thanks. 🙂

    2. Hi Khairi,

      Here’s what I found out:

      When you try to restrict access by checking the boxes, Groups verifies (*) that you actually are allowed to do that using the current_user_can(...) function provided by WordPress. The execution flow of that function results in the map_meta_cap filter being triggered via WP_User‘s has_cap( $cap ) which invokes the map_meta_cap(...) function defined in capabilities.php.

      (*) The call through Groups_Access_Meta_Boxes::save_post(...) results in two parameters being passed to map_meta_cap(...), 'edit_event' and the current user’s ID. The third parameter that em_map_meta_cap(...) expects to be there isn’t, because it’s not about the post but just about the user.

      Events Manager hooks itself into the map_meta_cap filter and erroneously returns an empty array of capabilities for a user who tries to edit an event when the call happens in Groups_Access_Meta_Boxes::save_post(...).

      This notice is thrown out:

      Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/wptest/wp-content/plugins/events-manager/em-posts.php on line 318

      because $post_type on that call is missing the property cap.

      Summing it up, unless Event Manager restricts what it does to only when it should apply its logic in its em_map_meta_cap(...), this is going to fail.

      If I’m dead wrong in any of the above, anyone feel free to correct me, otherwise it might be a good idea for Events Manager’s developers to try to solve this.

      1. Hey Kento, Marcus here, EM dev.

        I’ll need to test out your plugin to verify this for sure (some time will be needed for this), but looking at a simple example –

        you’ll see that the $post_type, which is what I’m retreiving from $args, should be available to me.

        are you sure its not something on your side? if you have any ideas in the meantime that’d be great.

        may be worth commenting here, to keep things in one place 🙂

        1. Hi Marcus,
          Yes please have a look as well, what I would propose is to apply this patch which adds a simple check in function em_map_meta_cap(...) to see if the argument you need is actually there – if it isn’t, then the logic for each of the cases treated in that function wouldn’t apply and it would leave the original $caps intact.
          Let me know either here or on that support topic please, I’ll keep an eye on both 😉

          1. thx, answered you there 🙂

  47. Akmal Izzat Avatar
    Akmal Izzat

    Man I really hope you can restrict categories too… especially when added to the Menus..

    And it will be much easier and cooler if you can add a menu like what Membership does

    I’m not promoting it, I just wanted to tell you that their Membership menu is very cool. Just drag and drop and you’re done. But too bad it doesn’t integrate with WooCommerce. And the fact that I have to pay for more than 2 groups is just unbelievable..

    Luckily I found you =D And I hope this plugin will become easier to use and better than ever..

    1. Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll have a look and consider these. I can see it would be quite useful to be able to restrict for example all posts in a category instead of having to go into every post in that category and restrict it. I’m not sure if something like that should be in Groups’ core though, more opinions on this would be welcome.

      1. Akmal Izzat Avatar
        Akmal Izzat

        I see. So is there a way for me to restrict categories to certain groups using this plugin?

        1. Technically you wouldn’t really restrict a category to groups but rather restrict access to its posts based on capabilities, that’s why I mentioned that you would have to go into every post that belongs to a category – a feature that would allow you to restrict posts that belong to a category would then do that automatically.

          1. Akmal Izzat Avatar
            Akmal Izzat

            hahah I see. I already did that and it’s quite tiring =D anyway thanks man.. luckily I didn’t have that many posts to restrict..

        2. Akmal Izzat Avatar
          Akmal Izzat

          oops nevermind.. i think i just repeated my question again lol, please delete…

          1. I think it would be really great if you added that feature. It would make it much easier to restrict lots of posts to a certain group. I also think an option for all sub-pages of a protected page to automatically be restricted to the setting of the parent page, would also be awesome. Then if you had a restricted “section” of your site, you don’t have to remember to restrict each page, just create sub-pages of the main restricted page.

            1. Makes sense. Technically it would be restricting access to posts by taxonomy term – for example a certain category. I’m considering the option even more now, still not sure if it should go into the core but at least to have the option to do it seems pretty useful.

          2. Well if it’s up for discussion at all, I’d love to see it in available in the plugin core. I think it’s a logical function, especially for the use case of having menu items which link to categories that show or hide based on groups allowed to view that category.

            Right now I’m having to code this manually after discovering it didn’t already do this. I assumed it was an available feature when choosing groups.

            ** No complaining at all! Thanks for the plugin! Just giving you an example.

            1. Many thanks for your feedback on that Austin, I really appreciate it.

              I’m still not sure if putting it in the core would be a good option or not – mainly because I haven’t had a chance to code and test it. In my opinion, it depends on the performance impact that would have and I’d have to test that before taking the decision.

              Would you mind sharing how you are coding it right now?

  48. Does Groups have facilities and capabilities to do global “private site” type settings?

    For example, does/will Groups protect RSS feeds, requiring Group access to read feeds?

    In summary, I’d like to be positioned to protect all available content through the various methods WordPress, default, allows and leaks, such as RSS, etc.

    Thanks; various frameworks and add-ons looking great!

    1. Yes entries in feeds are protected based on the access restrictions set for entries, e.g. if a post is protected it will only show up in the feed if the viewer is logged in and has access.

  49. Hi There,

    Is there currently anyway to list the members of a specific group? For example, I would want to show a simple list of all the members in the registered group.


    1. Scott, I did this by revising the shortcodes php file within “lib/views/class-groups-shortcodes.php.”

      on line 96 you will see a case called “users”. By default, this gives you the user’s login and I noticed it uses the same parameters as the builtin wordpress function “get_users()”

      [groups_group_info group="registered" show="users"]

      SO what I did is I modified the shortcode class by copying and pasting that section. I added my own shortcodes for each user parameter. You can download my updated shortcode class if you want.

      and then within php, I make the calls like so:


      $users = do_shortcode('[groups_group_info group="'.$usergroup.'" show="users"]');
      $group = do_shortcode('[groups_group_info group="'.$usergroup.'" show="usersfull"]');
      $groupemails = do_shortcode('[groups_group_info group="'.$usergroup.'" show="usersemails"]');
      $groupfirst = do_shortcode('[groups_group_info group="'.$usergroup.'" show="usersfirst"]');
      $grouplast = do_shortcode('[groups_group_info group="'.$usergroup.'" show="userslast"]');
      $grouptitle = do_shortcode('[groups_group_info group="'.$usergroup.'" show="userstitle"]');
      $countusers = do_shortcode('[groups_group_info group="'.$usergroup.'" show="count"]');

      $groupuser = explode(";", $group);
      $groupuseremails = explode(";", $groupemails);
      $groupuserfirst = explode(";", $groupfirst);
      $groupuserlast = explode(";", $grouplast);
      $groupusertitle = explode(";", $grouptitle);

      for ($i = 0; $i

      The bummer is if you update the plugin it breaks the functionality as the shortcode doc gets replaced.

    2. See also @casey’s previous comment and better pack it into its own plugin to avoid hacking the plugin’s core.

      1. Kento, I’m really loving your plugin. Great work. I did as you suggested and I’ve created a plugin that can be used to extend groups in the manner I listed above.
        I included usage in the readme.txt file and also provided a php example. It’s not the most sophisticated approach, but it works well.
        This will keep updates to the group plugin from affecting the code I made. Thanks for the suggestion, that will make life much easier.

  50. Hi Kento,
    your plugin has too much…( its a compliment) really good plugin.
    if this is my requirement, what i need to do.

    1. i want to create a member’s only website, its based on templatic WPSHOP theme + woo commerce + Groups plugin.

    2. it means, i want only registered member’s (member’s must be approved by me) to access my whole website

    3. once the registered users login, i have final products and designs
    i want general buyers to see the final products, resellers to see both the final products and designs


    1. Thanks kar 🙂 You can assign capability X to control access to products and capability Y to designs. Use one group for resellers and assign capabilities X and Y to their group, use another group for buyers and only assign capability X to that group.

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