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Groups is designed as an efficient, powerful and flexible solution for group-oriented memberships and content access control.
It provides group-based user membership management, group-based capabilities and access control for content, built on solid principles.
Groups is light-weight and offers an easy user interface, while it acts as a framework and integrates standard WordPress capabilities and application-specific capabilities along with an extensive API.
Enhanced functionality is available via Official Extensions for Groups.
Groups is a WordPress plugin that provides group-based user membership management, group-based capabilities and content access control. It integrates standard WordPress capabilities and application-specific capabilities along with an extensive API.
The official documentation is located at the Groups Documentation pages.
User groups
- Supports an unlimited number of groups
- Provides a Registered group which is automatically maintained
- Users can be assigned to any group
- Users are added automatically to the Registered group
Groups hierarchy
- Supports group hierarchies with capability inheritance
Group capabilities
- Integrates standard WordPress capabilities which can be assigned to groups and users
- Supports custom capabilities: allows to define new capabilities for usage in plugins and web applications
- Users inherit capabilities of the groups they belong to
- Groups inherit capabilities of their parent groups
Access control
Access to posts, pages and custom post types can be restricted by group.
If access to a post is restricted to one or more groups, only users who belong to one of those groups may view the post.
Fully supports custom post types, so that access to post types such as products or events can easily be restricted.
- Built-in access control that allows to restrict access to posts, pages and custom content types to specific groups and users only
- Control access to content by groups: shortcodes allow to control who can access content on posts, show parts to members of certain groups or to those who are not members –
Shortcodes: , - Control access to content by capabilities: show (or do not show) content to users who have certain capabilities –
Shortcodes: , - Blocks: The Groups Member block allows to restrict the visibility of its content to members of selected groups.
The Groups Non-Member block hides its content from members of chosen groups.
The blocks can be nested to provide multiple layers of access control to content.
Easy user interface
- Integrates nicely with the standard WordPress Users menu
- Provides an intuitive Groups menu
- Conceptually clean views showing the essentials
- Quick filters
- Bulk-actions where needed, for example apply capabilities to groups, bulk-add users to groups, bulk-remove users from groups
Sensible options
- Enable access restrictions by custom post type
- An optional tree view for groups can be shown when desired
- Provides its own set of permissions
- Administrator overrides for tests
- Cleans up after testing with a “delete all plugin data” option
- Groups is designed based on a solid and sound data-model with a complete API that allows developers to create group-oriented web applications and plugins
- All features are supported independently for each blog in multisite installations
Enhanced functionality is available via official Extensions for Groups.
Groups is a large project that is providing essential functionality to tens of thousands of sites since 2012. By getting an official extension, you help fund the work that is necessary to maintain and improve Groups.
- Groups WooCommerce : Sell Memberships with Groups and WooCommerce – the best Group Membership and Access Control solution for WordPress and WooCommerce.
- WooCommerce Product Search is the essential extension for every WooCommerce store. It provides the best Search Engine and Search Experience for WooCommerce and is compatible with Groups and its access restrictions on products.
- WooCommerce Group Coupons : Automatically apply and restrict coupon validity for user groups. Offer exclusive, automatic and targeted discounts for your customers.
- Groups Drip Content : Release content on a schedule. Content dripping can be based on user account creation, group memberships and specific dates and times.
- Groups File Access : Allows to provide file download links for authorized users. Access to files is restricted to users by their group membership.
- Groups Restrict Categories : Features access restrictions for categories, tags and other WordPress taxonomies, including support for custom post types and taxonomies.
- Groups Forums : A powerful and yet light-weight forum system for WordPress sites.
- Groups Import Export : Provides import and export facilities around users and groups.
- Groups Newsletters : Newsletter Campaigns for Subscribers and Groups, also integrates with WooCommerce.
- Groups Gravity Forms allows to add users to groups automatically, based on form submissions.
- Widgets Control Pro : An advanced Widget toolbox that adds visibility management and helps to control where widgets are shown efficiently.
Get involved
You & Groups
Beta-testers and developers who need to integrate group-based features in their plugins and web applications: please use it and provide your feedback.
Feedback is welcome!
If you need help, have problems, want to leave feedback or want to provide constructive criticism, please leave a comment below.
Please try to solve problems there before you rate this plugin or say it doesn’t work. There goes a lot of work into providing you with free quality plugins! Please appreciate that and help with your feedback. Thanks!
Stay informed or contribute
Follow @itthinx (or on Reddit, Mastodon, … ) for news related to Groups and other plugins.
Get development notifications, contribute code or open issues at the repository on GitHub.
Translations have been contributed by many from the WordPress community, via the GitHub repository Groups, the section for Groups on Translating WordPress or as direct contributions.
Where to get Groups
Groups is free. You can install it directly from your WordPress dashboard or download it from the Groups plugin page and install it manually.
2,702 responses to “Groups”
Hello Kento, sorry to bother you again but I have a small update problem; We bought the Group File Access extension at Codecanyon but we can’t update anymore because it marks that the item has been temporarily removed from Envato Market and we’re stuck at version 1.9.
My question is: Do we have to buy the plugin again directly in your website or can we use the license we have to download the updated version in your website?
Hi Carlos,
Thanks for asking! We have removed it and other tools permanently from the marketplace as explained in make it sustainable. Please review it for details and whether your order via the marketplace is eligible for a refund. I would encourage you to place an order with us directly to gain access to the fully revised version. I belief it’s well worth it and by purchasing it you help us to maintain it.
Is there any way to disable the password reset for a Group? We have multiple members using the same login but when they log into the profile they can rest the password.
Hi Heather,
As passwords are related to user accounts and not groups, this is not possible. I would also advise not to provide shared accounts access but have different users log in using their own individual accounts. You should simply create one account per user and have each of those assigned to the appropriate group.
Hello Guys,
I don’t have an account with itthinx and I’ve been having problems (related to the main wp administrator account) with the groups coupons, the plugin was bought directly in the Woocommerce site but I don’t want to go through Woocommerce support because I’m guessing that you know your plugin best.
If I open a ticket on Woocommerce will they connect me to you guys or do I have to deal with them because we bought the plugin there?Let me know.
Best Regards…Humberto O.
Hi Humberto,
Thanks for using our tools! Please submit your request via where it will reach our support team directly. Just make sure to choose the right extension when you submit the ticket, so it gets to us directly.
Will do.
Thanks Kento!
Hello, I’m looking to update a staging site with its live site inventory. I exported a CSV file of WooCommerce Products and see the column “Meta: groups-read” but each product is only showing one Group id. It should be showing multiple Group ids assigned to each product, as it’s setup in WooCommerce that way. I thought each Group id would automatically be separated by commas in the CSV file when I export. What am I missing?
Hi Rachel,
The meta key you refer to is related to access restrictions imposed on posts (or products in your case). But it seems that you are referring to the group assignments made with Groups WooCommerce, i.e. those used to grant memberships based on product purchases. For those, look for metadata that looks like this in the exported CSV:
Meta: _groups_...
you will see the corresponding group data reflected there and those should be imported on the staging site. If you need further help, please use WooCommerce Support to send a support request and our team will be happy to help you further.Cheers
Hi, I”m currently using Groups but want to switch to the Memberships plugin. Does anyone know what the process is, how complicated etc. The reason I want to switch is becuase I want Teams as well in my plugin stack as well as working with more exclusive content dripping. Hope anyone can help with this as I cant find any documentation anywhere.
Hi Mark, we’ve been in touch via our support area but maybe someone else might have further insights on this … quick info for anyone interested: we’re working on extending Groups to a more fine-grained capability management where things like a group-specific permissions will be possible. E.g. a group manager could add and remove members from a group he controls.
Thanks for using Groups, I hope you like it!
To sell memberships, I would recommend to use the Groups WooCommerce extension. Please make sure to have a look at the Documentation of this extension.
I would also recommend to review the Documentation for Groups itself if you haven’t seen it yet.
Hi, i have downloaded groups and purchased group coupons, I want my customers to see the group they belong in their dashboard on woocommerce. How can it be done ? (I don’t have access to the forum to post this question.)
Hi, for support questions related to the Group Coupons extension please Create a Ticket and the support team will be happy to help you further. Thanks!
Hi, I am pretty new to wordpress. But I need to create groups of users in our web site. Basically I, as admin, want to create two groups of users: IndustryPerson and DataScientist. Using your plugin GROUPS I could create the two groups but I am unable to add users to these two groups. Please tell me how to do it. Thanks in advance!
Hi Manoranjan and welcome to the world of WordPress and Groups 🙂
Check out this page Memberships from the documentation on Groups where you will find out how to add users to their desired groups.
Hi, I would like to use the groups api in a plugin of my own.
I took this from the api examples:
$groups_user = new Groups_User( get_current_user_id() );But all alone it crashes the page. I am certain there is some include statement I am missing. Can you let me know what I need to do in order to make this work?
Hi George,
You’re probably missing
require_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/pluggable.php' );
but hard to say without knowning the error you get on your page.Cheers
Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for. 🙂
Hello antonio,
How do I remove the restriction for the post type archive page? I just want to have restriction for the post type details page only.
Is there any solution for that?
Hey Ganesh,
See for this.
I need to be able to view restricted posts in wordpress custom /feed. When i add a post to a group it won’t show up even if i am logged in with a user that has the correct permissions.
Is there any way to achieve this?– Markus
Hi Markus,
This sounds like an issue with your setup. If you have set access restrictions on a post and the user trying to view it belongs to the correct group, then he should certainly be able to view the post. If that doesn’t happen, I’d guess you have an issue going on that’s not related to Groups. Maybe try enabling debugging and check for any errors in your site’s debug.log.
Make sure you are reviewing the documentation on Groups while you set things up.
Nice job creating this plugin. I was wondering if how can I display all groups in a query excluding Registered group.
Hi, thanks for using it! You might want to have a look at the examples or repositories shown in the API section of the documentation.
Hello Team,
I have learnpress plugin active on my site. On courses page generally there is list of th courses appears. But when I activate the Groups plugin courses page course list become empty. I check the WP debug panel but there is no error showing.
can you help me to solve this issue ?
Hi Ganesh,
I’m not familiar with Learnpress but I have two observations:
1. If your courses disappear and you have not protected them via Groups, there must be something going wrong. Groups won’t interfere unless you ask it to. Maybe you have memory issues or underlying errors that surface when the combination is active together. I don’t know what you mean by “WP debug panel”, make sure to check your debug.log as detailed on
2. If Learnpress does not use custom post types in a standard way, then it won’t be compatible with Groups.Cheers
Hello Kento,
Thank you for replying me.
I mean to say I have already enabled Debug log as below.
define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
define( ‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, true );But I can’t see any single error on the course page. Just see the blank course area.
The Learnpress has following custom post types :
post_type=lp_orderI am not getting why it is blocking the courses page only because course details page working fine. am using this theme : Ganesh,
Ok thanks for that, based on what you have described I think this is what happens:
– Your courses are protected by Groups because you have set restrictions as Posts, Pages and Others.
– The courses do not show up on this page because Groups is effectively hiding them from users who do not have access.So if the above is true, then Groups is doing what it is supposed to do. You would need to structure your page differently, instead of using the protected courses to be listed (which they won’t for those who don’t have access), create e.g. pages that describe them.
Hello Kento,
Thank you for the explaination.I checked by doing the same. So Groups is doing what it is supposed to do is right for the details page for the courses. But For the course listing page why it is not showing list of the course even if we have not restricted any course as of now. This is main concern.
Course listing page is default post type archive page , so not having any option to “Restricts the visibility” for that page.
Hi Ganesh,
Thanks for following up! Yeah that’s weird, if none of the courses is restricted then they should certainly show up there. In that case, the courses not showing up could not be attributed to Groups, it must be something else going on. I’ve just suggested to use a default theme while you try things out in my previous reply, make sure to try that out and see if it makes difference.
Hi there, I’m new to using this plugin and it works great, it is really what I’m looking for, and that I’m very thankful for. I just wanted to confirm, I currently have multisite, and does it create a table for the groups whenever I create a new site? Cause I checked the database and it does not. Is there any setting that would create the table whenever I create a new site?
Thanks!Hi Mary,
Nice to hear that you like it, thanks for using our software!
The tables should well be created if the plugin is enabled on all sites of the network. If you have it set to enable it individually, then those would only be created once activated for each site.
Hello kento,
I have checked the setring as per your suggestions.
So if I checked the slection as post type “lp_course” here so It is not allowing me to open the details page without login which is as per fucntionality.
But why it is not allow me to open the post type listing page here. : can give you admin access of the website if you shared the email address with me?
Hi Ganesh,
When you enable access restrictions for a post type, that doesn’t mean that all posts will automatically be restricted. It simply means that you will be able to restrict posts of that type using Groups.
Regarding the courses page you mention, I can access the page, it’s just not showing any courses; also trying to view post of lp_course shows none – maybe it’s a theme issue? I would try to switch to a standard theme like Twenty Twenty and see if that makes a difference.
Thanks for offering access but that goes beyond what we can do within our support for free tools. Happy to help you further here, though.
My users in groups are not synchronized. I have 2 sites (domain and subdomain) on a multisite. Users on the sites are general. But when I add a user to a group on one site, nothing happens on the second.
I see in the database there are two tables for these sites:
What can I do to keep users and groups in sync across different sites?*MULTISITE
All features are supported independently for each blog in multisite installationsHi Roman,
There is one approach provided in and another would be to use the groups_get_table_prefix filter and have it return the table prefix of the main site.
Could you tell us more about the groups_get_table_prefix?
$prefix = apply_filters( 'groups_get_table_prefix', $wpdb->prefix );
You can filter this using the wp-config.php defined prefix:
.That way, all queries to Groups’ tables are done to the those of the main site.
I have used Groups on another site and think it’s a great plugin. On a new site, I am using the Groups Tab Pro plugin (by BuddyDev) and it’s working great.’m hoping to restrict access to pages using Groups (By itthinx). As soon as I installed the Groups plugin to restrict access to pages it also hides the content of all added tabs.
Looks like there’s a conflict between these two plugins. I was hoping to really use Groups since it’s lightweight and seems like a very stable plugin. Any idea what the problem is?
These are my active plugins:’m able to add a new tab using Groups Tab Pro plugin : soon as I install and activate Groups plugin, any custom tab content I added disappears: seems that Groups is restricting custom group tabs from being displayed 🙁
Oh I forgot to mention. Groups Tab Pro is a plugin for adding custom tabs/pages to BuddyPress groups. You can add new tabs and also content for those tabs. The tabs are not hidden with this problem. Only the content of the tabs.
Hi Robert,
In general our Groups plugin is able to restrict content or post types as long as these post types are enabled under its options( Groups > Options ), which as you already know is not related to BuddyPress Groups.
From the description of Groups Tab Pro plugin I’m not sure whether the tabs and the tab content is a new post type or part of an existing one and since this is a premium addon, IMO it would be better if you contact their support with your findings. For this purpose it might also be useful to enable WP Debugging in case there are additional hints/issues logged when you use both addons on your installation.Kind regards,
JFYI, I’m getting the warning message:
Warning: The magic method Groups_Options::__wakeup() must have public visibility in E:\xampp\htdocs\wp-content\plugins\groups\lib\core\class-groups-options.php on line 60
It happens in XAMPP Version 8.0.2 which uses PHP 8.02.
Hi Tom, thanks for reporting this. Looks like we need to update some of our code here to avoid those warnings. Taking note for the next release of Groups which should be out soon. Cheers!
Hey Kento
Love this plugin man hope your good.
I’m trying to delete a group programmatically using Groups_Group::delete( $groupidnumber ); But its not working. I have confirmed that $groupidnumber is created and the same datatype(bigint). Please help
Hi Peter, thanks for the nice feedback, much appreciated!
For the issue you have trying to delete a group, as long as the group ID is really correct, I don’t see why it shouldn’t work for you. You might want to check if Groups_Group::read( $group_id ) will return the group for you or not in your tests, if the group exists and it doesn’t return the corresponding group, then it might be related to caching?
Thanks for a great plugin.
I have a question that I hope you can answer. I am trying to create a group programmatically as a child of an existing group (id 2)The code: Groups_Group::create( array(‘name’=>’test’, ‘parent_id’=> 2 ) ); does not work (however it does without the parent_id)
For some reason it appears that line 291 of class-groups-groups.php ($parent_group_id === $parent_id) always returns false.
Any ideas?
PaulHowdy Paul,
I think this might need to be fixed in Groups’ code, taking note to review and test. Meanwhile, if you pass
'parent_id' => '2'
instead, would that work?Hi Kento, thanks for the reply. I tested both a string and integer and neither worked.
I coded a workaround for now and it’s working fine for my needs.
Thanks again!
PaulHi Paul, great that you found a solution, thanks for following up!
Hi There –
I’ve started to use read access to restrict who can purchase products on a WooCommerce site. However, it is also hiding the product page from Google etc. I’m wondering if there is a way to restrict purchasing ability rather than full read access.
JesseHi Jesse,
You could customize your product templates to hide the “Add to Cart” button or use filters that allow to do that. If you search the web for “woocommerce hide add to cart” you will find which filter hooks to use for that or how to customize the templates accordingly. You can use Groups’ API to check whether the button should be shown or not there is a link on that page to an example based on the Twenty Twenty theme.
So with an approach based on templates or filters, you would not need to restrict the products themselves. Drawback is you would have to code in which specific group members should be allowed to view which products.
Can members of my site create their own groups?
Hi Mel, not yet, but we are working on features like that.
Are any of the Groups extensions available on
Hi Jane, whether you can install or not additional plugins depends on the plan you choose for your hosted site. Currently, this would require the Business or eCommerce plans. See
Hi, I have been trying to get support on the wordpress forum for your plugin but I am not getting a response, hopefully someone can help me on here..
I am using the groups plugin for a few things on my woocommerce website which is working great, however Groups has stopped by wp cron from running. Is there anything you can do to help me get this resolved?
I truly appreciate any help anyone can offer me
Many thanks, looking forward to your reply and supportHi Kelly,
> however Groups has stopped by wp cron from running
I guess there’s a typo and you assume that the plugin is interfering with your cron. It doesn’t. I would recommend to enable debugging and check your debug.log for possible errors. Groups doesn’t interfere with WordPress’ cron, so you should be looking for other possible causes.
Hi, thanks for your reply. OK that’s odd, my host said the only details on the server logs was related to the groups plugin, I will go back to them and look for further help. Appreciate your support
Hey! I have been having this issue for a few weeks and have installed the most recent update. I cannot create new users because the password button will not open. If I don’t click the password button and just try to create a user it gives and error and states I need to set a password. I have tried multiple browsers. Please help!
Hi Joanna,
The issue you have is not related to Groups. I guess that this is created by some other plugin you have, try checking the browser console errors to see to which it might be related.
I want to protect a page and all its subpages without having to individually go in and set the permissions on every single sub page when I create it.
Page A —> only “New Customers” can see it
Page A 1 —-> All these child pages inherit Page A’s security
Page A 2
Page A 3What this allows me to do is create new stuff under page A and know that it is secure in the same way as Page A.
Is this something I can do with Groups now? Or would I have to write a hook or filter for this?
The hierarchy would not be automatically mapped to the protection imposed by Groups. So if you want to protect all sub-pages, you would have to apply the restrictions to each of them. If you want to make it easier to handle, you could use the Groups Restrict Categories extension and put the parent page and its sub-pages into the same category, while protecting that category. As for automatically restricting all sub-pages of a protected parent page, we’ve decided not do adopt it as a standard because you can find many cases for and against it.
I want to use this plugin with custom content types.
Can I hide the pin of custom content types for especial group in the dashboard so that the user who isn’t in that group can’t post pages for that.
For example, there are 3 groups, “A”, “B” and “C”.
If you are in B.
In the dashboard, you can only see the pin of the custom content types for group B, and can only post for that.By the way, I use “VK All in One Expansion Unit” plugin to create custom content types.
You could set up a group that has the right capabilities to edit the post type for those who should have permission. If you go to Groups > Capabilities and refresh them after your new post type has been set up, you should see related capabilities there. You can then add these to a specific group whose members should be able to work with the post type on the dashboard.
Is there any way to test the website as a member of a specific group (besides creating a dummy account)?
There are some plugins around that let you switch accounts, you might want to try one of them out. I don’t recall a specific one, check out
Thank you for the quick answer (and sorry for replying in the wrong place)
You’re welcome, no problem 🙂
I have uploaded a file, ticked no groups because I want it to available to everyone but it says ‘This file is not available to your user group. Please contact us if you think this might be an error.’ Is this right?
Hi Ruth,
I guess that this question is related to our Groups File Access extension. If yes, you’d need to tick at least the Registered group so that the file is accessible to users with an account. The message you quote must be a customized one, we don’t have that as a default in the extension.
Hi Kento,
Thank you for this amazing plugin! I have what I hope is a quick question. I’m looking to register people to my website with a Contact Form 7 form and I would like to add them to the “Special” group.
I have the following code:
( edited, code shown on )
What code would I need to include here to add them to this group?
Many, many thanks!
Hey Alex, thank you so much for your kind comment! I’ve put the code in pastebin for reference, it’s actually very simple – please have a look at the first example here – you can simply use an API call provided by Groups. Cheers!
Thank you so much, Kento.
I’m a bit of a newbie when it comes to this. I’m wondering how you would add that API call into the code I provided. Is that something you could please add to the code in Pastebin?
I appreciate your help.
Hi Alex,
It’s pretty simple, after
$user_id = wp_insert_user( $userdata );
… you need to add the user to the group:if ( $user_id ) {
if ( $group = Groups_Group::read_by_name( 'Special' ) ) {
Groups_User_Group::create( array( 'user_id' => $user_id, 'group_id' => $group->group_id ) );
Hi Kento,
I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to you. My notification from you went into spam.
I just want to say, “Thank you very much!” I deeply appreciate your support. I can’t wait to try this out!
In lovingkindness,
AlexDear Alex,
Thank you very much for your kind words, it’s a delight to be able to help people who are so appreciative!
Cheers 🙂
Hi Kento,
When I activate the groups plugin my whole website crashes. I get the following error
Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /staging/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/access/class-groups-access-meta-boxes.php on line 301 Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /staging/wp-content/plugins/groups/lib/wp/
Are you still providing updates & support for this plugin? because when I was trying to install the plugin it said “the plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.” but even when I was on the older version of WordPress I was still getting the same error.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Kash,
Thanks for asking! Based on what you explain, your site doesn’t “crash”, it simply notifies you of a deprecated way of doing things in newest versions of PHP – it’s not related to WordPress itself. Of course we maintain Groups and we are releasing updates regularly, you can use it without paying attention to that notice, we’ll of course take care of it soon.
We sell access to educational materials to teachers; the materials are hosted on our website. We are trying to create a group customer flow that works in the following manner:
We have group levels defined as:
Group 1 – between 5 and 39 members, each member pays 60 euros/year as a reocurring charge
Group 2 – between 40 and 74 members, each member pays 48 euros/year as a reocurring charge
Groups 3 – 75 and 350 members, each member pays 36 euros/year as a reocurring chargeWhen a teacher signs up initially, we need a way for them to buy the appropriate level, BUT ALSO a specific number of users within that level, becuase we charge per user/per year. For example, in Group 1, a teacher that buys a group of 5 would pay 60 euros x 5 users = 300 euros, while a different teacher that buys a a group of 10 would pay 60 euros x 10 users = 600 euros a year. Furthermore, when the subscription renews, the teacher needs to have the possibility to add/subtract the number of users for the next year, so they can adjust their costs in relation to the number of students enrolled in their course.
Can the Groups plug in help us with this flow right out of the box? If not, is their a way to do a custom modification that would accomplish this flow?
Hi Jake,
Thanks for explaining your requirements! From what you describe, this would imply that who purchases a group account, would be able to manage the users who have access to the group and its related materials. This would require certain group-management features that are not available with Groups. So to answer your question whether Groups can help with that out of the box … no it can’t. To fulfill these requirements, it would take much more than just a custom modification, as we’re talking about a fine-grained set of access controls based on groups and a considerable effort to build user interfaces on top of those. We are working on related features but I cannot give you an ETA for when those would be available yet. In particular cases that involve considerably sized projects, we do consider involvements if they are in line with our roadmap for Groups.
Hi Kento!
We’re exploring the Groups plugin for our next project. I was thinking if the “Restrict Visibility” of the post can be auto assign if the Author of the post is part of this group?
Example: admin 1 is part of group A and he adds a new post but restricted only for group A. Is this possible that the post is restricted and can’t be seen on the dashboard area by the other author of the other groups?
Hi Kent,
I think for this case it could be useful to handle it with separate groups. Take for example Groups A and B with editors AA and BB in those groups respectively, i.e. AA is in A, BB is in B but AA is not in B and BB is not in group A. When AA restricts a post using group A, BB won’t be able to see it, same thing with BB restricting a post to group B, AA won’t be able to see it, not on the front nor the back end.
Hi Antonio
This is further to your groups and it’s various add-on plugins. Wish you had a LearnDash add-on that could help achieve the below ….
My current setup:
LearnDash + WooCommerce + related learndash and woocommerce 3rd party plugins.
An online learning site using LearnDash and WooCommerce. The functionality of using learndash helps create ‘Groups’ and within each group one can define one or many learndash courses. Also within each group one can define one or many ‘group leaders’. By default learndash has a user role: Group Leader that can view and edit that group’s users (learners >> ‘subscriber role’) course related activities, progress, etc. By default every group leader within that group can view and edit every learner within that group.My requirement:
I’m looking for a solution whereby the ‘group leader’ can only view or edit their own learner within that group. The flow … the learner while purchasing a course will also mention the group leader (at woocommerce product page or checkout page). On successful purchase, the group leader can now see the assigned learner and view / edit.Currently, i can only achieve this by creating separate groups and under each group assign only one unique group leader.
Can your plugins and add-ons or other plugins help me to create this ?
Hi Ketan,
Thank you very much for sharing your detailed ideas around the LMS you are building. The approach you are currently taking and which involves Groups is one that I would also recommend – “…creating separate groups and under each group assign only one unique group leader.”
Of course, this would be easier if we had more fine-grained permissions around who can manage different aspects and actions around groups. As you have outlined, someone like a group leader would have permissions to assign to or remove users from a group. We are working on enhancements related to such features but I cannot give you an estimate of when they could be available. I’d love to have it out already to be honest, I have seen so many cases where it would have made a lot of sense. But it’s an extensive effort which we would certainly want to steer into the right direction so we can provide a solution that will be solid and sustainable in the long run.
Again thanks for your feedback and the suggestions, we certainly welcome those and I again invite everyone to share their ideas, that will help us make it happen eventually.
Thanks for your reply Kento ….
If I may please further share ….. the buddypress and some of it’s add-ons has a similar structure like LearnDash where BuddyPress Groups can be created in a nested flow as well as have user roles like Members (like subscribers), Moderators (something in-between), Managers (like group leaders).
Your plugins are very dynamic and unique. Seamless integrations with WooCommerce, BuddyPress and if you can create a LearnDash add-on by hooking into their user role structure then the flow can be created as follows …..
A visitor purchases a woocommerce product with attributes that link to Itthinx Group which in real terms is a particular LearnDash group leader and further with attributes that link to LearnDash (group or course). This way, it will dynamically hook a learndash group leader into any learndash group / course only for that particular woocommerce product buyer without affecting the core learndash group and its group leaders. For added features / functionality, the Itthinx Group can further tweak capabilities to that Group (group leader).
Thank you very much for the additional details, we will be taking this into account in our ongoing requirements analysis. Cases like these are really very helpful in making our tools versatile. I can honestly say that we really appreciate and listen to the ideas and requirements that our users and customers provide, it’s what helped us make awesome tools over the years and helps drive them further.
Hello. I use an Import / Export tool (WP All Export) and would like to export a report of my customer orders. This works fine. I would like to include the group the customer is assigned to, but am having some troubles locating the relevant data.
It doesn’t appear as an element under our ‘Customer’ options where I find options such as “Customer User ID, Customer Note, Customer Account Email Address, Billing First Name, etc”
I don’t see it in the Custom Fields area, where I have elements from our custom post types and other meta fields. Do you know of a way to achieve this kind of export?
Hi George,
Thanks for using Groups! For this case, please ask the developers to integrate their tool with Groups so that it allows you to recognize which Groups a customer belongs to and includes that data in their export of orders related. I would point them to the Groups documentation where they can find info on the API functions.
On user registration, can I assign users to 2 Groups?
Or even change the name default group?
We have setup a whole lot woo category access using another groups and have just realised our error when importing customers 🙁
Hi Tye,
Yes you can have users assigned to multiple groups, I guess that you would want to use Groups WooCommerce.
Changing the name of a group would not have the effect that you think it would have. You will have to use the appropriate groups assigned to the categories that the users should belong to.
Hi Kent,
I am currently considering Groups plugin.
Please give me some advice if i can set admin to each groups that i created, to restrict the admin only allowed to edit or view the assigned group.
the reason i am asking is that to create a B2B member site, to allow each company admin to have administration role only specific to their employee.
thank you very much in advance.Hi Hiro,
Many thanks for asking. We are currently working on this type of feature, it makes a lot of sense. What you are asking is in line with more detailed group management that we will be offering. I cannot give you an exact ETA on this yet, but we’re working on it.
hi Kento,
thank you very much for your prompt reply.
and understood that that kind of feature is under your list.
awaiting for your announcement of ETA.
Kind Regards,
Hi Kento,
This plugin offers for a group to inherit the capabilities of the parent group. Is it also possible for the child group to have access to all content that is restricted to the parent group?
So for example:
Group A is parent of Group B.
Now I assign a post to Group A. This is now only visible to users with Group A.
Is there a way for Group B people to see the post which is for the parent group the same way it works for capabilities, without also assigning them to Group A?Hi Phillippe,
Yes, give it a try:
– Group: Test
– Group: Subtest
– User A is member of Subtest
– Protect Page X with Test groupUser A has access to Page X when logged in.
Hi Kento!
Awesome plugin!
I’m trying to combine Groups with the use of the plugin called Roles and Permission which basically just adds a company to the created user.
So the company admin creates the users and they are added to that company.
What I would like to do is that when a user is added thru that form then they should inherit the current users groups. I’ve looked at the code but not getting it to work.Another option would be that the “registred” function also adds the current users groups aswell. Or even a trigger of some kind.
Any help is appreciated.
JulianHi Julian,
Many thanks! I think you’re looking for something like this: … “A simple implementation that adds a user to a group based on role, a group named after the role is created automatically if needed.”
Hi Kento!
I’m looking to see if it’s possible to add fields to a Contact Form 7 so a person can be registered (Username field and Password field) and automatically added to a special group (like say ‘newsletter 1’) upon submission.
I have looked everywhere for this possible option but have only found info about Affiliates (which I’m not interested in).
Is this possible? And if so, please show me how to do it.
Thank you!
Hi Alex,
We have an integration with Gravity Forms which you could use, but currently not for Contact Form 7. If you would like to build an integration yourself, I would point you to our repository for the Affiliates integration with Contact Form 7 as you could use it to derive an integration with Groups from it.
Hi Kento,
Just to say thank you for creating this. We appreciate you.
With love from Kenya 🙂
Hi Wabi,
Thank you very much for using Groups and for your kind comment!
Cheers & Happy Week!
I need to recieve days count for ending memberships in shortcode, like [groups_day_count group=”group1″]And task two – how i can create condition about like this – [groups_end_membership days=”10″ group=”group1″]Hi! Your memberships ending in 10 days![/groups_end_membership]
Many thanks for answer 🙂
Hi Anton,
Good question! It’s not possible to show that currently, but certainly something to take into account!
Thanks for answer.
Maybe you can add this feature into next update? 🙂
Or maybe you can write how i can do it with API?
Thanks 🙂
Hi Anton,
Please have a look at the Shortcodes section in the documentation for Groups WooCommerce – it’s not the same but essentially similar. You can derive a customized solution for yourself if you have a look at class-groups-ws-membership-shortcodes.php where you can see how that is implemented.
Hi there.
I’m using this plugin with the Masterstudy LMS plugin which has a frontend course creator.I want to restrict access to my course only to some groups, using the frontend editor.
Actually I have to create a course from the backend, set the Group access, save, go the frontend editor and then create the course.I want to show the Groups settings meta box in the frontend editor, even editing the PHP pages.
Is there something I can do?
I’m reading the code but I’m not finding something useful… thanks!Hi Mario,
I think that would have to be something the developers of the front end editor that you are using should address. They would have to make the meta boxes of the back end editor available on the front end or implement the logic accordingly based on Groups’ API. I would encourage them to consider adding support for Groups in that sense.
Hi, is there any way that this plugin can hide/remove a post completely from the lists/blog page based on the Group access. I don’t mean they are blocked from accessing it I mean the user won’t even see the post in the first place. It seems its difficult to find a plugin that will do this.
Hey there,
Looks like we’ve got what you want here in an example plugin which you can use:
Cool, thanks for getting back. Just wondering is this plugin installed separately to the Groups plugin thru WordPress. Do I manually have to copy the file across or something? Thanks.
Hi there,
That plugin is an extension, you would install it in addition to Groups.
When you visit the repository page, there is a button that says “Clone or download” – use it to download the zip. You will get a file named “”, extract it and rename the folder to groups-sandbox. Zip that and upload it under Plugins > Add New on your WordPress dashboard.
Dear Kento,
we’re using groups to distinguish our users between various organizations and different teams within organizations.
As we’re giving each user a dashboard of their own, we want to display the organization, department and team they’re in. To make things a little fancier, we would like to add the Logo of the company into the display snippet. Can this be done by adding a column to the groups_group data set, where we could upload a png/svg?
If not, do you have any recommendations on how to deal with with this topic?
Thanks alot, Im looking forward to your reply
EdwinHi Edwin,
In your case, I would consider implementing custom templates that retrieve the desired additional info using WordPress’ get_option(). You could also repurpose Groups’ table as you suggest, for example by putting the URL of the group image or the equivalent HTML in the group’s description and then render that in your template. Maybe we should consider adding a more flexible way to relate custom data to groups in the future, but these two approaches don’t require any additions to the existing system and can be implemented easily.
I’m using Group for a community ecommerce site I’m working on.
Is there a way to dynamically display on a page the members of the group with a shortcode?Thank you for the promising plugin
YinonHi Yinon,
Thanks for your question, yes we have a shortcode described here that you could use:
You might want to have a look at the shortcode’s implementation in case you want to customize the output. In that case, you could easily derive a plugin that implements your customized shortcode. For an example that you can also refer to, here is a repository that implements another shortcode
Hi Kento
It works well
Thank youHi Kento
Thank you for your quick response.
It worked indeed but I wander if it is possible to display the names of the users and not the user names, as names are in Hebrew unlike the user names, and it’s more relevant for me. Is it possible to get the names without the bullets as they are displayed now?
Another thing is, I can’t get the “add to group button”. I entered the shortcode [groups_join group="4"]
which is the group ID, I have tried also with the group name (in Hebrew) and also change the group’s name to English and added it to the shortcode and yet no success.
Once it did appear while working on a page, but than I delete it and tried to place it somewhere else, and it wouldn’t show. Any Idea?
Now for the big question, I group each community as a group with the name of that community.
I make a template in Elementor pro to show dynamic content of the relevant community, is there a way to make each group to view only it’s relevant content on the same page, if not what would be the best way to do that?
Thank you
YinonHi Yinon,
You can get the information such as the user’s first name etc. from the user object. If you have a look at the entry “Get all users in a group” here Examples, you can see it’s easy to obtain the users from a group. You can then work with the user objects.
Regarding the issue you seem to have with the shortcode, I would try to edit in plain text mode, issues like that are typically related to wrong syntax being used or produced by advanced editors. Also make sure to check that you are using straight double quotes
and not slanted ones.Now for your last question, I would assume that you can simply use the [groups_member] etc. shortcodes to surround content and place that in the templates. Depending on the group used, you can display alternative content inside the sections that are surrounded.
Hi! Thanks for plugin! I have one question – i use Groups for restrict access to some pages in category, but users, who don’t have access don’t see this pages in lists of category. I want to show them, but if they try to access, they see another page with tariffs. How i can show thats pages in lists? Thanks!
Hi Anton,
Thanks for using the plugin! When they try to access restricted posts, they will be denied access and you could e.g. direct them towards a specific page using and offer a list of the posts they would be able to access.
Hi! Thanks for answer. At this moment i find a answer) But have one more question – i use LearnDash and your plugin for restrict access and see this problem – when i restrict access for quizes everything is OK, i dont see this quiz in course list and learndash dont ask me to check them, but if i want to restrict access for Materials (pages with theory), i have some trouble – i see this in list, but if i click them, i have redirect.
I want to material works how work quiz. Thanks!:)
Hi Anton,
You can restrict access to other post types (which I assume Materials is) also – please have a look here and you might want to review the options to make sure access restrictions are enabled for that post type too.
Hi Kento, firstly I apologise, I love your plugin but I’m dammed if I can see where to post a request for help! I can list names of a group, but I would like to also see their email addresses and, best of all, email them individually or as a group. Can this be done? Thank you. Kelvin
Hi Kelvin,
Looks like you’ve found it 🙂 Thanks for the nice commend on the plugin!
Regarding your question, you have several options:
– Use the filters on top of the Users screen to filter by group and use the standard screen to view the users with their email addresses.
– Come up with your customized shortcode based on
– Use Groups Import Export to export user info and maintain your mailing lists
– Use Groups Newsletters as an alternative way to address your group members via newsletters you can see, there are a few good options which you can use.
Morning Kento,
Firstly, thanks for you prompt reply – I do appreciate good service!
I should explain, I am developing a new website for an organisation of around 600 members. I am on page 2 of Whoopie, a Computer! book, all the other members can’t even find the book on the shelf, you are on page 100 of volume 3!
I want the members to join the organisation, then join an individual group. At that point they need to show on a list of group members for selected others to send newsletters (the group leader for example). This element (being able to send newsletters to group members and individuals) needs to be automated and operable as much as possible from the front end for the reason highlighted above.
I have the Newsletter plugin, which does the job but members have to be manually placed in groups which will be a pain with 600! Will your newsletter addon give me this functionallity? Or is this totally the wrong plugin altogether?
Thanks for reading this and I appreciate your reply.
Kelvin.Hi Kelvin,
Thanks for the additional info, I think the following can help you to implement this at least partially:
> I want the members to join the organisation, then join an individual group.
To allow users to join a group by themselves, you can use the shortcode described here:
> At that point they need to show on a list of group members for selected others to send newsletters (the group leader for example).
I think for that you would need to have some sort of customization done, although I’m not quite certain whether I understand your requirement. If you want to allow some to add other users as subscribers to a newsletter, then that would be the case (i.e. you’d need to customize it).
> This element (being able to send newsletters to group members and individuals) needs to be automated and operable as much as possible from the front end for the reason highlighted above.
If you have a look at you will see that the system provides several means of letting users subscribe to the newsletters. It will then allow you to direct newsletters to specific groups as needed.
I’m not sure if this would meet your exact requirements in how it works, but maybe you can adjust your process to what the tools themselves provide. Otherwise you would be looking at specific customizations being implemented for you, unless of course there is another system that might suite your requirements better.
I hope that helps a bit 🙂
Is it possible to assign different roles to 1 or more groups?
Role “Subscriber” = “Group 1”
Role “Editor” = “Group 1” and “Group 2”
Role “Admin” = “Group 1”, “Group 2 and “Group 3”So each new user with a specific role also gets assign to the pre associated group/groups.
kind regards
TomasHi Tomas,
Roles and groups can’t be related like that but you might be able to craft a customized solution for your requirements based on
Kento, again many thanks!
Since I originally asked the question, I have found your Notifications add-on, which does exactly what I was after.
I then went ahead and bought your newsletter add-on, but I am a bit disapointed…
I cannot see how to design a nice, colourful newsletter. It seems the only editing allowed is via the WP editor, which is a bit ‘clunky’, I want to edit in Elementor to give me options of colour, size and layout of text, inserting pictures, etc..
You must understand, a number of the users will be computer illiterate so although Elementor is a sophisticated program, it is quite easy to understand with a bit of tuition.
Thank in advance for your reply.
KelvinHi there,
Thanks for using it!
I don’t know much about Elementor but we have a section in the documentation about templates which is very useful with examples: that you might be interested in. I guess you should be able to create appropriate templates even with Elementor shortcodes used in those.
Hello I have a dropshipping shop and I work with the Alidropship and Stripe plugin to sell my products, what version of the compatible affiliate plugin can I hang to make it work on my site WITHOUT WOOCOMMERCE SVP?
Hi Lynda,
We don’t have a particular integration for either of those, so if you’re looking for something that works without WooCommerce in that case you wouldn’t be able to use our system.
Hi Folks!
We may use Groups for a project for one of our clients.
Is it possible to allow members to upload and share documents within a group? For example, Group A consists of User1 and User2, both of which will upload pdfs for ONLY each other to see?We look forward to your response
Thanks for asking. We currently provide the Groups File Access premium plugin which allows to restrict access to files that are managed with it. But at the moment, it’s not possible to control who is allowed to upload files to a certain group only, so you would have to manage it specifically. If you want to have a look, the Documentation of the extension provides details.
Thanks for replying Kento. Unfortunately it took too long to get a response and my client asked me to move on.
Will keep it in mind for possible future projects.
Cheers!Thanks Korgster, I appreciate the feedback. Good to know that there is interest for this kind of feature as we are revising the roadmap for Groups and extensions. Cheers!
35 minute response time is too slow? For questions about a free plugin? Wow. Your client’s impatience is so unfortunate.
I would agree but on this occasion it took me a week to reply, easy to miss though 😉
No problems Kento, I understand this can happen sometime.
Hi there, when I assign posts (custom post type) to a specific group, users who are not in the Group can see it and users that aren’t can’t. Any idea why that is happening? Thanks!
Hi Chelsie,
If you get inconsistent results where you have plain visitors seeing content that is intended for group members and vice-versa, that is most certainly due to caching. Make sure that you caching plugin does not serve cached pages to users who are logged in and also clear the cache after changing its settings.
I would also recommend to have a look at this documentation page where you will find details on how access to posts, pages and other custom post types are managed with Groups.
I do not use any caching plugin. What happened is basically 1. We have a Custom Post Type created called Documents 2. We have two groups- one is Registered, and other is Staff. Some documents are given access to only Staff, but Staff can’t see any of them and we do not use caching plugins, so I am not sure how to fix this issue. Can you please help?Hi Chelsie,
The way you have set it up seems right and should really work just fine. We actually have a similar plugin that we use for documentation deployments, Documentation which works just fine with Groups and is using its own custom post type for documents. If it helps, you can compare its implementation with that of your custom post type.
Anyhow, if you have documents protected by a group “Staff”, any user who belongs to that group would have access. Just in case, make sure that you are actually using that group and not a custom role of the same name as that wouldn’t work. You must make sure that those users who should have access do actually belong to the same group that is used to protect the documents.
Everything is set up and should work, but they don’t unfortunately. Is there a way I could get proper support for someone to look into it? If so please lead me to the link, thank you!!
We do provide help for the free Groups plugin here. There are specific support channels for premium extensions but your case is not related to any of those. If you have everything set up correctly and it does not work as expected, then the issue must be related to either of these causes which I would recommend you to verify:
– errors in your custom code (check the logic)
– conflicting plugins (disable them all while you test)
– resources are exhausted (enable debugging and check the debug.log; also check server logs, make sure that PHP memory isn’t exhausted, database usage limits are correct, …)There is no error or inconsistency in Groups itself with regards to what you describe, so you will have to analyze your setup to figure out what’s causing the inconsistencies. If you are interested in hiring us for consulting and help on your project, please see our Contact section to request a quote.
Precisely as the dev posted here, @David,
To be clear, as the dev mentioned, it wasn’t 35 minutes. Had it been 35min, I completely agree with you. However, it was a week.
Hello with affiliate plugin woocommerce light how can i create a second level of commission please?
Hi Lynda,
Thanks for asking, the light version is intended to provide a free and simple alternative. Commission structures beyond the simple general it provides would require one of our premium versions Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise. You will see that they provide a very flexible rates system, I can recommend to have a look at the Rates section of the documentation for Affiliates Pro where you can see details.
Hello, What version exactly can I take to be able to have commissions on my own sales and to be able to have commissions on the sales of my team please which are two different commission rate?
Hi Lynda,
For this case I would recommend to use Affiliates Pro which should be sufficient based on the requirement of different rates for team members.
I use the group plugin on a page that runs with the Divi theme. I use the plugin to lock certain pages to specific groups. I want the option to display a custom unauthorized message when an unauthorized visitor tries to view a locked page. I have tried to use the shortcode [groups_non_member group="premiumgold"]Custom message[groups_non_member group="premiumgold"] to display an unauthorized message, but it does not work. Seems like the shortcodes only work for pages that are not locked directly. But because I use the Divi builder to create content then it does not work for me to use shortcodes to wrap content that should be hidden. So the perfect solution would be that I could continue use the protect functionality directly from the edit page screen, but add a shortcode that display a custom message to all non-group members of a specific group.Hi Andreas,
The shortcode you have indicated is missing a forward slash
in the closing shortcode tag – the correct form is:[groups_non_member group="premiumgold"]Custom message[/groups_non_member group="premiumgold"]
You can in fact combine page-protection with content-protection using the shortcode or Groups’ blocks. You can simply protect the page using one group and protect content inside that page further with the shortcode or the blocks.
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