Groups WooCommerce

Groups WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin that allows to sell memberships with Groups and WooCommerce.

Selling Memberships with Groups and WooCommerce

Groups WooCommerce grants memberships based on products. It automatically assigns a customer to one or more groups based on the products ordered. Memberships can be sold through normal products where membership is granted for an unlimited time through one-time payments, or through subscriptions where the memberships lasts as long as the subscription is active, based on recurring payments and an optional setup fee. If you want to charge a monthly subscription fee, the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin is required, which adds a new subscription product type. Groups WooCommerce controls the memberships for the duration of the subscriptions.

WordPress and Plugin Requirements

To sell memberships with Groups and WooCommerce you need at least WordPress 4.6 and these plugins:

Groups (free) – provides the membership and access control capabilities
WooCommerce (free) – provides the e-commerce system
Groups WooCommerce – allows to sell group memberships through WooCommerce

Optionally, if you want to sell subscriptions with recurring payments, WooCommerce Subscriptions – adds subscription products and recurring payments to WooCommerce.


692 responses to “Groups WooCommerce”

  1. How do I display different top bar menus based on what group you are assigned to. Example: I want my Elements Group to see the Elements Menu and I want the Lightroom Group to see the Lightroom top bar menu

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Jessica,
      you could create only one menu with all items, and customize this plugin to hide items according to the group.
      Antonio B.

  2. Hi kento,

    Maybe off topic? But a feature request for Groups Woo
    I want to offer differential price for different groups
    Group 1 = Registered users – Get normal price
    Group 2 = VIP customers – Get a lower price (keyed in or a procent)
    Any ideas or plans to do this?


    1. Hi Peter,

      Thanks for asking, you can use Group Coupons for that – they have an option to be applied automatically and being based on coupons can be combined with quantity restrictions using for example Volume Discounts.


      1. Hi kento

        Thx – But none of them will do the job! But both are interesting
        I need a typed in price for VIP’s that are valid in a set period (some all year).
        Maybe calling VIP’s for resellers id better?


        1. I see, maybe WooCommerce Group Pricing is an option?

          1. That did the trick… Thx!

          2. Sweet… Got it – Cham!! Bingo … Thx

  3. Hi, We are using WooCommerce, WooCommerce Subscriptions, Groups WooCommerce to have our members purchase a subscription to the content on the website. We have 13000 members that we need to import (from our old site that used a custom built shopping cart). We purchased the WooCommerce Customer/Order CSV Import Suite to import the customers, orders and subscriptions. I have it where it’s importing all of this, but when I put a subscription ON HOLD or Cancel it doesn’t remove their group access. THey are still able to view the restricted content.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Jessica,
      maybe your Import Suite is not compatible. You can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look to your settings (please indicate your username or this comment in the email).
      Antonio B.

      1. Thank you, I was able to to get a beta version from woocommerce that works.

  4. extendo Avatar

    Thanks for a great plug in.
    I have a quick question.
    Say I have a product that grants the user membership to a group for 3 months.
    They buy this, and then 2 months later they buy it again. Currently the expiry from the group will be 3 months after the 2nd purchase.
    I am wondering if it is possible to arrange things so such a purchase _extends_ their time in the group by 3 months…? Essentially adding the three months they have bought onto any remaining time…
    Thanks for any info

    1. Hi,

      Thank you very much for mentioning it, work on extending the memberships this way is currently being done. I can’t give an ETA yet but it should be available soon.


      1. extendo Avatar

        Nice one man, that will save me hacking the core of your plug-in! 🙂 Look forward to it.

  5. hi,

    I want to make groups based on the product orders by groups for woocommerce plugin

    for instance

    bronze – completed orders 1~3 times
    silver – completed orders 4~10 times
    gold – completed orders 11~20 times

    I tried to find to setup this options but I didn’t
    please let me know how it can setup

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi kiwon,
      you need to create your custom solution using Groups API.
      Maybe this post and this comment can help you.
      Antonio B.

      1. Sorry the nested comments wont let me find my original question and the permalink in the email doesnt drop me down to my question with the correct anchor# tag

        I am using this plugin for custom status’s

        1. antonio Avatar

          Sorry, I have not tried this plugin. You can try to change ‘Add users to or remove from groups as early as the order is …’ to ‘Pending’ on Woocommerce->Groups.
          Antonio B.

  6. Hi Antonio,

    Is there a way of creating a page with all the names of members in a group?

    1. Hi James,

      I’ve replied here regarding the user IDs, the results have the WP_User object which you can use to render member info.


  7. hi there. Since last updates new orders are not putting people in to my “paid” group.

    I use custom order statuses, does groups for WordPress only work when order is “complete” or can I make people go in to the group when a user goes to my default custom order status upon order ?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Wayne,
      Are you using any plugin to create the custom order statuses? To try it.
      Antonio B.

  8. Andrei G Avatar
    Andrei G


    Assuming i have Groups already installed and the groups created and I want to add WooCommerce to allow ordering of products on the site, does this plugin allow to limit viewing of products by group?

    So let’s say I have ten products. Some products should only be viewable by customers belonging to Group A, other products viewable only by customer belonging to Group B, and others could be viewable by both.

    If this plugin doesn’t allow for this, is there any other plugin that allows for similar integration of Groups and WooCommerce?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Andrei,
      With Groups plugin you can do it (be sure you have selected ‘Product’ on Groups->Options)
      You don’t need the integration to hide products. With the integration you can sell access to groups.
      Antonio B.

  9. Thanks for getting back to me!

    How do visitors to the website access the groups or membership tab? It is not showing on the front end of the website.

    I can see groups and woocommerce on the back end.

    I am using woocommerce and groups. I downloaded groups from the woocommerce site.

    I am not using Groups for woocommerce (not sure). What’s the difference?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Theresa,
      if you need to sell access to groups, you only need to create a product adding the groups in the ‘Groups’ tab. So when an user purchase this product, the user will be joined to this group.
      If you have downloaded Groups from the woocommerce site, then you should have:
      Groups plugin
      – Woocommerce plugin
      – And the integration that you have purchased in woocommerce web.
      Antonio B.

  10. Hello,

    I am using Alpine template and I need to have group and ecommerce capabilities. I installed WooCommerce and Groups and nothing is showing up on my menu bar. Help! I went through the 3rd party integration document. It seems to be installed properly. Where do I go to add Groups to the menu bar?


    1. Hi Theresa,

      You mention “… nothing is showing up on my menu bar …” – just to clarify, what exactly do you want to see there and which menu bar do you mean? Top or left admin or front end?

      Also, are you just using WooCommerce and Groups or also Groups for WooCommerce?


  11. Hi Kento –

    I’m trying to set up installment payments for a product that will grant membership to a group. I’m hoping to use the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension to set up 3 monthly payments. But when the 3 months are up, I want the user to remain in the group – not get dropped from it. Is there any way to do this with Groups WooCommerce?

    (And we have some other subscriptions on the site where we would want the user to be dropped from other groups if they subscription ends – so this couldn’t be a sitewide change.)


    – Andrew

    1. Hi Andrew,

      Following up … have you been able to reuse the example from you mentioned?


  12. I posted a comment here about getting 502 errors with Groups Woocommerce and WP Engine (similar to the problem another user had posted previously up the thread). I also emailed your support address about this with the debug log as you suggested the other user do.

    For some reason I don’t see my post here (from 2 days ago), and I haven’t gotten a response from my email.

    1. Hi Eric, thanks for the reminder – I’ve seen your comment and have it marked to review and reply.

  13. I’ve had a recurring problem running Groups Woocommerce on a site hosted by WPEngine. Basically, once I login to wp-admin, then open a new tab to view the front-end, I get a 502 Error… every time. This only happens when I login to wp-admin. I noticed that another person posted a similar issue here, so I followed your instructions and will send you the debug-log via email shortly.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Eric,
      sorry for the delay. Please try to update to the Groups and integrations last versions.
      Antonio B.

  14. Thanks. We installed the latest version yesterday. All good.

  15. Hi there,

    What’s the most current version of the Groups for Woocommerce plugin? My client is running 1.7.1.

    1. Hi Eric,

      Does your client have the WooThemes helper plugin installed? It will show the latest version available when it’s available. The current is 1.7.2


  16. Hi,

    I would like assign automatically a group to a customer based on the total amount of his purchases. eg. John bought for more $1000 this year and I want consider him as a PREMIUM customer.

    Does Groups for Woocommerce can do it?

    Thanks for your reply.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Stef,
      You can’t do it with Groups for Woocommerce. With this plugin you can sell memberships.
      You can use Groups API to create your solution.

  17. Hi guys,
    i have Groups plugin and loving it, as it gives automatic access to the users who’ve paid,

    one issue though and maybe there is solution.

    So, i have to give access to groups trough USERS WP tab, but i would like to do it in the EDIT ORDER in Woocommerce,
    is there any extention or plugin, that i can do it in the ORder section?

    Now it sucks to do it jumping from ORDERS WC to WP Users and search the user.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Ray,
      With Groups for Woocommerce you can do it automatically. It automatically assigns a customer to one or more groups based on the products ordered.

      1. I do that already, but i want to add it manually, which i now do trough USERS tab.
        Lets say i wanted to give somebody access to all of my products and assign all groups to one customer

        1. antonio Avatar

          Ah ok,
          sorry, there isn’t a solution to do it from the order edit page.

          1. It would be a great feature, as we could see the order and the groups they are involved in.
            I would pay for it as its saves so much time now

            1. Hi Ray,

              If you mean to show the groups that an order grants access to, then I think that’s a good idea. I’m taking note to check if we can add that to Groups WooCommerce.

              Thanks for the suggestion!

              1. Hi Kento,

                here is the page, took a screenshot,

                This is basically where i would like to have it available, as everything is in one place,

                PLEASE let me know when you are rolling it out, i’ll be first one to get it

              2. I believe that feature would save us a lot of time, too. We are forever bouncing back and forth between the orders list and the users list.

  18. I am using Groups for WooCommerce in conjunction with the Essential Grid plugin on our store to allow clients access to streaming content if they purchase them. The groups work fine, the user gets a restricted access page if the click on one of them. Now I want to display them only if the user has purchased them.
    This is the page where they will be displayed:
    As you can see, you can see the product even when not logged in (but not access the page to view the video). I have the code from Essential Grid that allows me to change the query for this page but I need to know what I can put in the query to say:
    if user is logged in and is part of any of these restricted groups (each item will have their own restricted access ground and there may be many items) then show the product.
    I need something that will query all the groups that the user belongs to and all the products that are a part of the restricted group and match them up. I can then add this to the Essential Grid query to make it display correctly.
    Do you have any php code or shortcodes that can do this?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Matt,
      maybe [groups_member] shortcode can help you.

      1. The problem with that is that there are to many groups to include. We have multiple products that offers streaming video access to users. We are using Groups to allow access to each product. Each product is a different group. Currently we only have 4 products but this could expand to 30-40 or even 100+ products, each with their own group (group name is the same as their sku number). When a person goes to the “My library” page they should be able to see only the products that they have access to (which is the product that they have purchased group access for). I want to show a list of those products dynamically, not by having to enter a shortcode with the group name for each product. The list is generated dynamically of off a category of “streaming”. What I need from you is a query that allows the system to check if the user is part of any of the groups and that comes back with just the product they are subscribed to.

        1. Something like [groups_user_groups] may work but I want to be able to actually display the product. Right now they can’t access the page unless they have purchased group access but I want to display the products as you would see them on our products page ( not just which group they belong to. Once again, I would rather have a query than a shortcode but a shortcode that would work with showing woocommerce products that are part of any group that the user belongs to would work for now, just so I can get this up and running for the client.

        2. Hi Matt,

          See specifically the example using $is_a_member – you can adjust that to iterate over the set of groups related to products and use it to display the content per group accordingly.


  19. Hi, i’ve had major problems with my site since upgrading woocommerce to latest version on Friday. Seeing the message Fatal error: Unknown: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0
    Have finally isolated it to this Groups WooCommerce plugin. All my other groups plugins are fine, just this one causes the issue.
    My site has all other plugins reactivated now and is working fine with this one deactivated. I see above a few others are having the same issue.
    I will email my access details to you direct.
    many thanks, Sarah

    1. Hi,
      Please check the memory limit and increase it, you can see the current limit under WooCommerce > System Status.
      If the problem persists, you can try:
      1.- Enable debugging for WordPress, in wp-config.php add/change these lines:
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
      2.- Visit the website generating the error (with the plugin enabled).
      3. Disable debugging
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, false );
      4. Please post the contents of the file wp-content/debug.log through or send us to support at itthinx dot com

      1. Hi, I’ve checked my WC memory limit – it’s set at 128. I’ve done a little googling and it seems like that should be high enough. What are you suggesting i change it to?
        Not really wanting to do the debug thing you’ve outlined – it’s beyond my skillset…

        1. Yes, 128 Mb should be enought.
          You can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look (please indicate this comment in the email and make a full backup before).

          1. Thanks. I sent my access details by email a couple of days ago but will resend now.

            1. Thanks.
              Your settings seem ok. Probably a problem/conflict with another plugin. Please have a look to the last comment in this topic.

              1. Hi, thanks for for your help. It really hadn’t occured to me that it might be another plugin conflicting as the site went down each time i reaactivated Groups WooCommerce and came back up when I deactivated it. I’ve repeated the process of turning off every plugin but reactivated Groups WC first and everything held up until i reactivated WooCommerce Zapier Integration. Everything is now back up and running with that single plugin turned off.
                So i’m a little puzzled as to why these two plugins would conflict and what to do next to remedy. Groups WC is more important but I would really like the other one working too as it passes new customer information to my database for follow up marketing.
                Any and all advice much appreciated.
                thanks, Sarah

                1. Thanks for the update on that Sarah, I think we should check that and see if we can make them work together. I’ve taken note to schedule the tests for that.

              2. Hi, thanks for your help with that. I’ve pinned it down to another WooCommerce plugin “WC Zapier Integration” – it seems i can have either “Groups WooCommerce” or “WC Zapier Integration” but not both. Not sure what to do next – while Groups WC is more important to my site, the other plugin is quite critical too as it helps register new customers with my marketing database for follow up marketing. Can you help me or do i need to contact that plugin author?
                Many thanks

                1. James Collins Avatar
                  James Collins

                  Hi Sarah,

                  If you are encountering memory exhausted errors when using WooCommerce Zapier, Groups and Groups WooCommerce together, please update to Groups WooCommerce v1.7.3.

                  See for more information.


  20. Hi There,
    I am getting the 502 Bad Gateway on WP-Engine with
    Groups WooCommerce Version 1.7.1 with woocommerce 2.3.4 and 2.3.5
    Any info /thoughts?

    1. Hi,
      if you disable Groups Woocommerce plugin, does the error continue ?

      1. “if you disable Groups Woocommerce plugin, does the error continue ?” No
        Only when plugin is enabled

        1. Thanks,
          You can try:
          1.- Enable debugging for WordPress, in wp-config.php add/change these lines:
          define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
          define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
          2.- Visit the website generating the error (with the plugin enabled).
          3. Disable debugging
          define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
          define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, false );
          4. Please post the contents of the file wp-content/debug.log through or send us to support at itthinx dot com

  21. Hi Kento,

    Is this plugin compatible with WooCommerce 2.3? I’m facing a problem after upgrading WC to 2.3 and it seems to go away if I disable the Groups extension…

    1. Hi,
      yes it is compatible with Woocommerce 2.3.
      You can try:
      1.- Enable debugging for WordPress, in wp-config.php add/change these lines:
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
      2.- Visit the website generating the error.
      3. Disable debugging
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, false );
      4. Please post the contents of the file wp-content/debug.log through or send us to support at itthinx dot com

  22. Hi, i have bought Groups for Woocommerce and facing a little problem now.

    I sell memberships based on a one time payment, so once a customer has purchased a membership he should not be able to purchase it again. is this possible to restrict? Also it would be nice if a customer has once bought the membership he doesnt see it again for sale in the shop


    1. Hi Patrick,

      The plugin doesn’t restrict the number of purchases per product but I’ve found this plugin – that seems to offer that functionality.

      Anyhow, your suggestion makes sense so I’ll check if we can add that functionality soon.


      1. Thank you very much, that worked for me! Still this would be a good Idea to implement 🙂


  23. Hi,

    I’m developing a site for a client using Groups WooCommerce to assign groups to products upon checkout. The products are essentially forms that live on pages (of a custom post type) that are accessible after checkout when the user becomes part of the group. It works really well. Problem is, in testing to see if the page is accessible to a user who’s not logged in, I get a redirect loop error from the browser. That’s not by design is it? I’d expect to see a “You don’t have access” page, or something along those lines.


    1. Hi Eric,

      Can you provide some detail on when exactly the redirect loop happens and what might be causing it? It’s not by design so I suspect that something in your additions might be causing it. Also note that there is the Groups 404 Redirect plugin in case you try to redirect to a specific page you can use that or at least use it as an inspiration if you need to customize that part.


  24. Hi Kento,

    I’m experiencing the problem that users don’t get removed from groups if the given time expired. While investigating the problem, could you shed some light on the following?
    What is the bucket file for? It seems like the plugin uses it for termination, but the file is always empty. Could this be the problem?

    Thanks in advance!


    1. Hi Jens,

      Are cron jobs working on your site? For example WP Crontrol can be used to check that. The file is used for a mutex, it doesn’t hold any information about the memberships.


      1. Hi Kento,

        thanks for the insight. I solved this issue. Actually it was simple in the end – the cron job couldn’t pass the basic authentication of the site. I fixed this and the cron jobs are now running.

        However, I experience another problem: I’m using WC Subscriptions. After a subscription runs out, the user doesn’t get removed from the group. In detail: When subscribing, the user gets added to the group for an unlimited time. When the subscription runs out OR if I cancel the subscription and wait until the paid period runs out, the user is still member of the group.
        Any idea how this can happen? Normal behaviour should be that the user gets reset to the standard group, right?


        1. Hi Jens,

          Thanks for the update on that. Regarding the subscriptions and corresponding group removal, what you describe would only happen if the user has been granted group membership outside the subscription, i.e. if another order or manual assignment is granting access to the same group.


          1. Hi kento,

            My bad. There was another old test order that I didn’t check.
            Sorry for the spam 😉
            Everything works as it should.


            1. Thanks Jens, don’t worry 😉 Glad to hear it’s working fine 🙂

  25. Hi, we are on the verge of launching our website with woocommerce, subscriptions for woo and groups for woo.

    I would like to display my logged out users a preview of the content (headline on my pages and an excerpt), blocking the rest of the content and forcing them to buy a subscription if they want to read the rest of the content.

    I can’t find a way to do that. Actually, I am getting an Error 404 when I am not logged in the site, when I try to access the premium content. here is the example:

    1. Hi Rodrigo,

      What you describe is the intended behavior, but I understand that you’re trying to show an excerpt of the restricted content (teasers) and let interested visitors choose to sign up or log in if they already have an authorized account to access the restricted content. Work is currently in progress to allow excerpts of restricted content to be shown, this will most probably be as part of an extension but it’s not available yet.

      As an alternative, you can lift the restrictions on the posts themselves and use shortcodes to partially protect their content using blocks of [groups_member group="X"]protected content here[/groups_member] – this one would require the visitor to be a member of the group X and you would not need to restrict the complete post.


  26. I work on a site that has subscriptions, and everything is working great except for failed subscription payments that have the error “Inspire Commerce scheduled subscription payment failed. Error: The ccnumber field is required” in the order notes. In those cases the subscription is put “on-hold” (as it should be), but the user’s account is not removed from the group associated with the subscription. Any thoughts?

    1. Hi Justin,

      Under WooCommerce > Groups there is an option Subscription Status which allows to remove users from groups when subscriptions are put on hold. Is that option enabled or disabled in your setup?

      1. Justin Michael Avatar
        Justin Michael

        It’s enabled, and working properly in every case except when payments fail with the specific reason mentioned above.

        1. Ok thanks, have you checked with the developers of that gateway implementation to see if there are any problems with subscriptions?

  27. Arnoldo Romo Avatar
    Arnoldo Romo

    Hi Kento,

    Is there a way to send an automatic email to user as they get added to the different groups? This would make sending a “Welcome Email” really easy, thanks!

    1. Hi,
      you can use Groups Emails plugin. You can edit it to send your custom text.

      1. Arnoldo Romo Salazar Avatar
        Arnoldo Romo Salazar

        Hi Antonio!

        Thanks for the awesome recommendation for your plugin, is there a way that i can limit this to only work to specific groups? that way i can send and even more personalized email for the groups.

        1. Hi,
          if you change:
          @wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );
          if ( $group_name == "Premium" ) {
          @wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );

          in lines 59 and 81, then the email is only sent if group is “Premium”

          1. Arnoldo Avatar


      2. Hi Antonio,

        First of all, thank you for that file! it’s awesome. Now I was looking at those files, is there any way to specify what email goes to certain group?

        That way i can have a nicer email specific to each group.

        Thanks a lot!

        1. antonio Avatar

          inside the ‘if’ block you can set the custom variables, for example:
          if ( $group_name == "Premium" ) {
          $headers = 'From: ' . get_option( 'blogname' ) . ' ' . "\r\n";
          $to = $user_email;
          $subject = 'Welcome to Premium';
          $message = 'Hi ' . $user_name . '. Welcome to Premium group.';
          @wp_mail( $to, $subject, $message, $headers );

          Similar if you have another group ‘VIP’, …

  28. Are you aware of any problems or conflicts which might arise with the InfusedWoo plugin which integrates Infusionsoft with WooCommerce?
    Principally, it allows the payment gateways AND subscription-based products in Infusionsoft to work with WooCommerce.
    I’m concerned that there might be some problems with Groups and subscriptions in this scenario.
    Any thoughts or insights are welcome.

    1. I’m not aware of any conflicts between those, but I haven’t tested them together either … if it’s subscriptions, you should consider using WooCommerce Subscriptions which is tested and integrated with Groups for WooCommerce.

  29. this is what my coder wrote immediately today, after sending him your response:

    “Hm. Yeah, I agree – this approach doesn’t make sense. It completely defeats the purpose of the “Groups to remove” tool :-(”

    Yes, why is there a removal option at all??? Weird!

    I would expect that you remove that restriction or at least add a check box to the removal field with “Yes. Please remove groups, really!”

    I appreciate it. This isn’t a free plug-in, so I expect if there is a remove field it is working.


    1. Thanks for that also, I hope my reply to your previous comment clarifies that.

  30. Kento:

    Thanks for clarification. Not satisfying, but at least a clear picture now.

    Never the less I don’t understand your approach. If somebody upgrades from SILVER to GOLD of course the new GOLD member CAN HAVE access to all SILVER content, but there is no necessity that of the plug-in “decides” that as it is easy to determine both ways. What about upgrade promotions pages/sections, different menus (SILVER MUST have different menus if GOLD has additional tools, having SILVER and GOLD simultaneously will end in malfunction right at the menus) etc. etc.

    Sorry, but I think you didn’t think that through. If you leave it open everybody using the plug-in can decide if he wants a different content or not, you don’t forgive anything!! Please go in the bird’s view and review.


    1. Hi Bernhard,

      Thanks for the feedback on that. The difference here is that it’s not actually an upgrade but a removal. The correct context for an upgrade would be one where the group memberships are switched – the plain group removal option in contrast must respect existing group memberships related to valid orders, otherwise you would have a system where customers who have paid for their group membership are removed although they should still belong to a group.

      I’ll take your feedback into account as a suggestion for a very useful feature addition, i.e. the ability to switch groups.


  31. Kento, its me again. I have been using several of your plugins with great success.

    Question: For Groups for Woocommerce, is there a way to restrict a product so that it is not seen by people of certain groups?

    Specifically, I have a product that members of Group A (a membership level) should not be able to see if they are logged in, because we don’t want them to be able to purchase that product.

    But there is not group to whom access of that product should be restricted. In fact, we want unregistered people and those who are member of no groups at all to be able to view the product. So there is not Group to restrict access of that product to that will disallow members of Group A from seeing it.

    I know I can do that with the Groups shortcode in the body of a page, but I need the for the actual store to hide certain products only from members of certain Groups. I see I can only show a product to a member of certain groups, but I don’t see where I can disallow access for members of a certain group only.

    Are you aware if this is possible at all?

    1. Hi Robert,

      Currently this is only possible if you customize things taking the group membership into account. With the access restrictions provided by Groups, you can restrict products based on group capabilities, but you can’t exclude them.

      There is this example Exclude products from a particular category on the shop page which could be adjusted. If a user belongs to a certain group, products in a category are excluded.

      Does that help?

  32. Kento:

    I didn’t hear back from you, so I sent you the log-in access to the email from your webpage. I never got responses to former emails to that address, is it working?

    Please confirm receipt of log-in data.


    1. Hi Bernhard,

      We haven’t received any email from you on this. Please send this to support at itthinx dot com with a link to this conversation and a link to the site.

    2. Hi,

      Same thing as in my email, I’m posting this here, too, as it might be of interest to others:

      “My coder tells me your plug-in checks if SILVER was ever purchased and if yes it doesn’t get removed – I can’t verify this but this would make no sense as your plug-in has the specific remove fields.”

      Your coder is correct; the Silver membership is not removed if there is an order that grants membership to that group. This is the intended behavior – a group membership will remain valid if there is an order granting access to the group. This effectively overrides the removal option of a product.

      Regarding the use of Silver and Gold groups: If the Silver and Gold groups are supposed to grant access to disjoint content sets, the customer who has purchased a Silver membership and is not refunded, does still have the right to access the Silver group’s content.

      I would recommend to check if the product-group structure you are considering is really adequate, especially regarding the part where Silver group grants access to some parts to which Gold doesn’t. As a customer, I would expect to get access to more if I join your Gold group, but I would also expect to retain full access to anything I had when I was a Silver member. If that isn’t so, Silver and Gold might not be the best choice for group names. Anyhow, if you want to retain that, your coder can customize things so that the previous valid order that grants access to Silver does not affect the Silver group removal. It’s a customization to fulfill your particular requirements, it’s not how things are intended to work.

  33. Version 1.7.1, I just figured that the SILVER is not even listed after upgrade, but still sitting there, see screenshot:

    All the emails I did send you (obviously) never arrived, so please send an email so I can grant you access with the sign-in.


  34. Hi Kento:

    For some reason my post disappeared.

    I’ve the following situation: I need the added groups/memberships distributed in a WP Multisite environment (as discussed earlier). I hired a coder and he successfully added a plug-in. But here is the problem:
    The groups-woocommerce plug-in is not removing the former group/membership in case of a change (e.g. upgrade). The products are set-up properly with the right “Remove from Groups”.

    The screenshots:

    Membership purchase SILVER properly added to user:

    Product properly setup with right “Remove from Groups”:

    Upgrade GOLD membership purchase properly added, but old SILVER not removed:

    Please help, we have a major delay here for the launch of a big website. I’m nervous and have external help stand-by to finish the job. I appreciate your input/advice.


    1. Hi Bernhard,

      Do you have the latest version of the plugin installed? The latest version is 1.7.1. Thanks for the screenshots, but I need to know what exact steps you have undertaken to get to the current state. That includes any changes to the order status etc.

      Can we have admin access to the site if needed to have a look?


      1. Your previous post was in moderation by the way, you posted this last Friday after support hours.

  35. Hi,
    In which role category the subscribers will be placed in? Is it possible to place subscribers in a custom role based on their subscription plan that they purchase? The reason that I’m asking is because I want to have the ability to email just a certain group of subscribers.
    Thank you,

    1. Hi Ashkan,

      You can relate a product to a group and then use Groups Newsletters to mail only members of that group.

  36. Just a heads up to anyone using this plugin on a site that is also running membermouse, this plugin stops you from being able to change the membermouse core pages through the page editor. I had to disable this plugin to be able to make the change for a client today.

    1. Thanks for the info on that Raymond, did you have any access restrictions in place for their core pages?

      1. I can do a quick video walkthrough to show you what I experienced, and share a google drive link with you privately if that would be helpful. Just shoot me an email, or leave a reply here with an email to reach you at, if you’d like that.

        As for the core page restrictions, I don’t think that there were any restrictions set up on the core pages using your plugins (groups and groups woocommerce). The ability to change the core pages was just hidden until the plugins were disabled for some reason.

        1. Thanks Raymond, if you find the time to do it, that would be helpful. Email or PM itthinx anytime.

  37. Hey there,

    it looks really nice.. It is possible to use it for this 2 scenarios ?

    1. Product A and Product B: -> a customer can purchase Product B only, if he / she buy Product A before. Otherwise it is not possible to purchase B..

    2. Product Variations: -> Is it possible to use groups with Variable-Products? For example one single product with 3 different capabilities. If a customer purchase it just with capability A it coasts $10, with capability A & B it coats $20 and with capability A & B & C it coasts $30 ?

    Thank you and best regards!

    1. Hi Bruno,

      For #1 yes that’s possible. For example, “Product A” grants membership to “Group A” – a customer who buys “Product A” is assigned to “Group A”. “Group A” has the capability “access_b” assigned. “Product B” has access restriction by capability “access_b” in place and will only be available for those in “Group A”.

      On #2 yes that’s possible except that it’s groups instead of capabilities (although the groups can have exactly those capabilities assigned which basically makes it equivalent).

      These are good usage examples for the plugin, thanks for asking and if you have any further question on it please don’t hesitate to ask 🙂


  38. Hi,
    I have a pre-sale question : Is this plugin compatible with .
    Thank you,

    1. Hi Ashkan,

      Thanks for asking, it hasn’t been tested with that plugin so I can’t really say for sure, but I would assume there shouldn’t be any issues with the two working along each other.

  39. I just installed this plugin and it appears to have all the functionality that I’m looking for…but I can’t get it to work. Please help!

    Here is my scenario:
    1. Guest user arrives at my online wine store.
    2. Guest adds a couple bottles to cart at full price.
    3. Guest want to sign up for ‘wine club 1’ which would give her a 15% discount on product category ‘wine’. ‘Wine Club 1’ is a variation of product ‘Wine Club’ which has 9 different membership variations.
    4. After Guest puts the membership product variation in the cart, the guest will be added to the appropriate Group and the cart should update with the appropriate discount which is implemented by the advanced category module in Dynamic Pricing plugin.

    However the cart is not updating as I hoped.

    Here is what I’ve done
    1. Changed setting woocommerce/groups/order status to: as soon as order is ‘processing’
    2. Add group ‘wine club 1’
    3. Add ‘wine club 1’ product variation to product ‘wine club’
    4. In variation ‘wine club 1’ “Add to Groups” selector enter ‘wine club 1’
    5. Change Dynamic Pricing advanced category module to give 15% discount on all category ‘wine’ to members of Group ‘wine club 1’

    When I login as a registered user and manually add myself to Group ‘wine club 1’, the cart updates appropriately with 15% discount. Why isn’t it working for unregistered user who adds the ‘wine club 1’ product variation?


    1. Hi Chris,

      Many thanks for the detailed explanation, this makes it easy to help 🙂

      The key here is based on what you describe in the last paragraph. It won’t work for an unregistered visitor because the group assignments require user accounts. I.e. for a pricing rule to work for a group, the visitor must be logged in and be in the appropriate group.

      The group assignment is done once a customer has purchased a product. In your example, the customer is assigned to the ‘wine club 1’ group once an order containing the product is processing. Once that has happened, the group price with the discount will apply if the user is logged in.

      I hope that clarifies it but please let me know if you have further questions.


  40. I’d like to know before purchasing this plugin if the ability to add a user to a group based on product variation has been implemented. This is a core need for my implementation.

    If this feature has not been added, do you have a suggestion as an alternative way to assign a guest user to a group so that the pricing in the woocommerce cart reflects a group/membership price? I offer 12 different membership variations. Perhaps Groups Gravity Forms plugin that functions as a membership selector?


    1. Hi Chris,

      The group assignment can be done for variations but note that the duration is still the one for the variable (parent) product as it can’t be indicated per variable product (yet).


  41. Hi Kento:

    I did send you an email with the log-in info….


    1. Thanks Bernhard, but I don’t see any email from you … can you please check?

  42. Hi,
    I purchased the plug-in and everything works great, but I need the new assigned membership/group network-wide in a WP Multisite install for all subdomains (where the restricted content lies).

    Did I overlook something?


    1. Hi Bernhard,

      The groups are independent on each site in a multisite setup. Can you concentrate the content on a single subsite?

      1. No, content is in different subdomains to use different styles of themes for different divisions etc. All is ready to launch, is there a way to distribute the groups network-wide?

        1. One way I can think of would be to use the API, e.g. override the access restriction filters from Groups_Post_Access on the subsites based on group membership on the main site.

          1. Kento:

            Could you customize that for me? What would it cost? You really would help me out here and it probably adds a feature for other user.

            Please let me know your thoughts,

            1. Hi Bernhard,

              It depends on whether we can include this in our schedule, your timeframe and budget. Let’s discuss it over some more details if you can provide them including access to the site so I can have a look and detailed requirements around this?


  43. I’ve been having a “conversation” with a developer at regarding a configuration problem I’m having with Groups and Groups For WooCommerce. He suggested that I get in touch with you, since he believes the problem I’m having is in Groups.

    Would it be possible for me to send you the discussion thread we’ve been having? I would like to have someone look at my settings (I will provide Admin access) and help me figure out what I’m doing wrong.

    Thanks very much.

    1. Hi Michael,

      Sure, please provide a link to the discussion and admin access to support at itthinx dot com (please also include a link to this thread).


  44. Kento,

    I just imported a bunch of members. I placed the following in the first line of the text file to import other user meta data, which you said the updated version of the plugin is able to do:

    @user_login user_email user_pass billing_company billing_first_name billing_last_name billing_title billing_address_1 billing_address_2 billing_city billing_state billing_postcode

    However, the only thing that imported was user_login, user_email and user_pass (and group was set in the import).

    What am I doing wrong? I’d like to have all the user’s billing data imported also. If you show me what I’m doing wrong, can I just merge them to add the extra meta to the users I just imported?

    1. Hey Robert,

      The meta data needs to be indicated by using meta in the @ header and it must be in JSON format (which is how the plugin exports without taking into account the improvement for separate column headers we’ve been discussing).

      For example:

      @user_login user_email meta

      Note that you can’t (yet) indicate separate meta keys in that line, it must be in JSON format as provided by the export function.

  45. I have bought the plugin, but I really miss being able to remove from group after X days when buying a variable product.

    The use case is:
    A site selling access for analysis in a given timeframe (1, 3, 6, 12 months).
    This is created as a variable product, where the timeframe is the variations.
    When the timeframe expires (for instance if I bought for 3 months), the user should be removed from the group.
    I gather that this would apply for a lot of sites selling access with WooCommerce using this plugin?

    Are there any plans developing this?

    PS I still miss this feature/extension: 😉

    1. Hi Thomas,

      With variations you can choose additional groups that the customer is added to or removed from, but the duration would be that of the variable product. To cover the case you describe with the current version, you would need to set up different products because you can’t specify different durations for each variation. So you would have to set up a product “Membership for 1 month” and set the duration accordingly, another one for 3 months etc – depending on the product purchased, it will remove the customer from the group after the appropriate time. It would be better to have it as you suggest though and we have this on the @todo list for the plugin (although I can’t give an ETA on that feature yet).

      Thanks for the reminder on the feature for Groups, we have plans for pretty exciting stuff related to Groups and that might fit in there as well 😉

    2. Great idea I would love this feature too.

  46. Hi all,
    Thanks to all of you for such a nice conversation. Can anyone tell me please how to hide the groups tab on the Add new product page.
    Here is the link of image which is showing the exact tab.
    Thanks in Advance

    1. Hi Zahid,

      You can’t hide the tab, this is part of the extension that the plugin provides.


  47. Hello

    Apologies if this is at a tangent and not intending to step on the toes of the great plugins that Kento provides… I had a similar problem to this earlier in the year. For me the groups a user is in directly corresponds to the subscriptions they have bought so this plugin resolved the problem for me: It didn’t export all of the data I required but for an additional fee the developer provided a customsiation.

    As I say apologies if this isn’t relevent and to Kento for listing other products in his forum but I spent many days trying to find a way of exporting the data set my client needed and tried some of the methods you’ve outlined above with similar results.



    1. I’ve just realised i posted this in the wrong place so please delete – and obviously the other one if you aren’t happy i listed another plugin or not relevant.



      1. 🙂 no problem, thanks again for posting it.

    2. Hi Joel, thanks for posting this. I actually welcome the reference as it might help others looking for that solution 🙂

      1. Kento…see my replhy to Joel below…

        1. Many thanks Rob, I’ve just seen it 🙂

    3. Joel,

      Hey that may just work. So that plugin will export all active subscriptions in .csv file?

      Another thing: I have added a few fields to woocommerce account page using the WooCommerce Poor Guy’s Swiss Knife plugin. Will this export plugin you recommend also export those custom fields?

      And can I filter exports by subscription type, or does it only export all subscriptions, and then I could order them by type on excel?

      I’ve asked all those in their comments on Code Canyon also, so we’ll see what they say, but I figured you’d know.

      And one solution I thought of to export my members was to export the subscription products purchased. There are a few plugins that do that already. One limitation to this is that I’d have to filter the export by date range to make sure I’m only exporting members that have paid to renew the subscription during the yearly billing cycle. That would be an alternate way to export memberships via active subscriptions….and something I’ve already paid for. But the plugin you showed me looks good to!

      Thanks so much for sharing…and Kento…thanks so much for your openness and willing to help. I know this has probably been one of the longest running issues you’ve had to deal with, but like you said, I can only hope it will add to the development of your great plugins….I’m sure I’m not the only person who has had this issue when trying export Groups with all the other woocommerce meta data per user.


      Thanks, Rob

      1. Hey Rob

        Sorry only just seen that you posted me a question.

        So yes – it exports all active subscriptions. You can also choose expired, pending etc.

        It doesn’t allow you to select different types of subscriptions (I guess since those are set within your db – they’re not generic for all users). But as you correctly indicate, once you have the export you can reorder it in excel anyway.

        I suspect the export file won’t include the additional fields you have added. I had some additional fields added using advanced custom fields and they were not included but for a fair additional fee the developer provide me a customsiation and it now does what I need. He was very helpful and we did it through a 3rd party forum which manages all the payemnt etc so no danger of not getting what you paid for.

        Hope that helps. Obviously I don’t know the ins and outs of your site but sounds like this will fulfil your requirements.



  48. Kento,

    Looks like my last comments didn’t post, and the Reply link is no longer present in our previous tread so I’m starting this new one.

    Simply put, how can I open the file exported with Groups Import Export in Excel. It is downloading the txt file, I guess in JSON format as you were saying, but I need a simple excel file with a different column for each meta key.

    1. by the way, I tried and another json to csv converter, but neither worked. The first said there was an error in the json file.

    2. … was pending review. By the way, you can combine the files obtained from GIE and the other plugin I’ve suggested, if you order the results e.g. by email, you should be able to create a unified spreadsheet showing the combined data from GIE and the user meta with meta in additional columns (without the JSON data from GIE intended for import).

      1. I understand what you are saying, but that is too complicated of a procedure for my client. They want a simple way to export all their users with certain meta data including their Group level.

        I can’t ask them to make to exports, then order them each by the Email column, and then paste the groups from GIE into the cvs generated by the other plugin. That will not work, and I’ll look a bit foolish to them asking them to do all that.

        And besides, another problem with that is that your plugin includes all Groups each user is in, including Registered. I only want the actual Groups I created to be in the groups column. Anything else will confuse my client.

        Any advice. It seems like I keep running into brick walls trying to get simple cvs export of user meta data including groups….quite frustrating…..

        Hope you have additional ideas.


        1. What we can do is consider to include an option that makes this more versatile, for example to allow to say “these meta keys should be plain strings”. But its export feature including meta keys is intended to handle meta data in all formats (thus the JSON encoding). Although I understand that for your case this isn’t optimal, it covers the general necessity to export and import user data including groups and user meta. So unless you want to create a customized solution for this case (which is an option to meet your client’s requirements), the most feasible solution without any customization is to do the exports in two parts. If it’s not something that has to be done frequently, that shouldn’t be an issue (and you could even do it for them).

          Regarding the groups, there is an option for that (you can indicate which groups to include and only those will appear).

          1. My client wants to be able to do it whenever they want. So are you saying that GIE currently doesn’t have the option for me to export all the extra woocommerce meta data into separate columns with plain text?

            If so, I thought of using an order export extension, and filter it by billing cycle, to get my client a list of all users who’ve paid for the various membership subscriptions during that billing cycle…this would effectively provide an active member export.

            But please let me know if I misunderstood what you were saying about GIE.

            1. Yes that’s what I was trying to explain, but I agree that it would be a good option to have in general – it would work well with meta data in string format and I’d need to think a bit whether supporting various formats in several columns would also be interesting. I’ve already added this on the @todo list for the plugin but implementation hasn’t started yet.

              1. Hi Kento,

                Any chance there’s been progress on this? Importing and exporting members with all custom meta user fields intact is one of the requirements on my project also.

                1. Hi David,

                  Yes, if you want to import and export all user meta then you can already do that with Groups Import Export, just note that the user meta data is exported in JSON format in a single column containing all key-value pairs. The importer will also read these. What you can’t do yet is create separate columns for each meta key and have their values in plain string form.


  49. Hi itthinx, I have purchased woo commerce groups and am trying to extend the expiry date for those users who have subscribed but don’t see a way top do that, have tried searching your forums and updating user subscribe date, changing the product subscription length :/ no luck.
    Is there a way to make the subscription longer? I have about 220 users to update
    Please can you help

    1. antonio Avatar

      please have a look to this comment.

  50. What is the meta_key for group membership? I’m manually importing customers with their group, but I can’t seem to find the right meta_key for the column heading for groups in my csv file. I looked in php myadmin and found this: _groups_buckets

    But that doesn’t seem to work.

    Of course, I just found Groups Import Export plugin, so I’ll use that if it will import and export all meta data for customers, and not just the default ones.

    1. Hi Rob,

      There is no meta_key that relates users to groups but a table that establishes the relationship: wp_groups_user_group. The buckets structure is used to maintain information on group memberships but this is not used during import with the Groups Import Export plugin.

      If you want to establish the group membership, you have to add entries in the table, or you can use the import extension – see its documentation page for the supported file format.

      1. Yes I would prefer to your your Import Export function, but I need to import and export all customer data that is their profile: Company Name, Title, Shipping and Billing Address, and any other fields I add to it. Will your Import Export plugin do that, or just these (from the docs):

        File Format

        The accepted file format is a text file with values separated by tabs, providing one ore more of the following values on a single line for each user:

        user_email The user’s email address.
        user_login The username.
        first_name The user’s first name.
        last_name The user’s surname.
        user_url The URL of the user’s website.
        user_pass The user’s password. Unless provided, a password is generated automatically.
        groups The groups that the user is to be assigned to. The user will only be assigned to existing groups, new groups are not created.

        1. Hi Rob, in its current version it will only allow you to import these, but let me have a look, allowing to import user meta would be a good idea for the extension.

          1. Ok Kento….thanks for the update. I’ll probably still get your extension to import what I can into groups. It seems the easiest and best way for that. Then I guess I can go through the PHP Myadmin to upload a csv file with all other meta data, since each has its own key….I’m assuming I can do that, but I’m no expert at MySQL.

            But if you’re going to update your Import Export plugin to allow it to import all customer meta data soon, please let me know.


            1. Hi Rob, it’s currently being implemented, I’ll let you know as soon as tests have concluded but I’d expect it to be ready soon.

              1. Kento,

                That is awesome. I just purchased the plugin and tested it. It works great. I just need to import all the other user meta data now. The wp_usermeta table is a bit above my level of understanding, and I’m not sure how to put all my new user metadata into that csv file to import it to the database. So I would really like to just use your plugin that I just bought. The issue is I’m supposed to be done with this site this week. Do you think the new feature will be ready some time this week? I prefer not to buy Woo’s import extension since I already have yours.


                1. Hi Rob, the updated version has been released and will accept user meta data to be exported and imported. If you need to manually add user meta, I’d recommend to have a look at the format produced on export, the user meta data is in JSON format. Please let me know if that helps.

              2. Kento,

                That is great. So do to get the updated version of the plugin, will it update automatically, since I have your automatic update plugin, or do I need to install the updated plugin manually? From what I can see, everything is still the same on the plugin, or is it supposed to look the same, and I can now just include more meta keys? Please advise.

                1. Hi, for this update you can remove the old one manually and upload the new one. After that, you should see new updates with automatic updates via the itthinx updater plugin.

              3. Kento,

                I thought I replied with this comment, but I don’t see it, so forgive me if it’s coming through twice, but… I need to manually update this plugin, or is it automatically updated, or do I need to redownload and install it? I don’t see anything different in it now. Are there any updates in the documentation on the column names I can import, or are you saying that I can just add as many as I want, as long as they match actual meta keys in my wp site?

                1. Hi Robert, sorry it was held in moderation. I’ve just posted a reply. Cheers

              4. In addition to my previous question:

                I am using Groups for WC with WC Subscriptions for a membership site. As you know, a customer is removed from the Group when their subscription to that product becomes inactive.

                So when I import members into their Groups, how will wc know to remove them from the Group at the end of their subscription period if they don’t renew, since technically, they users I’m importing haven’t actually bought the subscription product since I’m just assigning them to it.

                They still need to be automatically removed from the Group at the end of the year (when the subscription expires) if they don’t manually.

                Will this happen for users I import through your plugin?


                1. Hi, no for this case you need to set a limited membership. There is an update about to be released for this (Groups for WC).

              5. Kento,

                How do I export the extra data without all the extra coding that is there in the text file for each column. Specifically, I only need to export Name, Email, User Name, Address, Company and Title. Some of this data comes our normal, but most of it comes with extra coding / formatting. Here’s an example of Company:

                shipping_company:”Phat LLC”

                All I need is row for all users with the Company name, not the meta data keywords and “”

                How can I accomplish this with your plugin?

                1. Hi, you can check only those meta keys that you want included but if there are special characters included that are escaped then you would need to edit them. But I do not think that is the case, note that it uses JSON encoding for these and when imported these will appear as originally.

              6. Robert Taylor Avatar
                Robert Taylor

                Kento, regarding the update to the new plugin. I have already deleted the old version and updated to the new version, but I don’t see anything to add more fields to the import. It looks the same for the import as the old plugin. Am I supposed to see a list of possible meta data to import for each user? If so, I don’t see it.

                1. Yes, when you export the data, you have an additional option to export the meta and it allows you to select individual ones by their meta key (it detects the available meta keys and creates a selection from that).

          2. Robert Taylor Avatar
            Robert Taylor

            Kento, regarding the limited membership you mentioned, where can I get more info on that? You say a new version of Groups for WC is about to be released that has that feature? Or is it already available? I’m about to import a bunch of members, and I need their memberships to expire at the end of the year if they don’t manually renew.

            1. Hi Robert, yes it’s about to be released (having a short delay as we’re looking at an additional issue).

              1. Awesome. I look forward to that feature being added. Will a notice be sent out to all who’ve purchased the plugin when that update is available?

                1. Yes, if you have the WooThemes updater installed it will show 🙂 Thanks for your patience!

              2. Thanks I do. Trying the Export User Data plugin right now, but it exports all Groups as blank…smh…but I have that in a reply to your comment about that plugin.

          3. Robert Taylor Avatar
            Robert Taylor

            Kento, regarding your comment in reply to my question about exporting members without all the extra characters, I don’t need to export them to import them. I need to export them so my client can have an easy to read database of their current members that has their contact info and the group they’re in.

            So the JSON format is not good for that. I need a simple css or xls file that has a for each user, with columns for each piece of meta data.

            Can your import export plugin export the file that? If not, who can I save it from the JSON format to a simple csv or xls file?

            1. Oh ok I see, that should be easy then, there are several plugins that allow to export user data including their metas. For example ?

              1. Ugh….That Export User Data plugin exports everything but Groups. There is a column for groups, but it’s blank for all users it exported.

                This is crazy that it’s been so hard to find a plugin that simply exports a csv file of all the user meta data. I haven’t tried WC’s own extension yet because it’s so expensive, but even they say theirs won’t export the group automatically. They say I’ll have to add a filter to the code. You’d think a plugin apparently as popular as your Groups plugin would easily have at least one plugin to export everything into a simple csv….smh. Any thoughts?

                1. Actually this is what GIE does (including the meta data with the latest release). What happens is that format used to export meta data is handling even data beyond simple string constructs and that’s what it is intended for. Meta data can be pretty much anything, including arrays and objects … the format used supports these.

              2. And I tried another plugin also exports users, and it is doing the same thing. The Groups column is empty. I can only assume that what the plugin sees as Groups meta data is not the same as the Group the uses are in from your Groups plugin. Please advise.

                1. Yes, same case here. To export groups you use the GIE plugin as the others won’t be able to handle it (unless they modify the plugins to include the memberships).

              3. Kento,

                First, I’d like to thank you sincerely for taking all the time you have to help me with your great plugins. Perhaps I’m just missing something basic, but the issue I’m having with exporting through GIE is this. The .txt file that is exported, when pasted into an .xls file, has all the extra meta data in JSON (I guess) format in a single column, instead of in separate columns for each meta key. Here are links to each:

                .txt file: http://hcbffa@

                .xls file I pasted the above .txt into:

                Perhaps I’m just incorrectly converting the .txt file into a .xls file. But in either case, I just need an .xls or .csv file that has all user meta data in a different column each. How do I do this?


                1. Hi Rob, thanks for the explanation, that’s what I was referring to in a previous reply – the option to export selected meta as strings in separate columns. Thanks for the feedback and patience by the way, I really appreciate it 🙂 Things like that really help with ideas to improve the plugins, it’s most often a question of how these can be fit into an already busy schedule.

            2. Kento,

              I’m still lost as to how to get each meta key item in its own column. You can see from the xls file I sent you in my previous comment, that a single column (column I) has all the extra meta data in it.

              Are you saying there is an option somewhere on the GIE export page to put all extra meta data in a separate column? If so, I don’t see it anywhere. Here is a screenshot of that page in my dashboard:

              I see that I can check or uncheck “Include extended user profile data”, and that I can remove all the items in that section I don’t want to export. That is what I have done several times, but each time, all the meta data from extended user profiles gets put into a single column.

              How can I get them into a different column. I see that you keep saying it is possible with GIE, but I have yet to find out how to actually do that.

              What am I doing wrong?


              1. Hi Rob,

                That’s what I was trying to explain 🙂 It puts all selected meta data in JSON format in one column so that everything can easily be exported and imported. To have each meta key in a separate column would be an additional export option which I would consider useful for cases like yours, but it hasn’t been implemented yet.

              2. I’m sorry. As I’m not really familiar with JSON format, I guess I didn’t understand. So you’re saying the that tab delimited text file I am importing needs to originate from an excel file that only has one column, and in each of those columns, I need to place all meta data for each user? And if so, they each need to separated by a tab, correct? (I thought that when I save the excel file as a tab delimited text file, that it did that automatically).

                1. Ok, no worries – I’ll explain: the current exporter creates one single column that contains all of the meta data in JSON format. This is so that the importer can recover any meta data, including data that is not stored as simple strings. While that is very useful if you’re trying to transport it from one setup to another, in your case it’s not an exact match. If you do a test export and include a couple of meta fields, you will see that the last column contains the meta data in JSON format, i.e. a single line per user with an added column. If you run this through the importer, it will work fine. If you view the file through Excel, it will produce the columns as expected for the ‘normal’ fields and an additional column in the ‘odd’ JSON format containing all meta data that has been exported per user on every line.

                  What I’ve tried to explain before is that I think to have the option to export the meta data in separate columns is a good idea for cases like yours, but that hasn’t been implemented yet.

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