
Affiliates ProAffiliates Enterprise

The Affiliates WordPress Plugin


Also refer to the Affiliates Plugins Feature Comparison.

  • Real-time reportingReferrals and affiliate link statistics are recorded and available instantly, as transactions are processed.

    Information for affiliates on the front end: show affiliates information about their referrals including totals by currency and referral status.

  • Integration with virtually any E-Commerce platformAffiliates provides an API which makes it compatible to use with virtually any E-Commerce and Membership system.

    Affiliates Pro Integration packs are available for several platforms. More integrations are added constantly on request.

  • Unlimited AffiliatesSimply have as many affiliates as you can get.
  • Easy affiliate recruitmentAffiliates can sign up automatically and can also be added manually with or without user accounts.
  • Feedback is welcomeDo you have feature requests or want to provide feedback? Please get in touch, the Affiliates plugins evolve with your needs.
  • Free or contribution basedThe Affiliates plugin is free and Open Source. If you want to use it, simply install it from your WordPress Dashboard or download it from WordPress.org.

    Affiliates Pro and Enterprise are contributor releases with additional features. Contributions help to make the plugins even more awesome. Thanks!

  • Quick & Easy InstallationUpload/install and activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard.

Affiliates Pro & Enterprise

  • Banner Management
  • Notifications
  • Videos : A collection of videos showing features available in the free Affiliates plugin and additional features available in Affiliates Pro and Enterprise.
  • Screenshots : Some sample pages set up with Affiliates Pro.
  • Fixed, percentage or formula based commissionsReferral amounts can be flat rates, percentage of net sales amounts and based on custom formulas.

    These can be set in general and per affiliate.

  • Flexible affiliate areasCreate as many pages as you need showing affiliates their stats, banners, links, profile, …
  • Mass Payments and Enhanced TotalsExport totals and generate PayPal mass payment files. Simply pay your affiliates all at once. Pay-outs can be based on accumulated totals.
  • Custom featuresThe Affiliates system provides an extensive API for developers which allows to customize it to any client’s requirements.

The Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program.

Important features include automated affiliate registration, an unlimited affiliate management section and the ability to integrate Affiliates with virtually any E-Commerce platform. Free and premium integrations are available.

The Affiliates plugin provides an ideal affiliate system for sellers, shops and developers who want to get started with their affiliate program right “out of the box”.

It also provides a solid framework for developers, who wish to build customized solutions based on a sound data model. With unlimited affiliate program management tools available on the back end and a set of shortcodes to provide Affiliates information on their performance on the front end, there is everything you need to start an affiliate program.

Affiliates Pro and Enterprise provide additional features for sellers, shops and developers.

If you need to manage an Affiliate Marketing Program, track visits to your site with affiliate links, the affiliates plugin is right for you. It provides the tools to maintain a partner referral program.

Simply put, the affiliates plugin is used to manage affiliates, create referrals and track visits to your site through affiliate links.
Referrals are stored and attributed to an affiliate, for example if clients place orders on your site and you need to credit your affiliates.


Free and premium integrations are available.

Pro & Enterprise

These integrations are included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise:

Light Integrations

These integrations are freely available to be used with any of the Affiliates plugins.



Please refer to the Documentation pages.


What this plugin is not

It is not intended to keep track of links to other sites that you as a member of an affiliate program may have. For that, please try the Affiliate toolbox.



1,415 responses to “Affiliates”

  1. Bonjour!
    J’ai un problème avec [affiliates_url], il s'affiche "MARKDOWN_HASHf3147dc8750*********************" sur la page de compte, pourquoi?
    Egalement, comment exporter toutes les informations du formulaire d'inscription, en .csv?
    Merci de votre aide!

    Hello! I have a problem with [affiliates_url], it appears "MARKDOWN_HASHf3147dc8750 *********************" on the account page, why? Also, how to export all the information from the registration form, in .csv? Thank you for your help!

    1. Hi,

      There seems to be a bug with Jetpack https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/7535 – if you’re using the code tag inside the shortcode, try reversing it, i.e. surround the [affiliates_url] shortcode with code tags instead of placing them inside.

      I hope this helps ...

      1. Bonjour,
        merci de votre aide, tout est rentré dans l’ordre!
        Le code est redevenu normal. Merci de votre aide.

        J’aurai une question, est-il possible d’exporter toutes les informations du formulaire d’inscription affiliate, en csv? J’ai crée un formulaire avec des données (lieu de naissance, date de naissance, IBAN, RIB…) (informations obligatoires pour mettre en place légalement l’affiliation), car je dois envoyer le fichier csv dans un logiciel (MOKA, http://www.dcsystems.fr/services/moka_logiciel_vdi_mlm.html) qui s’occupera des commissions de paiement).

        Egalement, est-ce que le plugin “Affiliates Users” permet d’inscrire automatiquement un nouvel inscrit (avec le plugin Paidmembership pro) sur Affiliates?

        Merci pour vos réponses, et pour ce super plugin!
        Bonne continuation

        thank you for your help, everything is back in order!
        The code is redefined normally. Thank you for your help.

        I will have a question, is it possible to export all information from the affiliate registration form, in csv? I designed a form with data, date of birth, IBAN, RIB … (mandatory information to legally establish affiliation), because I have to send the file into a software (MOKA, http: // www .dcsystems.fr / services / moka_logiciel_vdi_mlm.html) who deal with payment commissions).

        Also, does the “User Affiliates” plugin automatically register a new registrant (with the Paidmembership pro plugin) on Affiliates?

        Thanks for your answers, and for this super plugin!
        Good suite

        1. Hi Jordi,

          I’m glad to hear that you’ve got it working now 🙂

          Regarding exports, the Pro and Enterprise versions offer this – if you’d like to have a look at the section in the documentation please, you can see details on that here (the link point to the page for Affiliates Enterprise documentation but you can use either Pro or Enterprise to export).

          The Affiliates Users plugin will indeed create new accounts for new users. We haven’t tested it with the membership plugin you mention, but if it uses the WordPress API and doesn’t skip the appropriate hooks, then it should work.

          Many thanks for using our tools!


  2. I am searching for a way to reward new customers – by generating a coupon that they can email to friends. My example would be, when 5 friends use the coupon while making a purchase, the original affiliate customer would earn $x.xx or x% off of their next purchase from our site. So, not sending them a “commission”, but an incentive to tell their friends in the form of free or discounted product???? Does this make sense, and will the Affiliates plugin handle this situation? My site is in WordPress and I’m using Woocommerce.

    Thanks very much – in advance for your assist.

    1. Hi Scott,
      With Affiliates Pro you can assign Woocommerce coupons to the affiliates, so when an user uses this coupon, then the affiliate gets commission.
      Also, you can automatice this process with Affiliates Coupons.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. Hello!

    I need to create a commision with the next formula:

    If the total amount of the cart is lesser than X, the commision is 5% of the total
    If the total amount of the cart is greater than X, the commision is 20% of the total minus 4.

    Is that possible with the Pro version?


    1. Hi Ivan,
      This solution is not directly implemented, but with the Pro version you can create your own custom method. I have implemented a custom method (by sales) that you can use changing the $rates array values.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. THanks for this awesome plugin, and for the greates customer support

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comment 🙂

  5. hi,
    Can you tell me how, or if the affiliates or affiliate pro plugin can provide a product discount to the customer if an affiliate link is used? I would like to provide the affiliate with a commission and the the customer with an incentive (discount).

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Ken,
      With the Pro version, you have available the coupons feature. The affiliates can have coupons associated, so if an user uses this coupon, then the affiliate get a commission ( referrals can come from links or coupons ).
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  6. Hi!
    I would like to buy Affiliates Enterprise plugin for my site.
    Could you please provide for trials free version (if it is available).
    I would like to be sure that the plugin works properly at the site.
    Best regards,

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Pavel,
      Sorry, there isn’t a trial version. You can use the Affiliates free version as reference considering that the Enterprise version has more features.
      If you have support questions, please let us know and we will help you.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  7. Hello:
    Does the plugin also track sales made on a sub-domain (eg. foreign languages version of the site are in sub-domains….so while they may have entered on the main domain, the actual purchase may occur on a sub domain.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Mary,
      Affiliates plugin is compatible with multisite, that you can use as subdomains. If you have separate installations in each domain, you can not use it together, you need to be in a common installation.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  8. whoaloic Avatar

    I have added a new capability associated with a new group. When I enable this capacity in the option settings, I dont see the added capabity in the metabox “Access Restriction”.
    Any help please?

    1. Hi,

      Please check if your user account is assigned to the group so that you can choose the capability.


      1. whoaloic Avatar

        Thank you Kento! That was the issue.

  9. Some of you use affiliates with the plugin “Super Socializer”?
    On my site I use woocommerce and I keep track of users who register through woocommece, assigning them to a referent
    I would like to simplify the registration process using “register/login with facebook, google + social…
    But when someone register using facebook is not assigned to the referent …
    Does anyone have a solution? Or a social plugin that works with affiliates?
    Thank you 😉

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi AlessioC,
      I have tried twitter registration and It seems to work fine.
      If you give me a test affiliate url I can try to register using your link and test it.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. You can try with this Link


        I tried with ‘Allow duplicate referrals’ and ‘User registration’ but doesn’t work

        1. antonio Avatar

          The cookie is created correctly. I have registered using the facebook button, please check if the referral has been created.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

          1. No 🙁
            Not referral

            I have added you like Super User of the network, you can login here https://energiaxvincere.com/wp-admin
            I think you have received the automatic mail from my site

            Is a Multi-site install, you can manage everything
            The install in use is the first “membro indipendente herbalife”

            I also have a separate installation where I installed affiliates, woocommerce & Super Socializer.
            I tried to sign up with facebook, twitter and Google+ but the refferal was not recorded

            Let me know if you can solve somehow and the cost
            Thank you

            Alessio C.

            1. antonio Avatar

              Hi Alessio,
              Please try to register a new user using the WordPress system. If the referral is created correctly, then the problem is with the Super Socializer plugin. If not, them there is a problem with the configuration.
              If you are using multisites, you need Affiliates MS.
              Kind Regards,
              Antonio B.

    2. antonio Avatar

      Hi again,
      please check if you have enable the user registration referrals (Affiliates->User registration). If you are using the same account to test, please try enabling the ‘Allow duplicate referrals’ option from Affiliates->Settings:Referrals.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  10. @Antonio: I don’t think you’re understanding my question. I’m not asking about amount. I’m asking about WHICH products the affiliate commission will be associated with in the free account.

    If I have 100 products in my WooCommerce store, does the free version of the plugin *automatically* associate the affiliate commission with all 100 products?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Sorry Jessica,
      Yes, all products generate commission to all affiliates. Except that with the Pro version you assign value zero, then this product doesn’t generate commissions.
      If you want to assign a product to an affiliate permanently, please have a look at Affiliates Products.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  11. @Antonio: I don’t have the pro version. I’m just trying to understand how it works with the free version. Does the commission just go to all the products then with the free version? Thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      The commissions are based on the order net price (excluding shipping, coupons and taxes prices).
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  12. @Antonio: Thanks! With the free version is there a way? Or does it just mean the commission is given to anything listed in my WooCommerce shop?

    1. antonio Avatar

      On the free version, the commission is calculated based on the order total (net total). If you want custom commissions per products you need to Pro version.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. @Antonio: It’s not the commission amount I’m trying to change. I’m just curious how I sync the affiliate commission with a certain product. For example, I have 50+ WooCommerce items in my shop, but only a handful of them I would give affiliate commission on. How do I assign certain products as eligible for affiliate commission?

        1. antonio Avatar

          With the custom referral rate enabled per product (with the Pro version), you can set 0 as value, so this product doesn’t generate commissions.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  13. Good evening! I’m using Affiliates with the WooCommerce Light integration. Is there a way to choose whick WooCommerce products affiliates can make commission on, or does it have to be the whole shop?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Jessica,
      You can do it with the Affiliates Pro version (that includes the Affiliates Woocommerce Integration Pro). You can set (and exclude) custom commissions per product.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  14. MARIA SARA Avatar

    Do i have to buy separately the “affliates users” if i already have “affiliates enterprise” or that plugin is not included in the enterprise stack?

    1. Hi María Sara,
      The Affiliates Users addon in not included in Affiliates Pro/Enterprise versions.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  15. hello,
    Is there any way to delay and automate refferal status change from pending to accepted? (Affiliates->settings->refferals).
    I give 90 days guarantee for my products and if someone is not satisfied he get 100% refund.
    So If someone buy my product thought affiliate, affiliates earnings should get pending status and after 90 days change to approved if order status not changed to “refunded”.


    1. Hi,

      That’s an interesting idea, maybe we could implement it later on. I’ll certainly make note of the suggestion.

      However, we do offer an automated process that comes with some of the advanced integrations included in Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise, where the change in order status is reflected in the status of the referral. For example, if you use WooCommerce and an order is completed, the referral status automatically changes to accepted. If the order were refunded, then the related referral would be rejected automatically.

      With that and assuming that you would pay affiliates periodically with a 3 month delay to allow for refunds, you wouldn’t even need them to change after a certain amount of time.


  16. I have installed the free version of your plugin…How can I create an affiliate link to a particular page or product? (I need affiliate links to go straight to our store, not our home page.)

    Thanks for your help,


    1. Hi John,
      You can use the [affiliates_url] shortcode in your affiliate-area page.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Perfect – thanks for your help.


  17. Luis Cruz Avatar
    Luis Cruz

    Do you have a “X days money back guarantee”?
    I was lookin’ at your website and i didn’t find that info.
    My team and i are deciding between Affiliates and affiliate platforma (which btw, do have a 30 days guarantee)

    1. Hi Luis,

      Yes we do, please have a look at the Refunds section on our Terms and Conditions page. Thanks for considering our tools!


  18. Patricia Avatar

    I will be offering my product at the end of my webinars. However i will need to do 2 things 1) have affiliate tracking for people who referred their list to register for my webinars 2) track to see if anyone who registered via affiliate brought my product.

    How can I do that ?

    1. Hi Patricia,
      From Affiliates->User Registration you can set commissions when a new user comes from an affiliate.
      If you need to add commissions when an user buys something, you need thw Woocommerce integration (if you are using Woocommerce).
      I guess webinars take time, so if you want new users to always be linked to affiliates, please have a look at Affiliates Permanent.
      About reports, you can see information in the Totals, Visits & Referrals and Affiliates & Referrals sections. Here you have information about that.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  19. Hi =)
    Maybe we’re gonna need to buy the “pro” version of affiliates, Due to the following features that we need:
    (btw, we want to reward our affiliates only for the leads they bring to business…)
    1. Referrals info for each affiliate: we don’t find the specific info (name, email etc) of all the referrals that came through each affiliate. is that a “pro” feature only? All that we found is “number of hits” (date. time, ip, count and affiliate) and “number of referrals” (time, post and affiliate) for each affiliate.
    2. Back up. How can we make a backup of our affiliates and their work done?
    3 Multilevel: my team and want to set a mlm structure In the near future. But what will happen with the work done right now? Will we see the “multiple tiers” that all affiliate generated before and after the installation of “Affiliates enterprise”?
    4. CRM: can we “download” the information to a crm to make a follow up? including referral info and the ID of who referred’em?

    Thank you so much for your answer
    Have a great day =)

    1. Hi Fabian,
      1.- In the Pro/Enterprise version you have available the [affiliates_affiliate_stats] shortcode.
      2.- You can do it making a database backup. The tables related to the plugin are those that have the name: wp_aff_xxxxx (if wp_ is your database tables prefix)
      3.- You need the Enterprise version if you want multilevel. If you are working with the normal or Pro version and changes to the Enterprise, all existing affiliates will belong to level 0. From then on the new affiliates will be assigned by level according to who refers them.
      4.- If you need to export referrals data, you can use this function from the Totals section. Also, you have available this plugin if you need to export more detailed information.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  20. Patricia Lolo Avatar
    Patricia Lolo


    I would like to know if I can use this affiliate application to track webinar sign ups and sells from my webinars.

    1. Hi Patricia,
      From Affiliates->User Registration you can enable the option for get commissions when new users are registered. If you are using Woocommerce for sell webinars, then with the Affiliates Woocommerce Integration your affiliates can get commissions.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  21. Hi Antonio,

    I have affiliates who are referring users. How do I go about knowing which users were referred by which affiliates? So I know who to pay and how much. I am sure there is some way to track this that I am overlooking. Your help is greatly appreciated.

    Thank you in advance!

    1. Hi Alexandra,
      from Affiliates->Referrals you can see the commissions and information about they (if you select ‘Expand details’ and ‘Expand Data’ you can see more information).
      From de Totals section you can consult for example the referrals of an affiliate on this month. Affiliates plugin doesn’t process the payment, you can ‘close’ the referrals indicating that these referrals are paid.
      In the Affiliates Pro/Enterprise versions you have the option to create a payment paypal file that you can use for import the referrals to paypal and process this bulk action.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Does this software have 1 time licenses?

        1. Hi Willard,
          The Affiliates pro/enterprise version have SUSDL license.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  22. Hi

    I’ve installed the Affliates plugin and the Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light for my store. I need to be able to pay affiliates’ commissions via PayPal though I do not see any option or settings for payment of affiliates. I’ve tried to find information about this in the documentation but still cannot find anything.

    How do we pay affiliates’ commissions via the plugin?


    1. Hi Cristina,
      The plugin doesn’t process the payment, you can ‘close’ the referrals indicating that these referrals are paid from the Totals section.
      In the Affiliates Pro/Enterprise versions you have the option to create a payment paypal file that you can use for import the referrals to paypal and process this bulk action.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  23. Hii, Thanks for telling about such a great free plugin.
    i wanted to run my affiliate program but all good plugins were paid.
    But it has premium features for fee.
    Thanks for sharing 🙂

    1. Hi,

      Many thanks for your kind feedback on the plugin, great to hear you like it. It would be great if you could also rate it!


  24. I’m using your pluig in affiliates on my two sites.
    The two sites are connected each other through different links
    Can I manage a single “cookie” for both sites?
    My problem is, when a referrer enters on site A and then following a link go to the site B, if he fill a form on the site B, does not have a referrer.
    is possible to read on site B the cookie of A? and on A the cookie of B? ore have the same cookie?

    1. Hi Shelena,
      Maybe using pixel tracking (available in the Affiliates Enterprise version) in the second website can help you. But you need to have the form/shop or the method that generates the referral in the site where is the affiliates program.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  25. Hi, I am running Affiliate Pro Version 2.4.0

    I updated to a newer version of WordPress and woo-commerce.
    Now visits via an affiliate link are still tracked, but referrals do not take place 🙁
    I tried it several times, always the same result.
    Could it be necessary to update the plugin?
    If so, how to?

    Greetings Paul

    1. Hi Patrick,
      Be sure that you have installed the Itthinx Updates plugin and the service-key set for get the latest integration versions.
      Please for get premium support submit a new topic with the question.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  26. Hi,

    I purchase the affiliate pro wordpress plugin mid last week, #19298 November 17, 2016 Completed $59.00 for 1 item

    But there is nothing in the downloads section of my account. How do I install it?

    Thanks Nicole

    1. Ni Nicole,

      I’ve checked your account and you have full access permissions. Can you please go to http://www.itthinx.com/downloads/ and log in to check again?


  27. Emmanuel Avatar

    Ok thanks i reside in Nigeria and my currency is in Naira. So how do i purchase it in dollars

    1. Hi Emmanuel,
      Your bank and/or Paypal directly convert currency.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  28. Emmanuel Avatar

    If i want to purchase the Affiliate Enterprise is there a trial version.

    My project is not to sell any product but just to refer and sign up then pay for membership fee, thats why i only need the Multiple Tiers in levels, payment intergretion, sign up bonus option. So please i need i dont want to purchase what i cant use, is your plugin a perfect plugin for my project?

    1. Hi Emmanuel,
      Enterprise version has multi-level feature and generates commission when a new user is registered. So it seems the correct version that you need.
      With the Enterprise version you have a lot of integration included (Event Manager, Woocommerce …) You can use them or not, that depends on each project (normally not all are used).
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  29. Antonio, thank you so much for your reply, this has clarified the issue for me. I have set it up and tested it and it appears to be working – HOORAY! I cannot wait to use this. i am going to leave you a great review right now!

    I have one further question that you can probably answer:

    I want to promote the fact that I am now running an affiliate program to lots of people who are looking for various affiliate programs to join make a living. Can you recommend some reputable websites or lists to do this? There seem to be a lot of shady sites out there where spammers might try to take advantage. I am looking for legitimate resources that are seen and trusted by the many people who are looking for diverse kinds of affiliate programs to be a part of; this will help me reach people outside of my usual customers and give me more exposure. Can you please provide suggestions??

    thanks very much, Antonio!!

    1. Thanks Kenny,
      I really do not know any sites for it.
      Try to advertise the affiliate program on your site, and perhaps social networks.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  30. Hi Antonio,

    Thank you for the follow-up, it is much appreciated.

    I am still seeing that the affiliate is not getting credit for the optin, perhaps I am reading this incorrectly? I created a new affiliate name, Joe Smith and sent it to a friend to test. He used the link that was created for the Joe Affiliate, http://fallinlovewithfoodsexandmoney.com/?friends=5 which took him to the landing page where he clicked on the purple button named “Save My Spot.” Then the next page is the registration page where he clicked on the green button called “let me in” entered his information to register for the summit. I am assuming that that is the point of service where it would be considered an affiliate referral. When I go to the dashboard {see attached screenshot} I do not see that there was a referral from Joe Smith. From your previous email, you said that the “cookies” would record the affiliate information. Am I missing something along the way?

    Thank you again, Antonio, for all of your support!

    1. Hi Alexandra,
      The “Let me in” form seems that is not a registration form, this seems another form type.
      If I visit your /wp-login page, the registration option is not available, so I suppose that you have not enable the “Anyone can register” option from Settings->General.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Thank you for your follow-up. One more question…do you have a shortcode that can be used to wrap content that would place the affiliates identifier on options???

        Thank you again for your help.

        1. Hi,
          please have a look at the shortcodes documentation page.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  31. Emmanuel Avatar

    Mr. Antonio please i need to know some thing, i want to put a level system in my referral dashboard like level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4 and level 5. When the use refer someone it will be place in level 1 with commission then the level 1 person will refer another person and it will be place in level 2 for the use that refer level member with commission for him. Continues like that.

    What i mean is that can Affiliate plugin be use to create a level system for Direct referral and in-Direct referral program.

    For Example
    level 1 – 10 members – direct referral
    level 2 – 100 members – in-direct referral
    level 3 – 1000 members – in-direct referral

    Till any level i want, please i want quick reply, thatnks in Advance.

    1. Hi Emmanuel,
      please have a look at the multi-level feature available on the Affiliates Enterprise version.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  32. Hi Antonio, please forgive me if I seem dumb here, but I need your help getting the whole system of interdependent plugins necessary to achieve a functioning Affiliate Program, using all FREE plugins – how do I do this?

    Using your plugins I got it to a certain point where I set up an affiliate link and the affiliate sale was recorded, but PLEASE explain exactly what I need to do so that my Affiliates are automatically notified and allowed to retrieve their money once a sale is made. How do they receive their money? Is money deposited into an account they have to set up? Are their earnings sent to them via Paypal? Where do they specify how they’d like to get paid? You don’t explain this anywhere. I don’t understand how this is done, and I didn’t get a reply from you when I asked about this previously – please explain this time so I can get this working.

    My site is http://www.clipartman.com – I will gladly set you up as an administrator if you need to go in and inspect the back end to tell me what I’m missing.

    I would LOVE to be able to use your plugins and set up my own Affiliate program but I can only do this if this works with the FREE versions of your plugins. I have WooCommerce, Affiliates Light and Affiliates but already gave up once out of frustration because you didn’t reply to my similar question several weeks back. But now I’m trying one more time to do this before giving up completely – please help.

    Please explain what is required so that affiliate earnings are calculated and deposited into the Affliliates’s accounts – or explain whatever particular method this system uses; this is the part I don’t understand. Please reply ASAP and show me how to get the whole system working so that Affiliates receive their money using FREE plugins.

    I look forward to your prompt reply.

    If I can get this set up properly,I will gladly give you a stellar review – thank you!!!

    Kenny Kiernan

    1. Hi Kenny,
      Affiliates doesn’t process the payments. The affiliates can see their commissions from the affiliates-area page, with their status (accepted, pending, closed).
      When you update the status of the referrals to ‘closed’, then this means that the referrals is paid. You need to do this manually, for example once a month, you count the referrals accepted, pay these referrals with Paypal, and close these referrals (from Affiliates->Totals using the filter you can close the referrals easily)
      If you need to send notifications to the affiliates when a new referral is generated, you can do it using the Affiliates Pro version.
      With this Pro version, in the Totals section you can generate a file to process the mass payment with Paypal.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  33. I just installed your plugin to my WordPress site, it looks good so far. I am interested in potentially upgrading to your Affiliate Pro account however, I want to make sure this is a good fit for our website.

    I have a few questions for you. I was able to configure the page so potential affiliates can generate their own affiliate link at this page [edited] . I noticed that it creates the affiliate id at the end of the URL, what I am not seeing is once the people go there and they click on another page their affiliate id disappears. Where do I go to make that an option?

    Thank you in advance for your help!

    1. Hi Alexandra,
      When an user visits the affiiate’s link, the the parameter is in the url. After visit the website, if he visits another link, then the param is not added in the url, but the information about the affiliate is already recordered (in a cookie), so there isn’t problem with this.
      If you want directly that your affiliates share a link to a specific page, you can use the ‘url’ param of the [affiliates_url] shortcode.
      Kind regards,
      Antonio B.

  34. Leonardo Avatar

    Hello Antonio,
    is it correct [affiliates_registration redirect="true" redirect_to="http://www.phitaly.com/it/area-affiliato/"]
    to redirect a new webpage after registration?
    Thanks a lot

    1. Hi Leonardo,
      This seems correct.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  35. Leonardo Avatar

    Hello Antonio, how can add a link to specific page for each banner?
    how can add in registration form a checkbox for default settings for Opt-in / Opt-out for european privacy law?
    Thanks a lot

    1. Hi Leonardo,
      You can use the ‘url’ param if the [affiliates_banner] shortcode.
      You could use the ‘terms_post_id’ param as the european privacy law post/page.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  36. Leonardo Avatar

    Hi Antonio,
    I meant the registration page and not the login page.
    Do you have anything like this [affiliates_registration_redirect] ?
    Now my code is:

    Se sei già affiliato cortesemente inserisci i tuoi dati di registrazione per accedere all’area affiliati.

    [affiliates_login_redirect redirect_url="http://www.xxxxx.com/it/area-affiliato/"]
    Se non sei già affiliato, registati ora



    1. Hi Leonardo,
      you could use the ‘redirect’ and ‘redirect_to’ attributes of the [affiliates_registration] shortcode.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  37. Leonardo Avatar

    Hello Antonio, how I can fix the problem with Single And Double Opt-In plus privacy checkbox for EU laws compliance?
    I’m testing the registration page. When I press sign up, it brings me back to the same screen also if I use you can use the ‘redirect_url’ parameter of the [affiliates_login_redirect] . How can I fix this?

  38. I am using paypal button for payment in my directory wordpress website. I want to integrate it with affiliate programthat after successful payment it will be reflected in referral account. Not using any cart etc.

    1. Hi Mms,
      The Affiliates Pro plugin includes the Paypal Integration, so you can use Paypal’s button with Affiliates.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  39. I want to add INR Currency in affiliate’s user registration where we choose amount and currency .

    1. Hi,
      Adding this comment code (changing HRK to INR) in your functions.php theme file you will have your INR currency.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  40. Hi, I installed this and tested Affiliates and it’s not working, can you help please?

    I set up myself as a test affiliate and that shows up properly in the plugin’s data. But I bought something through the affiliate link and the purchase wasn’t recorded in the data. (I don’t understand “Use the browser’s Development tools (or Firebug) to check that there is a cookie wp_affiliates which records the referring affiliate’s ID.” in your testing documentation, please clarify how I do this)

    Also, your documentation doesn’t explain at all where I set a commission rate, and how I’m supposed to have funds transferred to Affiliates. Where is all of this done?

    Your promo copy says this works right out of the box, but I am stuck here – please explain and clarify ASAP, thank you!

    1. Hi Kenny,
      I assume that you are using Woocommerce. Do you have installed the Woocommerce Integration?
      If the integration is installed, then from Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration Light you can set the referral rate.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  41. i want to add more currencies . i want to add INR in it , Please tell me how i can do it.

    1. Hi om,
      please have a look at this comment.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  42. Rami Wazni Avatar
    Rami Wazni

    I just have a question about shortcodes.

    We are trying to show the # of hits for every month and this is what we have used:

    Monthly Hits

    Current Month [affiliates_hits for="month"]

    September [affiliates_hits from="2016-09-01 to 2016-09-30 "]
    August [affiliates_hits from="2016-08-01 to 2016-8-31 "]
    July [affiliates_hits from="2016-07-01 until 2016-07-31 "]
    June [affiliates_hits from="2016-06-01 until 2016-06-30 "]

    It is not working. Maybe I am not doing the shortcode correctly. Please any help.

    1. Hi Rami,
      the correct form is: [affiliates_hits from="2016-09-01" until="2016-09-30"]. Please have a look at the shortcode documentation.
      Remember that only the affiliates can see the result.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  43. Hi there,

    Whenever I enable the registration form and test it, it always requires for a Phone Number. Is this a bug?

    1. Hi Paul,
      please check if your Phone Number field is set as required in Affiliates->Settings:Registration
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  44. Hi

    Thanks for the plugin. I’m testing the registration page. When I press sign up, it brings me back to the same screen. How can I fix this?


    1. Hi Davina,
      you can use the ‘redirect_url’ parameter of the [affiliates_login_redirect] shortcode.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  45. Is there shothcode that generate for logged in affiliat, account delete button?

    1. Hi Seba,
      now there is no such shortcode. But it sounds interesting, write it down for possible improvements.
      You can ‘delete’ the affiliates from the dashboard.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  46. Hi there,

    I’ve just got a quick question.

    I use your affiliates plugin as well as the WooCommerce integration…it’s great – thank you. I’ll definitely be upgrading to the pro version once I’m getting more traffic.

    My question is in regards to what the affiliate gets paid for. I currently have one product which is a subscription/membership. I also made another product, which is the same as the other one but it is a 7 day free trial rather than a paid subscription. I know I could have used the trial function on the original product but I wanted to keep them separate to stop the requirement for billing details before the trial.

    So, my question is…if my referral timeout is 30 days…does the affiliate get paid for any purchases made within that period…or just the first? Does the affiliate get paid for EVERY month that the user is subscribed…or just the first purchase? How does this work?

    Also, how does this work with the free trial? Technically, the free trial is a purchase but for £0 – the membership just expires after 7 days. In the instance that the referral gets paid for the first purchase only, would a free trial prevent them from getting paid if the user went on to purchase 7 days later (after the trial)?

    I look forward to your response 🙂


    1. Hi Adam,

      Thanks for your kind feedback on the system, I’ll try to explain how you could fit this to your requirements. Just to mention this ahead, the free version will allow you to credit the referring affiliate also for a subscription but only for the initial payment if any. You will need Pro or Enterprise if the affiliates should get commissions on recurring payments out of a subscription they have referred. The advanced integration allows you to specify for how long that will hold.

      Now regarding the free trial, if the customer who was referred orders the paid subscription and it’s within the validity for referring an affiliate (i.e. within your 30-day referral timeout), then the referrer will be credited with the commission for the subscription and if enabled, also for subsequent payments related to it. So to answer your question, the free trial would not prevent them from getting paid, as long as the referrer is still recognized.

      I hope that helps you to get a better picture of how this would work. Don’t hesitate to ask if you have further questions please.


      1. Thank you for answering., Please answer mine.


        needs to let visitors sign up as affiliates, generate a url, and let share that URL to earn money per each time someone who visited signs up and pays for a monthly subscription. ( The website is not done yet, ) Will Affiliate PRO version let them receive recurring monthly payments for people they referred, as long as the signup happened within 30 days?

        so does it let you choose the time of referral timeout?

        1. Hi Hark,
          Answered here.

  47. Leonardo Villella Avatar
    Leonardo Villella

    Hello Antonio,
    Today I have update the plugin affiliates and I have lost all data, what I can do to avoid this for each pluging’s update?

    1. Hi Leonardo,
      Please be sure you have NOT selected the ‘Delete all plugin data on deactivation’ option in Affiliates->Settings:General.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Leonardo Villella Avatar
        Leonardo Villella

        Yes, I am sure,
        is there an way to export the data?

        1. Hi,
          Sorry, right now this option is not available.
          You could export the database affiliates tables and import to the new database.
          The affiliates tables like as wp_aff_xxxxx if “wp_”is your tables prefix.
          Kind regards,
          Antonio B.

  48. Leonardo Villella Avatar
    Leonardo Villella

    Hello Antonio,
    thanks for your replay,
    but this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/affiliates-woocommerce-light/ is Compatible up to: 4.5.3
    and this Affiliates Contact Form 7 Integration is Compatible up to: 4.2.9)

    Now do your affiliates program allow auto-referrals? I would use your plugin also in my website http://www.happynewlife.it/it/

    Affiliates Contact Form 7 Integration now don’t sent email to the new affiliate after registration, does it send the email to the new affiliate at the registration with plugin “Affiliate Enterprise”?

    1. Hi Leonardo,
      Both integrations need to update the readme.txt file, but don’t worry, both are compatible with the latest version.
      You can enable/disable auto-referrals from Affiliates->Settings:Referrals.
      If you need that the affiliates get email when a new referral is added (when someone buys something, or a new form is recorded), you need the Pro or Enterprise, that includes notifications.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  49. Leonardo Villella Avatar
    Leonardo Villella

    Hello I am a your affiliate,can I use my earning from your affiliate program to buy some your plugins?
    when will you make your plugings Affilates, Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light and Affiliates Contact Form 7 Integration compatible with wordpress 4.6 beause now is hard to sell your products to my customer because your product are not comptible with last wordpress’s versione.
    whe can I found “Affiliates Ready! Ecommerce Integration Light”?

    1. Hi Leonardo,
      sorry you can not pay directly with the earning.
      Our plugins are compatible with latest WordPress version.
      The Ready Ecommerce Integration Light is available from the WordPress repository.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  50. Ohh Yes now i can see that, Thank you so much for such a great plugin with nice customer support….cheers..!!

    1. antonio Avatar

      your rating is welcome !
      Antonio B.

      1. Please answer my dilemma. Check my website, please.

        Will this plugin let visitors sign up as promoters, which then get their URL generated, so they can share to other people, and when a clicker visits and signs up (pays) the affiliate promoter gets a commission of that money?

        1. Hi Hark,
          With the Affiliates Woocommerce Integration Pro, included in Affiliates PRO, you can set commissions per subscriptions if you are using the Woocommerce Subscription plugin. Please have a look at the end of the documentation page.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

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