
Affiliates ProAffiliates Enterprise

The Affiliates WordPress Plugin


Also refer to the Affiliates Plugins Feature Comparison.

  • Real-time reportingReferrals and affiliate link statistics are recorded and available instantly, as transactions are processed.

    Information for affiliates on the front end: show affiliates information about their referrals including totals by currency and referral status.

  • Integration with virtually any E-Commerce platformAffiliates provides an API which makes it compatible to use with virtually any E-Commerce and Membership system.

    Affiliates Pro Integration packs are available for several platforms. More integrations are added constantly on request.

  • Unlimited AffiliatesSimply have as many affiliates as you can get.
  • Easy affiliate recruitmentAffiliates can sign up automatically and can also be added manually with or without user accounts.
  • Feedback is welcomeDo you have feature requests or want to provide feedback? Please get in touch, the Affiliates plugins evolve with your needs.
  • Free or contribution basedThe Affiliates plugin is free and Open Source. If you want to use it, simply install it from your WordPress Dashboard or download it from WordPress.org.

    Affiliates Pro and Enterprise are contributor releases with additional features. Contributions help to make the plugins even more awesome. Thanks!

  • Quick & Easy InstallationUpload/install and activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard.

Affiliates Pro & Enterprise

  • Banner Management
  • Notifications
  • Videos : A collection of videos showing features available in the free Affiliates plugin and additional features available in Affiliates Pro and Enterprise.
  • Screenshots : Some sample pages set up with Affiliates Pro.
  • Fixed, percentage or formula based commissionsReferral amounts can be flat rates, percentage of net sales amounts and based on custom formulas.

    These can be set in general and per affiliate.

  • Flexible affiliate areasCreate as many pages as you need showing affiliates their stats, banners, links, profile, …
  • Mass Payments and Enhanced TotalsExport totals and generate PayPal mass payment files. Simply pay your affiliates all at once. Pay-outs can be based on accumulated totals.
  • Custom featuresThe Affiliates system provides an extensive API for developers which allows to customize it to any client’s requirements.

The Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program.

Important features include automated affiliate registration, an unlimited affiliate management section and the ability to integrate Affiliates with virtually any E-Commerce platform. Free and premium integrations are available.

The Affiliates plugin provides an ideal affiliate system for sellers, shops and developers who want to get started with their affiliate program right “out of the box”.

It also provides a solid framework for developers, who wish to build customized solutions based on a sound data model. With unlimited affiliate program management tools available on the back end and a set of shortcodes to provide Affiliates information on their performance on the front end, there is everything you need to start an affiliate program.

Affiliates Pro and Enterprise provide additional features for sellers, shops and developers.

If you need to manage an Affiliate Marketing Program, track visits to your site with affiliate links, the affiliates plugin is right for you. It provides the tools to maintain a partner referral program.

Simply put, the affiliates plugin is used to manage affiliates, create referrals and track visits to your site through affiliate links.
Referrals are stored and attributed to an affiliate, for example if clients place orders on your site and you need to credit your affiliates.


Free and premium integrations are available.

Pro & Enterprise

These integrations are included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise:

Light Integrations

These integrations are freely available to be used with any of the Affiliates plugins.



Please refer to the Documentation pages.


What this plugin is not

It is not intended to keep track of links to other sites that you as a member of an affiliate program may have. For that, please try the Affiliate toolbox.



1,415 responses to “Affiliates”

  1. Hi,
    I Need a help please, I have affiliate plugin working fine i integrated with CF7, so basically when any affiliate send the link to their friend and their friend will submit the form at my website then i will call them to confirm the order, once order will be confirmed i will approve their referral amount from pending to accepted.

    So now my question is how can i check who refer who, for example when any of user submit the form and i will call to Mr X and he confirmed that he want X product, so now how can i know who send this person to me so i can go to affiliates users and approve their sales from pending to Accepted.

    I will wait for the reply.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi REFA,
      from Affiliates->Referrals, if you enable ‘Expand details’, ‘Expand descriptions’ and ‘Expand data’ in the filter, you can see the form ID that generates the referrals. So you can associate the form ID with the Affiliate and the referral.
      Kind regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. Hayati Turan Avatar
    Hayati Turan

    hi, is a direct selling possible for the affiliate with login in my website. thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Hayati,
      from Affiliates->Settings:Referrals you can allow or not auto-referrals and/or auto-coupons.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. Hi Guys,
    Testing the free version of the plugin at present but unable to complete registration error warning… please check the box to prove that you are not a robot. Have contact form 7 and a membership plugin in use. Could they be conflicting in some way?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Michael,
      It seems a conflict with a captcha. Please try to disable the captcha.
      You could use the Affiliates Recaptcha integration as alternative.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. Once an affiliate sings up and logs into their affiliate account, where do they get their unique referral link to use? I had a couple friends sign up and couldn’t find it anywhere.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Rob,
      the affiliates have their custom links and commissions in their affiliates-area page. From Affiliates->Settings:Pages you can generate your affiliates-area.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. hi antonio ,
        from last 2 days i contonilsy follow up with you..i am facing the problem when using this plugin..
        when we try to register new affilate from the form…its shows error ::you must enter the mobile numbar.
        but we not add this filed in our form…please help me sort out this..

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi amit,
          probably you are using a plugin to add the telephone on the registration form. When a new affiliate is registered, a new WordPress user is created and related to him.
          You can try to disable the other plugin (if exists), and/or set the telephone not required.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  5. Hi, I am trying your plugin. There was a product purchased through the referral link, but i gave a refund to that customer. It still showed that I have to pay to affiliate. Is there any setting that subtract the commission for the refunded products?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Liudmyla,
      with the Affiliates Woocommerce Integration Pro ( included in the Affiliates Pro ), you have the option to synchronize the commissions status according to the order status.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  6. sebastian Avatar

    Hello Antonio,
    When new user register as an affiliate he don’t get email with account username and password details.
    I checked debug file and found: wp-content/plugins/affiliates/lib/core/class-affiliates-registration.php on line 483
    in this line is $userdata[‘last_name’] = sanitize_text_field( $userdata[‘last_name’] );
    In plugin settings affiliates>settings>Registration I have disabled this field.
    I change line 792 to modify message to affiliates but it don’t cause error.
    file with my class-affiliates-registration.php file and registration settings screenshoot are here: http://goo.gl/06Ouxh

    WordPress 4.2.8
    PHP 5.6.19


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Sebastian,
      That’s true, we’ll check these notices on the next update (right now we assume that first_name and last_name is given).
      But this should not be the problem, please check if your wordpress registration email system is working and if there is another plugin related with the registration/email system.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. sebastian Avatar

        Thanks for your advice. I use mymail extension to manage my emails and in settings i had checked:Use MyMail for all outgoing WordPress mails. that was the problem, when I changed option to “Use only the template for all outgoing WordPress mails” everything is working fine 🙂

        I have one more question for you. Is it possible to display “success” message for new registered user (popup or something similar)?


        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Sebastian,
          thanks for sharing the solution.
          Relating to the ‘success’ you can use the ‘redirect’ and ‘redirect_to’ attributes on the [affiliates_registration] shortcode to redirect to a ‘success’ page.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  7. Hi Antonio.
    This is a nice plugin, but I have a small question. How can I add deferent cords for different product so that I can set deferent affiliate commotion for products. Like a marketplace in click bank.
    Thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      With the Pro/Enterprise versions you can set different commissions per products. Maybe Affiliates Products can help you to create your marketplace.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  8. Diego Avatar

    Hi I am very happy with your plugin but I have 2 questions:

    1. What happens when an affiliate loses their password? Is there any way to retrieve it?

    2. I created a test profile to test the plugin, but then i deleted it. Now when I try to register again I can’t because it says that the email has already been registered. Is there a way of completely eliminating the deleted emails or of recovering them?

    Million thanks! Keep up the amazing work!



    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Diego,
      1.- He can recovery the password using the wordpress system. The affiliate is associated to a wordpress user.
      2.- You need to delete the wordpress user, so you can use the same email to create a new user. If you create an affiliate from the dashboard, then you can add this manually, indicating the username, and a new affiliate associated to this user will be created.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Thank you so much Antonio! ( Gracias!)

        So what happens if the Affiliate already has a wordpress user account for their own website? Would he use that one? Sorry for the stupid questions…

        Also, one more question!

        If I want certain affiliates to get a given percentage of commissions, and others to have other percentages I do need the Pro version right>> I assume that is the “Tiered” section you mention in your description of the Pro version. Or is there any way of personalizing that Affiliate commission for each in the free version?

        thank you so much for creating such an amazing service! Great stuff!



        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Diego,
          The affiliates can use their own links to generate auto-commissions if you have the “Allow auto-referrals” option selected on Affiliates->Settings:Referrals. He can be “auto-permanent” assigned if he already has not referral assigned.
          With the Pro/Enterprise versions you can set custom commissions rate per affiliate.
          Relating to “tiers”, only Enterprise version has multi-levels.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  9. Rami Waz Avatar
    Rami Waz

    Hey Guys. I want to know if you have an add-on that we can purchase that allows us to set-up emails that will go out to affiliates based on a milestone. For example, after 200 referrals, we will send them an email congratulating them on reaching that milestone.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Rami,
      I have created this solution ( Affiliates Congratulations ) that I hope it can help you. You need to change the $limit variable.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Rami waz Avatar
        Rami waz

        Thank you Antonio! Do I need to install any other plugin? Or should I just create the AffiliatesCongratulations.php file?

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Rami,
          With Affiliates and this plugin, both should work well together.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

          1. Rami Waz Avatar
            Rami Waz

            Sorry Antonio. I am not very technical. I already have the Affiliates plugin installed. Which other plugin do I need?

            1. antonio Avatar

              Hi Rami,
              1.- download the plugin.
              2.- edit the affiliates-congratulations.php file to customize the email message and subject (and $limit if you need to change it).
              3.- Install and active the plugin.

              Kind Regards,
              Antonio B.

              1. Hi Antonio,

                I tried and it still not working. I have spent enough time trying. I don’t mind paying for your time to help with me. Please let me know if that is something we can do. My email is ramiwaz @ gmail.com

                1. antonio Avatar

                  Hi Rami,
                  If you send me dashboard admin access to antonio at itthinx dot com, I can have a look at this (please indicate in the email our conversation).
                  Kind Regards,
                  Antonio B.

    2. Hi Rami,

      We don’t have that but you could add an action hook on the affiliates_referral action http://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates/api/actions/ and based on the number of accepted referrals issue the notification.


      1. Rami waz Avatar
        Rami waz

        Thank you Kento. I will check it out.

  10. Another question: Is there a way to give certain affiliates a special commission rate with the plugin? For example, if everyone gets 10% is there a way I can give a special influencer 30%?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Jessica,
      With the Pro/Enterprise versions you can set a custom rate as affiliate attribute.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  11. Love this plugin! One thing that I find confusing though is paying affiliates. Is there a place for them to register their Paypal email or bank transfer info?

    I checked the documentation (http://docs.itthinx.com/document/affiliates/setup/settings/registration/) but couldn’t find an answer to this.


    Jessica Festa

    1. antonio Avatar

      Thanks Jessica,
      you can use the extra fields on the registration to add ‘paypal email’/’bank transfer info’ fields where the affiliate can save the data.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  12. Please , how do I apply the translation to Portuguese, what should I do?

    1. Hi,

      The translation is already in the plugin’s languages subfolder (see for example https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/affiliates/trunk/lib/core/languages/) – if your site is in Portuguese, it should show up translated, too. Or is there some other aspect you refer to?


      1. Thalis Morais Avatar
        Thalis Morais

        the site is in Portuguese , but the plugin is still in English and do not know how to change , help me?

      2. My plugin is in English and do not know how to leave it in Portuguese , the translation is in the folder but do not know how to use


        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Thalis,
          please check if you have Portuguese selected on Settings->General.
          If the problem persists, please try to reinstall Affiliates.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  13. Hi,

    Regarding my previous enquiry, is there a way to enable that tracking? Cause as of now, all we know is that the referral count increases, but we can’t pinpoint who was the one that signed up using the CF7 integration form, under whose affiliate links.
    Or do we have to buy the affiliates pro to enable that feature?


    1. Hi Daryl,

      No you don’t need the Pro version for that. Each referral already has that information: When someone clicks an affiliate link and later submits the form, a referral is created and related to that affiliate. You can see more details on the integration on this documentation page. I hope that makes it clearer, if what you want is to be able to see which affiliate has referred the person that submitted the form, then you have that information in each referral created. If you need further help, please don’t hesitate to ask.


  14. Hello,

    I like the plug-in so far, but there is a question I would like to ask.

    Right now what we’re doing is that we allow our affiliates to spread their link and what he did is we integrated the plug-in with contact form 7. So what happens is that if an affiliates shares a link out, and some random person clicks on the link, the visitors count increases by 1, and only if they submit the form, then the referral count increases. (there is no problem here)

    What i would like to know is that; can we pinpoint which person that submitted the form click on which affiliate link? Basically what we want to know is that does this plug-in allow the interface to find out who submitted the form under which affiliate link? (would like to know if the affiliates pro version has this function)

    thanks much!

    1. Hi Daryl,

      Yes, the referral that is recorded reflects exactly that as it relates the referring affiliate to who has submitted the form. If the same person has been referred by multiple affiliates, the system will record the referral upon form submission for the last one. That’s assuming you use the CF7 integration we provide.


  15. Hello..

    I want to ask, how do I add my country’s currency? Indonesia is the country with the currency IDR. Thank you and I wait for the answer.

    1. Hi Hadi,
      please have a look at this conversation.
      Antonio B.

  16. Love this plugin so far, but was wondering one thing. I’m using Affiliate WooCommerce Light to pair with it. Does this mean for an affiliate to get credit the customer needs to checkout through WooCommerce to get credit?

    Before this I was using a basic calendar + Paypal integration to sell, so was wondering if I need to move all the products to WooCommerce.


    1. Hi Jessica,

      Many thanks for using the plugin, great to hear you like it 🙂

      The choice really depends on what’s more suitable for your sales process, although we do have an integration with PayPal that supports referrals on sales handled directly (see more about it on this PayPal integration documentation page) this is only included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise – but note that if there’s another plugin that also needs to receive PayPal’s IPN, then that would be in conflict with our PayPal integration. The other option, if you’d rather switch to the WooCommerce light version, then that’s also a good alternative – you could try it out on a test site setting up a couple of test products and see how the Affiliates plugin integrates with it.


  17. Hello Kento
    Please Help me! I am using the Affiliates plugin and I have a security plugin to Enable “hide backend feature” for my WP login. There seem to be two places that forwards people to my WP backend. The first place is the Affiliate login area, if you do not put information in the fields and just click “Login” and the 2nd place is after Affiliate registration there is a hyperlink named “Login” that send people to my WP backend.
    Thank You for your help…

    1. Hi Jon,
      Affiliates login/registration is based on wordpress login/registration. Maybe the plugin Theme My Login can help you to hide your login/registration dashboard pages, and create frontend login/registration pages.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  18. Hi Support,

    I am new with this Affiliate Plugin and just started using it. I have already generated an affiliate page, with the login and sign up details inside.

    However, for the affiliate link, does it look like this http://domain.com/?affiliates=2? If yes, how come that when I go this link, it shows the page, I can see the hits, where can the affiliate place the cookie?

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Kristin,
      yes, the link is similar that this. The affiliate shares this url, then when a customer visit this link, a ‘wp_affiliates’ cookie is created and the system tracks the visit, and add a new referral if the user buys anything (if you have a shoping cart integration installed).
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  19. Hi guys, I’m running the twenty twelve theme and your plugin creates issues with the woocommerce coupon code. When adding a code, the code isn’t applied and the processing wheel endlessly spins without the code being added. Everything is up to date but when the affiliates plugin is activated the problem occurrs.

    1. Hi Simon,
      Did you get any errors logged in debug.log?
      In order to enable debugging, edit wp-config.php and replace the following line
      define('WP_DEBUG', false );
      with these lines
      define('WP_DEBUG', true );
      define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );

      Then try to use the code.If errors exist then a file named debug.log under wp-content folder.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  20. Hi…just a quick question. If I have an affiliate using ?affiliates=4 as their URL parameter, can I use this on any sub page of my site? At the moment, it of course works on the home page…for example http://www.exampleurl.com/?affiliates=4 but will it also work on any sub-page like: http://www.exampleurl.com/default/pageone/?affiliates=4 as well?

    I’m sure it can but I just wanted to double check.

    Thanks and great plugin!

    1. Hi Todd,

      Yes that will work, too. You can add it to any page so it’s recognized as an affiliate URL.


  21. Hi, if someone clicks on an affiliate banner, can the commission be given if they buy any product on the site?

    Also, what if they return to the site directly on a later date(without clicking on the banner), will the person that referred them originally still get a commission?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Sean,
      Yes, click in a banner is similar to click in an affiliate custom link.
      In Affiliates->Settings you can set the cookies timeout. So if you set 365, then the customer can buy something until 365 days after visit the link/banner and generate commissions.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  22. Hi. I installed the plugin on my website and have provided affiliate links as unique tracking links to people to monitor the visits and registrations coming from them.

    However, I can’t see anything!

    Please get back to me ASAP on this. It’s important that I can see how many times those links have been clicked and converted registrations. I need this info NOW.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Rhory,

      Please have a look at this documentation page Reports – as you can see, there are several sections which provide detailed information on that. Also I’d recommend you have a look at the documentation in general so you get an overview of the features and integrations it provides.

      I hope that helps you to get started, feel free to ask if you need further help.


  23. Antonio,

    One more item. When I am in the affiliates enterprise admin / manage affiliates page, a strange display of data occurs. I have selected several forms of data to appear on the screen: Affliate, Username, Referral Rate, Coupons and First name. The affiliates appear, however some affiliates appear more than once, and others only appear one time. I have done some troubleshooting and this is what I have discovered: When I have only one attribute with one value the affiliate displays only one time. If I have an affiliate with two or more attributes or when there is more than one data value (eg coupon codes) the affiliate will display itself n times based on n-1 attributes or attribute values. I have an affiliate with one attribute: coupons, with 3 coupon values. That affiliate will display twice. If I add one more attribute, that affiliate will display 3 times on the admin Manage Affiliates page. If I remove the coupons attribute or insert only one coupon code, it will work fine. Is this me and my setup? Or something else?



    1. Hi Matt,
      I have tried your scenario, but I’m not this problem. If you add a topic in the forums I can have a look at your settings.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  24. Antonio:

    I just purchased the Affiliates Enterprise and Affiliates Coupons and have begun my set up, implementation and testing. I have most functions working as expected. I have some questions about affiliate management area and reporting.

    1-I would like to display the coupon code with each affilaiate referral transaction in the affiliate management area. I have tried using the affiliates_affiliate_stats shortcode and the “data” attribute. I had hoped that using the data key named coupons would render the coupon code used for each referral transaction in the affiliate management area. However, this technique did not work. Date,Post,Amount,Currency, Status and Details all rendered. Is there a shortcode that will render the associated coupon code with each referral transaction? I would like to track the success of using a particular coupon for my affiliates.

    2-In the adminstrative end, I could not find a report or screen to display coupon usage with the associated affiliate transaction. Is there something I am missing the report or screen? I have looked in the Manage Affiliates, Vists & Referrals, Affiliates & Referrals, Referrals, and Totals. I was unable to display transaction with coupon code. Perhaps I am looking in the wrong place?



    1. Hi Matt,
      sorry, this data is not showed with the shortcodes.
      “message” is used in documentation as variable, “message” can be order_id,order_total and/or order_currency.
      To show this data, you need to create your own shortcode, you can use Affiliates API and Affiliates Woocommerce Views as reference.
      Similar in the backend, this data is not displayed, so you need to visit the order that generate the referral to see if a coupon was been used.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

    2. Hi Matt,

      Regarding 1) this isn’t possible in that way because the coupon is related to the order but not recorded as referral data. You would have to pull the order reference from the referral and then get the coupons related to the order. This would require coding.

      2) Similar here, there is no report on referrals by coupon, but it’s something we can consider to include in a future version.


  25. Hi!

    It would be sweet if your embedded shortcode for user_url is clickable, it turns out to be an old copy and paste system. I would like my affiliate to enter their website on the form and retrieve them and show on a page as a live link or clickable link rather than a text which has no format in it.


    1. Hi John,
      I assume you are talking about ‘affiliates_url’ shortcode, so you can use the shortcode ‘affiliates_affiliate_link‘. Or the ‘affiliates_url‘ shortcode like this: <a href=”[affiliates_url]">[affiliates_url]</a>
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  26. Hello,
    I have installed and reinstalled this plug in to my wordpress site and I can not log in myself nor can my affiliates. I have set up the affiliates pages and can not access them even them I am registered as an affiliate. Could you please help?
    Thank you

    1. Hi Marisa,
      please check out:
      – You have enabled “Anyone can register” in Settings->General
      – And “Allow affiliate registration” in Affiliates->Settings:Registration
      Kind regards,
      Antonio B.

    2. Hi Marisa,
      please share your url to test it.

  27. Hi and thanks for the great plugin! I am having problems with my affiliates being able to sign in. I’m trying to get my first affiliate started and I’ve made an account for myself as well. Neither of us can view the affiliates info even though we are both registered. I just keep reloading the affiliates area and saying that we need to sign up to access that info. Help would be great appreciated!

  28. I do not have an e-commerce site. Mine is a lead gen site. I will need to manually add in the closed deals after a lead has been generated and gone through my phone room. 1. Will this track the affiliate that generated the lead? 2. Can I add the closed sale in manually? If so what other plug ins will I need?
    Thank You

    1. Hi Todd,
      On the Dashboard, in Affiliates->Referrals you can add referrals manually, assigning the affiliate and the status that you need.
      Kind regards,
      Antonio B.

  29. General understanding of tiers and commission structure

    Assume the following:

    You have A, B, C, and D affiliates, with A being the Head of that particular group.
    (I am ignoring the rate structure for now to simplify the example)

    A refers B
    B refers C
    C refers D


    B,C,D live under Affiliate A as descendants.

    If A sells direct, A is the only affiliate to receive a commission.

    If B sells direct, then A and B are entitled to commissions and C&D are not.

    If D sells direct, then A,B,C are entitled to commissions.

    Am I understanding your tier structure correctly?

    1. Hi Matt,
      if I assume that “A sells direct” means “A shares a link/coupon and a customer buys something”, then the scenario is correct.
      Kind regards,
      Antonio B.

  30. I have installed Affiliates on my website and liked the product very much. I am considering buying the Affiliates Enterprise and one or two other Affiliate products, however I have one issue with the affiliate registration page that I cannot resolve. The captcha is not visible and registration is therefore non-functional. I am using Captcha by bestwebsoft and have read through their documentation and your documentation regarding the issue of Captcha not being visible on the registration page. I have tried most of the recommended solutions with no success. I would like to resolve this issue before I go any further with your Preminum products. Would someone please help me with this issue?



    1. Hi Matt,

      I think the best is to create a small integration plugin for that, similar to Affiliates reCAPTCHA but for BestWebSoft’s Captcha instead. I’ll post a follow-up when it’s done.


      1. Thanks, looking foward to the plugin. Just a side note, I tried Affiliates and affiliates reCaptcha on a seperate website with a different theme, and had no success.

        Again thanks


        1. Hi Matt,

          Ok, anyhow give the Captcha integration a try please. It’s on this GitHub repository Affiliates Captcha where you can download the zipped plugin file and install it. I’ve tested it and it worked fine, let me know if it works for you too please.


          1. kento:

            Worked perfectly! Thanks for your quick responses and solution.

            I am now testing out the “affiliate contact form 7 integration” and the tracking and paying of affiliates after form submission.
            I may have a few more questions after testing.

            best to you


  31. Great plugin and tool? If I do have a membership, am I able to set it up so that every member who’s on my site will auto register this affiliate program? Any info is greatly appreciated.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Thanks Jeremy,
      please have a look to Affiliates Users plugin.
      Antonio B.

  32. Is it possible to display affiliate performance, hits and earned payment in the buddypress profile pages of a member if he/she is an affiliate ?
    ( only visible to this user of course)
    thanks. Plugin is great.

    1. Hi Norman,

      You can use the shortcodes on any page if it is editable, but for BuddyPress – from what I’ve seen – you would have to customize the profile templates.


  33. Dear Kento, I am progressing with your plugin. Think I understand now how it works and has to be used.

    But small problem: after my users SIGN UP as affiliate the page doesn’t refresh and therefore the afilliate links are not displayed.

    If I click on browser refresh it shows them, but no one is doing that in this situation. People can think it is a problem during the affilaite registration. Any idea how to solve that ?

    this is my affiliate area: http://www.kawaii.com/ambassador/

    (edited login)

    1. Hi,

      The page has lots of errors and the fields don’t show up. You should fix these and make sure that everything displays correctly, otherwise it won’t be possible for anyone to sign up on that page in the first place. Once you have that solved, you will surely also have the refreshing issue out of the way. This isn’t related to the plugin itself but to how you have it integrated with your theme and other plugins. You might also want to check for possible conflicts.


  34. Thanks Kento, really great. I will really give this plugin a hard try because it sounds promising and your support is more than awesome !

    I still have some problems:

    1. When a user signs up, after sign up it still shows the sign up form on the page ( I will add my affiliate area code here in this message, maybe you can tell me what is wrong)

    2. How is all the PayPal thing working. At the moment at no time my user is asked to enter his/her PayPal Email for payout, and I am also wondering how do I pay that. Or is it simply that I have to go to my PayPal, pay and than mark the payment manually ?

    the code at the moment:


    1. Note that you have not closed the [affiliates_is_not_affiliate] shortcode. You need to end that section using [/affiliates_is_not_affiliate] like this http://pastebin.com/YXsMeGP2

      See Registration section for details on the fields please and there’s a section on the totals in the documentation, too.

      1. Shall I add the closing shortcode just at the end of my file ?


        (Please do not post large chunks of code or HTML but use pastebin)

        1. No, please look at the pastebin I’ve pointed you to, it’s indicated there where you need to put that closing shortcode.

  35. is it possible to show the content of the registration shortcode: [affiliates_registration] ONLY to logged in users ?

    so if a user is not a registered member and not logged in he/she can’t see the register form ?

    in my case people get confused if they already see the affiliate registration form.

    1. Hi Norman,

      Yes that’s possible. Install the Groups plugin and enclose the registration shortcode like this:

      [groups_member group="Registered"]

      With that, only registered users will see the affiliate registration form.


      1. @kento,

        thanks Kento, I will see what I can do !!! thanks for the great support.
        I will check all other page issues. But Affiliate sign up works already.
        have a nice one.

  36. @Antonio,

    I think the problem is that I cannot use an already registered email in your sign up form.
    I mean users who already are registered members of my page are going to your affiliate sign up form and here they want to
    enter the same email like they also use for the regular membership, but this is not allowed.

    I understand from your last message that the shortcode content will be only be displayed if a member is a registered affiliate in your system.
    I can make them use the same username name to make things easier, but the email is a big problem. any idea ?

    ( here is my affiliate page: http://www.kawaii.com/affiliate-area/ )

    1. antonio Avatar

      if you are an existing user and you want to use the same user as affiliate, then you need to be logged in, then visits the affiliate-area to sign up as affiliate.
      Antonio B.

  37. Hi I am interested in your Plugin.

    I basically need to award users with a certain amount of money (paid by PayPal) when they refer me people who register as members.
    I installed the plugin but I had 2 main problems:

    – when I was logged in as a demo user and visited the affiliate page- than the shortcode content was not displayed ( except the register mask).
    I also couldn’t find out if it is possible to use the same username and password for the affiliate ( making my users sign up twice would be not so good- but I guess that a registered and logged in user should be able to see the regular affililate page).
    I kind of liked the description of the plugin and would also buy the advanced version, but I need to know if some can help me to solve this initial problem.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Norman,
      according to the user status (guest, logged in, …) the shortcodes is displayed. If you are a logged user then you only need to register as affiliate, but you don’t need another username.
      Please share you affiliate-are page to have a look.
      Antonio B.

  38. Steve Avatar


    Is it possible to track and give credit to an affiliate who sends someone to my site with the only goal being to register someone for a webinar or a free phone strategy session? Only after the webinar or phone call would I then be directing people to a page to purchase the program, which would be what the affiliate would get paid for. Basically, the webinar/phone call is free, so is it possible to track the affiliate link, and keep a cookie on the computer of the person being referred for when they eventually register and pay for the online course?


    1. Hi Steve,

      Yes that’s possible. I would recommend you have a look at the Contact Form 7, Formidable or Gravity Forms integration documentation pages. The one for CF7 is available with the free version of the Affiliates plugin, the other two are provided with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise.


  39. My website will eventually expand nationally as a Buddypress site, with the following additional plugins: Membership (levels), Forum / Social sharing, possibly Multisite for members to create their own page depending on membership payment level (unless Buddypress already gives them their own page), and eventually also reselling software and products through affiliate links (an ecommerce or affiliate link manager?).

    1) To start as simple as possible but knowing my final website outcome, and help me grow my paid (and free) memberships as quickly as possible, it looks like I should start with and focus on my own affiliate program. If you agree, what is the simplest way to smoothly and sequentially integrate all these plugins, but 1st with my own Affiliate program?

    2) With Affiliates, do I need to use a Membership plugin to be able to integrate with my current Authorize.net gateway to take subscriptions? (I’m currently using Formstack but would like to phase that out eventually to an Infusionsoft plugin, or first to Gravity Forms then Infusionsoft).

    3) Or could I just move right to Buddypress to integrate with and handle “membership” sign-ups with Affiliates, and by-pass having to install and configure the Membership plugin, at least initially to minimize work and time to get up and running quicker?

    4) Also VERY important – I need 20% from all membership sign-up fees from members from specific states to go to my one partner for that state. Could this work, and would it be based on a membership level or a tier? Also regarding tiers, all my affiliate members that bring in a new member would get a $20 referral, and that new member should also get a $10-$20 initial membership discount (coupon codes or a tier parameter?). I’d like all affiliate members to also be able to earn $5-10 from members 2 people down. Can I use Affiliates to do all this?

    5) Will my site’s member affiliates be able to make % commissions off the product links that I’m eventually an affiliate of myself and reselling?

    6) Do you have an Affiliate Terms of Service template I can modify to get my affiliates started?

    1. Hi Dan,

      #1 I would recommend you to hire a consultant who helps you to set requirements and determine the best combination of tools for your specific case.

      #2 Have you considered using WooCommerce with Subscriptions? Affiliates Pro and Enterprise are integrated with that.

      #3 I don’t think so. Also I would reconsider if the approach to look for the quickest solution is really fitting, see #1.

      #4 If you have a fixed rate assigned to your partner, you could look for a solution that allows you to get reports per state and then the monthly calculation is straight-forward.

      #5 No, at least not with the plugins as they’re not intented to do that.

      #6 I would rather recommend to seek help from a business consultant and double-check your terms with a lawyer.


  40. philip Avatar

    in addition ,every referal link will land to my registration page.my website is a free predict website

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Philip,
      you can use the [affiliates_url] shortcode.

  41. philip Avatar

    please am a beginner ,here are the features i need from the plugin:
    -ability to automatically generate affilate link (let me call it referal link because am not selling any product now) for my website registered user

    -i will be able to credit(if possible,written in my local currency or us dollar) the user whom i get a new user through is affilate/referal link
    =>the reason for this is that when my user get me a new user through his referal link ,i will be able to pay him a certain amount
    my question now is that can i do all this with the plugin

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Philip,
      in Affiliates->User registration section you can set the conditions to generate commission when a new user is registered throw an affiliate’s link.
      Antonio B.

  42. Many thanks, Antonio It`s a very nice tool !

  43. Hi guys,

    This may well be a stupid question as I’m new to WP development, but is it possible to set this up so that affiliates are paid automatically, and if so, which version of this plugin would be required (Free/Pro/Enterprise)? I’m also using WooCommerce, if that helps.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Rudi,
      with the Pro/Enterprise version referral’s status is synchronized according to the order status.
      But Affiliates plugin doesn’t process the payment. You should ‘close’ the referrals for example once a month and manually pay to the affiliates.
      Antonio B.

      1. Many thanks, Antonio! I thought so, just had to be sure 🙂

        1. antonio Avatar

          Perfect 🙂

  44. Ashley Avatar

    I have a question, is it possible to have multiple landing page with your plugin? So for instance, I want to offer affiliate links for more than one program and each program has a separate page on my website.

    1. Hi Ashley,

      You’re probably confusing this with externally hosted affiliate solutions. Have a look at the Affiliate plugin instead. You can set up as many landing pages that you need, that plugin will help convert links by keywords automatically.


  45. Dear admins,

    I am really happy with your plugin! It works great and is very useful.
    Just one question: how can I combine username and email. As in: is it possible to only ask for email and then use the emailadress as the login “username”?

    With kind regards

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Geert,
      if you use WP Email Login plugin your users can login using the email and/or the username.
      Antonio B.

  46. Hey guys,

    I am strongly conseidering making a purchase, but I have one question before I do.

    I have a membership based WP site.

    And I have 5 pacakge to chose from, 3 of these are at a cost of 99 dollars, one of them is free and the fifth at a cost of 245 dollars.

    Lets say, that an affiliated trough my site, gives me a costumer, but the costumer chose the free 7 day package. The affiliate will not get any money from this package, but what if the costumer he got me, upgrades to a package with a cost, will the affiliate be credited for that? I hope so, otherwise theres no point for an affiliate to promote my site.

    The membership plugin I have is based on payment month after month, Its a monthly membership, so obviously the affiliate also needs to be credited for the months to come.

    The membership plugin is using Paypal as payment gateway, does your plugin support this?

    Best regards


    1. Hi Jakob,

      For this to work, the membership plugin needs to be integrated with the system. I would recommend to have a look at WooCommerce for that, as the plugin is integrated with commissions for recurring payments.


  47. Turhan Akyol Avatar
    Turhan Akyol

    Love the plugin but was just wondering one thing.
    If i have a membership site can i set up this plugin so that every member to my site it automatically registered for the affiliate program?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Turhan Akyol,
      you can use Affiliates Users plugin.
      Antonio B.

  48. I need to set a default affiliate ID for when a visitor comes to the site without a referral ID associated with it.

    Example, visitor comes to http://www.buyonegramgold.com/?gold=4 that gets associated with Affiliate ID 4 and I can use that to dynamically pull info from that affiliates profile such as user_login etc.

    But if a visitor comes to http://www.buyonegramgold.com without a Affiliated ID I want to use a default ID of 1, so I can still use code to pull info from an affiliate profile such as user_login and in this case it would be affiliate 1.

    I know there is the Default setting to assign any purchases to that default ID when a purchase is made but I need the ID assigned when they visit the site immediately.

    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    Terry Ladouceur

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Terry,
      in Affiliates->Settings:referrals you can enable “Store direct referrals” so whenever a referral is suggested and no affiliate is attributable to it, the referral will be attributed to Direct (ID 1).
      If you need to create the cookie always, you can use ‘affiliates_parse_request’ function in affiliates/lib/core/wp-init.php as reference to create your own solution.
      Antonio B.

      1. Thanks Antonio, that is exactly what I needed. I have been able to now hard code a default ID so that my dynamically created links to third party sites will be sure to contain an affiliate ID even if the user arrives at the site without one.

        Terry Ladouceur

  49. Hi guys.

    I like your plugin, but I do not understand one thing. Why plugin considers a request to purchase a product, but not paid for? I would like to plugin counted “involved client” only after payment of the goods. How to do it?

    Thank you!

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Valeryan,
      the referral is created when the order is created. You can set the default referral status to ‘Pending’ in Affiliates->Settings:Referrals.
      With the Affiliates Pro/Enterprise version and their integrations with Woocommerce you can automatically update the referral status according to the order status.
      Antonio B.

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