
Affiliates ProAffiliates Enterprise

The Affiliates WordPress Plugin


Also refer to the Affiliates Plugins Feature Comparison.

  • Real-time reportingReferrals and affiliate link statistics are recorded and available instantly, as transactions are processed.

    Information for affiliates on the front end: show affiliates information about their referrals including totals by currency and referral status.

  • Integration with virtually any E-Commerce platformAffiliates provides an API which makes it compatible to use with virtually any E-Commerce and Membership system.

    Affiliates Pro Integration packs are available for several platforms. More integrations are added constantly on request.

  • Unlimited AffiliatesSimply have as many affiliates as you can get.
  • Easy affiliate recruitmentAffiliates can sign up automatically and can also be added manually with or without user accounts.
  • Feedback is welcomeDo you have feature requests or want to provide feedback? Please get in touch, the Affiliates plugins evolve with your needs.
  • Free or contribution basedThe Affiliates plugin is free and Open Source. If you want to use it, simply install it from your WordPress Dashboard or download it from WordPress.org.

    Affiliates Pro and Enterprise are contributor releases with additional features. Contributions help to make the plugins even more awesome. Thanks!

  • Quick & Easy InstallationUpload/install and activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard.

Affiliates Pro & Enterprise

  • Banner Management
  • Notifications
  • Videos : A collection of videos showing features available in the free Affiliates plugin and additional features available in Affiliates Pro and Enterprise.
  • Screenshots : Some sample pages set up with Affiliates Pro.
  • Fixed, percentage or formula based commissionsReferral amounts can be flat rates, percentage of net sales amounts and based on custom formulas.

    These can be set in general and per affiliate.

  • Flexible affiliate areasCreate as many pages as you need showing affiliates their stats, banners, links, profile, …
  • Mass Payments and Enhanced TotalsExport totals and generate PayPal mass payment files. Simply pay your affiliates all at once. Pay-outs can be based on accumulated totals.
  • Custom featuresThe Affiliates system provides an extensive API for developers which allows to customize it to any client’s requirements.

The Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program.

Important features include automated affiliate registration, an unlimited affiliate management section and the ability to integrate Affiliates with virtually any E-Commerce platform. Free and premium integrations are available.

The Affiliates plugin provides an ideal affiliate system for sellers, shops and developers who want to get started with their affiliate program right “out of the box”.

It also provides a solid framework for developers, who wish to build customized solutions based on a sound data model. With unlimited affiliate program management tools available on the back end and a set of shortcodes to provide Affiliates information on their performance on the front end, there is everything you need to start an affiliate program.

Affiliates Pro and Enterprise provide additional features for sellers, shops and developers.

If you need to manage an Affiliate Marketing Program, track visits to your site with affiliate links, the affiliates plugin is right for you. It provides the tools to maintain a partner referral program.

Simply put, the affiliates plugin is used to manage affiliates, create referrals and track visits to your site through affiliate links.
Referrals are stored and attributed to an affiliate, for example if clients place orders on your site and you need to credit your affiliates.


Free and premium integrations are available.

Pro & Enterprise

These integrations are included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise:

Light Integrations

These integrations are freely available to be used with any of the Affiliates plugins.



Please refer to the Documentation pages.


What this plugin is not

It is not intended to keep track of links to other sites that you as a member of an affiliate program may have. For that, please try the Affiliate toolbox.



1,415 responses to “Affiliates”

  1. Hello,

    I download and installed this “Affiliates” program back in January. Initially, I setup everything and it was working just fine. However, I never got a chance to use it because I was still developing my site.

    Now my site is fully functional and ready to go! However, the affiliates program isn’t work now.

    When a non-registered users visits my “Affiliates Area”, you can only see the user login. The user “Registration Form” will not appear.

    So far I’m tried removing plugins, I’m tried creating a seperate affiliates page titled “Affiliate Registration” using the shortcode by itself. Nothings works.

    Please tell me what I’m doing wrong. I’m ready to purchase the enterprise version, but I don’t want to purchase anything until, I find out what the problem is…

    You can view my Affiliates Area page at: http://www.foxtailmag.com/affiliate-area/

    Thank You

    1. Hi,

      You have probably modified the affiliate area and removed part of it or are using some of the shortcodes incorrectly. I’d recommend you create a new one – see Pages in the documentation.


      1. I try that. I permeanantly deleted all the pages related to the affiliate program. Then, I generated a new page using the plugins. I still isn’t displaying.

        At this point, I decided to delete the plugin and start from scratch. So I checked the “Delete all plugin data on deactivation”. Everything reset as expected. Generated a new page, and still nothing. No registration form!

        This is so frustrating.

        Any help will be much appreciated.

        1. Thanks for detailing that. Do you have any plugins installed that might be interfering in how the content is displayed? If yes, then please try to disable them temporarily and test the page. Also try with a different theme to see if there is an issue with the one you are using?

          1. Okay, I discovered that “WordPress SEO” by TeamYoast is causing the problem. It there anything I can do about this because “WordPress SEO” is really vital to my website.

            1. antonio Avatar

              Hi Sinovah,
              right now WordPress SEO plugin is active? I can see the registration form.
              Maybe a problem with cache, please try to disable only cache in WordPress SEO plugin.

  2. Hi,
    We want to track the referrals to our site but I also want to track the number of ticket sales from each referral.
    Our ticket purchase system was built in with the theme and uses PayPal with the user returned to a thank you page after purchase.
    Is there an easy way we can track which affiliate link was used when a purchase is made? Perhaps a short code on the thank you page?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Russell,
      You should create your own integration based on a filter/action that your system launch when the ticket is created. You can use Affiliates API as reference.

  3. Hi,

    I’m wondering if there is any way to integrate the Affiliates plugin with a plugin called Pro Sites. It’s for multisite and allows you to sell sites to clients, but also to offer free sites. I don’t want to pay commissions on free sites, but only on paid ones. I can’t think of a way to integrate this but thought you might have an idea.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Todd,
      there isn’t an integration to this plugin. You could use Affiliates API to create your own solution.

  4. Hi, i have a sales ending on weekend and can’t seem to get the Affiliates plugin working.

    Here are the details.

    I had only WordPress 4.1.1 working with Woocommerce 2.2.10 , Affiliates and Aff WC light..

    After loging to WP user, it doesn’t show the AFF login (as noted by few users) so i’ve tried changing theme, disconecting etc.. EVEN with WP twenty Twelve it didn’t work unless i signout of the WP user (WC)

    Then i have again only those 3 plugins working, and tried to change the USER PASS of my WP user,

    and here is what i’ve got:

    Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/atmerkak/public_html/wp-content/plugins/affiliates/lib/core/class-affiliates-admin-user-profile.php on line 192

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/atmerkak/public_html/wp-content/plugins/affiliates/lib/core/class-affiliates-admin-user-profile.php:192) in /home/atmerkak/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 1178

    ———–RE tracking —-
    ok so on the page, the cookie was recorded showed wp-affiliate the contect was “3” as in the aff manager.

    YET, no sales were recorded, only hits. can’t seem to understand what is happening.

    Please help, i’ve purchased 5 plugins from you guys and sometimes it’s so frustrating with little details like that, appriaciated if you could help me out asap.

    ANy info needed from my end?

    sorry it’s in lithuanian language, but you should see what is needed for you : http://pastebin.com/Samx5EF5

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Ray,
      Please give us your affiliate-area url to have a look.
      Relating to the warning. We’re already aware of this and it will be fixed. This will only show if you have define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY',true); in your wp-config.php, you can disable that meanwhile.

      1. It;s lithuanian, but hope it translates for you, is this the area you’ve been talking about?


        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Ray,
          I have created a new affiliates and seems to work fine (I can register the new affiliates and login in the affiliate-area)
          I can not try to register a new Wordpredd user because your registration is closed.

          1. Hi Antonio,

            We experienced the same issue with Ray. The issue appears when we edit user profile.

            Warning: array_shift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/atmerkak/public_html/wp-content/plugins/affiliates/lib/core/class-affiliates-admin-user-profile.php on line 192

            Did some workaround by casting the variable.

            In line 192, changed the code to

            $affiliate_ids = affiliates_get_user_affiliate( $user_id );
            $affiliate_ids = (array)$affiliate_ids;

            Maybe you can look at it.



            1. antonio Avatar

              Hi Joe,
              thanks you for the suggestion!

  5. Is it possible to have a different link, to an app or website, the one in the “Affiliate Area”?

    1. Hi,
      you can use [affiliates_url] shortcode to generate a link to a page, but this must be in the same wordpress installation (e.g. /shop or /my-product ...)

  6. hey I have 2 questions, one can registration get connected to buddypress or something? I don’t want members to be redirected to my dashboard after signing up. and 2 what is the best way to add a button to my site connected to the registration. excuse me if these are beginner questions this is my first time building a site

    1. Hi Mikey,

      Your questions are welcome 🙂

      If you try out the generated affiliate area by signing up an example affiliate account, you should see that after logging in the user is taken to that same page without passing through the WordPress Dashboard. This also answers your other question, you can do that by going to Affiliates > Options and you’ll see the page generation button there. Also make sure to review the documention http://www.itthinx.com/documentation/affiliates/


  7. Hi, I am using your affilates plugin, I am not using any e commerce plugin, My site is just information site, I want that when a user visit my site through affilate link, amount add to affiliate account on that time because there is no sale purchase in my site. So i want to do sum customization in your plugin, Please let me know how it will be possible.

    1. Hi Rahul,

      We’re going to provide a solution for this with Affiliates Pro which allows to pay affiliates per click. This is going to be released shortly. Thanks for asking.


  8. I’m testing the Affiliate links plugin and I made a few purchases but the Generate PayPal Mass Payment file button isn’t there on the Totals page. Does the free version support that feature and is there anything I have to configure to add that button?

    1. Hi Jason,

      The free version provides the totals in that section but doesn’t have the export features that are included in Pro.


  9. Hi,

    Can I cloack the affiliate links with one of your editions? I don’t like it when everybody can see the affiliate id at the end of the link.


    1. Hi,
      you can use Affiliates by Username to use the username instead of the ID. But you need the parameter.

  10. We developed a site for a client and used the plugin. When an affiliate logs in they can see ‘pending’ and ‘closed’ referrals. Is there a way to show all submissions? Currently the customer has to go to their backend of wordpress and take the referral that is by default ‘pending’ on the backend and change to ‘accepted’ before it shows up as pending to the affiliate. Affiliates want to see all of their submissions so they can track ‘I submitted 20 referrals in January, 15 are pending, 3 are paid’. Then they can figure out that 2 are still not accounted for.

    1. Yes you can provide additional information to them if you customize the affiliate area with shortcodes, please see http://www.itthinx.com/documentation/affiliates/shortcodes/ for details.

      Note that affiliates should not have admin access, in case you have modified the permissions you should revert them to only admins allowed.

      1. Thank you, we’ll take a look. Is there also any way to pass data from a gravity form submission field into the affiliate dashboard area? For example, our client is an auto glass company and they have affiliates who are auto body shops. The auto body shops want to see which technicians made the referral and track that information but the affiliate doesn’t see the details of a gravity forms submission on their dashboard only the admin on the wordpress side sees the form details upon submission.

        1. Hi,
          You can use the data attribute to show referral details provided that they are stored with each referral. See Detailed referral overview for the shortcode affiliates_affiliate_stats usage.

  11. when a new affiliate signs up is there a way to get them to enter their address as well so we have the payment info?

    1. Hi,
      please have a look to Affiliates Extra Fields plugin.

  12. Hi there, I’ve just installed your Affiliates plugin free version from WordPress in xampp for localhost. It all looks very good.

    However, I don’t see how this will work. I’m going to be selling paid downloads with another plugin. I don’t see how Affiliates integrates with another plugin. How will Affiliates know when the other plugin sells a download?

    Thanks for your time, appreciate it.

    1. Hi,
      you need an integration according to your e-commerce system. Please have a look to ‘Integrations’ section in this page.

  13. How can i change the registration email to display a different link othern than my wp-login page?
    Id rather the link in the email point to the affiliate page

    1. Hi,
      in Affiliates Pro / Enterprise versión you have a notifications section where you can change the affiliate welcome email.

  14. Hi. I’ve installed the Affiliates plugin. It was working. Then I purchased the Affiliates by username. After I installed it, it doesn’t seem to work.

    Referral – goes under Direct
    Woocommerce – goes under Direct

    Here’s the screenshot.

    Can you help me?

    1. Hi Adlan,

      Please open a topic for this in the support forums and post details on the steps you have undertaken to test it along with the currently active plugins.


  15. Hi Kento,

    I need the following functionality and was hoping you could advise me if affiliates would work for me. I run a yacht charter business and need a booking system, probably woo commerce based but open to suggestions. I work a lot with Resellers so what I would like to do is to have a login for the reseller to his own listings (different for various resellers) and he can book there. I would also like to include this listing on the re-sellers web site and track any bookings created through there. Would that work with affiliates? Do you have a better solution? Could I maybe hire you to build me a solution.
    Thanks for letting me know.

    1. Hi Rico,

      Regarding the resellers functionality that you’re looking for, this would not be a suitable case for the Affiliates plugin (for example, managing the reseller’s own listings wouldn’t be part of it at all, neither would the booking part). Based on that only, sorry but it doesn’t look like a match 🙂


      1. Thanks for answering this… I’ll keep on looking 🙂

  16. Hi
    I’m using your pluig in affiliates on two site.
    The two sites are connected each other through different links
    Can I manage a single “cookie” for both sites?
    My problem is that, when a referrer enters on site A and then following a link go to the site B, if he fill a form on the site B, does not have a referrer.
    is possible to read on site B the cookie of A? and on A the cookie of B? ore have the same cookie?

    1. Hi Alessio,

      This would only work if you craft some mechanism so that when an affiliate link on site A is visited, it also generates a visit on site B. The problem would also be that the affiliate IDs would have to be identical on both sites. The system isn’t supposed to work that way, it’s intended to work on one site …

  17. Antonio,

    I’m wanting to track only clicks to my website (a Yelp-like site for a very specific type of location) for affiliates. Can the monetary portion be turned off? I want to reward affiliates with upgrades to their listings instead of a cash payment. I’m not actually selling anything.


    1. Hi Vince,

      Unless you activate any of the integrations, it would not grant referrals. What you could do is review the visits per affiliate periodically and manually reward the upgrades.


  18. Okayyyy…lol SOooo
    I had to add things for the info I needed to get from affiliates when they signed up and that is set and works fine 🙂 NOW the problem is…the Affiliates that signed up before making that change do not see that in their affiliate area so there is NO place for them to give me their info that I need from them like address,social security #,phone# HELP….and by the way THANK-YOU for all your wonderful help !

    1. Thanks Debra, great to see you’ve got that part working 🙂

      Regarding those that have signed up before the additional info was available, we’re working on an update which integrates that part more tightly so that affiliates can also edit that aditional information after they have signed up.

  19. I need to give my affiliates 30% commissions…so under the DEFAULT referral calculation do I use Referral rate and then under the value do I put 0.30
    Default referral calculation

    Default referral calculation value

    1. Hi Debra,

      Yes exactly, that’s how you would set a general rate for all affiliates by default. Note that in the documentation section Setting referral rates or commissions you will find additional information on that, you can also set rates per affiliate, for example if you have affiliates that you wish to grant higher rates because they are top performers.


  20. I am sorry but not sure how this has to be set so my affiliates still get credit for their sales…please tell me how to set the things in user registration

    User Registration

    1. For sales, you don’t need to enable the user registration integration. As the name implies, it’s intended to handle referred user registrations, not sales. To handle sales, you would add the appropriate integration for the e-commerce system you are using. For example, Affiliates WooCommerce Light or any of the other integrations available (with Pro there are advanced integrations available).

  21. Is this where I correct it ? Do I UNCHECK this part ? and disable user registration

    Here you can enable the built-in User Registration integration which allows to grant commissions to affiliates when they refer new users.
    Enable the user registration integration

    1. Correct it? Would you mind explaining what you want to correct? If you don’t want to grant commissions on users registrations, then that option would have to be left disabled.

  22. I DO NOT want any affiliate to get any commissions for an affiliate signing up…I only want an affiliate to get commissions for their sales

    1. Answered above, cheers

  23. the previous comment where it says…
    Total Earnings
    Commissions pending payment
    USD 0.60

    Has NOTHING to do with ANY sale…this comes JUST from someone signing up to be an affiliate what is set wrong HELP

    1. Answered above, cheers

  24. I don’t want affiliates to receive a referral amount for someone signing up and that looks like what it is doing…I only want it to show the commissions for referrals for sales…here is a copy of my affiliate page and the referrals are coming from others signing up to become an affiliate ! What is wrong here

    Welcome to your affiliate area. Here you can find information about your affiliate link and earnings.
    Affiliate link
    Your affiliate URL:
    Use this code to embed your affiliate link:
    Affiliate link
    Tip: You should change the text Affiliate link to something more attractive.
    Total Earnings
    Commissions pending payment
    USD 0.60
    Commissions paid
    Number of sales referred
    Accepted referrals pending payment: 2
    Referrals paid: 0
    Monthly Earnings
    Month Earnings
    October 2014 USD 0.30
    November 2014 None
    December 2014 USD 0.30

    1. Hi,
      you can disable this in Affiliates->User Registration submenu.

  25. John Hammond Avatar
    John Hammond

    I am trying to build a site using wordpress and woocommerce plugin that does the following three things:

    (1) MULTI-VENDOR MARKETPLACE: Sellers and buyers register on my site and I get a commission on the sames. Note: I will be selling only physical products.

    (2)BUYERS MAY ALSO BECOME AFFILIATES: This is where, I am hoping your plugin comes in). Using a form on the site buyers may invite friends (by creating account for them and sending them a request to join). When these friends accept, then for all future purchases by each of them the inviter should get a fixed commission (incrementing with more every customer friend that is invited). Note: I still haven’t found a single plugin on the web that can do just this. I don’t mind if it s money or points that are awarded to the inviter, as long as they are able to redeem them against future purchases.

    As far as point 1 is concerned, I found a few Marketplace plugins on themeforest: Marketify and Makery
    Do you that one of these themes could be a good base for my site? Would your plugin be compatible with these themes?

    As per point 2 I still haven’t found such a plugin, apart from yours. Would your plugin do the job? NOTE: I am not interested in coupon based, once only or click-a-link banner based solutions. I need people to be able to invite friends using a form and then earn commissions on all their future purchases.

    Please advise. Thanks in advance

    1. Hi John,

      This is what you could have with the free Affiliates plugin with its User Registration integration enabled.

      1. Visitor A visits site and signs up as an affiliate to become Affiliate A.
      2. Affiliate A shares its affiliate link to your site (FB, Twitter, Email, … in any case the affiliate would share it manually, there is no ‘invite a friend’ option, if required, you would need to have it built for you).
      3. Visitor B clicks Affiliate A’s affiliate link.
      4. Visitor B registers on the site, this creates a referral for Affiliate A.

      Now in addition to the Affiliates plugin, you could use Affiliates Permanent to have Visitor B permanently assigned to Affiliate A. This would mean that any purchase that Visitor B makes would result in a referral (with related sales commission) credited to Affiliate A.

      As you can see, there is a process which is built in and it does not conform to your requirements. Anything outside of what I’ve explained would have to be customized for your site. You would require an experienced developer to help you with this.

  26. and can’t figure out how to make it so affiliates can see and choose banners with their personal affiliate link attached to it

    1. This is explained in the Banners section of the documentation.

  27. I can’t find where to make coupon/discount codes in affiliate pro

    1. Hi Debra,

      You can find this in the Coupons section of the documentation.


  28. I need my affiliates to be able to put in their social security# and address and phone# is there an easy way to do that

    1. Hi Debra,

      As I’ve pointed out in my previous reply, you can base it on the example given on that page. For example:

      [affiliates_registration_extra_fields extra_fields_text="ssn|Social Security Number,street|Your Street,town|Your Town,zip|Zip Code,phone|Phone"]

  29. Will the Affiliates Contact Form 7 work as far with my affiliates that sign up to sell my products so they can give me the needed information I need for them like social security and address

    1. Hi Debra, no that won’t work – the CF7 integration doesn’t collect affiliate registration data.

  30. I’m testing out the free version of this plugin and am keen to try pro, just wondering if these affiliate links work for SEO. I know goolge doesn’t attribute ‘link juice’ to paid advertising so I’m wondering if this plugin will help me in terms of backlinks??

    1. Hi Paul,

      Why not ask Google ? … a search on affiliate links and google seo reveals lots of doubt/use-ful information 😉

      Maybe the question here is not so much whether this plugin will help the site with backlinks but rather if there is useful content that (quality) affiliates use to drive traffic to the destination.

  31. I sent you an email but did not get a responce

    I am trying to make this work but I am not having any luck the site is hometint.com http://www.hometint.com/affiliate-area I can sent you my login. you will see where I have the form set up and when you fill that out it will put a referral into the system but without any of the info from the form and it won’t associate the referral to my username and that is what I need.

    There will not be any links put on other sites or any of that it will all be manual.

    My client will have friends and clients out on the street and they will log into the site and create a new referral which home tint will then follow up and pay the commission according to what gets sold.

    If you could help that would be great or give us a quote on what it would take to build this kind of system. The only problem is that I have messed around with this too long and my deadline is the 1st

    the previous conversation is here http://www.itthinx.com/plugins/affiliate/#comment-496313

    1. Hi Dean,

      The form on that page is the affiliate registration form that is included with the standard generated page from the Affiliates > Options admin section. Some of the generated code has been modified incorrectly as a closing shortcode can be seen at the end of the page, below the section showing performance data (this is normally only shown to affiliates when they are logged in).

      I would first recommend to delete that page completely (also remove it from the trash after deletion) and then use the generator to create it again.

      Now regarding referrals, if you want referrals created on referred sign-ups, then you have to activate the User Registration integration which you will find under the Affiliates menu.

      If you want it to record referrals for a form that people can fill out, you will find the Affiliates Contact Form 7 integration useful. Note that using this, the system will record a referral for submitted forms if the visitor has come through an affiliate link.

      I hope that helps you to understand what you would need, I don’t think that you need any customizations done.

      1. the only thing I did was to add the short code from contact form 7 but I need the a person to be able to log into the page and then fill out the form I have there and the info that he puts in will be one of his referrals that he gets credit for not form a link but him manually entering a referral

        I sent you an email a while ago with the username and password so you can see what I am trying to do I did not want to post it here do I need to send it again?

        1. Thanks Dean, if you just want them to submit a possible referral, then you can use a CF7 form which the affiliate can submit. If you accept the submitted suggestion as a referral, you would need to add the referral manually or the affiliate would have to visit his affiliate link before submitting the form and you would have to set the form up so that the referral is generated automatically.

          1. I need it to go strait into the system with all the info and credit the referral to the user that is submitting the form. I understand if its not quite designed that way but what would it cost us to have you set one up that way for us?

            I know this is designed to be a linking program but that is not what my client needs and yours with its back end is the closest plugin I can find.

            1. Hi Dean,

              I thought this is going to be useful for others too, so I’ve added it as a feature to the integration. Thanks for the offer to cover the cost, but it won’t be necessary 🙂

              You can upgrade to the latest version directly and will find an option to indicate form ids under Affiliates > Contact Form 7 > Forms > Petition forms. If you indicate the id of the form where affiliates are supposed to submit their referrals, they will be credited automatically. I would surround the form shortcode with a conditional to limit the visibility of the form to affiliates:

              Submit a Referral
              [contact-form-7 id="5" title="Submit a Referral"]


              1. wow thank you I will give it a try later today

              2. It works thank you so much I will get this launched and I will let you know if I find any bugs you are the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Hi im using this pluggin. Is there a way to make the affiliate commissions a % of the sale price from the lead? instead of a flat rate?

    1. Hi Samson, you can do that using the appropriate integration for the e-commerce system you are using.

  33. Where is the additional integration program you say I need for Affiliate Pro ? I have the affliates integration plugin is that the one or is there another one for affiliates pro

    1. For WooCommerce there is one in the Downloads section. It’s an advanced integration for WooCommerce that substitutes the Light version.

      Please make sure to review the Documentation and the included instructions both on the Downloads page as well as with the plugins. It will be much easier for you to understand if you take the time to read the Setup section etc.

      Also please note that for any support question related to Affiliates Pro we handle those through the Forums section.

  34. Do I also need to get rid of the pages that were generated by affiliates to generate new pages in menu for Affiliate Pro

    1. No, you can reuse that.

  35. Do both Affiliates and Affliates Pro need to be activated in order to work right

    1. No, only the Pro or Enterprise version.

  36. OK so I just ordered and payed through paypal now how do I get the download for Affiliate Pro

    1. Thanks, the order process is fully automatic with an email indicating how to access the downloads.

  37. I tried to purchase Affiliate pro but I must have not been putting the right info in somewhere….so it could not be processed

    1. Shouldn’t be a problem really, you can use PayPal and CC on checkout 🙂

  38. Hello, I signed up one affiliate in woocommerce and gave them the link. It appears EVERY order that comes in is ending up as pending in the affiliates section though, not just ones that come in through the affiliates unique link. am i doing something wrong ? i am using free version “Powered by Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light.”

    1. Hi Michelle,

      The free version allows to have the referrals either as Pending or Accepted. The version for Affiliates Pro also synchronizes the referrals with the order status.


  39. Thalassa Tam Avatar
    Thalassa Tam

    Hello Kento, I’m wondering if you have affiliate software available that is for an affiliate who wants to set up a program with a vendor? For example, I see many vendors on Etsy who’s product I would like to showcase on my website. I’m asking them if I can be their affiliate. Because Etsy does not have an affiliate plugin integrated on their site, i have to ask them to pay for software to implement on their site.

    There’s very few affiliate management systems for Etsy shop owners to integrate on their site and it’s usually in the form of a paid subscription to a third part affiliate management service. Is there any software that you;ve created that i can implement on my wordpress site that would track sales on an Etsy site?

    This way, I could issue them a link and keep track of it on my site instead of asking them to pay for software or a subscription. If they don’t have an affiliate program set up, it’s probably very unlikely that they will spend the money and the time to implement the software just because i asked them.

    Will your products work if an affiliate downloads the software and issues a link to a vendor, instead of the other way around?

    Please let me know if it’s possible or know of anything that could work. Thank you for your time. Thalassa

    1. Hi Thalassa,

      Thanks for asking. It could be doable if they have a way to notify of orders, but there’s no integration with their system and Affiliates (or Pro/Enterprise). From what I can see, an integration would have to be built yet but we currently don’t have any plans to do that.


      1. Thanks for the reply, Kento!

  40. Samantha Avatar

    Hey, does the paid version of WordPress offer customizable sign-up page?

    Also, does the free version send the affiliate their affiliate link after they sign up?


    1. Hi Samantha,

      There’s a free extension that allows to customize the registration fields – Affiliates Extra Fields – although we’re working on improvements to the system that will have this feature built-in.

      The free (and paid versions) provide a generator which creates a standard affiliate area where affiliates can see their link and stats. Please have a look at the Shortcodes section where you will find details on what’s available to customize it.

      Congrats on your site and the business you’ve set up 🙂


      1. Hey, so I tried downloading the Extra Fields extension and it said I must have an account, I don’t have an account. How do I get one or pay extra for it?

        1. Hi Samantha,

          It’s available with an account on any purchase, taking into account your following comment regarding images, you have these available with Affiliates Pro and Enterprise. See the Banners section of the documentation on how these work.


      2. And, how do I create an affiliate images center so my affiliates can use images to promote my product? Thanks!

  41. Looks promising. Will definitely try on my tech blog. Thanks

    1. Great, thanks and I hope you will find it useful 🙂

  42. Hi

    Is this compatible with shopp?

    1. antonio Avatar

      sorry there isn’t an integration with Shopp.

  43. Is there a way to make it so it will only record a referral on a COMPLETED order? Right now it shows a referral when the customer buys the product but does not fully pay for it and it turns to a cancelled order.

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can control this with the referral status. With the Pro version the referral status can change automatically according to order status.

  44. Peter Giesbers Avatar
    Peter Giesbers

    Hi, does someone have a Dutch .mo file?

    I tried to make onen myself but the pot file I tried to open with poedit says the format is invalid.
    I’m a bit confused, what is the difference between .po and .pot?

    Can I, for example, edit a German .mo file with Notepad++ ?

    I hope someone can help me with this

    1. Hi Peter,

      See https://github.com/itthinx/affiliates-translations for the current translation templates please. You will find a couple of links to resources that explain how these are used and how translations for WordPress plugins are made.

      The .pot files are used as templates with tools like poedit, the .mo files are generated from the .po files (these are the ones where you add your translations).


  45. Hi, I try to create a Dutch mo file.
    When I try to open the affiliates-2.7.1 pot file poedit shows an error.
    “no valid pot file”

    Can you tell me what´s wrong or do you already have a Dutch mo file available?

    Kind regards Peter

    1. Hi Peter,

      Please download this zip from the repository and unzip it. Open Poedit and go to File > New From POT/PO File, choose affiliates-2.7.2.pot from inside the extracted folder affiliate-translations-master. Poedit will recognize the file and ask you for the translation language.

      We don’t have a Dutch translation yet, if you would like to contribute your translation once it’s ready, that would be appreciated and I can add it to the plugin.


  46. Hi, my question is regarding the referrer_user. This is my test code:
    Getting referrer ID:

    [referrer_id direct="true"]

    Getting referrer url address:

    [referrer_user direct="true" display="user_url"]

    And the result I got when appending ?affiliates=2 to the link was:

    Getting referrer ID:
    Getting referrer url address:
    [blank, no output]

    and when I hit refresh button the result changed to:

    Getting referrer ID:
    Getting referrer url address:
    [blank, no output]

    1. Is my code above correct?
    2. Why I’m not getting any value for the second query, even if I tried it with other values
    3. Why the result get changed when I refreshed the browser?

    I hope you could help me out and maybe give same examples on how to use it.

    Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi,

      The result changes once the system recognizes the cookie which at the moment of the first try is set but not available yet.

      Regarding the URL, this would only be displayed if the related user account has a URL in the user profile.


      1. Thanks for your reply kento, okay I got it regarding the cookie.

        But regarding the [referrer_user direct="true" display="user_url"] expression the user has email address saved (I checked it through Manage Affiliates). I tried it with all other values such as “user_login”, “user_nicename”, “user_email”, “user_url”, “display_name” but none yield any result.

        Any hint how to solve this?

        1. Hi,
          please be sure your affiliate is associated to a wordpress user (in Affiliates->Manage affiliates in ‘Username’ column you should see the associated user).

          1. Thanks! That finally solved my problem.. Again, thanks!!

  47. Hi – I am setting up your affiliate plugin for a client for testing. If all works I am planning on purchasing the Pro version for her. So far there is a problem: The CAPTCHA always (!!!) returns a false value message “ERROR: Please enter a valid CAPTCHA value.”

    I have entered many captchas in my life and even tried the audio version to be really sure I did not enter any wrong characters … still the error messages shows up.

    I am using the latest reCaptcha version (just downloaded from your Github) and created the key pair on Google.com. All of this is running on WordPress 4.0 on 5.5.1.

    Thx for any help.

    1. the last sentence was supposed to say “… on PHP 5.5.1”

    2. Hi, please give us an url to have a look.

      1. This is a DEV site, just FYI, i.e., we are changing things around a lot.


        1. It seems you have installed another ReCaptcha plugin. If you have another recaptcha plugin, pease try to disable it.

          1. Looks like my latest reply did not make it here …
            1) the reCaptcha plugin I have installed is the one from your Github repository.
            2) I am also using ‘Really Simple CAPTCHA’ which goes along with Contact Form 7. For testing purposes I even had switched it off temporarily, but the error still keeps coming.

            Any other suggestions?


            1. Hi Stefan,

              That’s odd, is there anything else that might be in conflict? The plugin from the repo should work fine if you have the keys configured correctly.

              1. Hi Kento – Thx … and it’s very embarrassing, but I have to admit that I had overlooked a captcha plugin that had come with that particular Theme. Once I deactivated that, all worked fine.

                Sorry for the noise!

                1. I’m glad to hear it’s working for you now, thanks for following up and no worries 🙂

  48. Hi!
    I am interested in the following information:
    1 Can I use other payment systems (not Pay Pal)?
    2 Can I use simultaneously some payment systems?
    3 When I change the order in Woocommerce after placing, added or removed items, shall automatically change the amount of reward?

    1. Hi Alex,

      For affiliate payments you can use virtually any payment type as these are done manually (and that is by design, the system does not make automated payments to affiliates).

      Regarding taking payments, it would depend on the capabilities of the e-commerce solution. If you’re planning on setting up a shop, I would recommend to use WooCommerce which provides great extensions and supports a lot of different payment gateways OOTB and through its extensions.

      Regarding the synchronization of order status and referrals, the Pro version does it automatically, the light version doesn’t.

  49. Hello, Thanks a lot for your free plugin that is really awesome.

    I just have a single problem and I think that it’s happening because I’m missing out something.

    When a someone clicks on the aff link and then signup they don’t get counted for the person who referred them. But instead they’re counted as hits and visits only.

    I’ve tried it in many ways such as:
    1- signing up after visiting another page
    2- signing up from the register link in meta
    3- signing up from the form in the affiliate area page
    But non of them worked, the person isn’t counted as a referral for the aff. The hits and visits increase but the referrals remain 0.

    Could you please help me ?

    I don’t know where’s the problem… I followed the setup process in the doc but still referrals are only counted as hits and visits only.

    Thanks in advance.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Do you have enabled the user registration integration in Affiliates->User registration ?

      1. Thanks a lot I didn’t notice it

  50. Hi Antonio,
    I send a message in July and you replied that I needed to send you info at support. I have done that twice but have not heard back. I think I put the approp alert in the subject line. All my optins came as IP addresses and not email addresses. I need help to recover. New launch in one month.
    Thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      sorry I thought that I had answered.
      Visits and Hits save IP as data because normally the visitors are not registered so you can not know the email.
      When a visitor generates a referral (when he purchase anything or he registers as user) then more information about the user is stored.
      Besides, I don’t see any related MailChimp plugin.

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