
Affiliates ProAffiliates Enterprise

The Affiliates WordPress Plugin


Also refer to the Affiliates Plugins Feature Comparison.

  • Real-time reportingReferrals and affiliate link statistics are recorded and available instantly, as transactions are processed.

    Information for affiliates on the front end: show affiliates information about their referrals including totals by currency and referral status.

  • Integration with virtually any E-Commerce platformAffiliates provides an API which makes it compatible to use with virtually any E-Commerce and Membership system.

    Affiliates Pro Integration packs are available for several platforms. More integrations are added constantly on request.

  • Unlimited AffiliatesSimply have as many affiliates as you can get.
  • Easy affiliate recruitmentAffiliates can sign up automatically and can also be added manually with or without user accounts.
  • Feedback is welcomeDo you have feature requests or want to provide feedback? Please get in touch, the Affiliates plugins evolve with your needs.
  • Free or contribution basedThe Affiliates plugin is free and Open Source. If you want to use it, simply install it from your WordPress Dashboard or download it from WordPress.org.

    Affiliates Pro and Enterprise are contributor releases with additional features. Contributions help to make the plugins even more awesome. Thanks!

  • Quick & Easy InstallationUpload/install and activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard.

Affiliates Pro & Enterprise

  • Banner Management
  • Notifications
  • Videos : A collection of videos showing features available in the free Affiliates plugin and additional features available in Affiliates Pro and Enterprise.
  • Screenshots : Some sample pages set up with Affiliates Pro.
  • Fixed, percentage or formula based commissionsReferral amounts can be flat rates, percentage of net sales amounts and based on custom formulas.

    These can be set in general and per affiliate.

  • Flexible affiliate areasCreate as many pages as you need showing affiliates their stats, banners, links, profile, …
  • Mass Payments and Enhanced TotalsExport totals and generate PayPal mass payment files. Simply pay your affiliates all at once. Pay-outs can be based on accumulated totals.
  • Custom featuresThe Affiliates system provides an extensive API for developers which allows to customize it to any client’s requirements.

The Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program.

Important features include automated affiliate registration, an unlimited affiliate management section and the ability to integrate Affiliates with virtually any E-Commerce platform. Free and premium integrations are available.

The Affiliates plugin provides an ideal affiliate system for sellers, shops and developers who want to get started with their affiliate program right “out of the box”.

It also provides a solid framework for developers, who wish to build customized solutions based on a sound data model. With unlimited affiliate program management tools available on the back end and a set of shortcodes to provide Affiliates information on their performance on the front end, there is everything you need to start an affiliate program.

Affiliates Pro and Enterprise provide additional features for sellers, shops and developers.

If you need to manage an Affiliate Marketing Program, track visits to your site with affiliate links, the affiliates plugin is right for you. It provides the tools to maintain a partner referral program.

Simply put, the affiliates plugin is used to manage affiliates, create referrals and track visits to your site through affiliate links.
Referrals are stored and attributed to an affiliate, for example if clients place orders on your site and you need to credit your affiliates.


Free and premium integrations are available.

Pro & Enterprise

These integrations are included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise:

Light Integrations

These integrations are freely available to be used with any of the Affiliates plugins.



Please refer to the Documentation pages.


What this plugin is not

It is not intended to keep track of links to other sites that you as a member of an affiliate program may have. For that, please try the Affiliate toolbox.



1,415 responses to “Affiliates”

  1. Hi, Just did a test purchase via the affiliate link at a price of $0.50 – When I click on manage affiliates I see a commission payment of $0.10.

    Now acting as the affiliate I then logged into my affiliate account and under commission pending and payments section it is not displaying the earning for the affiliate – any reason why?

    Also will I/the affiliate be notified of payment via email

    Now that I see the 10% commission payment how is that transferred to my paypal account?

    Thanks again

    1. Hi,
      this is because the referral is pending. If you want to show to affiliates the referrals pending, you can use [affiliates_referrals status="pending"].
      You can change the notification on Affiliates->Notifications to not send when the referral is pending.
      To pay the commissions, you can use “Generate PayPal Mass Payment File” button on Affiliates->Totals. And uses this file to pay with Paypal or another system.

  2. Using restrict content pro membership pluggin what integration do you recommend?


    1. Restrict Content Pro – Affiliates Add-On – make sure to have a look at my comment on how to set the rates if you’re going to use it.

      1. Ok I did that I changed it to =0.1; like that so that is 10%?

        I want to split the rates to give affiliates 50% commission what number should I change it to?


        1. Also can I change the affiliate URL?


          1. In Affiliates > Options you can change the URL parameter’s name from the default affiliates to something else (it shouldn’t clash with other params and does some basic checking but make sure it works after changing).

          2. Hi I don’t want to change the url name but the actual web link it goes to currently the link does not go to my squeeze page and I need it to.


            1. Hi David, you can link to any page. For example, http://www.example.com/shop/stuff/offer?affiliates=123 – using the affiliate parameter, you can create links to any page. See the Shortcodes documentation for more on that.

        2. Yes 0.1 is for 10%. Split rates?

  3. Hi I have created my affiliates page –

    Now I am in the affiliates area for my test user I see:

    Your affiliate URL:


    Use this code to embed your affiliate link:

    Affiliate link

    Tip: You should change the text Affiliate link to something more attractive.



    Commissions pending payment

    Commissions paid

    Number of sales referred
    •Accepted referrals pending payment: 0
    •Referrals paid: 0

    What do I do next? I know you have a few videos so if you could point me in the right direction that would be great! I will want to add banners (I see a tutorial on YouTube for that – do the banners need to be specific size?)

    I got an email from wordpress to tell me my username and password which I assume is to loggin to my own affiliate area – so I am guessing that this is my own area with special links that are my own links to promote the product? If another user signs up the code will be unique to them?

    Thanks for listening


    1. Hi David, the next step would be to install the appropriate integration plugin. With the integration plugin installed, you can start testing: visit the affiliate’s link, make a test purchase etc. Then fine-tune the affiliate area, see the documentation link posted before for that.

  4. Hi, I have downloaded the affiliates pluggin – is their anything else I need? Do you have any tutorials of how I set this up on my site?


    1. Sure, see the Documentation and depending on the e-commerce solution you are using, you should also install an integration plugin (several free ones are available).

  5. I think I need to buy Affiliates Pro as well as the PayPal plugin. Are you saying you will refund these if they don’t work?

    1. Exactly. Affiliates Pro Paypal Integration includes Affiliates Pro, you only need it.

  6. I’ve got a WordPress site which uses Optimize Press plugin for my sales page. Payment is via Paypal Standard. Can you advise if your plugin is compatible with these? Thanks.

    1. Sorry, there isn’t an integration with Optimize Press.

  7. I’m trying to decide if this plugin will work with my site. I use a theme called “ProfitsTheme”. It integrates with PayPal, but it uses IonCube to encrypt the source code. This makes modifications only accessible through their UI. There is only a place where I can enter a PayPal product code. Will Affiliates with the PayPal plugin work?

    1. An added piece of info: ProfitsTheme has it’s own membership site/product creation component built into it. When you purchase a product by clicking on their “Buy Now” button it creates a user, adds them to the membership site and sends them an email with their username and password. Because of all that I think I need to use their “Buy Now” buttons.

      1. Hi,
        you can buy the plugin and try it, if it finally does not work, you just have to send us an email to support at itthinx dot com.

  8. Hi,

    I’m using the free Affiliates plugin and have followed the tutorials but I cannot find anywhere to set the affiliate commissions?

    What am I missing?

    Thank you,


    1. Hi,
      you need install the correct integration to get commissions, so when you install the integration you’ll can set the commissions value.

  9. Hi there,

    nice Programm. Thankyou.
    It is all set. Anybody can register.
    but still: Registration is currently closed.
    Any idea? Thankyou

    Best Regards


    1. Hi,
      please check you have selected “Allow affiliate registration” on Affiliates->Options.

  10. Hi,
    Is there anyway that I can add an extra field to affiliate registration form? I want to add an email field so users can enter their paypal email. How can I do that?

    1. Hi,
      you have available Affiliates Extra Fields if you are using Affiliates Pro/Enterprise.

  11. I have installed the free affiliates WP plug-in and am considering upgrading to the Pro version, once tested (need to collect PayPal ids). My dilemma is that I don’t have a shopping cart, but rather, only a contact form for consulting inquiry and a PayPal button for purchase. Therefore, my question are (a) which url should the affiliate use for the referral – the homepage, contact form, or other; (b) how do I associate a paid client to an affiliate, and (c) how does a visit translate to a referral? Thanks, Lonny

    1. Hi,
      a) Affiliates can share any url, only need to append the affiliate parameter, please have a look to [affiliates_affiliate_link] shortcode.
      b) When a client uses the affiliate link then a cookie is created with affiliate id. So when the client generate a referral, the system uses this cookie to associate this referral with the correct affiliate.
      c) To generates referral you need the correct integration. Have a look to Affiliates Paypal.

      1. Antonio, Thank you for your response and assistance. I will be upgrading to the pro version soon, which should provide the required features.

  12. Hi,
    I’ve read the documentation, but just to be on the safe side I have a question. By creating the profile page for affiliate they can see how well their doing and how many people they have referred and how many of them led to a purchase? That is to make sure that there’s a way that affiliates don’t think I’m tricking them and they can see their statistic..

    1. Hi,
      Affiliates can see their information on “affiliate-area” page (you can generate this on Affiliates->Options::Generate). If you need to show more information, you can use Affiliates Shortcodes.

  13. So you have no plan to implement some preset template affiliate area in short time?

    1. Right now, the preset template affiliate area that you can generate is on Affiliates->Options::Page generation.
      This will be changed, but probably not in short time.

  14. Thanks Antonio for answering,
    I am Carlo speaking,I will search this italian language files to delete it (could you indicate exactly name and path please?)
    Antonio sorry but the affiliate area is not “siple”, is incomplete or not setted,
    I want to give you a different point of view, from your customer view,who buy your product. PLease listen,You make a very good job from the “engineering” point of view, but is evident you lost something with same importance. Sorry,but You completely lost the prospective of the “USER”.
    I buy the plugin,(I have already setted up sites,and an entirely ecommerce from 0,i have setted many plugins,also other competitor affiliate plugin,so no such big technical problem for me)
    You make a very good job with this plugin, but is incomplete and not intuitive/user-friendly.
    I kindly ask you to help me to have a complete “PRESET” affiliate menu area.
    It would be so easy for everybody, that you create 3 preset menu (free-pro-enterprise,i see that you maybe cannot handle all this in just one way) pre-setting up the affiliate area page/shortcode and give this preset to the users as a “ready affiliate area menu”,not forcing them to spend days to do this. Also a presetted back-end area to manage banners/ads it is mostly needed. I didnt find it,and it is real a pity.
    You seems to have created a beautiful complex analog modular synthesizer but without PRESET,like you need 1 day to make 1 sound! but we are not in the ’60,when to make 1 sound you need 1 day or to be an engineer…time run,we need to push 1 button and have the sound ready,get it? (I have headache after i read your documentation on shortcode/affiliate banner…)
    We dont need to spend 2-3 full days or even more,to study your shortcode and setting it the affiliate page,as if you would preset it (in 1 week you can do a complete upgrade work,not only for me, but for all the many many customers that will buy your plugin),will be good for 90% of us user.
    Then if somebody 10% need to make some extra customizations could make it in a short time. (i already sent you an example of same competitors affiliate plugin preset ready and user friendly).
    User friendly means respect of your customers,you dont want to give headache to your customers and bring them in your matter..
    I hope you understand me,cause it would be much more easy,and also you will save lot of time you are actually spending in giving support to people to answer exaustively to set this or that…+gain new happy customer that spread the word.
    I really hope you get this point and give me an hand to give me a complete presetted affiliate menu area+back end manage ads/banner easy functions even if you need some days to do an upgrade,
    i assure you that me and everybody will appreciate it veeery much, and spread a very positive word on you, cause otherwise i must spread another word on your free plugin on the wordpress forum before people buy this and get big headache.
    Ciao buon lavoro 😉

    1. Hi,
      you have the italian files on affiliates-pro/lib/core/languages/
      and affiliates-pro/lib/ext/languages/

      Thank you very much for your advice , we will consider for future updates.

  15. Hi, i have just bought and installed your affiliate pro plugin.
    First of all i must say that i appreciate your support,you seems to be kind,exaustive and detailed.
    It seems that the plugin get the main functions i was searching for, (also the important woocommerce coupon integration)
    but I also must say that i found the interface and functionality not intuitive,and almost poor and hard to understand. I read and follow the documentation on setup.I get also an installation problem that shows a “spanish menu” on my dashboard (i have the italian language on wp dashboard, or mostly english plugins menus)…
    Then Even after i push the button “create affiliate area”, the front end for the affiliates is almost inesistent,just few lines or did i miss something more? It is very important that the affiliates,or potential affiliates,step into a clear and complete interface to create/manage their accounts easily,perhaps with a minimal “landing page”,with a minimal menu for manage referral/commisions/ads and banner/request payment/contacts….
    The back end area,e.g. to create/manage ads/banner in a clear and easy intuitive way, is incomplete and at least not intuitive at all. Its a pity because as i say,it seems the plugin got some main important functions more,confronting with the WP affiliate platform (http://www.tipsandtricks-hq.com/wordpress-affiliate-platform-plugin-simple-affiliate-program-for-wordpress-blogsite-1474)but confronting the manage area and affiliate front end area, it is really a problem to setup and work easily with your plugin. Please give me support to fix the language issue,and also setup properly if i miss something about interface.
    thanks in advance,all the best

    1. Hi,
      Italian translation is based in Spanish translation provided by the community, but not completed. If you need italian language, you can complete the translation files (affiliates-pro/lib/core/languages and affiliates-pro/lib/ext/languages). If you want the plugin in english, delete the italian languages files.

      The affiliate-area is as simple as possible , so that each user can configure it as you wish using the different shortcodes .

  16. i have a confilt between affiliates plugin and w3 total cache. cant login as an affiliate. how can i solve this? your help appriciated

    1. Hi amiel,

      Can you please describe a little more what happens when you try to log in? Do you have caching for logged in users enabled?

  17. Hi,
    i am evaluating the plugin, i wander if the plugin manage also the coupon system, e.g. giving a coupon discount to the referral that bring a commision to the affiliate,tracking it. Also i would like to know if you plan to implement more “tier levels” of affiliate in next release.
    thank you very much in advance and all the best!

    1. Hi,
      multi-tier system is implemented in Affiliates Enterprise version.
      If you are using woocommerce with Affiliates Pro or Enterprise, you can create a coupon, assign it to an affiliate, and when an user uses this coupon, then the affiliate get a commission.

      1. Thanks Antonio,
        is possible to test the Pro version somehow?

        1. Hi,
          sorry, there isn’t a demostration site.

  18. Greetings. I installed the free Affiliate plugin, creating an Affiliate Area, placing widgets, etc. However, I have a problem in that all registration fields are pre-populated with my information, which cannot be edited. Your assistance is appreciated.

    1. Hi,
      Affiliates registration form uses wordpress user data, so if user want to change her information, he must go to profile page.

  19. Moonworks Avatar

    I just want to confirm I’m doing this right, so the users get their commission correctly.

    I want to have them link directly to a specific page, so I have this:


    Which turns into:


    writaz at the end has replaced the default.

    1. antonio Avatar

      That’s right 😉

  20. Hi, I’m in the process of creating a membership website with restrict content pro. I want to create an affiliates page. I’m sure the answer is above but there are too many comment to look through. My question is: with this pluggin users can signup to an affiliate programme. 2). Do you have any YouTube video tutorials setting this all up? How much is the pluggin?


    1. Hi David, there is no integration with that plugin, sorry.

      1. Ok what pluggin do I need?

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi David,
          you can see a setup video here.
          How to install here.
          And more information in documentation page.

  21. can we add aweber & still track everything maintiona with squeeze page ?

    1. AWeber isn’t supported, sorry.

  22. Hi Kento

    What you have done is Amazing!

    I started a business http://www.appschakra.com

    we provide mobile apps to small business, now I want to
    create affiliate program with this.

    I am promoting it it online & offline.

    I see a lot of plurin here, can you please share
    which plugin pro would be best for me?

    If any new partner register what all they can see
    inside my wordpress site?

    How they can see which lead has been created by them?

    There is nothing online to buy so can we still track
    each lead for them?

    Once someone click on the banner of my client link
    is there any cookie which will follow his/her browser
    & we both can track, so they will get there share…

    1. antonio Avatar

      in your case you must use Affiliates with Affiliates Members.

      New affiliates are created as wordpress users, and they have an “affiliate area” page (you can create this in Affiliates->Options.
      A cookie is created, and you can control the expiration time in Affiliates->Options.


      1. Thanks Antonio

        I have added Affiliate & affiliate-members plugin…

        I have generated Affiliate-area

        Now for example, there is a guy who is Interested to become my affiliate…

        what will be the process So I can personally add him as affiliate… give him his affiliate link so he can start promoting

        shell I need to create some landing page, if yes How Can I do that?
        If I’ll get few leads from different affiliates & there links, how would I know the particular leads come from which affiliate member so I can Pay him cash!

        How Can he check How many leads have he generated etc?

        Antonio Thanks once again for you information & help! I de appreciate it!

        1. antonio Avatar

          if you want create affiliates manually, you must:
          1.- create a wordpress user.
          2.- In Affiliates->Manager Affiliates create the affiliates (you must indicate the username).
          3.- The new affiliate can see her personal links in the “Affiliates Area” page (you can see all urls in Affiliates->Manager Affiliates).

          If you want generate affiliates automatically, when a guest or a registered user (but not affiliate) visits the “Affiliates Area” page, he has a registration form.

          Using both plugins, when an affiliate gets leads, a referral is created, so the affiliate can see her commission in her Affiliates Area, and the administrator can see all referrals in Affiliates->Referrals.

          You can use landing page, if you redirect using the affiliate’s parameter, or creating manually the cookie (wp_affiliates) based in this parameter value.


      2. Yes How user will experience the affiliate area once he register?

        1. antonio Avatar

          Answered above.

  23. I am hopelessly lost. I am using the affiliates plugin and the S2member plugin in (free version of both). I understand the payment notifications API has to have a code to alert Affiliates that a payment has been made. I even understand (I think) the substitution codes for S2member, and I know that I am supposed to use the Affiliates_Suggest_Referral API. But for the life of me, I cannot figure out how to actually make it work. How do I actually implement the code to track the notifications?

    1. Hi Justin, there is an integration pack for that http://www.itthinx.com/plugins/affiliates-s2member/ which provides a ready-made integration for s2Member along with Affiliates Pro. A time and hair saver 😉

  24. Hi Kento,
    how to set Commision Paid?

    I manually transfer the commision via bank.

    1. Hi,
      you must pay manually. In Pro/Enterprise versions you have an option to generate a payment file that you can use set the payment.

  25. Very useful for providing a good incentive for affiliates to link to our site BUT, is there any way of setting the referral rate to only give that rate on actual sales, not the P&P element that applies to some(but not all) purchases?

    1. What integration are you using please? The rates are normally calculated based on net order amounts.

      1. You’re right! Sorry, I was looking at the wrong line. I like it even more!

        1. Ah ok, thanks for the update, great to hear that 🙂

  26. Ok, I’ll try that. When I uploaded it manually through the plugin import feature – got a message that it is the same. So thought so. I’ll replace on my server directly.



  27. I have purchased Affiliates Pro but can’t do an automatic update on my wordpress EDD site. Where do I get the update v 2.4.1? when I go to my account downloads here – I just get the old version. http://www.itthinx.com/downloads/


    1. Hi David, the version in the Downloads section is the latest one, but you need to replace it as automatic update isn’t yet available for the plugin.

  28. MediaBootcamp Avatar

    Hi there,

    I’ve purchased Affiliate Pro but cannot upload the plugin as I always get the error message:

    The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.

    Plugin install failed.

    Can you explain this?


    1. Hi,
      you must unzip the file first. In the zip file is the plugin.

  29. Shailendra Avatar

    I am working on my website. Then i started looking for a plugin, So that i can start my own affiliate program for my website. So that user can sign up using affiliate link and for that our affiliate get reward.
    i searched a lot for such a free plugin but did not find any except Yours.
    I have downloaded you free version from wordpress.org. Everything work fine. But when any new user click on affiliate link and register to my site, then there must be referral count increased by 1. But here Hits and visits work fine but ref feral is still zero even user has registered using that link

    Please help me out..

    1. antonio Avatar

      please take a look to Affiliates Members plugin.

  30. Hi, I am setting up my affiliate system and have a question. I had a friend do a test purchase through an affiliate link, and it was listed under ‘direct’ rather than the specific affiliate. Does unchecking ‘store direct referrals’ resolve this problem, or is there something else I’m missing? Thanks for the help.

    1. antonio Avatar

      it seems that user isn’t used the link correctly (with ‘store direct referrals’ checked, if there isn’t an affiliate associated, the commission is generate to direct’).
      You can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com, and we’ll take a look (please indicate this comment in the email).

  31. James Galloway Avatar
    James Galloway

    if you pay commissions on a monthly basis, this would be the last day of the previous month.
    Click Apply.
    Click Generate PayPal Mass Payment File.
    Make your payments via PayPal using the file obtained in the preceding step.
    Click Close Referrals.
    Verify that the referrals shown are correct.
    Confirm by clicking Close Referrals.

    I am doing a subsciption product running monthly. Im due to collect the first mass pay file at the end of the month and just want to get this clear.

    If i download it on the 31st for the month of August to be paid at the end of september, do I then close referrals and let it start again? so new signups would continue to roll in and subsciptions would be added to septembers amounts? I hope this makes sense as I have to get this right lol :).

    Also, is there an easy way to distinguish between new product owners and subscribed ones? just as a quick look up as I am doing leaderboard but just based on new sales not the subscribed ones.

    Many thanks again for all you do guys, much appreciated 🙂


    1. James Galloway Avatar
      James Galloway

      My payment date is coming up and really need to understand this fully. Appreciate your time guys, cheers.

      James 🙂

      1. Hi James, can we have a look at how you have it set up (admin)? That would make it easier to help or adjust things for you if needed. Please create an account for support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look.

        1. I have set you as admin and sent login via support email. Website is the one on this email. Cheers Kento, really appreciate this 🙂

          1. With the info from the previous comment, do you still need us to have a look? Let me know please, sorry again for taking a bit longer than usual to respond.

    2. Hi James,

      Yes this is how you would proceed to handle the referrals for a month. In any case, let me give you an example assuming the following referrals (multiple referrals on the same date are intended):

      08/15 100$ A
      08/15 100$ B
      08/16 100$ A
      08/20 100$ A
      08/31 100$ B
      09/01 100$ B
      09/02 100$ B
      09/02 100$ B
      09/02 100$ A

      Let’s say you want to pay affiliates on 09/03 what they have earned in August. You would go to Affiliates > Totals, under Filters select Accepted as the Referral Status, choose 2013-08-01 as the From date and 2013-08-31 as the Until date. Click Apply, you will get the totals per affiliate: A : 300$ and B : 200$. You can verify that these are correct or make adjustments by opening the Affiliates > Referrals section in another tab (or even switch in the same one as the filters are persistent). Then click on Generate PayPal Mass Payment File and you can download the sums per affiliate as a text file. Make your payments and to mark these referrals as paid, click on Close Referrals which takes you to a list of referrals that are about to be closed (i.e. marked as paid). Make sure that the filters used for this are the same as for the mass payment file and close them. You will now have only referrals in September marked as Accepted, those in August are closed. When you proceed to make your payments in October, it will only take the Accepted ones into account from September if your filter settings are appropriate.

      I hope that gives you a clearer idea of how that works. Please excuse the delay in responding, I had your comment marked as pending but didn’t get a chance to review up to now.


  32. Hi Kento,

    I have the free affiliate plugin installed. I add 6 new affiliates and none of them is showing under Manage affiliates. My site was build using Ready Ecommerce. Why isn’t the affiliates showing and I saw the you provide consulting service. My plan is the upgrade once I see that the free version works. What do you charge to install this plugin and to get it working the right way.

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com, and we’ll have a look. (please indicate this comment url)

  33. But if it was not a forced matrix, it could go, right?

    1. It would still require an implementation of the matrix that forces referred affiliates down the matrix.

  34. James Galloway Avatar
    James Galloway

    Hi guys,

    I have another request. Am I able to pull and display the number of sales an affiliate has made? I know i have shortcode which shows the affiliate another affiliate signing up under them but i cannot find how to display just the sales they have. I am using the s2member plugin and because we allow affiliates to sign up in back office and promote for free we need to somehow just record the sales they make?

    Much appreciated, and again , love this platform

    James 🙂

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi, you can use [affiliates_referrals] shortcode.

      1. james Galloway Avatar
        james Galloway

        Thanks Antonio but thiscdisplays referrals signups as another affiliate. I want it to display the number of sales an affiliate makes not how many affiliates signup uop under them. My platform sales a product and I use affiliates to do this I just need to show them when a sale is made by them.

        Thank you.

        1. antonio Avatar

          in this case you must use your shopping cart api/shortcodes. What ecommerce system are you using?

          1. I am using s2member along with the affiliate pro s2member plugin.

            1. Hi James,

              From what you say I think the previous suggestion that he made is the one you are looking for. Quoting from the Shortcodes section : The [affiliates_referrals] shortcode will show the total number of referrals that have been accepted or closed for the affiliate. – this is basically the equivalent of what you mentioned : I want it to display the number of sales an affiliate makes.

          2. thanks but this shows affiliates. I have a product i am selling and I only want to show the affiliates when they get a sale and not a referral. they dont earn money for the referrals but its important i show them how many sales they get. you can be an affiliate for free on my site so the above solution does not seem to fit. I literally need the affiliate to see the number of product they sell.

            Hope this makes sense, cheers 🙂

            1. Ok I think we’re talking about the same thing but calling it differently – when you say referral, I think you mean that an affiliate has brought someone to the site but that person hasn’t purchased yet; when I say referral I mean an actual purchase (sign-up etc) has been brought by the affiliate, that’s the meaning within the context of the system and why we are suggesting to use [affiliates_referrals] – it shows the number of sales that an affiliate has brought, not the affiliates. Anyhow, if you want we can have a look at the site?

          3. Hi there Kento. Yes I tested using the shortcode with a free affiliate signing up to the system and it recorded it as a paid user. basically people can be an affiliate for free to make money sharing our product, however using the code you suggested it just shows signups under an affiliate even if they don’t purchase. Obviously the affiliates are eager to count numbers of sales they get. I have managed to display their income but really need them to see the number because we have different sales levels. Hope this makes sense. Sorry if Im over looking something 🙂 Also any chance of custom build? we have funds… we really would like a weekly leaderboard to update and reset on sunday evening. Let me know your thoughts on this also. Cheers, James :~)

            1. antonio Avatar

              Hi James,
              [affiliates_referrals] shortcode must work fine. It counts referrals (sales made by an affiliate). If you try this:
              – Create a new AffiliateA
              – Using her link, makes four purchases.

              [affiliates_referrals] must show: 4 (number of sales)

              If you “close” every week the referrals, you can use “status” attribute as a reset system.

  35. Hello, I wanted information about a plugin for my site, I’ll explain what I should do and lean advise me which one to use.
    I’m creating a network of affiliates, I would like to manage them with a 2×2 matrix.
    Every person who registers must enroll under it two more names, with the possibility of qusto endlessly search for names.
    Let me know if there is something in your plugin?
    thanks Mauro

    1. Hi Mauro,

      Do you mean a forced matrix? That’s not supported and would require customization.

  36. Hello, just came across your plugin. Does it support cookie tracking through affiliate networking? Thanks.

    1. Hi, it’s intended to run your own affiliate program (it works with cookies) but not when you are an affiliate of another network.

  37. Hi there… I love the simple interface3 but it does not seem to be recording sales. Should I see completed sales in the “Referrals” column or am I missing something? FYI using Cart66.


    1. antonio Avatar

      What view is that? I can’t find the column “Referrals”.
      in Affiliates->Referrals you can see the commissions.

      1. Good Morning…. I am in the Affiliates & Referrals tab. I see columns for:

        Is the “Referrals” column = sales?

        1. antonio Avatar

          In this table, this column indicates number of referrals (sales generated by the users referred from this affiliate). For example:
          AffiliateA have 5 users referred from her (this users have used AffiliateA links)
          Every 5 users make 3 purchases that generate commissions to AffiliateA.
          There’s 5 x 3 = 15 referrals.

          In this page, if you select “Expand referrals” you can see every referral info.


          1. great…. thanks Antonio. That is exactly how I thought it should work but even though I have run tests through the affiliate links the referrals still says 0. Is this an issue with Cart66?

            1. antonio Avatar

              there isn’t an integration with Cart66. You could use Affiliates API, and create your own integration.

  38. Michael Avatar

    Hello, the shortcode: [affiliates_url] is showing the affiliate link as:
    http://www.domain.com?affiliates=1. Is there a way for it to instead show the pretty link of http://www.domain.com/affiliates/1?

    Thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can use: [affiliates_affiliate_url type="pretty"/]
      Similar with [affiliates_affiliate_link].

  39. Elisabeth Avatar

    Dear all,

    I have just installed the free version of affiliates and am having the following problems:
    – the affiliate link is pointing to my blog page by default and I don’t know how to change it
    – the login form doesn’t show on the affiliates page (the registration form works fine but I disabled it)

    I am using jigo shop. Any advice on how to address the issues?

    Many thanks!

    1. antonio Avatar


      1.- Please take a look to [affiliates_url].
      2.- You can use [affiliates_registration] shortcode to generate registration form.


      1. nfordham Avatar

        hi guys!
        Antonio Im facing with similar issue even though I have the enterprise version.

        I try to describe the issue further…

        1. First the reason you dont see the login as you prolly logged in as admin and such you dont see it.. I had to either logout or open up the affiliate page in incognito mode to see the login but it is there..

        2. I have the link generated: http://syntrol.net/solar-panels/index.php?affiliates=eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3

        used this code: [affiliates_affiliate_link url="http://syntrol.net/solar-panels/index.php" /]

        it goes to my default blog page.. Antonio you still have not responded on why it does that? Even when I go to the plugin-> manage affiliates-> that code doesnt work either.. how to change that there it is automatically generates it and it points to my default blog no matter what I do..

        Please help us how to set the links to go to the homepage or whereever we want to.. without the affiliate codes the page does exist..
        http://syntrol.net/solar-panels/index.php does exist but when the code appends the affeliate code it goes to my default blog page that is empty.. I want it to point to the homepage…

        Thank you

        1. nfordham Avatar

          ok I found the answer.. Morgan answered it above..

          So basically at the backend click on Affiliates -> options and there search for the word Redirect and click on it.. after just use your code and it should redirect you to the page you set up in the code. or the default your main page.

          So it does work but that redirect button needs to be checked.

          1. antonio Avatar

            1.- If the user is an affiliate, he could not see the login form (because it is already logged). It’s true that maybe “Please log in to access the affiliate area.” is left over.
            2.- I’m glad.

      2. elisabethmodin Avatar


        Not sure I phrased the question correctly.
        When a visitor comes to my site by clicking on an affiliate link, they currently land on the home page. Instead of the home page I want them to land on the shop page.
        I looked on [affiliates_url] documentation, which gives the example [affiliates_url]http://www.example.com/somepage[/affiliates_url]. Is this the code I should be using? if so where should I paste the code?

        1. Hi,
          yes this is the shortcode.
          You can use it where you want (posts/pages). Normally used in “Affiliates Area” page.

  40. antonio Avatar

    Hi, In the email you receive you have a link to unsubscribe. cheers

  41. Hello,

    I plan to use your affiliate plugin with WooCommerce. I’m not sure which version (light, pro or enterprise) will be best. I would like to be able to upload the list of names and email addresses from mail chimp, instead of typing each person individually.

    At the event I will use a QR code to send people to a landing page with a mail chimp sign up form. Which of your affiliate plugins will allow me to then upload an excel file of the names and email addresses into the affiliate program?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Affiliates2Mailchimp plugin allows you to create your affiliates from MailChimp users, and vice versa.
      Now it only imports the email, but next week will be available the new version that also imports the names.

  42. bassem Avatar

    Does this plugin work for affiliates selling in person and not through a website ?
    I want an affiliate program management that shows commissions of affiliates but it will be filled by an administrator. So, it is not through referrals.

    1. Yes, as commissions can be recorded manually, this would be suitable. Give it a try 😉 Affiliates > Referrals > Add.

  43. Michael Avatar


    I am testing the free version of the plugin like you said. I added the Woocommerce Integration and when viewing the Visits & Referrals it says:
    2013-07-23 17:15:54 Order – Jul 23, 2013 @ 05:15 PM Michael

    Is there a way to show the Order # next to where it says Order.

    Also the link to the order is not working. The link is pointing to: http://www.domain.com/?post_type=shop_order&p=811 but I get a “No Results Found” error when visiting that link.

    How can I fix this?

    Thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      this error will be fixed in the next update.
      While you can edit the file: affiliates / lib / core / affiliates-admin-referral.php line 566

      //$link = get_permalink( $result->post_id );
      $link = admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . $result->post_id . '&action=edit' );

      thanks for the feedback, cheers

      1. Michael Avatar

        Hello, I did not have affiliates-admin-referral.php in the core folder but had: affiliates-admin-referrals.php. I made the change to this file and still getting the “No Results Found” error. How can I fix this? Thank you!

        1. antonio Avatar

          sorry, the file is affiliates-admin-referrals.php. Can you send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com? and we’ll have a look.

          1. Michael Avatar

            Hello, I forgot to add the login info on the last email. Just sent another email with the login information. Thank you.

            1. antonio Avatar

              just try it and seems to work properly. The link that generates looks like: …..wp-admin/post.php?post=810&action=edit

          2. Michael Avatar

            Hello, if you login to the backend. Then click on Affiliates, then Affiliates & Referrals. You click on “Expand Referrals” and click Apply. You will see that 2 orders show up in the results. If you click on any of those two orders it takes you to a “No Results Found” page, with the link going to …?post_type=shop_order&p=810. How can this be fixed so when you click on the order the admin sees the actual order that was placed?
            Thank you.

            1. antonio Avatar

              Sorry, I had tested Affiliates->Referral.
              This error will be fixed in the next update.
              While you can edit the file: affiliates / lib / core / affiliates-admin-hits-affiliate.php line 491:

              //$link = get_permalink( $referral->post_id );
              $link = admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . $referral->post_id . '&action=edit' );

              thank for the feedback

      2. Michael Avatar


        That worked perfect. I am still having the same issue when trying to view orders from the “Visits & Referrals” link on the left. Which file do I need to edit to fix this one?

        Also is there a way to show the order number when you view the orders so instead of it showing “Order – Jul 23, 2013 @ 05:15 PM”, it would show like this: Order #810 – Jul 23, 2013 @ 05:15 PM

        1. antonio Avatar

          In Affiliates / lib / core / affiliates-admin-hits.php line 477.

          //$link = get_permalink( $referral->post_id );
          $link = admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . $referral->post_id . '&action=edit' );

          In these files, then the changes, you have the variable $title, you can modify for example:
          $title = "Order " . $referral->post_id;

          1. Michael Avatar


            I am not sure on how to make those changes. Can you give me an example of the code that I need to change in order for the order to show as:

            Order #810 – Jul 23, 2013 @ 05:15 PM?

            That way I can change the others as well.

            Thank you!

            1. antonio Avatar

              for example, in affiliates-admin-hits-affiliate.php:

              //$link = get_permalink( $referral->post_id );
              $link = admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . $referral->post_id . '&action=edit' );
              $title = $referral->post_id . "#" . get_the_title( $referral->post_id );

              Similar, just right after the other files previously changed.

          2. Michael Avatar


            The code you gave me is showing the link as:
            “810#Order – Jul 23, 2013 @ 05:08 PM”

            Is there a way to make it instead show:
            “Order# 810 – Jul 23, 2013 @ 05:08 PM”?

            Thank you again for all your help!

            1. antonio Avatar

              “get_the_title” returns “Order – Jul 23, 2013 @ 05:08 PM”, but you can create your custom title assign it to $title variable.

  44. Hi,

    When I render the affiliate link as code, and I attempt to copy and paste the code rendered. I get something like this:

    Affiliate link – See more at: http://mywebsite.com/affiliate-area/#sthash.J5Y4gUdZ.dpuf

    What am i doing wrong?

    1. Seems related to removing the ShareThis hashtag?

  45. Hi Antonio,

    The front end is at http://www.nettsite.co.za/affiliates/. Is that good enough?



    1. antonio Avatar

      please create a post to show hits vs visits, for example:

      Hits: [affiliates_hits]
      Visits: [affiliates_visits]


      1. Hi,

        I have added that to the “Sales” tab on the affiliates page.


        1. antonio Avatar

          I have tested the website, and all seems ok, visits and clicks are not duplicated.

  46. Hi,

    Thanks – that’s what I would have thought. However, I have just started with this, and I am seeing some funny numbers.

    On the “Affiliates & Referrals” report, one affiliate shows 1 visitor, 66 hits. I know that one person didn’t click the link 66 times. Another one shows 7 visits, and 93 hits. That one I also know had more than 7 visits, it was probably closer to 93 different people.

    Any ideas?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi, please give us the website link, to have a look. regards

  47. What exactly are “hits” vs “visits”? I am getting very strange looking statistics.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi, a hit is when someone clicks an affiliate link, if you click it 5 times, it will record 5 hits, but it will only count as 1 visit.

  48. Is there a way to track referrals when my client is using reoccurring monthly billing via PayPal?

    Right now, the referral partner gets credit for the first referral …but I don’t think they do when the customer is auto-billed 30 days later.

    – Tyler

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi, Affiliates Pro Paypal can help you.

  49. I’m trying to figure out if this affiliate plugin will work for me. I’ve got 2 websites. One is WordPress, and the other is running a platform called SocialEngine. They’re both under the same company, it’s just that the SocialEngine part site is a community area for our readers, and is a subdomain of the main WordPress website. The WordPress site is the landing point for the community, so all referral links would go there.

    What I’m trying to do is track new members who sign up for a membership for the SocialEngine community. However, since the incoming referral links would come in to the WordPress site, but signups would happen in through the SocialEngine part, will this be possible to track? Maybe it can be tracked when they make the payment for the community membership? I really have no clue how it works.

    I’m not sure if it matters, but I’m having a bridge built between the two systems so that WordPress will know if visitors is a signed-in member of the community.

    Thanks for your help!

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can do once the user signup, then redirect to wordpress page (where you can generate the commission).

  50. Just so you know, Jigoshop support is blaming you for not making the latest Affiliates Pro update from last month available…


    Totally depends when he gives it to us I’m afraid! We update it as and when we are provided with them. We do post blog posts on Friday’s to inform people of the weeks plugin updates.

    Thanks, Luke

    How much would you charge me so I can get out from under them and become a customer of yours for updates?

    I’ve learned the hard way NOT to buy extensions via Jigoshop when they are available directly from the dev, so sorry, won’t happen again. 🙁

    1. Hi Michael,

      Actually they are usually very efficient putting up the new releases, Luke has updated this to the latest release around 10 days ago, so the version you have should be the latest (2.4.0 for Affiliates Pro and 1.1.5 for the integration). In any case, I’ll check with him to make sure that’s what is distributed.


      1. Hey Kento,

        I downloaded what they have labeled as v2.3 and based on the change log, it appears that maybe it really is v2.4.

        Unfortunately Luke’s response to me having come today, only underscores my frustration with them.

        Thanks! I greatly appreciate your willingness to respond to us!

        1. Thanks Michael, yes, the version that is distributed is indeed the latest, Luke checked again and he could confirm that as well.

          Maybe there was a bit of a misunderstanding when you communicated with them, in my experience it’s always been fun working with the people at Jigoshop and I know that they do a great job and really care to help those who are using their system 🙂

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