
Affiliates ProAffiliates Enterprise

The Affiliates WordPress Plugin


Also refer to the Affiliates Plugins Feature Comparison.

  • Real-time reportingReferrals and affiliate link statistics are recorded and available instantly, as transactions are processed.

    Information for affiliates on the front end: show affiliates information about their referrals including totals by currency and referral status.

  • Integration with virtually any E-Commerce platformAffiliates provides an API which makes it compatible to use with virtually any E-Commerce and Membership system.

    Affiliates Pro Integration packs are available for several platforms. More integrations are added constantly on request.

  • Unlimited AffiliatesSimply have as many affiliates as you can get.
  • Easy affiliate recruitmentAffiliates can sign up automatically and can also be added manually with or without user accounts.
  • Feedback is welcomeDo you have feature requests or want to provide feedback? Please get in touch, the Affiliates plugins evolve with your needs.
  • Free or contribution basedThe Affiliates plugin is free and Open Source. If you want to use it, simply install it from your WordPress Dashboard or download it from WordPress.org.

    Affiliates Pro and Enterprise are contributor releases with additional features. Contributions help to make the plugins even more awesome. Thanks!

  • Quick & Easy InstallationUpload/install and activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard.

Affiliates Pro & Enterprise

  • Banner Management
  • Notifications
  • Videos : A collection of videos showing features available in the free Affiliates plugin and additional features available in Affiliates Pro and Enterprise.
  • Screenshots : Some sample pages set up with Affiliates Pro.
  • Fixed, percentage or formula based commissionsReferral amounts can be flat rates, percentage of net sales amounts and based on custom formulas.

    These can be set in general and per affiliate.

  • Flexible affiliate areasCreate as many pages as you need showing affiliates their stats, banners, links, profile, …
  • Mass Payments and Enhanced TotalsExport totals and generate PayPal mass payment files. Simply pay your affiliates all at once. Pay-outs can be based on accumulated totals.
  • Custom featuresThe Affiliates system provides an extensive API for developers which allows to customize it to any client’s requirements.

The Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program.

Important features include automated affiliate registration, an unlimited affiliate management section and the ability to integrate Affiliates with virtually any E-Commerce platform. Free and premium integrations are available.

The Affiliates plugin provides an ideal affiliate system for sellers, shops and developers who want to get started with their affiliate program right “out of the box”.

It also provides a solid framework for developers, who wish to build customized solutions based on a sound data model. With unlimited affiliate program management tools available on the back end and a set of shortcodes to provide Affiliates information on their performance on the front end, there is everything you need to start an affiliate program.

Affiliates Pro and Enterprise provide additional features for sellers, shops and developers.

If you need to manage an Affiliate Marketing Program, track visits to your site with affiliate links, the affiliates plugin is right for you. It provides the tools to maintain a partner referral program.

Simply put, the affiliates plugin is used to manage affiliates, create referrals and track visits to your site through affiliate links.
Referrals are stored and attributed to an affiliate, for example if clients place orders on your site and you need to credit your affiliates.


Free and premium integrations are available.

Pro & Enterprise

These integrations are included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise:

Light Integrations

These integrations are freely available to be used with any of the Affiliates plugins.



Please refer to the Documentation pages.


What this plugin is not

It is not intended to keep track of links to other sites that you as a member of an affiliate program may have. For that, please try the Affiliate toolbox.



1,415 responses to “Affiliates”

  1. bernie Avatar

    i thought i got everything all set up for the free affiliates plugin, but when i try to use an affilaite link, it goes to a 404 page.. shouldnt it just go to the home page? here is the link i was using.. http://edelmans.net/jeanne2?affiliates=3

    1. antonio Avatar

      I have created an affiliate “eggemplo”, please give me access to backend and we’ll have a look.

      1. bernie Avatar

        what kind of access do you need.. and by the way who are you? 🙂 are you part of the itthnx company?

        1. Yes he’s providing support here. What he will need to take a look is admin access.

  2. I am building a website using woocommerce and I am in need of an affiliate program that allows you to have a certain percentage of each sale (70%) be paid to the publisher of the product. Is there a way to configure this system to operate an affiliate system inside your own website?

    1. antonio Avatar

      with Affiliates Pro Woocommerce Integration you can generate commissions for every sale that is made. Publisher only need share links to your website, and their can get commissions with visitors.

      1. I am afraid its not quite that simple. I need that publisher to get a commission on every single sale they make. Its almost like a reverse affiliate program, except they don’t sell the product on their website, its only available on ours. How can we I configure it when a visitor comes (from any source) and buys publisher 1’s book, publisher 1 gets a 70% commission of the sale?

        1. Hi Josh,

          For this case the Affiliates Products plugin would be appropriate. It’s intended to automatically grant commissions for product partners or affiliates on product sales.


  3. Disregard. I enabled the redirect option, cleared my cookies and it work just fine. Thanks Awesome product.

    1. antonio Avatar

      I’m glad it works fine. If you have any questions, ask us.

  4. Apologies in advance for the beginner question, but the affiliate created links direct to a blog post that can not be found. I know it is user error, but can not find this basic answer anywhere.

    Do I need to use a redirect plug in to direct the affiliate to the page/post I want?

    Thanks for your time!


  5. Hi!
    Me again. I have a short question. I edited affiliate-area and I actually left only the first part (Affiliate Link) since I don’t need the other info (earnings, comissions etc..). Now, I would like to somehow enable my affiliates to see number of visits they brought to my website. Is there a shortcode for that too or could I somehow use php query and call it from database? I didn’t find any column containing visits in the database but that might be because I didn’t use this plugin yet so all databases are pretty much empty.


    1. Hi Teodor,

      Yes there is a shortcode for that, [affiliates_visits] see the Shortcodes section for details and the API if you want to use PHP.

      The visits are derived from the hit counts, there is no column for them.

      1. Great! Thank you very much. I couldn’t find it anywhere!

  6. Elyse Avatar

    My company and I are considering using Affiliates Pro for Woocommerce with our website. I have a few questions first, however.
    1) Is there a way that we could give affiliates a gift certificate to our website, instead of using Paypal to pay them?
    2) We are hoping to use this plugin as a customer loyalty rewards system; is that possible to do without making all customers part of our company as affiliates?

    1. Hi Elyse,

      #1 It depends … assuming you want to issue discount coupons for that, would it be ok to manually issue coupons by totals for example each month, or do you require an automated system?
      #2 You can allow affiliates to apply and be verified before you add them as affiliates.

  7. Thanks for this – can I use with Affiliates – or just Pro for this method?
    If i upgrade later to Pro, does it clear out the affiliate data from the Affiliates plugin?
    Many thanks

    1. The [affiliates_url] is working in both versions, you don't need Pro for it.
      When you switch versions, the data is maintained (unless you activate an option to delete data which is used for testing).

  8. Hi – Can you tell me if I can allow affiliates to promote a single product in affiliates Pro rather than just the whole store?
    So they can create affiliate links for single products they want to promote?
    (using Woocommerce )

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can use [affiliates_url] shortcode, for example:

      1. guyfisher1 Avatar

        Can you tell me if i can change the detailson the email sent on affiliate sign up?

        1. antonio Avatar

          please take a look to this conversation.

  9. Hi!
    I found this plugin and I still can’t believe how well made it is. I’m trying to set it up and I believe that did it right but I recon that it’s better to ask for an opinion. I have a few facebook pages and some well established profiles on other social networks ( 2 on google+, 4 twitter profiles…). Google analytics can only tell me the number of visits and pageviews from e.g. facebook, but I don’t know which facebook page visitors came from. I decided to use this plugin and create affiliates=1 for facebook page 1, affiliates=2 for facebook page 2 and so on. Now when I post link to facebook page I add affiliates=1,2,3 or 4 to the url and I track how many visits I had from each page (at least I believe I see that info).

    Could you help me out a little? How should I set another options?

    * I’ve setup new affiliates in Manage Affiliates > New Affiliates

    * I’ve setup Referral timeout to 1 day – I believe that now if somebody clicks 20 times on the same link, plugin will count 20 Hits and 1 Visit. Next day, the same visitor clicks on the link, it will count a new Visit and a number of Hits. Am I right?

    * I didn’t allow duplicate referrals – the same reason as above.

    * I go to visits and referrals tab, choose the affiliate and I monitor number of hits and visits per affiliate.

    Did I setup everything right. Hits and Visits are counting but I’m not sure if I get the correct numbers. Do I need to add a new referral or is there anything else that I should setup in order to get more accurate numbers?

    Also, I’d like to contribute a little. I noticed that when you share a link on facebook and somebody clicks on it, you get 3 visits and 3 hits from that first click. This happens only for the first click on the link since facebook checks every link before it is allowed on facebook and it accesses it from their IPs. There is a list of facebook’s IP addresses here: http://compnetworking.about.com/od/traceipaddresses/f/facebook-ip-address.htm

    It might be useful if you could somehow exclude these IPs from the count since those are not real hits and visits. It is a small difference but the numbers would be more accurate if these visits weren’t counted.

    Thank you very much in advance!
    Best Regards!

    1. Hi Teodor,

      Many thanks for detailing how you are using this, I think it’s a great approach. The setup you are using sounds ok, just one thing I’d like to clarify: referrals are meant to record a transaction that resulted from an affiliate referring the related party. The most common case is a customer who is referred by an affiliate makes a purchase and the resulting commission for the affiliate is recorded with a referral. So in your case, you don’t really work with referrals; you’re more interested in the visits. You’re right about how the visits work, it doesn’t matter how many hits a day, if they are from the same visitor, they will count only one visit per day.

      Regarding the scraper IPs I don’t think the visits these add would justify the extra effort it would take to filter them out*. They might add a few visits but as long as it’s a lower order than the visits produced by real visitors, it’s statistically irrelevant. Also technically it can be quite difficult to maintain an updated list of IPs, FB isn’t the only service doing that, you’d have to take into account LinkedIn and many others.

      *The robots setting could probably be used but currently it would just mark them but not filter or avoid recording the hits.

      Anyway, thanks again for explaining how you’re using the system. I think it’s a great example of what it can be used for. I’ve done consulting for similar cases and it’s really interesting the amount of information you can get out of this.

      If you have the time, I’d appreciate it if you could leave a quick review of the plugin, not only can that help others who look there but the appreciation is always very welcome 🙂


      1. Thank you very much! I reviewed the plugin and rated 5 stars. It’s the least I can do.
        I understand that it would be too much work to filter these scrapers and that would be almost impossible, I just wanted to notify you in case you didn’t notice that. One more question.. When I create new affiliate I can set From and Until date. Could you explain me how exactly does it work? Will it delete the affiliate when it reaches Until date or will it just stop counting visits/hits? Also, if I set “From” date to be e.g. next week and someone places affiliate links today, will it count visits, will it point to 404 Not Found page or something else.
        Sorry I’m bothering you, but although I tested the plugin on my local WAMP server, there are still some aspects of this plugin that I don’t completely understand. After all, I believe that you can use this type of questions to see what a common user of the plugin is confused about so you can improve user experience 🙂

        1. Many many thanks for that! 🙂

          The from and until dates affect the validity of the affiliate’s links. Affiliates are never actually deleted in order to preserve consistency with the data already recorded. When you ‘delete’ an affiliate from the Manage Affiliates section, the record is marked as such internally. It doesn’t have any effect on what a visitor who comes through an affiliate link would see.

          Hey and these questions are welcome, not a bother at all! Often it’s easy to point to the documentation, but for questions like the ones you have posted it’s good to point out what / why / how things work.


  10. I just upgraded to the newest version of WooCommerce and the Affiliate plugin doesn’t show up on my panel now.

    1. antonio Avatar

      please give us affiliates , woocommerce and wordpress versions to test that combination.

  11. I am a thesis theme web designer and developer.I am using this plugin for my client shopping site.Its really helpful.

    1. Many thanks for your feedback 🙂 If you have time for a quick review, that would be great, too!

  12. Hi I am just wondering if any of your versions of this plugin allow of deep linking to product pages from affiliate sites? It would be much more effective than a home page link.

    I am also wondering if there is a dashboard available for referrers to be able to track and see how they are going? Or can only site admin do this?

    They both seem like they would be something you probably have on offer, i just dont know about them yet.

    Thanks for your help!

    1. Hi Josh,

      Both are possible with any of the versions, check out the documentation pages: you can link to any page (see the Shortcodes section) and you can set up an affiliate area by clicking a button (see the Setup section).


      1. Oh thanks! Too easy 🙂

  13. HI there. I just purchased Affiliates Pro. Everything works perfect in both the back and the front end. However there is one problem I cannot find a solution for. To show detailed affiliate referrals I am using the following shortcode on my Affiliates Page:

    [affiliates_affiliate_stats type="stats-referrals" /]

    However when I want to view details about a specific order and click on any of the “Post” links I’m given a 404 error. I have turned on and off permalinks and also tried the default permalink settings and it is the same on all settings…. i.e 404 error. Can someone, please please help. The URL that is been constructed when I click any of the post links look something like this:


    1. antonio Avatar

      this is permission problem, a user can not view another user orders. If you have using woocommerce, please take a look to Affiliates Woocommerce Views Plugin.

      1. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately though it doesn’t make sense for 2 reasons.

        1. Why would you provide a link in the first place to the Order Post, if the user cant actually view it. and

        2. Even if I give the affiliate admin privileges, they are still unable to view this page, so how then can it be privileges issue?

        This is one of the key feature of buying the pro version for us as we need to be able to give access to more detailed order info. I don’t mind about giving users more access rights as we can tailer they’re roles and what they can do, we just need to have a clear idea of what needs to be done in order to make that click through link actually go to the product order, which we had assumed it would do, given that the link must be there for some reason. Thanks for taking the time to look at this. Cian

        1. You can use Affiliates WooCommerce Views to show detailed order info. You can download the plugin from GitHub (link is on that page).

          1. Thanks for the response, but I need this to work with JIGOSHOP, which is what we’ve built our system on. Can you answer my original question as to why this link is provided in the first place, when it serves no pusrpose, why admin cant access the link and how if anyway it can be accessed? Thanks a million. Cian

            1. Ok that won’t help then unless we would derive a version for Jigoshop.

              The post column is more intended for when there’s a post where the referral was originated, but we’re recording the order id there in the integration. You would normally just hide the column.

          2. Guys I really need some feedback on this one if possible. My comment is still waiting on mederation. Even if there was a hook you could give me to call literally the id of the associated post, I could work something out. I know currently the link is in


            and the hook for the link is:

            . esc_attr( $IXAP206 ) .

            However beyond this I’m lost. Please, please can someone help out as this was the main reason I purchased the pro version as I believed these links actually did show more of the order details. Thanks.

            1. Sure, do you think the views plugin that I’ve mentioned before would give you a suitable view for what you want to show? If so, it can be adapted quite easily to Jigoshop, probably makes others happy as well. Do you want to try that?

          3. HI Kento. That would be great if it was possible. Essentially Clients want to see as much info as possible for each order, particularly, who placed the order, product ordered, qty, etc. I can’t preview woocommerce views, but if it displays items along these lines that would be great. Really appreciate your help on this.

            1. We’re working on adapting this for Jigoshop, it should be ready for next week. One advice regarding ‘who placed the order’ – I would not show affiliates this information, primarily because of privacy concerns. That’s why it isn’t displayed in the WooCommerce version either.

            2. antonio Avatar

              You have available a version at Github->Affiliates-Jigoshop-Views.

      2. Guys thanks so much. its a credit to you guys that you actually take an interest in helping support this plugin and enhance it for users. I have no doubt there’ll be others who’ll find this supper useful. Looking forward to giving it a try and will let ye know how it works out. Thanks again. C

        1. antonio Avatar

          I’m glad you are happy with the service, thanks

  14. Hi there,

    I am trying to use the Affiliates Plugin for my WooCommerce store, but am running into an issue with referrals not being recorded. I am wondering if asking visitors to sign up for an account before placing an order could somehow cause the Affiliates cookies to be deleted. I am not able to get referrals recorded from new shoppers. However, if somebody already has an account and they come back through an affiliate link, then it appears to be okay.

    So the workflow is this: people come to my store through an affiliate link, click to sign up for an account, and then place an order. Order shows up on WooCommerce but referral is not recorded by Affiliates (although the visit is properly recorded).

    Any idea whats going on would be appreciated.


    1. antonio Avatar

      that should work. Can you give us the web address to try it?

  15. opportunex Avatar

    Help! type=”pretty” not working… generates a 404

    [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]

    http://mysite.com/start/admin (=404)


    http://mysite.com?start=admin (seems to work)

    What am I missing?

    1. antonio Avatar

      I guess you have permalinks enabled (Settings->Permalinks), and you don’t have a page with slug start with ‘start’.
      if not, can you send the web address to take a look?

  16. Jessica Avatar


    I’m interested with your Affiliate Enterprise for my WordPress but I have a few questioned in mind before purchasing it.

    Please correct me if I am wrong.

    I see that enterprise version allows me to have multi-tier affiliation and I can set the commission based on EACH affiliates.

    However, currently I am having a problem that my commission is not calculated based on the signed up or purchased on the website. I will be uploading another set of spending for each under line and then I would like the program to calculate accordingly.

    For example, James is an affiliate that we have created for him (public are not allowed to sign up as an affiliate like they want to). Then James tells Albert and Ron to sign up an account on my website through his affiliate link. So now Albert and Ron is under James.

    At the end of every week, I will be uploading an excel file of the money Albert and Ron spent on buying my other product OFFLINE. If Albert had spent $100 and Ron had spent $200, James will be getting $150 based on the fixed percentage of 50% that I have set on James.

    I would like to find out if Affiliate Enterprise is able to do that.

    Thank you.

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can set direct commission based on each affiliates. Next levels are set in general (not for each affiliate).
      You can add referrals manually, but the program not calculate the commission, you must enter the commission.

  17. Justin Avatar


    Very interested in your pluggin.

    I’m looking to find a pluggin that allows affiliates to have there own affiliates and the affiliates that they bring in get a certain percentage of revenue.

    Is this possible with this pluggin?

    1. Hi Justin, that would be Affiliates Enterprise which supports tiers.

  18. I want to add another field for website in case affiliate has two websites. How to add extra fields in affiliate signup form? Also I want a checkbox to agree to terms and conditions.

    Let me know how to do so…

    1. antonio Avatar

      We are working on this, in a few days will be available.

  19. jeremiasf Avatar


    I received the affiliate pro package file and I’ve noticed that that there are to folder/zip affiliates-pro and affiliates-wpsc. Do I have to upload theme both in the plugins folder and activate? I need guidance here please.


    1. Hi Jeremias,

      Yes you need to install both plugins – one is Affiliates Pro and the other the integration plugin.


  20. Hi,

    Is it possible to include a “forgot password link”, underneath the sign-in/signup form for the affiliate when they go to sign back in?

    1. antonio Avatar

      There isn’t a attribute for this purpose, but you can show this below the form, or use attribute “redirect_to”, and in the destination page show the link.

  21. Hi!
    Will the Affiliates plugin work with the “Shopp” Cart?
    Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi Lori,
      There’s no integration that would be available OOTB. The API can be used to integrate it with pretty much ‘anything’ though 🙂

  22. instantbam Avatar

    Hi i use wordpress and created a website that is for pay membership access only. I used the plugin “Paid Memberships Pro” and i had recently decided to accept members to become an affiliate for my website, so i purchased this “Affiliate Pro” plugin. However, i’ve been testing this affiliate pro plugin and it doesn’t show up any referrals that my affiliates has referred to my site and became a member.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Do not exist Paid Memberships Pro Integration, so Affiliates don’t generate referred when someone became a member.
      Maybe you want to try Groups.


      1. instantbam Avatar

        This Groups integration will work with the affiliate pro?

        1. antonio Avatar

          you need:
          – Affiliates Light/Pro/Enterprise : To affiliations.
          – Groups: To memberships.
          – Ecommerce: To sale memberships.
          – Integrations: to connect to all.

          For example:
          Affiliates Pro + Groups + Woocommerce + Affiliates Woocommerce Integration (Light/Pro) + Groups Woocommerce

          In your case, the cheapest option is:
          – Affiliates Pro (already have)
          – Groups: Free
          – Woocommerce: Free
          – Affiliates Woocommerce Integration Light (works with Affiliates Pro): Free
          – Groups Woocommerce Integration: You have to buy it.


  23. TRPeterson Avatar

    Two questions.

    Are there plans to develop a feature where a customer visiting an affiliate’s link to a site could actually see the name of the affiliate on the site. For example, if I had the affiliate link http://www.website.com?=terry and my friend visited my link, there would be a header bar visible that said “You’re visiting Terry’s site”. Literally dozens of my site’s affiliates are asking for this.

    Second question, any estimate on when the features will be released allowing me to manually change affiliate hierarchy of sub-affiliates -and- the ability for my affiliates to see on their dashboard what sub-affiliates have signed up under them (via shortcode I assume)?

    Many thanks, great plug-in!

    1. antonio Avatar

      First, there aren’t plans to develop this feature, you can use Affiliates API for that purpose.
      Second, the multi-tier system is available in Affiliates Enterprise. We are working in “allow to manually change affiliate hierarchy”.


  24. Hi,

    I am doing a revamp of my current site with woocommerce. I want to deploy an affiliate program for my service but I am limited in that I do not have access to paypal (not available in my country) so I have to use 2checkout for payment processing.

    This is the current location of the site where I want to use this plugin:

    I am using the 2checkout extention for woocommerce to integrate with 2co.

    If i implement the affiliates pro extention for woocommerce, will it work seemlessly with 2checkout? I dont care about sending tracking data to 2checkout but will the plugin be able to send affiliate earnings to 2checkout system so that 2co may pay my affiliates as they usually would?

    Would really appreciate a response on this, thanks!


    1. antonio Avatar

      affiliates right now is not integrated with 2checkout, but affiliates system records commissions regardless of the payment system.
      You can not automate the massive payment, but you can use affiliates.


  25. Hi there,
    We need to place an affiliate’s tracking pixel and would prefer that the login generated for each affiliate take them to a place where they can see their own stats (rather than a WP login page that doesn’t have anything to do with your affiliate platform).
    Are either of these possible?
    Thank you!

    1. antonio Avatar

      You can try this shortcode [affiliates_login_redirect redirect_url="http://www.example.com/goto/"]
      More info: http://www.itthinx.com/documentation/affiliates/shortcodes/


  26. I have affiliates and Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light installed on my client’s site. If I upgrade to Affiliates Pro WooCommerce Integration Pack, will the old affiliates be deleted? is there some type of upgrade procedure that won’t affect the current affiliates and it’s referrals?

    1. You would receive Affiliates Pro and the WooCommerce integration plugin for it in the pack. These fully substitute Affiliates and the light integration, just make sure you do not have the option to delete data on deactivation checked, then your current data will be preserved when you switch to the Pro versions.

  27. Also it will not let me register as a new affiliate? I wish there was documentation for this problem. http://www.toolsforawakening.com/affiliate-area/

    1. Works for me, what makes you think it won’t let you register?

      1. I did. I am still confused if the actual page needs a short link and how to get the affiliate page to be accurate. I do appreciate your time and patience. Got the correct links now to give to my presenters. but still need to know about coding the page itself. I have read all your documentation and watched all your videos.

        1. Ok, don’t worry, it’s quite flexible and sometimes doubts like that come up 🙂

          You do not need to put anything on the page you are linking to if that’s your question, with the shortcode and its url parameter, you can construct a link to any page, but you do not have to modify anything on the page you are linking to.

          Now, if you are running a promotion and want to link to specific pages A, B and C, one solution is to create a page Q and use the shortcode to create the affiliate links to A, B and C – then point your affiliates to page Q where you have placed the shortcodes. When they visit page Q (assuming they are logged in), the system will render links to pages A, B and C with the appropriate affiliate link added in each case.

  28. Here is the website if you want to take a look.. My coder is cracker jack
    and he said he could not figure it out.
    Do I need to add a code to each page?
    Please helped it worked before and I am doing a launch
    Here is how it was set up

    code from last launch

    Pretty: http://www.toolsforawakening.com/bar/11

    Now I want to record this link and this one.

    http://www.toolsforawakening.com/socialpreneurs/bar/11 ?

    Does it need to be

    Thank you in advance for your help

    1. The documentation on Affiliate Links explains how to link to a specific page using the appropriate shortcode.
      The first example you mention is ok and works, the second is wrong, the correct form would be http://www.toolsforawakening.com/socialpreneurs?bar=11 but you don’t need to even know that when you use the short code as explained in the documentation, as it would build it for you.

  29. Hi, Am interested in multi-tier (5 to 8 tiers to be exact) set up.
    All tiers would pay the same, but pay all the way up (ie: 5% of sale to tier 3 who made the sale, 5% to tier 2, & 5% to tier 1
    Can I do this on Pro or do I need enterprise? If I need enterprise, what’s the price?

    1. You would need Affiliates Enterprise for multiple tiers and you can set the same percentage on each level like you explained, see Affiliates Enterprise.

  30. tonibarrett Avatar

    Hi, I’ve purchased the Affiliates by Username plugin but can’t figure out how to output the urls in this format: http://www.example.com/affiliates/billy

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can find information about this in http://www.itthinx.com/shop/affiliates-by-username/ (using shortcodes)


      1. tonibarrett Avatar

        Yes thanks, I have read that page. It doesn’t say how to render links in the format above. Can you help?

        1. Quoting from the page

          To render affiliate links based on the username, wrap the shortcodes as shown in these examples

          … what it means is you should place the affiliate link short code as you would want it to appear using the affiliate ID and wrap it using the shortcode indicated, then it will turn into a link of the same form, but using the username. See?

        2. antonio Avatar

          you can use:

          [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]


  31. Coreystephenson Avatar

    I am just wondering, I am using the WP plugin and i am just wondering, as i have not found it. my registration form is 2 parts one that selects the package and the second that is the actual form which they can enter their name and data and such. it’s not a wp page so the short code does not work. but right now my referral field is left blank unless they enter the data manually I’d really like to find a way to update the field when with the Affiliate ID so that the field is not blank. is there a way to do this?

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can use API’s Affiliates. For example:

      $affiliateId = Affiliates_Service::get_referrer_id();


  32. Do you have a guide that explains how to add banner ads and products for the affiliates?

    1. basically what i need to know is how to redirect people to their links, ads, etc. after they complete the registration form?

      Doesn’t automatically redirect to this page.

      1. antonio Avatar

        for example you can use this shortcode:

        [affiliates_registration redirect="true" redirect_to="/thanks-page" /]

        More info in documentation page.


  33. [affiliates_registration /] is not working and when I hard code it registration form, I can’t enter information in the fields.

    Can you posts a list of all shortcodes? I can’t find them anywhere.

    1. nevermind, got it to work.

    2. antonio Avatar

      you can find shortcode info in Support -> Documentation -> Affiliates


  34. grahamripple Avatar

    I love the feature to link coupon codes to affiliates so that they get credit for the sale. Is it possible to show the coupon code on the Affiliate’s secure page?

    I attempted both [affiliates_coupon} & [affiliate_coupon] and found they didn't work.

    I'd love to have a section that said:

    Your 5% Coupon Code is: [affiliate_coupon].


    1. antonio Avatar

      with Affiliate Pro/Enterprise you can use this shortcode:

      [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="coupons" show_name="" show_email="" /]

      More info here http://www.itthinx.com/documentation/affiliates/setting-up-affiliate-resources/setting-up-an-affiliate-profile-page/


  35. Hello,

    Is there any way to ask the user to provide their PayPal email address instead of the email they registered in WooCommerce with? It appears that the form is “locked” with the logged in users info. But what happens if the email address is different from their Paypal address and I go to pay them?

    Secondly, note in the linked screen capture that the form fields extend beyond the bounding box. Is this an issue with the plug-in or the theme?


    Thank you,

    p.s. GREAT plug-in 🙂

    1. antonio Avatar

      with Affiliates Pro you can use this shortcode:

      [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="paypal_email" edit_attributes="paypal_email" /]

      The style issue is with the theme, but you can solve with css, change wp-content/plugins/affiliates-pro/css/affiliates.css line 41, change with from 100% to 95% by example, or adding to your theme css style file:

      .affiliates-registration input[type="text"], .affiliates-registration textarea {
      width: 95%;


  36. I’m currently testing the free extension for woocommerce and plan on upgrading to pro if I can get it working. The issue I’m having is on the affiliate registration. When I try to register I get errors saying that some fields are required (password, address, etc). I think this might be because I have a custom registration setup for wholesale accounts using ‘Cimy User Extra Fields’ plugin. Is there anyway to get this affiliate registration to work?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Brad,
      if you use affiliate shortcode [affiliates_registration /] for guest users, doesn’t work because Cimy User Extra Fields add required fields which are not shown in affiliate form.
      But if you use this shortcode for registered users, you can create an affiliate for this user without any problem.


  37. frederick Avatar

    Hello, I’m trying to set up my affiliate program using your Affiliate Pro extension for WooCommerce. However, the shortcodes are not rendering the affiliate elements. (Log in, etc). The short codes are inserted using the Text (not visual) editor in WP.

    This is what’s happening:

    These are the shortcodes on the page:


    Please log in to access the affiliate area.


    If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here:



    Welcome to your affiliate area. Here you can find information about your affiliate link and earnings.

    Affiliate link

    Your affiliate URL:


    Use this code to embed your affiliate link:

    Affiliate link

    Tip: You should change the text Affiliate link to something more attractive.



    Commissions pending payment

    [affiliates_referrals show="total" status="accepted"]

    Commissions paid

    [affiliates_referrals show="total" status="closed"]

    Number of sales referred

    Accepted referrals pending payment: [affiliates_referrals status="accepted"]
    Referrals paid: [affiliates_referrals status="closed"]

    Renders THIS:


    FYI - I've tested other shortcodes on my pages and they all render properly, so it's not a case of broken shortcode support - in fact I'm using WooCommerce shortcodes extensively.

    Any ideas?


    1. frederick Avatar

      Disregard. Turns out I hadn’t ticked the checkbox to enable affiliate registration. 🙁


      1. antonio Avatar

        Many thanks, and good to see you got it working now

  38. Hi Guys,

    Am liking your Affiliates plugin, but and trying to find out how i can display on the page the name of the referring affiliate (where someone visits the site using the affiliate url they have given out). ie id like to write on the screen “you have been referred to this site by ‘affiliate name’ “. I have tried using the shortcode [referrer_user] and with a parameter [referrer_user display="display_name"], but i must be getting this wrong as it doesn’t display anything when i visit the site via a url with the affiliates id append like in the examples it doesn’t show anything. I also tried just displaying the [referrer_id] as well and it showed up sometimes and not other times.

    Second question is does this plugin use a cookie? if so what is the name of the cookie so i could retrieve the affiliate id from it and put that into some custom php code? or is there another way i can get the affiliate id when in php coding?

    Your help on this would be much appreciated.

    1. antonio Avatar


      Have you checked if the affiliate has associated user? This shortcode shows user’s name.
      The cookie’s name is wp_affiliates.


  39. Is there a way to set an affiliate sign up to pending for approval? Also need to make them give their website address when they sign up. How can I make this happen?

    1. Hi,
      by default new affiliates status is activate. You can have a login form, and when you think the user must be approved, then create the affiliate.
      In http://www.itthinx.com/useful-plugins/ you have by example Profile Builder, for create a custom login form, when add user’s website.


  40. I have been using affiliates for a few months and just installed s2member to my wordpress site and now affiliates can no longer sign up. current affiliates can still sign in. Is there a know issue with s2member and affiliates or a setting i am overlooking? thanks!

    1. Hi bill,

      if you need integrate affiliates with s2member, you have “Affiliates Pro s2Member integration”


  41. http://www.vermico.com
    [affiliates_affiliate_link url="http://www.vermico.com/ebooks/" render="code" /]

    Here is the shortcode I am using to take a customer to a specific page. Does this look right to you? Hoping this code will append the ID number. I used pastebin but not sure if I did it right.

    1. Hi,
      yes, this shortcode is correct, but it show anything as:
      <a href=”http://www.vermico.com/ebooks/?affiliates=3″>www.vermico.com/ebooks/?affiliates=3</a>

      If you want show anything as:
      <a href=”http://www.vermico.com/ebooks/?affiliates=3″>www.vermico.com</a>
      you must use this shortcode:
      [affiliates_affiliate_link url="http://www.vermico.com/ebooks/" render="code" ]http://www.vermico.com[/affiliates_affiliate_link]


  42. Oh never mind about the previous comment. I just found the answer.Thanks!

    1. Many thanks, and good to see you got it working now 🙂

  43. Hi,

    I am not techie when it comes to WordPress installations. My employer purchased Affiliate Pro Paypal Pack. I downloaded the zip file and tried installing it in WordPress but an error occurred saying:

    Unpacking the package…

    Installing the plugin…

    The package could not be installed. No valid plugins were found.

    Plugin install failed.

    How can I install it without going to the cpanel? Should I unzip the file and just look for the php file and install or do I need to install something else before doing so?

  44. I am very frustrated. I am trying to use the shortcode but when I embed it on my test site page it just looks like code. I am inserting it in text mode but I cannot make it work. What am I doing wrong?

    1. For example: I put this on my test site to point the customer back to my site vermico.com. http://www.vermico.com?affiliates=7 My test site affiliate # is 7. When I publish the test site page it looks just like this. I am pretty sure this is not something an affiliate wants on their page to drive their customers to me. Banner work ok but not a text link.

      1. Hi,

        You can use other text in the link, by example:

        <a href=”http://www.vermico.com?affiliates=7″>www.vermico.com</a>

        that is more beautiful.


        1. Be careful about copy-paste and quotes !!!

      2. How exactly are you using the shortcodes? Please use pastebin and share the link, if you try to paste the HTML you are using on your page, it will most likely be filtered out in the comment here. Once we see how exactly your code/shortcodes look like, it will be easier to help.

    2. Hi vermico,
      you must use shortcodes in visual mode, and links (that contains < and >) in text mode.


      1. Thank you. That helps….somewhat. So I leave this instruction on my affiliate resource page for an affiliate to make a link to me:
        “The general affiliate link directs people straight to the homepage. To use it just replace MyAffiliateID with your affiliate ID:


        It will look like this on your page: http://www.vermico.com

        Then…I take my own instructions and replace the id with my own and put it on my test site. It looks good on the surface but…I get this error:
        “Not Found
        You tried going to http://www.voluntournow.org, and it doesn’t exist. All is not lost! You can search for what you’re looking for.”
        In other words, it stays on my test site like this: http://www.voluntournow.org/affiliate/”http://www.vermico.com?affiliates=7″

        Now the code looks like a regular link. I pasted this in text mode: http://www.vermico.com

        Why oh why is it not going to vermico.com?

        1. Ops…just saw your comment about the quotes. That fixed my problem. One more question regarding this then. I want to send a customer to a specific product or page. I tried this but it did not work. It will only go to the home page.
          Product here is the book commercial vermiculture
          Page here is the download page.
          Can you help me fix this?

          1. Here is the how the code looks on the above

            1. Thanks, I just saw your previous comments after responding and recommending using pastebin. Can you please paste the shortcode there? It looks to me as if we’re still missing something, so a look at how exactly you are using the shortcode on your page would be great in order to help.

          2. Hi,
            If you want send a customer to a specific page, you can by example:
            <a href=”http://www.vermico.com/ebooks/?affiliates=7″>www.vermico.com</a>

            You must append to url “?affiliates=ID_AFFILIATE” in href.

            Remember, the quotes !! 😉


  45. Do you have a list of websites that are using this plugin? I am confused on so many levels that it would be helpful to see who is using this and how.

    1. The best reference for a correct usage is the documentation. There is no such list and it would doubtfully give you any insight in how others are using it, as the way it is used when for example the affiliate area is customized, is obviously not what is viewed on those sites nor would you have access to their back end to see how they do it. In any case, you’ll find help here 🙂

  46. How can I make an affiliates website mandatory at signup?

    1. Hi,
      you can have this feature, using Affiliates Users

  47. Can I remove “Please fill in the required information in your profile first.” on my login and signup page? It seems confusing to me.

    1. No, that is intended for existing users who are allowed to join the program with their account. The fields are considered the minimum needed to know to have them join and they are requested to provide that information if it is missing in their profile.

  48. If a user is already has a account on my site, when they try to register as a affiliate, they are unable to change any of the fields in the registration form. If they don’t have a account everything works great!

    I’m using woo canvas with the woocommerce affiliates lite plugin

    1. Yes that’s right, they have to go to their profile and complete the missing information there.

  49. Quickie question. Can your program handle multiple layers of affiliates? If so, is that something we have to build or is that already set up?

    1. You mean multiple tiers? That’s supported through Affiliates Enterprise.

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