
Affiliates ProAffiliates Enterprise

The Affiliates WordPress Plugin


Also refer to the Affiliates Plugins Feature Comparison.

  • Real-time reportingReferrals and affiliate link statistics are recorded and available instantly, as transactions are processed.

    Information for affiliates on the front end: show affiliates information about their referrals including totals by currency and referral status.

  • Integration with virtually any E-Commerce platformAffiliates provides an API which makes it compatible to use with virtually any E-Commerce and Membership system.

    Affiliates Pro Integration packs are available for several platforms. More integrations are added constantly on request.

  • Unlimited AffiliatesSimply have as many affiliates as you can get.
  • Easy affiliate recruitmentAffiliates can sign up automatically and can also be added manually with or without user accounts.
  • Feedback is welcomeDo you have feature requests or want to provide feedback? Please get in touch, the Affiliates plugins evolve with your needs.
  • Free or contribution basedThe Affiliates plugin is free and Open Source. If you want to use it, simply install it from your WordPress Dashboard or download it from WordPress.org.

    Affiliates Pro and Enterprise are contributor releases with additional features. Contributions help to make the plugins even more awesome. Thanks!

  • Quick & Easy InstallationUpload/install and activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard.

Affiliates Pro & Enterprise

  • Banner Management
  • Notifications
  • Videos : A collection of videos showing features available in the free Affiliates plugin and additional features available in Affiliates Pro and Enterprise.
  • Screenshots : Some sample pages set up with Affiliates Pro.
  • Fixed, percentage or formula based commissionsReferral amounts can be flat rates, percentage of net sales amounts and based on custom formulas.

    These can be set in general and per affiliate.

  • Flexible affiliate areasCreate as many pages as you need showing affiliates their stats, banners, links, profile, …
  • Mass Payments and Enhanced TotalsExport totals and generate PayPal mass payment files. Simply pay your affiliates all at once. Pay-outs can be based on accumulated totals.
  • Custom featuresThe Affiliates system provides an extensive API for developers which allows to customize it to any client’s requirements.

The Affiliates plugin provides the right tools to maintain an Affiliate Marketing Program.

Important features include automated affiliate registration, an unlimited affiliate management section and the ability to integrate Affiliates with virtually any E-Commerce platform. Free and premium integrations are available.

The Affiliates plugin provides an ideal affiliate system for sellers, shops and developers who want to get started with their affiliate program right “out of the box”.

It also provides a solid framework for developers, who wish to build customized solutions based on a sound data model. With unlimited affiliate program management tools available on the back end and a set of shortcodes to provide Affiliates information on their performance on the front end, there is everything you need to start an affiliate program.

Affiliates Pro and Enterprise provide additional features for sellers, shops and developers.

If you need to manage an Affiliate Marketing Program, track visits to your site with affiliate links, the affiliates plugin is right for you. It provides the tools to maintain a partner referral program.

Simply put, the affiliates plugin is used to manage affiliates, create referrals and track visits to your site through affiliate links.
Referrals are stored and attributed to an affiliate, for example if clients place orders on your site and you need to credit your affiliates.


Free and premium integrations are available.

Pro & Enterprise

These integrations are included with Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise:

Light Integrations

These integrations are freely available to be used with any of the Affiliates plugins.



Please refer to the Documentation pages.


What this plugin is not

It is not intended to keep track of links to other sites that you as a member of an affiliate program may have. For that, please try the Affiliate toolbox.



1,415 responses to “Affiliates”

  1. A.B. Dada Avatar
    A.B. Dada

    Ok, ignore me — it looks like you JUST released a plug-in that supports this, called Affiliates Share.

    I’ll snag it now and take a gander.

  2. A.B. Dada Avatar
    A.B. Dada

    Here’s a question:

    If someone is logged in as an affiliate, is there a way for their permalink URLs to all include their affiliate information as they browse the website?

    The reason I ask this is because it would allow people to automatically add their affiliate link to the Facebook “like” button, and they wouldn’t have to learn how to append the additional URL data if they’re promoting a certain product.

    Thanks for a great plug-in — if it works well, I’ll upgrade to the Pro package just to support your work.

  3. Hi,
    When I tick “Allow affiliate registration” it allows people to register as an Admin! Am I missing something or is this a Pro version feature.

    1. What makes you think they can sign up as an admin? Affiliates certainly doesn’t do that, new users just have the Subscriber role … unless you have some other plugin ‘working’ that sneakily grants the Administrator role to new users.

  4. Would this integrate well with something like the MarketPress plugin and is it compatible with Multisite?

    1. Yes it works on multisite and you can integrate it using the API.

  5. On my site, I’m planning on offering a free eBook. It will be available for download directly off of my site. There will be no shopping cart or anything like that. How can I track when affiliates send people over and they actually download it? Is there a way to do this? Please explain it to me like I’m five years old… lol. I’m internet savvy, but new to wordpress and plug-ins, and all this coding.

    1. It depends on what you are going to use to sell it. Do you have any particular system in mind?

      1. No, I haven’t chosen a platform for that. It’s going to be free, and the only product on my site, so I didn’t know if I should even bother with a shopping cart and all that. I figured that for a free product, it might deter them from downloading it. I just wanted to be able to have the affiliate program track when the ‘Download Now’ button is clicked.

        1. That could be pretty simple then, you’d just need to integrate it using the API. You need to know PHP to do that, if you don’t I’d recommend you hire a programmer to do it for you. For a simple form it’s not a big deal to do. Otherwise you could also consider using the integration with Contact Form 7 or even the contact widget that comes with Affiliates (unless your download process is automated, then the API would be the way to go).

          1. Okay, this is what I have going on: http://theznzlady.com/free-ebook/ The form is made with Contact Form 7. I want to pay affiliates upon completion of the form on that page, but I can’t figure out how to make that happen. I know you mentioned integration with Contact Form 7, but I don’t see how to do that.

          2. Hi Heather,

            if you want use it with Contact Form 7, you need Affiliates Pro & Contact Form 7 integration. http://www.itthinx.com/plugins/affiliates-pro-contact-form-7/


  6. I want to use the affiliate plugin because I use EDD. My question is: Is it possible to configure each product with a separate payout amount. Some of my products have very little profit and if I set a 10% payout I would be losing money. My digital downloads are 100% profit and I can offer more. Can I custom set each product with its own payout amount?

    1. Currently it can’t be done OOTB but you could craft (or have someone do it for you) a custom method. The API allows to do that.

  7. Collaboration4Wellness Avatar

    Both S2Member Pro and Affiliate Pro installed. If an S2member tries to register as an affiliate, error message shows up:

    ERROR: This username is already registered, please choose another one.
    ERROR: This email is already registered, please choose another one.

    Is there a fix for this?


    1. The registration form will allow a user who has not yet joined the affiliate program to join it. If they have an existing account, they have to be logged in, otherwise it’s just the normal behavior, because a registered user cannot register again with the same email address or username. Adding a note for registered users to log in before they join would be a straight-forward solution.

  8. Hi there, thank you for the plugins – im trying out your plugins here, but i have a few question..

    im using Quform in wordpress, is there any way that i can add the %referral links inside the form when user is sending out their informations using the referral links that they’ve used?

    Aff #1 give links to Ref #1 and Ref#1 click it and the cookies detect and stored it (somewhere in their cookies) so when the client send us a contact, the Affiliate link will be showed somewhere inside the email so that we can trace and know who and where it might be.

    Hope you can show me.

    Thank you.

    1. Hi there,
      You can use the API to hook into the form submission and record a referral.

  9. dundadasociety Avatar

    I already have about 100 users and want to assign those users to an affiliate I just created. How do I do that?

    1. The Affiliates Users plugin allows you to do that. It has an option to create affiliate accounts for existing users and it will create new affiliate accounts for new users automatically.

  10. Hello,

    I just received a warning from paypal about following.


    How can I fix it?

    I have read the above same problem. I can not download it. I purchased Oct.2012.


    1. You can access it from the Downloads section now. Please post the message you get and link to the site where it happens so it can be checked.

  11. UnlockStore Avatar

    Hello! I am selling a product worth $4 with $4 discount coupon. That is free in my scenario.

    I have to offer fixed or different price based on product without giving commission for free orders.

    Currently I have selected 15$ commission for all referrals but those free credits hvae credited to them and they are getting almost thousands of $ in their referral credits. How do i deal with them?

    I can set product by product affiliate? I want to send affiliate referral amount only for paid purchase.

    1. If you set a fixed commission it applies to all sales unless another setting is used for specific affiliates. I would rather use a scheme based on percentages in this case, at least that way you will not credit commissions on free purchases. Currently you can’t specify commissions on a per product basis, it would be possible to do that using a custom method though but you would need to implement it.

      1. UnlockStore Avatar

        This is bit confusing for me as I can’t understand manual given on link posted by you. Can you make a custom plugin that describes per product referral amount? I am seriously in major trouble for this one. I have bought your script just before 5 days.

        or can you create a custom plugin for general purpose? As I have seen, there are many plugins had this option that allow user to make custom commission on individual product and your one is ranked perfect among them so I thought, you already have this basic feature implemented in your script. It’s useless until I get above mentioned feature and I have disabled affiliate section at the moment and many of my referral have made my life worst 🙁

        1. Well I’m considering adding this as a standard feature because the requests for it are getting more frequent.

  12. torianth Avatar

    Thank you sir, works.

  13. Hello,

    I installed the Affiliates plugin. I watched the video I can’t seem to locate the add attribute button under manage affiliates > edit affiliate. I donwloaded the free version to give it a little test drive. I’m considering going with the pro version, but want to make sure it will do what I want it to do. I have two questions:

    1. Can you help me solve the above problem?
    2. We have about 20 or so products and only want one product to be able to receive a commission. Does the free or Pro version have this capability?



    1. Hi Jon,
      The attributes are available with Pro or Enterprise. Regarding the commissions for a specific product it would require a custom method as that is not supported OOTB, or you could use restricted coupons associated to affiliates but this would not apply to sales made through affiliate links. If you distribute vendor products and want to grant commissions on every product sale (unlike a normal affiliate program) you can also use the Affiliates Products extension.

      1. How about the free version? I don’t see anywhere to add commission rates. Did I download a broken version?

        1. You can set that with one of the free integration plugins.

          1. you said “You can set that with one of the free integration plugins” what free integration plugging actually? because i have been looking for that also. thanks in anticipation…

            1. They’re listed on top of the page 🙂

  14. torianth Avatar

    I just installed the affiliate URL extension and when I go on my affiliate account it still shows the number. How can the URL shown on the affiliate area page be the username?

    1. Please download the latest release 2.1.0 which provides a shortcode that you can use to wrap affiliate links, for example [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_url][/affiliates_by_username] or [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link][/affiliates_by_username].

  15. I am using Affiliates Pro with woocommerce. Is there a way to exclude tax and shipping from the affiliates referral rate?

    1. The tax and shipping is already excluded from the base amount used to calculate the referral amount.

  16. Hi
    Just wondering if there’s a way to export a file with an overview of all of the sales made through the plugin. If would be incredibly useful if it is possible.

    1. Affiliates Pro has a totals section where you can create a file with totals for affiliates which can be limited by date range as well. It doesn’t show each individual sale, rather accumulated totals – it’s normally not so useful to show all sales made as the sets tend to grow rather large.

      1. Thanks for your reply. Rather than viewing the file online is there a way to export a file like a spreadsheet or csv?

        1. Currently there is no built-in feature for that although one could quite easily retrieve this from the database. But there are plans to support an export feature on some views such as the affiliate list and the referrals list.

          1. Great. Sorry do you mind running it by me how to retrieve the info from the database?

            1. This is a start:

              SELECT r.affiliate_id, a.name, r.amount, r.currency_id FROM wp_aff_referrals r LEFT JOIN wp_aff_affiliates a ON r.affiliate_id = a.affiliate_id INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/export2.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',';

  17. Kapil Sharma Avatar
    Kapil Sharma

    Hi, I’ve seen your plugin. It is nice. but i want to ask you a question.
    if someone is running a social networking website which is powered by wordpress & buddypress. And the owner of that social networking website wants to starts his own affiliate program by which other website owners can place his banner or text ads in their website And when someone is referred by them and join the membership of that social networking website so that affiliate got paid a fix amount.
    I mean their is no selling made. we just want registered users for our social network from our affiliates.
    is it possible with your plugin or does it need some configuration ?

    1. That sounds like a very normal scenario for the plugin.

      1. Kapil Sharma Avatar
        Kapil Sharma

        Hey, If you think that it is a very normal scenario..so how to make it possible..This could be a chance for you to add a new type of affiliate feature in your plugin. what do you think please reply..

        1. Well it’s worth considering, there are some export features – including the one you suggest – that I also think would be useful.

          1. Kapil Sharma Avatar
            Kapil Sharma

            so are you thinking to add this feature in your plugin or not ?

            1. As I said, I think it’s worth considering.

  18. Hi,

    I’m wondering if Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise integrates with the Wishlist Member Plugin directly, or is there a way to allow the affiliate registration to integrate Wishlist Membership levels?

    1. There is no integration publicly available that I know of. It can be done but I would favor one of the existing solutions based on an integration with Groups – both Jigoshop and WooCommerce are fully integrated with memberships and subscriptions and Affiliates Pro is well integrated with these as well. Referrals for recurring payments based on these solutions are also coming.

  19. I’m concerned that my links are not registering within the reporting. How can I know if it’s working? When I use an affiliate URL it automatically changes to the URL without the affiliate code attached. I have this working with the woocommerce plugin, but am worried that it’s not tracking purchases with my affiliates. Is this an issue I should be concerned with?

    1. What you describe is correct, the visitor ends up at the URL without the parameter when the affiliate ID has been recognized. You can try with an invalid affiliate ID and you will see that it will stay while a valid one ‘goes away’. To test it visit an affiliate link and make a purchase, you will see a referral credited to the affiliate.

  20. Tom Allen Avatar
    Tom Allen

    Does Affiliats Pro support the ability to adjust commission on a per-product basis with WooCommerce? I want to give my affiliates a different percentage of commission to downloadable products than physical ones.

    1. Not OOTB, that would require a custom method, it wouldn’t be too hard to implement using a dedicated field on products.

  21. rdmadss1 Avatar


    I recently bought your Affiliates Enterprise plugin, but now I don’t know if this was the right choice for the type of website that I want. Still, what I want to do is pretty simple. People would be able to register on the website, as long as they have a “parent” who referred them the website. Internally, this would construct the tree of all affiliates, with someone on the root of the tree.

    Then, registered members would be able to do in their affiliates area, and see the subtree of the people they referred.

    Finally, and perhaps most importantly, the website should be able to sell products. When someone buys a product, they need to specify the id of the person A who referred them. The website would then calculate the commissions :
    a commission of X% to A,
    a commission of Y% to the person who referred A,
    and so on…

    Do you think I could still use your plugin in order to create this website?

    Thanks a lot for your work

    1. Hi,

      From what you explained, the plugins fit quite nicely with your requirements:

      > People would be able to register on the website, as long as they have a “parent” who referred them the website.
      This is completely automated, when an existing affiliate refers a new affiliate, they are automatically linked.

      > Then, registered members would be able to do in their affiliates area, and see the subtree of the people they referred.
      For this a shortcode is going to be added to the next release.

      > When someone buys a product, they need to specify the id of the person A who referred them.
      They do not need to specify the id of the referrer, the referrer is recognized automatically through the affiliate link and the tiers are granted commissions automatically as well (commission X% and Y% are calculated automatically and commissions are granted to the appropriate affiliates).

      Make sure to review the documentation available here http://www.itthinx.com/documentation/affiliates/ as well as the information provided on the admin screens.


  22. Hi

    I create Google virtual tours and want to set up an affiliates program for this one product. I have set up a display on my home page that will lead to a referrals page where I want the affiliates to sign up. You can see it here on my site http://www.surreybusinessphotos.com

    Most of what you show seems to be linked to ecommerce products/themes. What I would like to know is can I just set your plugin to work from a WP page of does it have to be integrated with ecommerce etc.

    Also your comparison chart shows the difference between normal and pro plugins but not between pro and enterprise versions. What is the difference and what would you suggest for my needs

    I would like to set this up asap so an early reply would be really appreciated.

    Thanks for any advice/ help

    1. As you are using order forms and it seems you want to handle orders manually, I would suggest to use the integration with Contact Form 7 – that way you can handle incoming leads and when order forms are submitted, have the referrals recorded automatically. In case you don’t already use CF7 to handle the forms, you would need to set these up using CF7 (which is pretty easy).

      1. Thanks for reply

        Order forms would be just a part of my system. The other part would be orders over the telephone or in person.

        It would be just the initial link back to my site from the referrer that needs to be captured in an affiliates system.

        Not sure if that is clear but if a link back to my site is on an affiliates site and the potential customer clicks on it and comes to my site then that is where I want to capture the affiliates reference number so that if they buy anything from me through my website of in person I know who referred them.

        Could I use you plugin for this?


        1. Yes, what you need is to capture which affiliate has referred the lead to you.
          The use case would be like this:
          1. Affiliate places affiliate link on own site, social media, Twitter, …
          2. Visitor clicks on affiliate’s link and lands on your site.
          3. Visitor submits a lead capture or order form indicating name and other details you require to later identify the Lead as referred by the affiliate.
          4. When Lead is converted, look up details in referrals to identify the affiliate who referred the Customer.
          Note that you cannot manually record a referral (to grant a commission) with the system in its current version, although that functionality is going to be added for the next release.

  23. Hi
    I’m using your plugin together with “WP Simple Paypal Shopping cart”
    When a sale is made via an affiliate link I can see which affiliate was it from but I cannot see the actual amounts and the calculation of the commission that I have to pay the affiliate.
    In addition after the sale is made via PayPal the customer is not redirected to the Thank You page.
    What am I doing wrong?

    1. Hi there, are you using Affiliates or the integration with Affiliates Pro for PayPal? If you are using Affiliates, then you need an appropriate integration so that things work with PayPal – if you are using the Pro integration, please post how you are using the shortcodes on this page (use pastebin for larger chunks of code please).

      1. Hi
        I’m using Affiliates
        so what exactly i need to integrate it with “WP Simple Paypal Shopping cart”?

        1. That would be Affiliates Pro for PayPal – this allows you to track the referrals on sales made through PayPal buttons.

  24. Congrats on what looks like an awesome plugin! Just one question before i download… I would like to know if there are any known issues with using your Affiliates Woocommerce plugin alongside the Woo Subscriptions plugin (ie. taking repeat periodic payments). Would the affiliate be payed whenever the subscription goes to PayPal, or is there a way of managing this? Thanks in advance!

    1. The first payment would result in a referral with appropriate commission amount for the affiliate, an update is pending which would grant referrals on recurring payments after that.

      1. Look forward to it! Do you have an ETA on that?

        1. It was planned to have that by now but had to be rescheduled. I’m planning to have it ready with the next release which should be within a couple of weeks.

  25. Hi, I already use your affiliate plugin, it’s amazing.
    How to activate captcha in registration form and login form?
    I was try to customize it on file class-affiliates-registration.php, but have no luck. Captcha still doesn’t appear.
    $captcha = ”;
    Any suggestion?

    Thank you

    1. It actually has it’s own captcha, unless you see specifically targeted attacks you most probably won’t need to modify it.

      1. Thanks for your reply, Yes three times I’ve got attacked yesterday by spammer (votoriessecokpt@gmaildotcom and asicsonlinejp@gmaildotcom

        1. Ok thanks, you can either derive your own registration form from class-affiliates-registration.php or wait until the next release which will most probably support plugging-in a third-party captcha.

          1. Plz I wish u can help me. Am building a site that offers affiliate program and I found your “affiliate” pluging interesting. But am having litle problem tweaking it. I want the pluging to catch registration from the “Theme my Login” plugin that am using but don’t know how to do it. What am asking is if there is any how your “affiliate” pluging can catch registration from the “theme my login” or even normal wordpress registration page than from its own Registration widget?? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in anticipation…

            1. Hi there, if you want any new registered user to have an affiliate account then the Affiliates Users plugin would be a choice.

  26. Does either the paid or the free plugin support tiered affiliate structure?

    For example, an affiliate earns a commission when an affiliate who signed up under his affiliate id earns a commission?

    1. Yes there’s a generic solution that is about to be released covering that. It supports unlimited tiers and is currently in testing phase.

      1. sybercoda Avatar

        Hi, has the generic solution been released yet?


  27. I am using the free version of your affiliate plugin. Is there a way my affiliate can see how many referrals he generates and how many paid referrals he generates?



    1. Sure, please have a look at the documentation, there’s an option to create a generic affiliate area that already includes that information.

  28. Never mind. The site owner just informed me that the web form is an iContact web form, so that is why there are zero registered affiliates. However, is there an auto responder feature and can we custom?

  29. We are using Affilate Pro and we don’t find anyone registered in our manage affiliates section. Also, is there an auto-responder feature where as when someone registers they receive a notification? Can we custom this notification?


    1. You can use the affiliate registration form, to customize the emails there’s a plugin mentioned on Useful plugins.

      1. Hi,
        is the plugin you are reffering to gone?
        I cant find any plugin which i can use to alter the
        registration welcome email.

        I really enjoy this plugin.
        Could you please help me out?


        1. PS: i no plugin is available for the free version… where can in find the emailinfo to edit manualy?


        2. Hi Dennis,

          It still exists, it’s the SB Welcome Email Editor.

  30. Hi: I need to manage affiliate that send traffic to my page. They will receive a commission if the program is purchased. So make it 30 days in settings. But how can I connect the sale to the affiliate? Will I need to move the payment and registration to the website and away from Constant Contact?

    1. Either that or an integration with Constant Contact, it would depend on what would be more reasonable in terms of effort and cost. Doing a customized integration with Constant Contact is way more costly than using one of the existing integrations, but of course it can be worth the effort.

  31. Any plan to develop an addon to integrate into WPMU prosites plugin? That’s for multisite management


    1. Currently not, could be possible if someone were to sponsor the integration (read: pay for the work it takes to do the integration).

  32. The content of the shortcodes !
    We are talking about [affiliates_registration] in this thread, right ?

    Usually, I’ll go in /appearance/editor/ and modify files from there. I can not trace anything related to shortcodes there so I asked you

    1. Ok I see. You can’t edit them from there as the files are located in subfolders. If you really want to customize the form (do consider the Profile Builder plugin though), I would derive this from the original registration form implementation instead of hacking the files in the Affiliates core plugin (that’s bad practice in general and a pain to maintain). Here’s the current source.

      1. Ok great, thanks so much !

  33. Hi,
    How can I customize the content of the shortcodes ?

    Example with [affiliates_registration]
    The submit button is too closed from the form field, would like to add a in there, where should I go to do so ? 🙂
    Thank you

    1. The form is quite easily themeable; if you add the appropriate CSS rules you can adapt it to your theme. You need to know some HTML and CSS for that, if not, I’d seek help from someone who does 😉

      1. I can … still wondering where the content of the shortcodes are located inside WP admin ? 🙂

        1. Ok good 🙂 The content of the registration form is quite fixed though, if it helps, have a look at the documentation on Affiliate registration forms and pages. If you want to add fields to affiliate user accounts, there’s a plugin mentioned on the Useful plugins page.

          1. quite fixed … Where it is located ?

            1. Where is what located 🙂 ?

  34. Hi, discovered the plugin few hours ago, looking great 🙂

    Can I change the variable ?affiliates=4 for a ?aff=4 whithout crashing everything 🙂 just begin searching, haven’t founded that yet, thank you

    1. Sure you can change it, just remember that if you change it after affiliates got their links, they need to update them as well.

      1. ok great, thanks

        I just did and may identified something on the ?page=affiliates-admin-affiliates

        User Name – user@name.com
        Link: http://www.domain.com?aff=5 URL Parameter: ?aff=5
        Pretty: http://www.domain.com/aff/5

        If you visit the Pretty url just above, it is redirecting to the previous /affiliates-area/ that I renamed /affiliates/

        What would be the way to correct this ?
        And it is possible it does it again, somewhere else ?

        1. Probably the best is to avoid using page/post URLs that match how the links look. But if you have renamed the parameter to aff, then it shouldn’t go to the affiliate area when it sits at …/affiliates/.

          1. Yes exactly, it’s not going to the proper place, how to correct this … Can I ?

            ok, so I did 2 things :

            1. changed the parameter ?affiliates=4 for a ?aff=4
            2. renamed /affiliates-area/ for /affiliates/

            Are you telling me the /affiliates/ is bad ? and your affiliation system needs to be structure this way /affiliates-area/ and no other way ?


            1. That should work ok, can you post a full link please?

  35. I’m using your plugin with Jigoshop. Is there anyway to get this to work with the free version so I can make sure this is going to work for me before I buy?

    [affiliates_url url="http://www.dinkerandgiggles.com/shop/" /]

    the /shop isn't working

    1. You’re doing it wrong 🙂 Check the shortcodes section of the documentation and you’ll see how to use it correctly.

      1. I followed the directions but it’s not working. What exactly is wrong? Thank you for the assistance.

        1. Pleasure to help 🙂 Can you please post the modified version you are using?

  36. Thanks! That did it. Is there a way to change the login link that goes out in the email to a new registrant? I want to go to a speciifc affilaite login page. Thanks!

    1. You can customize emails with a plugin, see Useful Plugins.

  37. Hello,
    Using your affilaite pro plugin with woocommerce. When I go to do a registration I keep getting this error at the top of the page-
    “ERROR: Form not filled by human hands!” and it won’t let me set up an account. I disabled the captch plugin I have and that didn’t help. Any ideas?

    1. Google comes up with this right on top of results: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-form-not-filled-by-human-hands … looks useful 😉

  38. Hey i have seen your plugin.
    I like it.
    But i dont know it can full fill my requirement or not ?
    That is why i am writing this comment.
    Please read my question and answers me.

    I am running an article writing platform http://www.topmse.com
    we pay our authors if their article is approved by our editor.
    Now we are thinking about starting an affiliate program for our registered member (Authors) if someone will come to our site by following any Affiliate link and he / she joins membership of our site and starts article writing for us, then the owner of that affiliate url will get fixed commission on every joining made by following his / her affiliate url

    Do you got my question ?

    Please reply me asap.
    Please tell me is it possible or not.

    1. It can be done with Affiliates but you need customization so that they get a commission for every customer’s purchase.

  39. It seems Affiliate (non-pro) broke after the latest Jigoshop upgrades … the generated Affiliate Page’s shortcodes don’t seem to work anymore/don’t show up. There is one rotating wheel too that goes on forever …

    1. Rotating wheel? Doesn’t seem to be related to Affiliates at all, rather you’ve got something failing to pull in content.

  40. Hi,
    I’ve installed the plugin and even eshop and eshop integration. So now I can fix the referral rate.
    But I have to use and set the eshop plugin (I dont) to display the Total amount referrals (ex. with shortcode [affiliates_referrals show=”total”]) ?

    Otherwise, how can I show the commission to my affiliates?


    1. Have a look at the section about shortcodes in the documentation, you should be able to find what you need there.

  41. What this plugin is not
    It is not intended to keep track of links to other sites that you as a member of an affiliate program may have.

    Does any program do this? Your program looks great, but what I really need is to know when someone clicks thru on my magazine to one of my ontributor’s sites and buys something. Is there any way to track that, short of having each one set up an affiliate program just for me?

    Thanks for your esteemed helpful advice

    1. One solution I can think of could be to have them issue coupon codes that are linked to you. But if you’re really acting as an affiliate, I don’t see any better choice than having an affiliate program on their sites.

  42. Hi,
    I’m trying to get one of my affiliates to a certain page within my site. How would I do this? Please know I’m VERY limited in my experience.
    Thank you for your help.

    1. That’s very easy, you just need to add the affiliates parameter to the URL. Please have a look at the documentation.

  43. Now I’m confused about the difference between Affiliates, Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise. I want to have affiliate links on my blog to earn a little money. What plugin do I need? Is the basic Affiliates plugin just for regular links, like a blog roll?

    1. I suggest you have a look at the feature comparison where the key differences between Affiliates and Affiliates Pro are outlined. Enterprise is used for custom projects.

  44. Here is the link you asked for from the july 31st post.
    so i cant use the software on my site then because I have shopperpress? do you have any ideas of how i can get around that because I invested a lot of time to creating the site as it is and dont want to change the theme if possible.

    1. That link is malformed, the right form would be: http://example.com/affiliates/10

      To make that work with Shopperpress requires an appropriate integration, or to migrate from Shopperpress to one of the e-commerce systems that has already been integrated.

  45. OK…so I’ve installed the plugin. Now how do I use it? I can’t figure out how to actually add an affiliate link. I looked under the links button in the sidebar, but…?

  46. lindac Avatar

    Hi, I am having a problem getting it to work. I have affiliates pro with contact form and I didnt do anything with the contact form yet but was testing the affiliate link and created an affiliate, then placed the link it generated into the website and then I logged out of my site, acted like a customer to test it and bought something from that link and didnt see anything under the affiliates page to say they got a referral. am I doing something wrong? also, when they do click on the link to go to my page, it loads a message that says error 404, but most of my page is there, just the middle part with the products do not show up. I dont understand, please help if you can. thanks, L

    1. You are using the Affiliates Pro integration for Contact Form 7, the sales on your site seem to be handled through ShopperPress which is not integrated with Affiliates Pro and that’s why after visiting the affiliate link and making a purchase you don’t see a referral for the purchase. Regarding the link and the 404, can you please post the link?

  47. Hi Kento! I am excited to try out your affiliate program on WordPress. It is a very affordable option compared to some of the other options that are much more per month than your Pro version cost for a one time purchase. I am setting up my ecwid (silver) store with your affiliate program to replace a $77 per month + sales commissions option on ProStores.com. The ProStores solution includes an affiliate program but I believe I can get the same or better performance with ecwid and your plugin.

    Do you have plans for a joomla extension? I prefer Joomla over WordPress because most of my sites are done with that.

    1. Awesome, thank you very much for sharing this. You will see further improvements that are already on their way thanks to the support that the plugin gets from those like you who recognize its worth. The next release will provide new shortcodes that allow to show graphs with referral stats to affiliates on the front end – much like what is already shown to admins on the back end, with additional flexibility.
      Regarding a Joomla extension, honestly there are no plans to support it. I understand that it would be a welcome option for sites that are based on Joomla, but I don’t see that there would be enough support for the hard work that would be required to make it happen.

  48. Thanks for the great plugin. Is it possible to set up so that any new user who registers as a WordPress user on my site is also automatically added as an affiliate?

    1. Glad you like it 🙂 I see two possibilities, you could use the affiliate registration form to let users sign up or if you want to use the general form or a specific sign-up process, derive the affiliate registration from how that form does it.

  49. Gabriel Avatar

    Dear Kento,

    Is there a free way to integrate your plugin with wp e-commerce products?
    I would also like to give commission to products created with a group buying plugin.


    1. If you are familiar with WP e-Commerce’s code you can take any of the free integrations and adapt it to WP e-Commerce. Another option is to get the integration pack, which might actually be cheaper given that coding takes time.

  50. Hm.. I tried playing around with the setting. I’ll just keep on doing it to see if it works. Thanks !

    1. Ok let me know what you find out.

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