Affiliates – Installation

The information on this page is outdated. Please refer to the Documentation..

1. Upload or extract the affiliates folder to your site’s /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Or you could use the Add new option found in the Plugins menu in WordPress.
2. Enable the plugin from the Plugins menu in WordPress.
3. A new Affiliates menu will appear in WordPress, this is where you manage your affiliates and keep track of visits and referrals.
4. Go to Affiliates > Options and click the Generate button. This will add a new page to your site with a default Affiliate Area[1] that you can then edit if needed.
5. Now you can let your affiliates sign up directly from the Affiliate Area or start adding affiliates manually and provide them with affiliate links to your site.

The default options should be suitable for many, but there are some options you might want to consider before you really start. Please read the Affiliates Documentation for additional information.

[1] To allow visitors to sign up, you need to allow them to register on your site. Otherwise you will see a message saying Registration is currently closed. Go to Settings > General, tick the checkbox close to Membership that says Anyone can register and hit Save Changes.


56 responses to “Affiliates – Installation”

  1. I’ve installed the plugin and it looks to be working. I’m manually adding my affiliates and it doesn’t ask for a password and also doesn’t email a password, how are they supposed to login to check their stats? I’m using the light version for now until I get things working then probably going to purchase pro.

    1. Hi,
      new affiliates can register in the affiliates-area page (in Affiliates->Options you have a button to generate this page).
      In the dashboard you can create affiliates, but if you need that this new affiliate can logged in, then you need to use the ‘username’ field to assign this affiliate to a wordpress user.

  2. Hello,

    I am having some issues with the plugin in, mainly the affiliate registration section. After filling out the form it gives this error (screenshot attached). Can someone provide some assistance as to how to solve this issue?

    Error Message:
    There is suspicious activity on your network and registration can only continue with the webmaster’s assistance — contact him or her immediately.


    Error Page Link:

    1. That’s not related to the Affiliates plugin, but this is something the Spammers Suck plugin says.

  3. Hi,

    When I create an affiliate account in the back end, it doesn’t create a password for the account holder to access the affiliates area.

    When you set up an affiliate – is there a way to send the affiliate the same intro email they would receive if they had set up an affiliate account themselves?


    1. Hi,
      if you want to create an affiliate on back end associated to an user, you must:
      1.- Create a WordPress user
      2.- Create the affiliate using the username created.

      With this process an email is sended to the new user (affiliate).

  4. Hi Antonio,

    The PLUGIN allows a user to perfectly sign up, but they cannot login via the affiliate area screen and only via the woo commerce user login route ?

    Please can you advise what to do ?

    Also where can I set commission ratios for an affiliate user ?



    1. Hi,
      this seems a conflict with other plugin (maybe the plugin you are using to redirect login access)

      The general commission is set on Affiliates->Settings.
      If you need have specific commissions for each affiliates, you can edit the affiliate, and add the “rate” attribute (you need Affiliates Pro or Enterprise).

  5. yeah, i install and activated your plugin but nothing appear.. no new menu appear, i’m using latest wordpress and woocommerce plugin

    1. antonio Avatar

      Should appear. If you want send us access to the dashboard (to support at itthinx dot com) and we’ll have a look.

  6. Hello,

    I bought your extention and when I click on the affiliate link the plugin also counts the hits of the affiliate but if I buy something the plugin doesn’t get it. (It’s WordPress and WooCommerce).
    Do I have to do something special here?

    1. Hi Stefan,

      Probably you missed installing the integration plugin. Please post details if you need further help in the Forums.

  7. Hi,
    Installed and works fine. Looks promising.
    I logged out as admin and logged in again and created an affiliate.
    In my admin-mail it’s confirmed (new affiliate registered).
    As the new affiliate I get username and password.
    But I don’t get further instructions?
    And as the admin I suppose I would have to accept the affiliate, but I don’t know how to do that?
    So; registering is fine, but there’s no follow-up-info?
    How to proceed?

    1. antonio Avatar


      When a affiliate is created, you don’t need do anything, he is created and accepted.
      (You can setup default referral status in Affiliates->Options.)

      The next step is that the user go her “Affiliate Area” page, where can get his affiliate url. (or others pages using sffiliates shortcodes).


  8. Can you please let me know how many sites the license for Affiliates PRO permits installation for? I cannot seem to find this information anywhere on your wsebsite.

    1. Sure, the license details can be found here.

  9. In order to register the page says that they need to complete their ‘profile’ first. Clicking on that link takes them to the profile page but allows access to the entire admin. How do I fix this so that my site cannot be altered.

    1. If you get access to all admin areas it’s because the user is an admin … nothing to do with the Affiliates plugin. Normal users will see what they are supposed to, including their own profile page on the back end where they can fill in their details.

  10. aaronp5 Avatar

    ah, i found I had another plugin installed for the store login access, seems ok now. thanks for the help!

  11. aaronp5 Avatar

    Hmm, the errors not showing are because of wp better secuirty system, i turned that off so now it shows errors. there is a recaptcha error, but all captcha plugins are turned off. it’s also saying that you need to enter a password on the registration, but there isn’t anywhere to put a password in. I tried to setup just a registration page - but get the same problem.
    I switched to wordpress default theme and had the same issues. ANy other ideas? Thanks!

    1. Confirmed … got the same thing:
      ERROR: Please enter a Password.
      ERROR: The reCAPTCHA wasn’t entered correctly.
      That’s the cause then, seems to be still active and interfering. Get rid of that and things should work 😉

  12. aaronp5 Avatar

    yep, i tried deactivating the captchas and still no luck, they are currently deactivated if you want to take another look. thanks for your patience and help!

    1. Thanks, tried it again still same but I think it’s related to the theme. I’ve made a bogus login attempt and as it seems, the theme modifies things, try to log in with bad username or password and you will see that the red area above the fields doesn’t show any text. The actual code where the error message is supposed to appear is empty: <div id="login_error"></div>. Maybe the theme author might help?

  13. aaronp5 Avatar


    I just installed your affiliate pro and woocommerce integration. When I try to register an affiliate from the website front end, nothing happens. Type in name, email, and website, hit signup and the page reloads and no one is added. Any ideas? Thanks!

    1. Hi there, let me see if we can find out why that happens. What other plugins are activated on the site please?

      1. aaronp5 Avatar

        i’ve got about 30 plugins active, I deactivated all except yours and woocommerce and still had the problem.

        Affiliates WooCommerce Integration
        Artiss Social Bookmarks
        Better WP Security
        BWP Google XML Sitemaps
        Constant Contact Widget 2.0
        Contact Form 7
        Easy Blogging
        Facebook Likes You!
        Front-end Editor
        Google Analytics
        Hana Code Insert
        Infinite SEO
        Login Image
        Login reCAPTCHA
        My Calendar
        Pie Register
        Really Simple CAPTCHA
        Remove WP Dashboard Widgets
        Simple add pages or posts
        TinyMCE Advanced
        User Role Editor
        WooCommerce PayPal Pro Gateway
        WooCommerce USPS
        WP Social Icons Lite
        WP YouTube Player
        WPMU DEV Dashboard

        1. I just tried it and same thing happens. There’s a captcha when you try to log in which might interfere. Try to deactivate that and test it again?

  14. Looks like when I installed the plugin no database tables were created.

    1. Thanks Franco, you will receive an updated version that fixes the issues.

    2. Here’s the solution which might help someone with a similar situation. The problem here was that in wp-config.php the charset was set to define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8_unicode_ci'); but the database was using utf8. When the plugin was trying to create its tables, WordPress database error Unknown character set: 'utf8_unicode_ci' for query CREATE TABLE ... errors were thrown and the tables were not created. Changing the charset in wp-config.php to define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8'); then deactiving and reactiving the plugin would create the tables and solve the issues.

  15. I am getting the same error “Updating the Affiliates core FAILED”. WP 3.3.1, Affiliates Pro core 1.1.10, ext 1.3.8. Not sure if it’s related but I haven’t been able to add members to the program yet.

  16. I am running WP 3.3.1 Affiliates 1.3.6

  17. Continue to see this message
    “Updating the Affiliates core FAILED.”
    I installed this on a my WP network with multi-site but this message appears on dashboard of all sites except the main site.

    Example: is ok but is not

    1. What versions are you running (WP & Affiliates)?

  18. Hi

    Installed your plug and activated… love the idea and not sure about the installation now. on that page it reads that Registration Is Currently Closed? Is there something I am missing in settings?


    1. Hi Chris,
      You need to go to Settings > General, tick the checkbox close to Membership that says Anyone can register, save the changes and the registration form will appear on your page 🙂

  19. Why to Buy Enterprise and not Pro?
    what are the differences between Enterprise and Pro?

    1. Have a look at this comment. Enterprise usually involves consulting and customized features. If you’re interested in an Enterprise deployment please email me with your requirements. Enterprise also grants you Sponsor status with additional exposure and preferential support.

  20. Yup, it’s odd. Working great now though

  21. OK, the option just randomly appeared :o!

    1. Randomly? Do you mean you did not change anything and it just showed up? That’s odd …

  22. Hi, I try to install this on the newest wordpress and nothing appears on my menu? No Affiliates option?

    1. If you have activated it, you will see an Affiliates section in your admin sidebar.

  23. When I click on manage affiliates/edit there is no Affiliate Attributes or New Attribute.
    Also Setting referral rates or commissions is imposible.
    can you guide me a little.
    Do I have to buy the pro version in order to have these features also?

    1. Yes, these features are available in Pro/Enterprise.

  24. doesn’t work at all. same issue as Saiful Bahri

    1. Alex it’s hard to help without any information about your environment. Please read the main entry and comments here: as well as this entry:
      If you still have problems after that, feel free to post details about your installation.

  25. Absolutely. I’d love to see a way for affiliates to register themselves.

    1. Yeah it’ll probably get into the next release 😉

      1. Hi… can you please remove the website links in my comment above timestamped – February 22, 2012 4:53 am – the backlink isn’t helping the seo on the site. Also… please don’t publish my comment. Thanks

        1. Hi, hidden.

  26. I cannot click the Add link. Nothing happen or appear. What is the problem?
    1 more thing can we have an affiliate registration page for user who interest to join the affiliate program?

    1. You should not have any problem at all adding new affiliates, so let’s figure out what happens. Please post details about your environment, including WP, PHP and MySQL versions, other plugins you have enabled and possible errors you get (set define('WP_DEBUG', true); in wp-config.php).
      Regarding affiliates registration, this has been requested more than once and if there is enough interest and probably financial support for this feature, we might have this in the next release. Sponsors are welcome.

  27. I’m still trying to figure out how to set up what their URL will be – where do we set that up? It’s so confusing. You have “Direct” set up, and that goes to “affiliate=1″…so if I add another affiliate, do they end up with the URL “affiliate=2”? or can I not set it up to be customized?

    1. It’s really easy!

      Go to Affiliates > Manage Affiliates, click on Add, fill in the affiliate’s data and click on Submit changes. Now a new entry will appear showing the Affiliate link and the Affiliate permalink, suppose it’s Your new affiliate can use that link for banners etc.

      Customizing: mod_rewrite could come in handy … you can make your new affiliate’s link look like e.g. and mod_rewrite it to … another option is for someone to commission this feature to be built-in 😉
