Affiliates – FAQ

The information on this page is outdated. Please refer to the Documentation..

How can I show affiliates their affiliate link?

Embed this shortcode on a page:


This will render a link to your site with the affiliate ID appended.

If you want to link to a certain page, you can use this shortcode:


If you want to show how a link would look like, you can use the shortcode within HTML as well, for example:

<a href=”[affiliates_url]”>[affiliates_url]</a>

Remember to use HTML entities for < and >.

Earnings … How can I show affiliates information about their performance?

Your affiliates will want to know how much they will and have earned and how many referrals they have made.

Use the [affiliates_referrals] shortcode to show how many referrals an affiliate has made and how much the affiliate has earned.

The [affiliates_referrals] shortcode will show the total number of referrals that have been accepted or closed for the affiliate.

To show the number of referrals for an affiliate by status, embed it like this:


– Accepted referrals: [affiliates_referrals status=”accepted”]
– Closed referrals: [affiliates_referrals status=”closed”]
– Pending referrals: [affiliates_referrals status=”pending”]
– Rejected referrals: [affiliates_referrals status=”rejected”]

If you add the show=”total” attribute to that shortcode, it will make a list of earnings by currency:


Total amount for paid and unpaid referrals: [affiliates_referrals show=”total”]

– Total for unpaid referrals: [affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”accepted”]
– Total for paid referrals: [affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”closed”]
– Total for referrals pending approval: [affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”pending”]
– Total for rejected referrals: [affiliates_referrals show=”total” status=”rejected”]

Is it possible to show content for affiliates or non-affiliates only?

* Embed the content that you want to show to affiliates like this:


This is visible to affiliates who are logged in only.


* For content to show to non-affiliates use this:


You can see this if you are not logged in as an affiliate.


Can we generate affiliate links for our partners?


This is one of the most important features.

Can we track visits to our site through our partners’ sites?


This is also one of the most important features and what the plugin is intended for, besides recording referrals and transaction data.

Can we record referrals automatically when, for example, an order is placed?


The API provides the means to suggest referrals and record them.

I am an affiliate of ACME and they provided me with an affiliate link. Is this plugin for me?

No it isn’t.

This plugin is for sites that need to manage their affiliates.

Can I automatically store additional referral and transaction data?

Yes you can do that through the plugin’s API functions.

I need to keep track of all transactions, including those that have not been initiated via an affiliate. Is this possible?


Referrals that are not attributable to an affiliate can be stored along with arbitrary transaction data and associated with the site owner.
There is a dedicated entry for that, called *Direct* in the affiliates list, representing the site owner.

What about timezones?

The plugin provides timezone-independent recording and retrieval of hits, visits and referrals.
Data is stored with reference to the server’s settings and shown adjusted to the timezone settings in your WordPress site.

How flexible is data recording and retrieval for referrals?

You can store any information you need along with referrals.

How ugly are affiliate links?

Not very and there are several options including pretty permalinks.

Automatic affiliate id removal : the affiliate id is removed from your site’s URL after the visitors land on your site.

Is it possible to have permalinks that include affiliate data?


Is it possible to have affiliate links to specific posts?


How fine-grained are permissions?

The plugin provides role-based permissions to access gathered affiliate data, administer affiliates and administer options.


131 responses to “Affiliates – FAQ”

  1. Hello,

    Can i reset the records of my affiliatrs?
    Every week i want to clear refferals and visits, so they can start over.
    Tell me how can i do this please

    1. Hi, with this system you don’t reset the records, you mark the paid referrals as closed using the Affiliates > Totals section.

  2. Is there a capability to do recurring payments? I will be selling a monthly membership.


    1. Using which plugin for memberships? WooCommerce & WooCommerce Subscriptions is supported with referrals for recurring payments using Affiliates Pro and the WooCommerce integration package.

      1. Thanks for getting back so quickly. We are currently using s2member. Will it work with that?

        1. I actually just found the answer here on your site. My question now is, do I have to be using s2member Pro, or will the basic s2member work?

          1. You don’t need s2Member Pro, it works with the basic one.

        2. You’re welcome, thanks for asking 🙂 Yes it will work but only using the Affiliates Pro package for s2Member.

  3. I just wanted to let you know I figured out the problem. It was caused by an anti-splogger plugin. Thanks anyway!

    1. I’m glad you solved 😉

  4. When attempting to setup an affiliate we get the following: “error domain not valid”. We are using the eShop Light Integration plugin, can you please point me in the direction of what is causing the problem? Thanks!

  5. It still links to the root
    We enable the redirect option also, but nothing
    Changed permalink either, no use
    What is the problem?

    1. Please post the exact shortcode you are using.

  6. hello, I don’t understand how to redirect to a specific page in the site

    the shortcode [affiliates_url] I really do not understand how to use...

    I have set up an affiliate link on the website of a sponsor partner and it works, letting his user to land on my homepage

    now we would like the user to land NOT on the homepage of the target site BUT an another page (for example, a shop page)

    what is the html line we have to code in the page of the sponsor partner

    1. Quoting from :

      If you want to link to a certain page, you can use this shortcode:


  7. I want to directly link to a product page with an affiliate URL, using “pretty” links. For example,

    I attempted to use the shortcode as follows: [affiliates_affiliate_link url="" type="pretty" /]

    This doesn’t work. (The resultant URL just leads to a 404.) How can I accomplish this? Thanks!

    1. Hi,
      this must work. Please try check “Redirect” in Affiliates->Options

  8. hossein rad Avatar
    hossein rad

    Hi, I’m using WordPress 3.6 and EDD and EDD-affiliate plugin. so, is there any way to have and show captcha code for user who wants to sign up in affiliate area?

    I just install this plugin (captcha), and my theme does not show it at all.

    could you add captcha code to this plugin?

    1. Hi Hossein,

      It already has a trap built-in but if you want to include a specific captcha, you can derive a customized version of the registration form – that involves some coding though, see

  9. Hi.
    Is there any way to show Hits, Visits, Accepted, Pending, Rejected, Closed for a group user?
    and i don’t see any shortcodes for Hits and Visits.

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can use [affiliates_hits] or [affiliates_visits] or maybe [affiliates_affiliate_stats], please take a look to shortcodes documentation.

  10. Is it possible to display the user login via [referrer_user direct="true" display="user_login"] from the first or a certain user when the visitor is MOT beeing refered? I want to display a link like[referrer_user direct="true" display="user_login"] since the Username will be the ID of an outgoing-link. But I want to have the admins ID in there whenever a visitor does not come from an affiliate-link. Or are there any other ways to achive that?
    In the Pro-Version are aditional fields possible. Is it possible to display thos to visitors the same way as described above?

    1. I think the closest thing to what you’re looking for would be the shortcodes provided by Affiliates is Referred.

      Regarding the Pro version and fields, it would depend on what information you want to show.

      1. Thank you Kento. I figured out a nice way.
        How can I change the titles of the fields at the registration page? Since I’m german I’d like to put some different words than “username”, “Last name”, “Website” and so on.

        1. antonio Avatar

          you can custom this labels, editing your .po language file in affiliates-pro/lib/core/languages

  11. Steve Avatar

    Thanks for the quick reply! If you added it to the trunk that would be great! I’m more of a sys admin and php isn’t my strong point. Do you have a git page or something where I can get that when it’s done?

  12. Steve Avatar

    Is there anyway to turn off “automatic affiliate id removal” in the url? I want it to stay there as the user navigates the site as our payment page is separate to our wordpress, part of application page, and I need to “intercept” the id in transition.

    1. I’m adding it as an option to the next update, most probably even going to make it stay there by default – i.e. not redirect after the link has been recognized. Can you add it as a session parameter meanwhile for your purposes?

    2. PS : I wouldn’t mind adding the option to the trunk version if you want to use that (it’s normally held stable).

  13. Hello,
    I use your affiliates and affiliates user pluggin.
    I would like to show the pretty link on the affiliate page instead of the normal one. How to do this?

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can use:

      [affiliates_by_username][affiliates_affiliate_link type="pretty"][/affiliates_by_username]


  14. Katrina Fox Avatar
    Katrina Fox

    Hello Antonio

    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I now understand that when an affiliate signs up, they become an affiliate for all products and that’s ok.

    What I’m still a bit unclear on (sorry to be a nuisance), is what code to put on the Affiliates page area. If I understand you correctly, I have to choose one particular page ie one particular product eg my workshop and generate the affiliate code for that so that users that come from Affiliate A will arrive directly on the workshop page ie

    And in terms of the other products ie the e-books, it’s just a matter of if the user coming from Affiliate A’s link to the workshop page happens to browse through the site and sees the ebooks and decides to buy one or more of them, then Affiliate A gets commission on all products bought by that user. But Affiliate A can only ‘promote’ or link to one page only on the website ie they only get one affiliate link/code and I must choose which product it is.

    Is that right?

    Thank you 🙂

    1. antonio Avatar


      It’s correct: “if the user coming from Affiliate A’s link to the workshop page happens to browse through the site and sees the ebooks and decides to buy one or more of them, then Affiliate A gets commission on all products bought by that user”

      It’s wrong: “Affiliate A can only ‘promote’ or link to one page only on the website ie they only get one affiliate link/code and I must choose which product it is.”
      You can use for example this shortcodes:

      [affiliates_affiliate_link url=""]
      [affiliates_affiliate_link url=""]
      [affiliates_affiliate_link url=""]


  15. Katrina Fox Avatar
    Katrina Fox

    Hi Antonio

    Thank you for your reply. I don’t understand what you mean about groups. So is this plug-in solely for use on a landing page for one single item? And not for more than one item within the same website?

    1. antonio Avatar

      I’ve explained badly, sorry,
      You can use Affiliates plugin for all products you want.
      But if user A is an affiliate, all others user that come from her affiliate link, generate a commission to A (you can’t filter by product-user).
      You can not have an affiliate A for products P1, P2 and P3, other affiliate B for product P2 and other affiliate C for P1 and P3 (I mean this group).
      If a product generate a commission, this commission is for all affiliates (general use), or for only one affiliate (with Affiliates Product plugin), but it can’t generate commission only for affiliates A, D and E.
      When a user becomes affiliate, he is affiliate for all products, not only for a few products. why there is only one area affiliate signup.

      I hope I’ve clarified something, question everything you need, cheers

  16. Katrina Fox Avatar
    Katrina Fox

    Hi Kento

    I need to know how to set up affiliates for different products (on the same website) which have specific pages. Eg I would like to set it up for a workshop I am running so and also for a couple of ebooks eg and

    Can affiliates sign up to be affiliates for one or more or all 3? If so, how do I do this?

    For affiliates to log in and check their code etc: Do I need to set up 3 separate pages for Affiliates Area and list each shortcode on each page? Eg have Affiliates Area 1 (for the workshop), Affiliates Area 2 (ebook 1) and Affiliates Area 3 (ebook 2)? Also, if an affiliate signs up to be an affiliate for all 3 items, how does that work in regards to them logging in and getting their codes?

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you 🙂

    1. antonio Avatar

      This is not possible. Tthere are no groups in the affiliates.


    2. Hi Katrina,

      Thanks for the additional info you forwarded, I’ll try to explain:

      You can have affiliate links to each of those pages, i.e. several affiliate links identifying the same referrer but pointing to different pages. This would be done by appending the affiliate ID to each URL as shown in the example in the documentation.

      You don’t need to set up three different affiliates areas for that, you can use the shortcodes to produce the code/URLs that your affiliates can use on a single page – of course you could structure the affiliate area providing a separate page where you list links to different product pages and the affiliates can then choose which of those they want to use within which context.

      There’s also the Affiliates Share extension if you want to provide ‘social affiliate sharing’ on your pages, it’s not imperative to use that plugin, but it’s useful if you want to facilitate this for your affiliates.


  17. Hi,

    My installation of your plug in seems to track clicks fine, but is not registering sales against affiliates when I’ve tested it.

    I’m using woocommerce, latest release of WP, and I’m using paypal as the payment processor. My website is

    Please let me know what I should look at, I’m more than happy to buy the pro plug-in but only if I can get the basic one working, and get support for when it’s not.

    Many thanks,
    Joe Hayhow

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Joe,
      you need Affiliates Woocommerce Light,
      Once installed, you can setup in Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration Light.


  18. hi, ive bought the affiliate username, and i able to set up the

    but i have tried all permalink seting, still i unable to make it as

    anyhow i can fix it? i gonna lauch this website soon. thanks

    1. Are you using the parameter as it is set by default? If yes, then you are missing an s as the parameter name is the plural form: affiliates.

  19. Hi Kento,

    Referrals cannot be recorded even after an order is placed.
    (No data is displayed at at “Referrals” of the “Affiliates Overview” screen.)
    What could be the cause of the problem?

    – Visits and Hits are recorded.
    – The notication URL for IPN messages at PayPal looks correct.
    – I perform tests using Sandbox mode.
    – I enclose my PayPal button codes like below, looking fine.



    1. Hi Hiro, can you please raise the itthinx account to admin level to have a look?

      1. Hi Kento,
        You mean, the itthinx account of the wordpress?
        If so, I have risen the itthinx account to admin level.

        One correction on my previous post:
        When I pasted PayPal button codes, they seem to have disappeared.
        But the point is, I enclose my PayPal button codes between [affiliates_paypal_form] and [/affiliates_paypal_form].

        If you have further questions, please let me know.


        1. Hi Hiro,

          Thanks, on which page have you placed the code please?

          When I pasted PayPal button codes, they seem to have disappeared.

          Did you switch to HTML editor first?

          1. Hi Kento,

            Thanks for the reply.

            The page is the following:

            You can forget about “When I pasted PayPal button codes, they seem to have disappeared.” thing. Sorry, my explanation was so bad. (I meant: “When I pasted PayPal button codes to this comment area and press ‘Post Comment’ the HTML codes of the PayPal button have disappeared, (just because they are written in HTML).”


            1. Thanks Hiro, the form on that page seems to be rendered correctly.

              Please update to the latest versions of both Affiliates Pro and the integration plugin before we run some tests. Once you’ve updated them, please send access details for the sandbox account you’re using so we can run tests with it.

  20. Vladislav Avatar

    Please send me the current version .pot file – I need to translate it to Bulgarian. Thanks!

    1. This is the current version’s .pot file – if you could contribute the translation back that would be great 🙂

  21. Hi, Kento.

    How can I display the affiliate username on sale page?
    eg: Indicated by: #username#


    1. Do you mean to the affiliate or to a visitor who has been referred by an affiliate?

      1. Pablo Teixeira Avatar
        Pablo Teixeira

        Some affiliate systems show the affiliate username when a visitor accesses the sale page. Eg.: visit this link ( and see the affiliate’s username (eduardot) appears in the footer. How can I do this?

        1. A shortcode [referrer_user] has been added for that to the new version due for release.

          1. Pablo Teixeira Avatar
            Pablo Teixeira

            you know when it will launch the new version?

            1. It’s due this week. It should have been earlier, but the releases had to be rescheduled.

  22. Christian Ermlich Avatar
    Christian Ermlich

    Hi Kento,

    is Affiliates already translated to german? I want to use it with s2member. If I translate it, can the mo/po files used for affiliates and affiliates pro?
    Where have I put the de_DE file, so the frontend of affiliates is for affiliates in german?

    Best regards

    1. Hi Christian,
      A German translation hasn’t been done yet, can you please get in touch and I’ll provide the latest translation files for Affiliates and Affiliates Pro to you.

  23. I have just installed the free version (with a view to updating later if I can get it to work).
    1. I cannot find anywhere on the control panel to enter information on my paypal account to pay my associates. I also cannot find anywhere to enter the information about the commmission amounts.

    2. I have installed the plugin on my WP blog, but the payment page for selling our products is on a non WP page PHP on my site (sending buying straight to Paypal). Is there code I need to add to this page to make it link to the affiliates plugin? Or do I need to create a new payment page in WP?

    Really stuck so would value your help as soon as possible.

    1. Regarding #1 the commission settings are handled by the integrations, if you will have a lot of referrals Affiliates Pro offers handling totals and mass payments file generation.
      For #2 you have to place your PayPal button or cart inside the WordPress site, it can then be handled by the PayPal integration.

  24. THANK YOU!

    SO simple, and bless me, I would never have figured that out on my own. That fix has fixed the other issues I was having on my sire, too. Thanks again.

  25. Hi Kento

    Thank you for making this awesome free software for us all!

    I’m having an issue where potential affiliates can’t click any of the fields in the affiliate area to sign themselves up. I’ve tested it myself and I can’t get it to work either. It was working fine, but the only change I can think of is that I’ve enable woo to automatically update all my plugins. Could that be the issue? Is there a privacy setting or something I am missing? Am I doing something obvious wrong?

    I’ve made sure that I’ve selected the option to allow affiliates to join the program.



    1. You have a 1000 pixel high iframe above your FB Send button that covers the content of the page below it, fix that and the fields will be accessible again (they still are, you just can’t get to them because of the iframe that lingers above).

  26. IE: a $affiliate_username) LINK TO 2ND AFF Product /a

    1. On two different sites? If the accounts are replicated on both sites, it might (should) work.

      1. Any idea on the actual syntax for that? I’m not clear on how to actually pull the affiliate username from the cookie and insert it properly into the html link as shown above. Thanks!

        1. You can get the referring affiliate’s id with $affiliate_id = Affiliates_Service::get_referrer_id(); and use affiliates_get_affiliate( $affiliate_id ) to access its data.

  27. I want to integrate 2 affiliate programs here…Is it possible to pull a registered affiliates ID or user name input directly into a link that goes to another affiliate program if the names match up? IE <a>Link To 2nd Aff Program

  28. Hi i am using free Affiliates provided from wordpress
    my problem is Affiliates user cant put there paypal ID when they register … So how can i get there paypal ID so that i can pay them manually or is there way to pay from admin panel … not mass payment as pro just one by one will be okee.
    and if user cant put there paypal ID why they should join Affiliates program ??? and the free Affiliates version is non usable for me.

    Any suggestion,

    1. You can add any field to their user account with the Profile Builder plugin. See Useful Plugins.

  29. Okay, I figured it out… there was a plugin that was causing the issue.

    1. Yes that’s the cause 🙂

  30. Hello, I’ve activated your plugin however, when the form is completed to sign up an affiliate, its saying to enter in “captcha”. There is no captcha on the form????

    Message: ERROR: Please complete the CAPTCHA.

  31. By the way, I dod not “deliberately choose the Delete all plugin data on deactivation “

  32. ok I spoke to my hosting company. I can’t do a restore, so what other options do I have? How can I reset the plugins and start over? I tried deleting and adding the plugins again but they retain the faulty old data.

    1. Wait, when you say “faulty old data” what do you refer to? By any chance, do you have any filters set in Affiliates > Manage Affiliates?

      1. That was the problem. thanks

        1. Glad to see it was that simple 🙂

  33. Ok I’m going to try to get to the backup from sunday night.

    when you say…
    add these lines to your wp-config.php:
    define(‘WP_DEBUG’, true);
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY’, true);
    define(‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true);

    WHERE EXACTLY do i paste this in? on which line?

    1. You would add the above in wp-config.php right before:

      /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */

      and below the line define('WP_DEBUG', false); which you should comment out.

  34. What if I don’t have a backup?

    wordpress 3.4.1 and all plugins are the newest, downloaded from within wordpress, including the newest woo commerce.

    I deleted and re-downloaded your affiliates and integration light plugins and it did not help.

    Meanwhile I have a disaster on my hands.

    1. The only plausible cause for all affiliate data being erased is if you deliberately choose the Delete all plugin data on deactivation in Affiliates > Options or something happened to your database. Affiliates itself would not be the cause for that in any case. It will not delete its own data unless you instruct it to do so and it will certainly not delete its own data just because you update it.

      Regarding “What if I don’t have a backup?” – there is not much to say about that, other than you should regularly back up your data. If you do not do it, you are prone to loosing your data. Not doing backups is bad practice, doing backups is the least you must do to protect your data.

      You should back up your data at least: before updating WordPress, before updating any plugin, on a daily basis.

  35. I updated the plugin and all my affiliates just disappeared. When I add new ones, they doesn’t seem to register. I cant add any affiliates.
    What happened???

    1. You will have to provide some details about your setup, including version numbers. Did you do a backup before doing the update? If yes, restore the backup and add these lines to your wp-config.php:
      define('WP_DEBUG', true);
      define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true);
      define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);

      then do the update again and post the contents of wp-content/debug.log to pastebin and the link to the pastebin here in a comment, so if any errors show up we can check them.

  36. I purchased a theme from, I’m using the Jewelry Shop Theme and they are using the “NWS Shopping Cart” in the theme. I wanted to know will this Affiliate Program work with that particular Shopping Cart or do I have to stick with the E-Shop Plugin that I installed into the theme??? Please help!

    1. It can work with that cart, it just needs to be integrated. It should be fairly easy if you can hook into the order process and ask the Affiliates plugin to create a referral. Have a look at the API documentation, the affiliates_suggest_referrral(…) function is used for that.

      1. i looked in to the affiliate plugin and don’t see any information about the API or how to find it.

          1. Sorry Kento, I don’t want to be annoying, but I will need you to break it down and spell it out to me in Layman’s Terms. I need to know: 1. How do I hook the Affiliate Plugin into the order process, what is the code I need, and where do I put it and 2. How do I ask the Affiliate Plugin to create a referral? Where do I place the code affiliates_suggest_referrral( ?

            1. If the description of the API and what I’ve commented previously is not sufficient for you to implement this, then I would recommend to get help from a professional on this. You will need an appropriate degree of knowledge in programming and PHP, otherwise attempting to do an integration will be hard and most probably result in an erroneous implementation. You could ask the theme authors to do the integration or request it here as well. Keep in mind that the fee to do an integration will be a considerable multiple of what you would pay for a readily available solution.

  37. Peter Avatar

    Hi Kento,
    Can you explain how is it working with translations? I have translated Affiliates pro plugin into slovak and uploaded into /plugins/affiliates-pro/lib/core/languages/ but the translation is not working.
    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Peter,
      In this comment there’s an easy way explained. The update mentioned is pending though. Would you be willing to contribute your translation to Affiliates?

  38. Dutch Boyd Avatar
    Dutch Boyd

    Hi Kento,

    Does the edit_attributes shortcode argument work on the affiliates profile page? I’m having trouble with this :

    [affiliates_affiliate_profile edit_name="true" edit_email="true" edit_attributes="paypal_email" /]

    If I change edit_attributes to show_attributes, it seems to work just fine. Is this a known bug?

    1. Hi Dutch,
      Try this: [affiliates_affiliate_profile edit_name="true" edit_email="true" show_attributes="paypal_email" edit_attributes="paypal_email" /]
      This is by design, edit_attributes will allow them to edit those in show_attributes.

  39. Katrianna Avatar

    Didn’t realize it would be that soon, even better! Thanks again 🙂

    1. The integration with EDD has been released, you can get it here: Affiliates Pro for Easy Digital Downloads.

      1. Katrianna Avatar

        Thank you!

  40. Katrianna Avatar

    Sorry if this is a stupid question. But am I able to create affiliates for a product I may have hosted elsewhere like on

    1. Actually I think it’s a good question. It would be possible if there were an integration with their system, but currently (AFAIK) there isn’t. If you just want to be able to sell digital products, you have other alternatives as well. One of them is for which an integration will be available shortly.

      1. Katrianna Avatar

        Oh that’s great! Exactly what I’m hoping to utilize, as putting up a full cart system like eShop just didn’t seem worth it! How shortly is shortly?

        1. Great, I would say it should be available within around a week.

  41. Mosha Abraham Avatar
    Mosha Abraham

    Hi ,
    thank you ,
    for showing the number of visit for an affiliate .its not in the document .
    i will translate it to Arabic language and i need you help 🙂

    1. Thanks Mosha, translations are welcome. Here’s the pot file for the current version (1.3.2): affiliates.pot. Please let me know if you need help in using it. Cheers

  42. Mosha Abraham Avatar
    Mosha Abraham

    I need your help in two point
    1- how i can show the number of visit for an affiliate
    Visit: [affiliates_referrals status=”visit”]
    2- How i can add new languages .

    thank you in advance .

    1. For shortcodes, best is take a look at the documentation:
      Affiliates if fully translatable, if you want to translate the plugin please let me know and I’ll point you in the right direction. Also your translation can be added to the repository so that others can benefit from it as well.

  43. Your plugin is working great for me at the moment and have just one question how do I change what the email that is generated when someone registers as an affiliate. I want to change the login address from to

    Thanks in advance

    1. The email is generated by WordPress (not by the Affiliates plugin) so you should be able to use a plugin that allows you to customize the registration email. Best is to search in the plugin directory …

  44. What happens if two affiliates refer the same user to our website and we make a sale? To which affiliate is the referral accredited?

    Thanks 🙂

    1. The most recent affiliate is credited with the referral. Alternative and more complex schemes can be implemented though.

  45. Hey Kento,

    Some more questions for you 🙂

    Can affiliates login at wp-login and see how many referrals they already have?

    Can I get an overview of the total amount an affiliate has made for me? Right now I can only find seperate referrals, but not the total sum of them. If it is not there I am totally fine with writing some SQL and ask the question to my database.

    Is AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_STATUS_CLOSED for referrals which we have credited our affiliate for? If not, would it be a bad idea to do this?



    1. Affiliates can log in if a user account is related to the affiliate. If you are allowing affiliates to sign up using the affiliate registration form shortcode or widget, that will be the default. If you are adding affiliates manually and would like them to be able to log in, create a new user account for the affiliate and set the username in the affiliate’s profile.
      Affiliates Pro provides statistics and detailed referral overviews for affiliates. The new release is due and provides configurable views to show totals as well.
      AFFILIATES_REFERRAL_STATUS_CLOSED is used for exactly what you say, if you have paid your affiliate a referral, the status should be set to closed.

  46. Hi,
    I’m using Cloudflare with our site – would that interfere with tracking visits from affiliate referrals?

    1. Hi Paul, if it’s transparent (it should be) then tracking should work just fine. I’d say give it a try. Cheers!

    2. I am using it with Cloudflare and it works just fine.

  47. Hi,

    I am using Wishlist Member and would like to credit affiliates with a “referral” when a visitor joins or becomes a member.

    How can I set this up?

    Thanks J

    1. Hi Jason. Basically you’ll need to use Affiliates’ API: make a call to affiliates_suggest_referral() when the member joins. See

  48. My client wants to create an affiliate program that requires the affiliate to complete a registration form and receive their affiliate link via email. Additionally, they want whatever commissions are generated to be computed by the plugin and paid to the affiliate via Paypal.

    Can this plugin handle that level of processing?

    1. The affiliate registration form should go into the next release. What you mention about commissions and automated payment via PayPal can be integrated as an extension. The API and data model can handle virtually anything.

  49. Hi,
    Can I include different products, let’s say, from a store, at different commission %?
    Can I create different affiliate programs or groups?
    Can affiliates see and track their sales,etc?
    Is the affiliate payment integrated, let’s say through PayPal?
    Maria Mar

    1. You can store anything you need along with a referral, including commissions calculated based on % or MLM schemes. As the API lets you store unlimited custom data, you can also store references to different affiliate programs along with groupings.
      An interface visible to registered affiliates is not yet available, but it’s on its way. In the meantime you can provide your affiliates with reports, see this comment.
      Automated payment for affiliates is not yet integrated but I am available for custom work on this kind of requirement.
