Affiliates WP e-Commerce Integration


Download the free Affiliates WP e-Commerce Integration for Affiliates, Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise.

Purchase a license for Affiliates Pro.


The following video is a demonstration of the Affiliates plugins using Affiliates Pro.

The video shows three main interactions for customers, admins and affiliates:

  • how a customer makes a purchase through an affiliate link
  • how an admin sees referrals and relates them to orders
  • and how an affiliate sees an overview of his performance

In addition to what is shown in the video, all features of the Affiliates Pro plugin are available.

Note: Although the video was recorded with Affiliates Pro for Jigoshop, it also applies to Affiliates Pro for WP e-Commerce.


After following the steps to install the Affiliates plugin and the integration plugin, please refer to the documentation available here: Affiliates Plugins Documentation.


75 responses to “Affiliates WP e-Commerce Integration”

  1. Can we have your plugins on our site [edited]

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Avni,
      If you use WordPress and WP e-Commerce as shopping cart, you can use the pplugin and the integrations.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  2. hello, do you have plugin for the website not running on WP? i am looking to integrate it into our mr10q price comparison website for the retailers who doesn’t have API or XML feed and provide their products feed through affiliate network or crawling their webpage and adding affiliate id into the url.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Our plugins work on WordPress. Also we have a version for Prestashop available here.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  3. Hi Antonio

    i want personal help for plugins. There r so many useful plugins , can u recommed plugins according to my needs…
    It is moral duty , plz help me via email beczo i cannot disclose my idea here.

    plz reply for help

    1. Hi adnan,
      You can send me your idea to antonio at itthinx dot com and I’ll try to help you.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. Hi Antonio or Kento,
    I plan to buy itthink affiliate entreprise plugin, but what booking management plugin for tour and travel website that integration with itthink affiliate entreprise?

    Would you please to response my question as soon as possible?
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Ghina,
      really there isn’t an integration with a concrete booking plugin. But if you use a booking plugin based in woocommerce it should work fine.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  5. We are looking for buying your affiliate plugin but before that would like to have few question which required clarification

    As we have woocommerce installed on main domain which is and we would like to track sales for that domain only.

    But we need all rest stuff like affiliate login, Signup and all rest procedure should be done via sub-domain which is

    can you please lets us know that is this something achievable by using your plugin and how?

    also we would like to know about customization for affiliate login, signup form and other static pages i mean look and feel and branding of logo?

    looking forward to hear from you.

    Many thanks in advance

    1. Hi,
      please have a look to this comment and this post.

  6. Can your plugin to import products from different affiliate stores and to insert them like in this site

    1. Hi,

      No that’s not possible, the store and affiliate system need to be running on the same site where the affiliates link to.


      1. Do you have an idea what plugin can do this?

        1. Not really, I don’t think that a plugin by itself would be a solution, you’re looking for something that constitutes a network and that would require a lot of customization (unless there is something out there that provides it OOTB).

  7. I am currently using Joomla with Virtumart and its affiliate program however we getting ready to update our site and use wordpress with woocommerce.

    Are the features pretty much the same on both affiliate programs? Also I sell subscriptions and sometime I might sell 2 subscriptions or more in 1 order is there a way to pay a commission to my affiliates per subscription instead of just on the order itself?

    1. Hi,

      I can’t tell whether the features are the same or similar as I’m not familiar with their system, but you can try out the free version and the integration for WP e-Commerce can be installed directly from your WordPress dashboard, too.

      Regarding the subscriptions, the commissions are per order. If you use WooCommerce, there are options to handle subscriptions and commissions on recurring payments but that requires Affiliates Pro and the advanced integration for WooCommerce.

  8. To start an affiliate platform on Woocommerce, which packages are needed?
    Is there just a one time charge for the plug-in or Are there any additional transaction fees?

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can use the free version:
      Affiliates with Affiliates Woocommerce Integration Light.
      Or if you want aditional features you can use the pro version: Affiliates Pro Woocommerce Integration Pack.

  9. how can affiliates help my new site:

    I nedd to reach a very small group around the world?

    1. Hi,
      sorry, your web is based in Joomla, and Affiliates doesn’t works with Joomla, only with WordPress.

  10. Actually, I see you have some text on the individual product page…but not for the site wide settings…that’s where I got tripped up.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion

  11. Hi,
    I would like to know how the affiliate id is captured when coming from a site on which the referral has clicked on the affiliate link.
    My problem is the following:
    – referral clicks on link: http://www…?affiliate=5
    – hit is registered in wp admin
    – as soon as referral goes on with shopping, the id is lost
    – once a purchase is done, it is not anymore referred to the affiliate 5, but to a direct purchase.
    I would like to see where this information gets lost.
    Any hint?

    1. Hi,
      a cookie called “wp_affiliate” is created to trace the referral.
      Give us an url to have a look.

      1. Yep. That was it. Thank you. Might I suggest some helper text next to the options fields?

        1. It seems a reply to @kento 😉
          Thanks for the suggestion.

      2. Hi Antonio,

        Thanks for your quick answer.
        Ok, I can see that the Cookie is created and found the spot in wp-init.php.
        And that’s where it is recorded as a hit.
        But it is not used anymore after that.
        I tried to see if “class-affiliates-service.php” is called at checkout, but it doesn’t happen.
        Our page is
        Maybe we missed to activate something in the back-end…

        1. Hi,
          all seems works fine. You can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com to have a look (please indicate this comment in the email).

          1. Hi Antonio,
            Just to let you know that I have sent an email to the support team at itthinx dot com with subject #comment-317263 and giving access to the dashboard on our uat-server.
            Thanks again

            1. Hi,
              it seems there is a conflict with another plugin or theme.
              If you create a test site, you can try to deactivate all plugins except the necessary ones > test > enable one by one > test
              In this test site we can help you to find the conflict.


  12. Hi guys. Good looking plugin so far but does this work with Woo Commerce subscriptions? I purchased the regular affiliate plugin AND the Woo Commerce integration tool. But my numbers have extra digits on them. For example, $50 referrals showing as $500 and sales figures in 6 digits after just a couple of months. (I wish). Does it just not work with subscription products?

    1. Hi Larry, this sounds rather like your referral rate is set incorrectly. The rate that you indicate under Affiliates > Settings should for example be 0.10 if you want to grant 10% commissions.

  13. Do you need to buy the Paypal Plugin as well to pay affiliates using paypal, or does this functionality already exist in Affiliates Pro for WP e-Commerce Plugin?

  14. papagroup Avatar

    I have Affiliate pro. Can I set up the affiliates on a tier commission? I thought I read it in your articles but now I can’t find it.

    Also, why is everyone showing up as affiliates, even the buyers? We are just doing tests before launching. Using with WooCommerce.

    1. antonio Avatar

      multi-tier system is available in Affiliates Enterprise version.
      Everyone is showing up as affiliates ?? Can you see buyers in Affiliates->Manager Affiliates?

      1. papagroup Avatar

        Yes we can. The buyers are in Affiliates->Manager or Manager->Affiliates. They even have link codes for referrals.

        I have Affiliate Pro. Can I get Affiliates Enterprise? I would like to have the Tier

        1. antonio Avatar

          Sure, you have a coupon to upgrade. Use: pro2enterprise ( 50% discount )

          1. papagroup Avatar

            Thank you for the coupon. Got it loaded. I have loaded 15 affiliates and linked them. I go to the first one (top) and can see they are entered correctly. Can see the different levels. I did a test client and purchased a product. The refferred affiliate got a commission but the 3 tiers above him did not show a earnings. I have read all your instructions and tried several settings but no luck in getting it to work.What am I doing wrong. My programmer can’t figure it out as well.

            1. antonio Avatar

              you can send us admin dashboard access to support at itthinx dot com, and we’ll have a look to settings. (please indicate this comment link).

  15. I am using WP eCommerce 3.8.11. If I purchase the Affiliates WP e-Commerce Integration Pack will this allow me to set rates per product? I know I can set a rate per affiliate but I want the rate based on each item not the total of the order.

    1. Not OOTB but there is Affiliates Product Rates Skeleton which can be used to derive a version for WP e-Commerce. Note that this requires a developer who is experienced with WP e-Commerce, unless you want to hire someone to do that, I would not recommend it (nor should you purchase Affiliates Pro unless you are prepared for the additional cost and work it involves).

  16. Please update to the latest integration plugin version 1.2.0 which fixes a bug that affects installations with WP e-Commerce 1.8.10 and higher.

  17. Has the plugin been updated for Woo Commerce 2.0?

    1. You’re posting this on a page for the WP e-Commerce integration … in any case, the WooCommerce integration is compatible with 2.x

  18. How can i set the two commission for different tier? for example, Person A is an affiliate. Person A sends Person B to the site. Person B becomes an affiliate too. Person B referes Person C who buys a product.

    In the normal scenerio Person B will receive a commission for referring the sale.

    In the tier affiliate model Person B still receives the commission but Person A also receives a small commission since Person A originally referred person B to this site.

    How to set the commission in the admin panel?

    1. The system doesn’t support multiple tiers, although a generic solution for that will be offered.

  19. Hi,
    How can I moderate affiliates registration?
    Can I limit affiliates registration to logged-in subscribers only?

    1. Hi YG, there is this plugin that you might want to try New User Approve, I haven’t used it myself but if it allows you to moderate new users then it will allow you to check new affiliates and approve their user accounts before they can log in.

  20. Some of the products in my site are priced at $0. Obviously those are the most popular ones. The purchase flow is the same regardless of the (0) price.
    How can I avoid purchases at $0 from creating referral notifications?
    How can I prevent those purchases from being regarded as referrals altogether?

    1. You can’t really avoid that, you could uncheck the Store direct referrals option and reduce the number of referrals created when no affiliate is creditable with the purchase though.

  21. How do I set the email address for admin notifications?
    the notification page says:
    “Notifications will be sent to the email address specified in Settings > General”
    But in Settings I only see “Default referral amount calculation”

    1. It’s referring to the Settings menu in WordPress, not the Settings menu item under Affiliates.

  22. Hi, this is what I get when I add Hebrew text into the notification emails:
    × ×¨×©×�×� ×�×¤× ×�×� ×�×�×�×�ת ×�ש×�תף: [affiliate_name] (ID [affiliate_id]) ×�[site_title]
    The subject like is OK though.
    Please help.
    Thanks, YG

    1. Will need to check that and get back on this.

      1. Hi
        any news on that?

        1. Yes, just preparing the new release which includes a fix for that.

            1. Thank you 🙂 I’ve forwarded the current stable development version to you so you don’t have to wait for the new release.

  23. Hi’ I could not find any detailed documentation about “referral method” and I do not understand how it works. Is there any?
    Thanks. YG

    1. In API section of the documentation.

  24. Hi, I’m using the following shortcode in the affiliation page:
    [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_name="" show_email="" show_attributes="paypal_email,referral.rate" edit_attributes="paypal_email" /]
    The result is:
    Why is the referral rate not shown?
    Thanks. YG

    1. It’s only shown if the affiliate has a specific rate assigned (not the general one).

  25. I am not sure if we are on the same page. After someone registers, I want them to be re-directed to a page which will have a form embedded. This form page will also use https because I need to collect their tax id/social. I will have an email that goes out with a w-9 form attached.

    Is there a way to collect more data using your short code than just name and email?

    1. Oh I see, the shortcode is ok but the redirect won’t happen because of headers already having been sent. An update will add a Javascript redirect alternative for that case.

      The registration form fields are fixed but you can allow additional user fields using for example the Profile Builder plugin mentioned on the Useful Plugins page.

  26. I am trying to get my site to redirect to another url after some fills out a registration form.

    [affiliates_registration redirect="true" redirect_to="" terms_post_id="1912" /]

    What is wrong with my short code?

    1. Please refer to this comment which explains this.

  27. Please let me know when PayPal is available.

    1. Affiliates Pro for WP e-Commerce already supports PayPal.

      If you refer to the Affiliates Pro integration with PayPal, it will be announced when released, please subscribe to the newsletter or follow @itthinx.

  28. will this also integrate with plugin. Such as Classified plugin that uses say paypal to process the payments. will it capture the process of the payment and process the affiliate amount.

    1. Affiliates Pro for PayPal is going to be released soon for that.

  29. Can I use your Affiliate Pro plugin with “WordPress Profit System” ecommerce plugin?

    Or your plugin just works with WP-Ecommerce and others.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion but currently there are no plans to support this system. There are other integrations with much more useful plugins being developed right now and those have top priority.


    when I reghit signup it shows this ERROR: Password require at least 6 characters.

    Can you please help?

    1. This is most certainly caused by another plugin that interferes. The Affiliates plugin’s registration form does not require a password to be entered. I recommend you revise your active plugins for one that causes this.

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