Affiliates WooCommerce Light

This WordPress plugin integrates Affiliates with WooCommerce:

  • WooCommerce delivers enterprise-level quality and features to your online store.
  • Affiliates is an outstanding platform that helps to boost sales through your affiliate program.

With this integration plugin, referrals are created automatically for your affiliates when sales are made.

The plugin allows you to set a referral (commission) rate so that your affiliates get credited with a referral based on a percentage of each sale’s total net amount.

What you need to use this is all free and ready to go:

Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light

Install these, set up your shop, decide how much you want to pay your affiliates and start selling!

Installation & Setup

1. Install and activate the WooCommerce plugin. Configure your shop and create products.
2. Install and activate the Affiliates plugin. Use the default settings or configure it to your needs.
3. Upload and activate the Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light plugin to your WordPress installation.
4. A new WooCommerce Integration Light menu item will appear under the Affiliates menu in WordPress. Set the referral rate for your affiliates there.

Note that you can install the plugins from your WordPress installation directly: use the Add new option found in the Plugins menu.

You can also upload and extract them in your site’s /wp-content/plugins/ directory or use the Upload option.

Frequently Asked Questions

What features does this integration provide?

When a sale is made through WooCommerce, a referral is recorded for the affiliate that referred the sale.

How can I set the amount that affiliates earn on each sale?

Go to Affiliates > WooCommerce Integration Light and set the rate there.

Example: If you want to give an affiliate 10% of each net total sales amount, set the rate to 0.1.

I need more features, is there an advanced version?

See Affiliates WooCommerce for more details.

Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise come with additional integration features for WooCommerce.


297 responses to “Affiliates WooCommerce Light”

  1. Your addon is being reported as not tested in the woocommerce system status:

    Affiliates WooCommerce Light by itthinx – 1.3.3 – Not tested with the active version of WooCommerce

    1. Thanks Peter, we should update that but you can use it with the latest version anyhow as it is compatible.

  2. Where are the page links to set up my page menu tabs? For some reason the pages that the plugin created only displays the shortcodes upon publishing the site, the page content isn’t there. How do I fix this? What is the problem? I saw the page links upon my initial activation now I can’t find the page in settings to get to them.

    1. Hi Doris,

      You will find details on setting up the page(s) on the Pages section of the documentation. Please follow the first section “Page generation” which shows how to generate a page very easily.

      You will also find any previously generated pages or that reference affiliates in the section of the settings mentioned there, so it will be very easy for you to find those again.


  3. Fyllipe Avatar

    Olá. Este plugin possui o idioma português BR? Ou alguma forma fácil de traduzí-lo?


    Hello. This plugin has the Portuguese language BR? Or some easy way to translate it?

    1. Hi,

      The integration plugin contains the translation template in its languages subfolder and you can use that easily to translate it to brazilian Portuguese. The core plugin Affiliates contains a translation to pt_PT under lib/core/languages if you would like to adapt it to Brazil. If you would like to have the translations added to the plugin(s) after you’ve done them, I’d appreciate it very much and will be happy to include them.


  4. 215/5000
    How can I assign a coupon to an affiliate every time at least 2 people buy through their link?


    is it possible to convert the affiliation credit into a discount coupon?

    Thanks for the reply..

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for asking but the option to assign a coupon every two purchases is not possible. Regarding the other question, based on the Totals section, you can issue coupons based on the total amount for each affiliate and then mark the referrals as completed periodically.


  5. Hi,

    Is the Affiliates Coupons plugin compatible with Affiliates WooCommerce Lite or will I need to purchase Affiliates WooCemmerce Pro first?


    1. Hi Lloyd,

      Thanks for asking, the Affiliates Coupons extension requires Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise.


  6. Hi,

    I have been testing the plugin for a couple of weeks and everything looked smoothly.This week one of our referals shared her link in an Instagram story, but it is not assigning the purchased to our affiliate, the link she published is good:

    If I open the link diretly in google chrome the purchase is assigned to her.
    If I open the link from the Instagram story (I have confirmed the link is correct) and complete a purchase, it does not assign the purchase correctly.

    I appreciate your help.

    1. Hi Jesus,
      Please can you check if a ‘wp_affiliates’ cookie is created when you visit the link from the Instagram history?
      Please use the forums for support questions.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  7. What exactly affiliates woocommerce light do? I mean I can type referall rate but how exactly I can pay this commission to partner, is that automatic via Paypal or this is only information how much i owe him?

    Thanks for all your help and great work on the plugin.


    1. Hi Mark,
      with the Affiliates Woocommerce Light integration, when a customer had visited an affiliate link, and buy something, then affiliate gets a commission. You need the integration with woocommerce if you want that Woocommerce orders generate commissions (with the Pro version, the commissions will be sync according to the order status)
      Affiliates plugin doesn’t process the payment. From the Totals section you can “close” the referrals indicating that this referrals are paid. You need to process the payment manually from Paypal. In the Affiliates Pro version you can generate a mass payment file that you can use with Paypal from the Totals section.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  8. Hello,

    when i use the registration form for new Affiliates, in the eMail subject is written “[%s] Ihr Nutzername und Passwort”

    What is wrong? Instead of the [%s] must be normally show the new username. Where i can change that?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Andy,
      If you have enabled registration emails from Affiliates->Notifications you can customize the email using [username] as token.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  9. I have added this plugins of yours … have added site and secret keys..

    But on form it is not showing any captcha…. on Affiliate Registration Form settings..

    How i can add captcha field so it shows up on form.. Please help me with that..


    1. Hi David,

      I’ve updated the plugin – there was an issue with mixed content with https so that the script that renders the captcha didn’t get loaded. Please update to version 1.0.2 where this has been fixed.

      In addition, please check that the settings for reCAPTCHA are correct, i.e. under Settings > Affiliates reCAPTCHA make sure that the Site Key and Secret Key are correct and there are no missing or added characters. Also make sure that the site you have indicated to reCAPTCHA is corresponding to your site. If this is all correct, then the captcha form will display automatically if you are viewing it.

      Thanks for pointing out the issue and for using our plugins. If you have further questions, please feel free to ask.


      1. Thanks Kento For your quick response.

        I have update the plugin.. and everything else is good.. but still it is not showing captcha in it’s place.

        I can share login with you. Please share some safe way to do it so you can take a look in.


        1. Hi Haseeb,

          The captcha’s showing fine for me – see this screenshot taken directly from your page :

          Maybe you were logged in?

  10. Hi There

    I have installed your plugin on my site here

    working well. But the issue is.. i am getting a number of spam users or subscribers.. My question is .. How i can stop spam registrations?

    Can I add Google captcha or some other like it? Please help me with it.

    kind Regards

    1. Hi David,

      Yes indeed – I see you have posted another question related to it and will reply on that one.


  11. Gillian Avatar

    Whenever someone signs up to my affiliate program, it comes up with an error message of “suspected bot”. How do I fix this please?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Gillian,
      Probably there is another plugin that is generated this message. On this topic the users talk about Mojo Marketplace plugin, maybe you have the same problem.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  12. Hi,
    Thank you for your plugin. I use it with Woocommerce and I have my first affiliate. I see in her profile I owe her 24.48$, but I cannot see what Woocommerce orders come from her, if it is from one or several sales, what products she sales, etc.
    Is there a way to see the details of sold products from affiliates?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Nick,
      Remember that Affiliates Pro has extra shortcodes like [affiliates_affiliate_stats /]. Also you have available the Affiliates WooCommerce Views plugin.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Hi Antonio,
        The shortcode and the plugin you refer to seem to enable more views for affiliates. What I ask for is if there is any way to see what sales my affiliates made through Woocommerce (which products they sold) in my own admin, without to go in the affiliate space of my affiliates because I don’t have their passwords. I actually use “Affiliates WooCommerce Light”.

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Nick,
          Sorry, I thought it was for the frontend. From the dashboard you can see the order that generates the referral from Affiliates->Referrals, selecting expand data and expand details. You can not see the products list, but you have a link to the order.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

          1. Thanks Antonio! It answered my question.

            Also, I wanted to know if I buy your plugin “Affiliates pro” or “Affiliate Entreprise”, is the price is one time payment or it is a reccuring annual payment? Is there a price to renew license every year?


            1. antonio Avatar

              Each purchased download includes one year of access to downloads, support and updates. Please have a look at Terms & Conditions.
              Kind Regards,
              Antonio B.

              1. Hi Antonio,

                I am still using “Affiliates WooCommerce Light” for testing purpose (with Woocommerce) and I just see that an affiliate has earned a commission from an order that has not been completed (not being paid). Is that normal? Because it is annoying to have to explain to an affiliate who thinks he earned a commission that it is an error and the order has not been completed and I don’t have the money from the order because the customer has not finished the payment process (Woocommerce still record it as an order, but not completed). Can your plugin just earn commission when the payments and orders are complete?


                1. antonio Avatar

                  Hi Nick,
                  The referrals are created when a new order is created. With the Pro/Enterprise versions, the referral status is synchronized according to the order status. So when a new order is created, your referral is pending, and when the order is paid, then the referral is accepted …
                  Kind Regards,
                  Antonio B.

  13. Dennis Avatar

    Hi, thank you for this simple to use but powerful plugin.
    I do have a two questions though.
    First, it seems that although translation to German is supposed to be 100%, it shows many things not in german.
    The translation files show no entries for e.g. “Welcome to your affiliate area …”, “Use this code to embed your affiliate link:”, “monthly earnings”, etc.
    Second, the sender of notification mails is named “WordPress”. How can I fix this?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Dennis,
      You can edit these strings editing your ‘affiliate-area’ page from the Pages section.
      Affiliates uses the WordPress email system, so the email is sent from the admin email.
      Affiliates Pro has extended Notifications features.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Dennis Avatar

        Thank you Antonio, one more question: the users can enter their website, how can I access it with a tag to put it in notification mails? (Like I use [first_name])

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Dennis,
          Please have a look at the documentation page, here you have a list of the tokens that you can use on notifications on the Pro/Enterprise version.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

  14. In my shop, when affiliates register, the user type of the new user is “Subscriber” (which is the default setting in the WordPress general settings). There is an option “Affiliate” in the list of user types, how can I get it so that when affiliates register they get the right user type?

    1. Hi Tamsin,
      You can do it with the Affiliates Role extension.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  15. Rodrigo Avatar

    Hi… in the pro versión, exist chile money code?… thanks in advance

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Rodrigo,
      the integration uses the order’s money code. So if your order uses chile money code, then the referral will be in chile money code.
      Kind regards,
      Antonio B.

  16. Hello…is checkout referral possible with any of your editions of Affiliates plugins? ie. can a purchaser simply enter username of a registered affiliate at checkout assuming they didn’t link to the site from that affiliates link. Thx

    1. Hi Phil,
      With the Pro/Enterprise version you can use coupons instead of affiliate’s link. So you can create a Woocommerce coupon, and assign it to an affiliate. When a customer uses this coupon, then the affiliate gets a commission.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  17. Hi!

    I just set this up on my site and I have developed a Weekend Website Kit that I’m selling. Customers pay a one-time setup fee and a monthly subscription. There is a 30 day free trial on the monthly subscription, but they will be paying the setup fee at the time of purchase.

    Will the plugin track this one-time setup fee or will it pay a commission on the subscription as well? I’m looking for a way to give affiliates a payout on the one-time setup fee but not the recurring monthly subscriptions.


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Heather,
      with the Woocommerce Integration Pro (included in the Affiliates Pro) you can limit the recurring referrals.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  18. I have an account on where my digital products are stored and where purchased. Affiliates tracking on their site costs a whopping $1500 extra per year. Is it possible to use your system on my website linked to newkajabi? Thanks Susan

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Susan,
      the purchase must be made in the wordpress system, so the plugin can record the referral.
      Sorry, there isn’t integration with newkajabi.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  19. I have a very simple question which is the base of any affiliate system which I’m nto able to find.

    This plugin give me a link that the affiliates can use to refer people to my site and get commission for sales.

    The problem is the link it gives is for the homepage. while I want a specific products own page to be the landing page for that product and similar for all products.
    How do you play with that?

    Obviously when a person is trying to sell T-shirt XX, he wont send the referals to the home page and request them to navigate to the specific product?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Hayat,
      you can use something like this: [affiliates_url][/affiliates_url] in your affiliates-area page
      Please have a look at the shortcodes documentation page.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  20. Antonioooo! My hero.

    So, I have my affiliate sign up page ready to go, but for whatever reason, it suddenly started denying affiliates the ability to sign up, giving the error message that they need to agree to the terms of use…but there’s not an agree to terms of use button. Any advice?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Jessica,
      maybe you have installed another registration or antispam plugin that check this use of terms option.
      If you need to add a use of terms field, please have a look to the [affiliates_registration] shortcode.
      Antonio B.

  21. Hello, i am new in wordpress and found your plugin to empower my new online shop

    But i have a question to ask. Can i set fixed price for affiliates? For example $2 for every sale.
    Am i possible to do this, and how?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Kamil,
      you can do it with the Pro or Enterprise version. Unckecking the “Enable product referral rates” option in Affiliates->Woocommerce Integration and selecting “Referral amount” as commissions method in Affiliates->Settings:Commissions.
      Antonio B.

  22. I just came across your plugin and trying to see if it can do what I need to accomplish. I am using Woocommerce with a multi-vendor/seller plugin. Will I be able to have each vendor at my first tier affiliate and also give my vendors ability to offer the same through their store on my platform?


    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Dave,
      what is the multi-vendor plugin are you using?
      You can use Affiliates + Affiliates Woocommecer Light to test the system and be sure this is you are looking for.
      Antonio B.

  23. kdaniels Avatar

    This is what I am getting with the debug enabled. I am not sure what it means.

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/sassyyou/public_html/wp-content/plugins/yith-woocommerce-wishlist/includes/class.yith-wcwl.php on line 907

    Notice: Undefined variable: post in /home/sassyyou/public_html/wp-content/themes/blanco/code/functions.php on line 175

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/sassyyou/public_html/wp-content/themes/blanco/code/functions.php on line 175

    Notice: Undefined variable: post in /home/sassyyou/public_html/wp-content/themes/blanco/code/functions.php on line 175

    Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home/sassyyou/public_html/wp-content/themes/blanco/code/functions.php on line 175

    1. antonio Avatar

      your notices are relating to your theme, you could try to enable the default wordpress theme (remember to make a backup before to do any change).
      If the problem persist, you can send us an url and a test coupon to test it.

    2. antonio Avatar

      Thanks kdaniels,
      Please have a look to Woocommerce->System Status. You need to increase your memory at least to 128Mb, upgrade your php version and upgrade your theme to the version 3.1 commpatible with the last woocommerce version.
      Memory problem can happen anywhere and it seems that is another reason.
      Antonio B.

  24. I have affiliates and affiliates integration light on my woo commerce site. However, when I enter in a coupon code, nothing happens. When I turn off affiliates and integration light, I am able to use the coupon codes successfully. When I have the coupons turned on with the affiliate plugins nothing works right. How do I work around these conflicting plugins?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi kdaniels,
      when you enable Affiliates and the integration, coupons doesn’t work?
      you can try:
      1.- Enable debugging for WordPress, in wp-config.php add/change these lines:
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, true );
      2.- Visit the page generating the error.
      3. Disable debugging
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );
      define( ‘WP_DEBUG_LOG’, false );
      4. Please post the contents of the file wp-content/debug.log through or send us to support at itthinx dot com

      1. I am sorry. I am not following. I am new at this.

        1. antonio Avatar

          you can send us dashboard admin access to support at itthinx dot com and we’ll have a look to your settings. (please indicate this comment in the email).

  25. Nemanja Avatar

    I set up the whole plugin and the commision shows in the plugin,but how can i actually pay the affiliates?

    1. Hi Nemanja,

      Please see the Reports and the Managing Referrals sections.


  26. I currently have the affiliate lite version installed on my site. Will be upgrading to Pro or Enterprise in the near future.

    My issue right now is I found a way to redirect to the checkout directly with the product being added to the cart automatically. Using the following in the function file:

    add_filter (‘add_to_cart_redirect’, ‘woo_redirect_to_checkout’);

    function woo_redirect_to_checkout() {
    global $woocommerce;
    $checkout_url = $woocommerce->cart->get_checkout_url();
    return $checkout_url;

    and sending people to :

    How do I add the affiliate ID to this that it will track thru? Right now if i append the affiliate ID it fails.

    Thanks in advance for your help.

    1. Hi Sarah,

      If you add the affiliate ID with the correct URL parameter it will recognize it and set the cookie needed accordingly, I don’t see where that would fail even if you redirect after that. Have you checked if the cookie is set?


  27. I would like to know if I can define an affiliate programme with your plug-in by which I pay affiliates with dollar points that they can redeem in exchange of purchases from the site instead of having to transfer them the money itself. I would be using Woo Commerce. Thanks.

    1. antonio Avatar

      exactly no such option but you can create woocommerce coupons according to the commissions and close these referrals when you’ve created the coupon.

  28. Hi Kento,
    I have affiliate pro and i have integrated it with top paid membership plguin. whenever members register through top paid membership plguin it automatically create user in affiliates plugin section too. I have implemented woocommerce. one group of user getting $80 euro each as affiliate fee for new members and order. But for second group i only want to receive only new order affiliation fee not for new user register. how I can achieve this. is there a code so that a new member affiliation fee not to add to any affiliates.


    1. Hi,
      you can use the filter affiliates_record_referral.
      If ( $referral_data["type"] == 'user' ) {


  29. Hi, I am trying to integrate this plugin on my site. I already have Woocommerce and Affiliates installed but when I test it and placed an order and buy test product but on Referral’s page dont show how much earned the Referral from sales product.

    1. antonio Avatar

      please give us an url to have look.

  30. Hi, I am trying to integrate this plugin on my site. I already have Woocommerce and Affiliates installed but when I test it and placed an order, it didn’t show up on the Referrals page. Is it because my Paypal settings are still sandbox?

    Thank you.

    1. Hi Rochelle, you’ve probably not activated the integration plugin.

  31. Hello,

    I’d like to add an affiliate dropdown at checkout. I have Non-profit organizations currently setup and that’s why I’d like this feature at checkout. So that the chosen non-profit/affiliate gets the commission. Is there a way to do this?

    1. Hi,
      sorry, this feature is not available. If you choose to implement it you have available the Affiliates API.

  32. In the Manage Affiliates area, how can I permanently delete Affiliate members?
    As I’m doing lots of testing while setting up Affiliates, I have run out of email addresses to use because the system does not allow the same email address to be used.
    I have clicked on the Remove button and also edited the email address but still unable to use the same email address for future tests.
    Any way around this?

    1. antonio Avatar

      when you delete an affiliate, the wordpress user associated is not deleted, so if you need to reuse the email, you should delete the affiliate and the user.

  33. As I cant find anyone to help me customise the Registration Notification email using filters, I have to install the Pro version.
    Whats the best way to install Pro when you have the free Affiliates and Woocommerce Light already installed in WordPress?
    – should I deactivate free Affiliates and Woocommerce Light first?
    – will the Pro version automatically link up to my Affiliate-Area page that was set up with the free version? Or will I have to customise that page from scratch again?

    1. antonio Avatar

      in Pro/Enterprise version you have a submenu (Affiliates->Notifications) to customize your notifications. If you need to use filters, in documentation you can find more information.
      To install:
      – Bu sure you have NOT selected “Delete all plugin data on deactivation” in Affiliates->Options.
      – Deactivate Affiliates and Woocommerce Integration Light.
      – Install and activate Pro version and Woocommerce Integration Pro.
      – Delete Affiliates Light and Woocommerce Integration Light.
      Relating to affiliates-area page, don’t worry affiliates Pro will use your existing page.

  34. Hi,

    I have the most updated current free version of affiliates and woo commerce light… Everything was working fine for about a month. Approximately 3 weeks ago, i was no longer able to see the plug-in settings in my back office of my theme. I dont know what caused it to disappear. I have checked and double checked that it is activated. However, i cannot see how many affiliates i have or what they are doing for my business.

    Please help with something more than an obvious answer of whether the plugin is activated.

    1. Hi Chyna,

      This sounds very much like a conflict or some plugin you have installed is modifying the back end incorrectly. What other plugins do you have activated?

      1. I have the following plugins:
        Affiliates woo commerce integration lite
        Calls to action
        Cart Product feed
        Go daddy quick set up
        Google XML sitemaps
        Jetpack by WordPress
        Landing pages
        Magic action box
        Mail munch
        Nextscripts: Social Networks auto poster
        optin revolution
        Pinterest “pin it” button lite
        Share buttons by Addtoany
        Social share
        Virtue / pinnacle tool kit
        Welcome to wordpress
        Woocommerce amazon Payments Advanced Gateway
        Woothemes helper
        Wordpress SEo and
        WP Landing Page

        1. Thanks for that, I don’t see anything obvious or with open conflicts. To identify what’s causing the conflict, you can try to disable all non-essential plugins (unrelated to WooCommerce and Affiliates) and then enable others individually until you see this happening. Once you’ve identified which one is causing the conflict, we can look further into it.

  35. I’ve spent 8 hours reading all the comments on every page and cant find the details about customising the Registration Notification email.

    Can you confirm that you can either customise it by upgrading to the Pro version or use filters to customise in the free version?
    If we can use filters in the free version, is there anyone who can help how to do that as I’m a novice and dont have experience with filters or how to start amending (I have amended basic coding in my theme’s css styling and in Filezilla).

  36. I have installed Affiliates and Woocommerce Light.
    When I Signed Up (as a test) on my Affiliate-Area page, the page re-displays from the top, showing all the same blurb of the Affiliate-area page and the ‘Thanks for signing up…..” appears right at the bottom of the page. If a customer doesn’t scroll down, they don’t know to check their email for confirmation.
    Is there any way to customise this page that appears after some one has joined up? ie. just to show the words “Thanks for signing up…..” and to remove the “Log in here” sentence as it redirects them to (which is irrelevant for an affiliate member).

    1. Hi, yes you can customize that page – if you edit the page, you will see it has several shortcodes and a logical structure to show content conditionally (using the Text mode of the editor is recommended). Please have a look at the Shortcodes section of the documentation for details on the options used by the shortcodes.

      1. Thanks Kento. I’ve read the Shortcodes section a few times now. The only page that has been created is the Affiliate-area page which I generated. I made the customisations before login and after login without a problem. But how do you make customisations for the page that appears after Sign Up (not login)?

        1. Ok, I’ve had a sleep and checked shortcodes again. Would have been quicker to be pointed directly to the [affiliates_login_direct] shortcode and add the attribute to redirect to another page!

          1. Hi Lisa, thanks for following up on that. It seems that you’ve discovered the right shortcode for your purpose, I was going to ask you about the redirection as it wasn’t clear to me from what you explained previously. Feel free to ask if you need further help. Cheers!

            1. I amended the shortcode on my Affiliate Area page (that I generated) to redirect page after customer has signed up (not log in. I did a test sign up and the page did not redirect, it still shows the original Affiliate Area page with ‘Thanks for signing up…’ at the bottom of the page.

              The code I used:
              [affiliates_login_redirect redirect_url=""]

              (there’s a single space between the two ‘redirect’ words)

              I cleared browsing history first. Anything else that could cause the redirect to not work?

              1. The shortcode you’re using applies to the login, not to the registration. The registration form is rendered with the [affiliates_registration] shortcode.

            2. I amended the shortcode with the attribute, made a test Sign Up but after clicking the Sign Up button, I’m not redirected to the url I want. The code I’m using (there’s only 1 space between the words registration and redirect):

              [affiliates_registration redirect_to=""]

              I’ve also tried changing the ending to “…..complete”/]

              1. Hi Lisa, it seems that you’re missing one attribute in the shortcode: redirect="true" – this enables redirection after registration. Please add this to the shortcode, you should have it like that:

                [affiliates_registration redirect="true" redirect_to=""]

  37. Hi I have Affilaites Pro installed the very latest Version 2.7.0 but cannot activate the Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light plugin.

    I am being prompted on wordpress “The Affiliates WooCommerce Integration Light plugin requires an Affiliates plugin to be activated: Visit the Affiliates plugin page.

    I already have Affiliates Pro installed. However if i deactivate Affiliates Pro and activate the free edition Affliates it then works. I purchased Affiliates Pro last month and been spending weeks trying to figure out how to activate the Woocommerce Integration Plugin 1.0.9

    thank you

    1. antonio Avatar

      maybe you have changed your ‘affiliates-pro’ plugin folder and the integration doesn’t detect it.
      But in your downloads page you have available Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Woocommerce Integration PRO so you can use both pro versions.

      1. Thanks for the reply

        I purchased your plugin through a third party site called woogang so I do not have access to your download area. Can you issue me access so I can download the correct woocommerce integration plugin ? or alternatively what should be the folder name ? I do not know why affiliates pro is undetected. Thanks

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi, please have a look to @itthinx comment.

  38. Hi:
    I have a question about the Default referral status. Im using WooCommerce and have 1 product: a Free Sample with shipping & handling of $3.50. Payments are with Paypal or Amazon payments. I set up the Default referral status to mark all new referrals as “pending”. Will the affiliate’s referral change to “accepted” after we mark the order on woocommerce as “complete”???


    1. antonio Avatar

      With the light version you need to change the status manually.
      You need the Affiliates Pro Woocommerce Integration to change automatically the status according to the order status.

  39. Hi Kento,

    I was wondering do you all have any videos on how to set this up? I downloaded affiliates and affiliates woo commerce light… however, I just feel like I didnt do all the steps, or something is incorrect. I would love a set-up tutorial if you have one. Thanks.

    1. antonio Avatar

      please have a look to videos section.

  40. Hi, is it possible to add new currency? In particular I need Croatian Kuna (HRK).
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Miro,

      Yes that’s possible, see this article Add a custom currency / symbol on how you can do that for WooCommerce please.


      1. Hi Kento,
        Thank you for quick response. Well there is HRK in WooCommerce, however I am looking for how to add HRK to Affiliates plugin so it appears on drop down menu on the list of currencies in which you pay out your affiliates – to be more clear its under User Registration tab withing Affiliates.

        1. Ok thanks for clarifying that. You can use a filter to add a currency:

          add_filter( 'affiliates_supported_currencies', 'my_affiliates_supported_currencies' );

          function my_affiliates_supported_currencies( $currencies ) {
          $currencies[] = 'HRK';
          return $currencies;

          This can be used as a plugin or simply copied to your theme’s functions.php.

          1. kento the code is correct what happened is that it has a small typing error in the first line he wrote “muy” instead of my_affiliates…

            add_filter( ‘affiliates_supported_currencies’, ‘muy_affiliates_supported_currencies’ );

            function my_affiliates_supported_currencies( $currencies ) {
            $currencies[] = ‘HRK’;
            return $currencies;

            1. Thanks Peter, you’re right, I’ll correct that 🙂

  41. Cristo Avatar

    Hello, I am very interested in several of your products, and i think i can make my site work with most of the plug ins that you sell.

    However I still have a feature that I’m not sure I can implement.

    I would like to have rewards/achievement points to create rankings for members. A separate system aside from the actual earnings.

    When lvl 1 member makes a purchase they get 10% earnings, + 100 rank points, when lvl 2 makes a purchase they get 10% earnings, 100 points, and lvl 1 gets 5% and 50 points and so on.

    This points add up and rank people up, starting from rank 10 to 1.

    Let me know if something like this is possible. thank you

    1. Hi Cristo,

      That sounds useful. It would be possible to achieve this using a similar approach to what Affiliates Custom Method Minimum Rates does. You would need to keep track of the points based on referred purchases or accumulated totals for an affiliate.

      I hope that helps at least to give an idea of how this could be done.


  42. Hi,
    When using Affiliates Light with Woocommerce Integration Light a referral is recorded when the order status is ‘Pending’, thereby recording referrals when a sale hasn’t actually been made.
    How can the referral only be recorded once the order status is ‘Processing’ or ‘Completed’?

    1. antonio Avatar

      the referral is created when the order is created. In Affiliates->Options you can set default referral status to “pending” and show to affiliates only the accepted referrals.

  43. Hi, does Pro version enables affiliate members to be able to see their own statistics after they login to their account at my page?
    I want to be as transparent as possible and give to my members an option to track their revenue, balance and traffic stats, but I don’t want them to be able to see other members stats.

    ps. I use woocommerce shopping cart if that matters.


    1. Hi Miro,

      Yes they can see that, you don’t need Affiliates Pro to have that, the setup procedure explained in the documentation already provides a way to create an affiliate area by clicking a button in Affiliates > Options. Give that a try please, you can later decide if the Pro features are necessary or not.


  44. Does affiliates light allow you to assign affiliate coupons without spending money on further extensions ?

    1. antonio Avatar

      you need Affiliates Pro.

  45. I am not sure if I understand it right, but is it also possible to use this plugin to sell as an affiliate myself in my woocommerce shop? So I sell ebooks from others and they get a notice when I sold one of their books so they can send me an invoice? Or does it only work the other way around?

    1. It’s intended for sellers. Affiliate systems like this usually already include the notifications to the seller when an affiliate refers a sale. This functionality is in Affiliates Pro and Enterprise though, not in the free Affiliates plugin.

  46. Laurent Avatar

    I’m trying your plugin (affiliate + affiliate woocommerce light).
    One of my affiliates sent me 10 visitors (google analytic tracking) but your plugin said that i received 1234 visitors and almost 1400 hits..???

    What could explain this difference?

    Thank you!

    1. Hi Laurent,

      The visits reflect the different daily visitors, if you have one visitor clicking a single affiliate on the same day 10 times, that will produce 10 hits and 1 visit. The relationship to what you see on analytics depends on factors outside the Affiliate plugin.

  47. Two Questions:
    The first has been asked before but still haven’t seen the answer. I have had a new affiliate try to register online and fill in name, user name etc – all done fine. he gets a messages saying check for confirmation email. But none has arrived. Is this a WordPress problem or an Affiliates problem. And if either do you have a clue as to how it can be fixed, because without the WordPress password can’t log in to Affiliate Area.

    The second. When the above did not work. I went into the admin area and deleted the new affiliate. Hit all the appropriate remove etc buttons and affiliate gone. Then thought tho try and reregister again as the user name email address that had just been used but get a message saying the name was take. How could this be if it has been successfully removed.

    Many thanks


    1. Hi Tobias, I’d recommend using SMTP, see – your emails most probably end up in the spam folder.

      Affiliates and users are different entities, they can but need to be related. See the documentation for more on that please

  48. Hello, I have a question:

    is it possible to have diferent product rate for diferent products using afiliates pro and woccomerce integration light.

    Best gegards

    1. Hi,
      this feature is available in the pro version.

  49. When a new affiliate registers by default they are automatically given a Shop Manager User classification. Is it possible to change the automatic default user classification to Vendor so the affiliate does not automatically have Shop Manager permissions on the backend? Changing this manually after registration for all new affiliates will be very time consuming. Thanks.

    1. That’s not what the plugin does on registration. You must have something else assigning that role to the affiliate.

  50. I have used Affiliates WooCommerce Light plugin ..
    plz tell me if i want to refer someone for the site’s products to buy … then what will be my referral url for getting commision form sale products ??

    i.e. if i want to send my referral url someone . what will be my referral url structure for a specific item/product..

    plz help me out. waiting for a reply

    1. Hi there, have a look at the documentation please.

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