Affiliates Users

Automatic affiliate accounts

This WordPress plugin automatically creates affiliate accounts for new users. This is an extension for the Affiliates plugins, for more details see Affiliates Users in the shop.


46 responses to “Affiliates Users”

  1. Andres Avatar

    Hello, I just discovered your plugin and it’s amazing, the best I’ve seen for my work. I’m looking crazy like the following and I can not find, could you help me?

    I want to pay money to each affiliate for registration obtained from their link, when I go to the control panel I do not see the option to see:

    Affiliate_3 to user recommended “Andres777”

    I would like to know what users are the ones who have achieved affiliates … but I do not find that option anywhere … everything is anonymous and not seen ..

    I would appreciate some guidance

    Thank you so much for your great work.

    1. Hi Andres,

      Thank you very much for your kind comment on the plugin. If I understand you correctly, you’re looking for the User Registration integration that is built into the Affiliates plugin. Please have a look at the documentation here User Registration – this link points to the documentation for the free version, you’ll find the same for the Pro and Enterprise versions on our documentation site.


  2. Jose Luis Avatar
    Jose Luis

    I´m using the free affiliates plugin and i need to know the shortcode or plugin name necesary to do the next:

    I have some landin pages for the affiliates registered on my site that they promote. When they promote those affiliates urls to the landin pages and a VISITOR (not registered, not loged in) click on the affiliates links and arrives to the landing pages I want to show to the visitors some information about the affiliates to belong the affiliate links url landin page (name, username, email).
    Affiliate1: username1 name1 affiliate url=
    Affiliate2: username2 name2 affiliate url=

    If a visitor click on the affiliate url, the visitor must see on that landin page the affiliate1 information (username1 name1
    If a visitor click on the url, the visitor must see the affiliate2 information (username2 name2

    I´m using Affiliates (free version), Paid Membership Pro and for landin pages (Funnelkit)

    I hope some one can help me with this, it´s very important for me to can show this information.

    Thanks in advance!!!

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Jose Luis,
      you can use aff_referrer_info shortcode or this affiliates popup utility.
      Antonio B.

      1. Jose Luis Avatar
        Jose Luis

        Hi Antonio

        Now i can see your replay here.

        As you can see i write you throug the previus coment.

        I also have try with the popup, but is working only is the people is loged in, but i need something to show to the visitors that are not loged in.


        1. antonio Avatar

          It seems the same problem that the other plugin.

      2. Jose Luis Avatar
        Jose Luis

        Remember that at the moment i´m using the free version of the Affiliates plugin.

  3. We have approx 1k affiliates that we need to load in to affiliate enterprise that are already loaded thru S2 Pro. What is the easier way to load them and connect the accounts ?

    Also is it possible to create a custom commission in affiliate enterprise ?



    1. Hi,
      you could import all user accounts. Then in Tools->Import Affiliates you can create affiliate accounts for all user accounts.
      If you need to set a custom commission, with Pro/Enterprise version you can add this attribute to an affiliate in Affiliates->Manage Affiliates.

      1. Jose Luis Avatar
        Jose Luis

        Hi Antonio

        Thank you for your replay, during a few days i was trying to many things with no exit.
        I saw on the footer of your web site that you replay my question, but wen i click on it to see your full replay, i can´t see it. Even i can´t see my question that I made yesterday. Only i can see what is in “recents comments” “antonio on Affiliates UsersHi Jose Luis, you can use aff_referrer_info shortcode or this affiliates…”

        I have try [aff_referrer_info show_name=”true” /] and i think is not working properly.

        I have created 4 testing affiliates


        Is the Direct one created automaticly for the affiliates plugin and when a visitor loged out click on that link and goes to the landing page that shortcode shows nothing


        When a visitor loged out click on that link and goes to the landing page that shortcode shows nothing


        When a visitor loged out click on that link and goes to the landing page that shortcode shows [aff_referrer_info show_name=”true” /]


        When a visitor loged out click on that link and goes to the landing page that shortcode shows the name of the affiliate number 3.

        As you can see, it does not show the right information.

        And also if i add to the shortcode to show also the email, the information showing changes [aff_referrer_info show_name=”true” show_email=”true”/]

        It shows the name and email of the affiliate number 4

        It shows nothing

        It shows the name and email of the affiliate number 2


        It shows the name and email of the affiliate number 3

        Is possible to can show also the username of the affiliate.

        Thank you Antonio

        1. antonio Avatar

          It seems the shortcode is executed before the url is processed. So the shortcode is showing the last affiliate’s id.

          1. Jose Luis Avatar
            Jose Luis

            What can I do to fix this problem?

            1. antonio Avatar

              Hi Hose Luis,
              We are looking at how to fix it.

              1. Jose Luis Avatar
                Jose Luis

                Thank you Antonio

                I hope you find the solution soon 😉


              2. Jose Luis Avatar
                Jose Luis

                Hi Antonio

                Did you find the solution for that?

                1. antonio Avatar

                  Yes, answered below

  4. sebastien Avatar

    No, i have send mail as your suggestion to support.


  5. Sebastien Avatar

    Hi, i tried affiliate (free version) for test, thinking about Pro version. One of our objectives are to track and reward affiliate who refers new users. We use the grant registration option and it works fine when a new user register via wp-register. It DOESNT work when we use social register (FB). So if i refer somenone to the site url, if this person use the social connect i dont have my referral. If the person use the traditionnel register form, the referral is calculated. Do you have a tip to avoid that ? we use FB Single click login (register automatic on backend with FB info) for simplicity. We plan to use Share to promote link on FB so it becomes mandatory that referals works for those who register with FB also.

    Also, we wish to use affiliate user in order everyone become affiliate once registered. I know this is the purpose of affiliate users plugins but i want to be sure those people who will register via FB register will be affiliate as other one ?


    1. antonio Avatar

      please give us the url of the facebook plugin to have a look.

      1. Sebastien Avatar

        Hi Antonio, thanks for your support. We use Ultimate Facebook from WPMUDEV, with option Single Click Register enabled. (If enabled, the “Login with Facebook” button will work as a single-click register button for your new users)

        You can get a try at our devpage login url :

        On traditionnal register, the affiliates get the hit. With the automatic register, he doesn’t. Note the the FB single-click register create the user in the back-end (email, name, avatar).

        1. antonio Avatar

          the plugin is not free so I can not test it.
          We use ‘user_register’ action to register the referral. You could ask to wpmudev support if this plugin calls this action.

          1. Sebastien Avatar

            Hi Antonio, i asked about the user_register action. They create the users with : wp_create_user and after there is something in the code :

            // Allow others to process the fields
            do_action( ‘wdfb-user_registered’, $user_id, $registration );

            Do you think we can link something ?

            thanks !

            1. antonio Avatar

              you could try to add this code in your functions.php file:
              add_action( 'wdfb-user_registered', array( 'Affiliates_Users', 'user_register' ) );
              I have not try it, but I think it should work.

              1. Sebastien Avatar

                hello, i add the code in my themes functions.php. It has not worked but it hasn’t generated error 😉
                are you sure about ‘Affiliates_Users’ CLASS ? i didnt found anything about it in class-affiliates-user-registration.php .
                Also, is my themes functions.php is the good file for the code ?

                1. antonio Avatar

                  bad code 🙁
                  Please try this code (yes, in your active theme functions.php file)
                  If this code doesn’t work, please contact us to support at itthinx dot com.

              2. Sebastien Avatar

                We are probably very close but will have to open a ticket.

                BTW, i had to modify the synthax of the function, servers was returning error on ‘-‘ in the name of function wdfb-user_registered. I have modified it for wdbf_user_registered.

                1. antonio Avatar

                  It’s true. After the modification, Does it work?

  6. I just bought this plugin and installed it onto a brand new wordpress install without users. I noticed there is the Tools > Import Affiliates option but nothing else (i.e. settings) for this add-on. Is that correct?

    If so, do I just assume it is working for all new users who register? Is there something I can put (i.e. shortcode) in the users My Account or Profile page that notifies them of the affiliate account activation? More documentation would be great, thanks!

    1. antonio Avatar

      Affiliates Users works automatically. When a new user is registered then he is add as affiliate.
      If you need to create affiliate accounts to existing users then you can use Tools->Import Affiliates.
      In Affiliates->Notifications you can customize your affiliates registration emails.

  7. I would like to use affiliates pro to have a member of our organization get credit for another member that signs up as a member of our organization. Is that possible? If so, how? Thanks!

    1. Hey Chris,

      You don’t even need Pro for that. User Registration integration is part of the free version, you simply need to enable it under Affiliates > User Registration.


      1. Thank-you. But, don’t all the current members have to be affiliates to do that? If so, how do I make that happen? BTW, I’m using Affiliates Pro. Thanks!

        1. Ahhh ok, with Affiliates Users you have this under Tools > Import Affiliates. Thanks for supporting our work! 🙂

  8. Version 1.3.0 is available in the Downloads section, it adds a fix for WordPress 3.5 and above where a deprecated function was used and now includes an update notifier.

    1. awarner20 Avatar

      Just updated, thanks for the notification here.

      Question: Will you be building in the auto-update feature into your plugins? We have several and we’d love to feel confident we’re keeping up-to-date by getting notified in the backend.

      1. Yes, those that haven’t got it yet are being updated as well. Also working on support for automatic updates 😉

        1. awarner20 Avatar

          Good to know, thanks! 🙂

  9. Small note for you: I’d highly recommend disabling the “New Affiliate Registration” notification (to admins and users) on import. I just ran an import of about 1500 users not knowing that it was going to send notifications for every single one.

    At the very least make a note of it on the import page 🙂

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, it sure won’t hurt to put a note on that there.

      1. YES! this is really important to at least note, and ideally be able to disable.. thanks!

  10. awarner20 Avatar

    Thanks for the answers, I appreciate it.

    1. You’re very welcome 🙂

  11. awarner20 Avatar

    Just purchased Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Users. I understand that it creates affiliate accounts automatically upon new user registration and that I can add existing users to become affiliates.

    I am using EasyDigitalDownloads and have also purchased the Affiliates Pro Integration Pack.

    So my questions are…

    If a person wants to sign up as an affiliate (and not be one of our customers), then I am guessing they can do so if I send them to a standard affiliate signup page provided by Affiliates Pro. Correct?

    If the above is correct, and someone is an affiliate and NOT a customer, then what happens when that affiliate decides they want to buy a product from us in the future? Are they stuck with the existing username and password that they used to sign up as an affiliate?

    I assume these are all just standard WP user accounts that are designated as “affiliate”, “EDD customer”, or “EDD customer + affiliate” and that these designations are displayed in their user profiles (provided by the plugins).

    So, in the case that a user wants to become an affiliate, and then decides to buy, they will either use the same account they already as an affiliate OR will have to sign up separately as a customer using a different email address (in other words, another WP user account)?

    Is this all a correct understanding of how these plugins work together?

    My goal in asking this is to ensure that our customer experience is as streamlined as it can be, while still allowing affiliates to sign up without purchasing anything from us right away (but have the option in the future).

    1. If a person wants to sign up as an affiliate (and not be one of our customers), then I am guessing they can do so if I send them to a standard affiliate signup page provided by Affiliates Pro. Correct?

      Yes that’s correct.

      Are they stuck with the existing username and password that they used to sign up as an affiliate?

      Yes unless they use an alternative email address, then they could sign up and have a separate account.

      I assume these are all just standard WP user accounts …

      Not quite, affiliates are separate entities that can be related to user accounts, but not necessarily – also user accounts do not get a special role or a note in their standard profile page.

      … ensure that our customer experience is as streamlined as it can be, while still allowing affiliates to sign up without purchasing anything from us right away (but have the option in the future).

      Yes that’s the way it would work.

  12. Where is the function to create affiliates for all existing users? I’ve searched the documentation and the menus/pages of the plugin to no avail.

    1. Go to Plugins and click the Import link that appears with the Affiliates Users plugin, or go to Tools > Import Affiliates. If that doesn’t appear you need to update the plugin to the latest version.

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