Affiliates Pro s2Member Integration

IMPORTANT : Support for s2Member has been dropped. We recommend to use Groups and WooCommerce instead.

This pack integrates Affiliates Pro with s2Member, allowing you to maintain an affiliate program to boost your s2Member membership and subscription sales.

Integration Features

The integration provides all the features of the Affiliates Pro plugin, plus:

  • Affiliate referrals are created automatically when a member makes a payment.
  • Support for recurring payments, if you continue to pay your affiliates for recurring subscription payments, the corresponding referrals are created automatically for the initial affiliate.
  • Refunds and reversed payments can automatically reject referrals.
  • Notifications are sent to the site administrator when a new referral has been granted.
  • Affiliates are notified of new referrals.
  • Automatically handles s2Member API Notifications – there is no need to set up notification URLs manually for payment or refund/reversal notifications.


After following the steps to install the integration pack, please refer to the documentation available here: Affiliates Plugins Documentation.


API Notifications

Email notifications

Recurring payments and refunds


Detailed referral information

A view on totals ready for PayPal Mass Payment


144 responses to “Affiliates Pro s2Member Integration”

  1. Hi Kento,
    My S2member site has 2 paid levels,
    Level 1 (Silver) for $10 / mo
    Level 2 (gold) for $20 / mo
    In order to become an affiliate, they must be a paid member (I prevent access to “become an affiliate” if they are not at least level 1)
    The referral rate is 50%, no limit on how long the affiliate gets paid.

    Here is the hypothetical situation:
    Bob joins at the silver level and pays $10/mo.
    Bob then signs up to be an affiliate and sends his referral link to Susan.
    Susan joins at the silver level ($10/mo)
    Bob gets a referral payout of $5.00 at the end of the month
    Susan decides to upgrade to the gold level for $20/mo, Bob stays at silver.
    1. Will Bob receive an affiliate payout on the $10 or $20 monthly fee?
    2. If Bob gets paid off of $20/mo, is there a way to limit this so that Bob must be at the gold level in order to receive payouts from gold level subscribers? i.e. if he chooses to stay at the silver level, he would only make $5 / mo from Susan’s membership, even though she’s at the gold level.

    Last question:
    If Bob unsubscribes from my site, who gets Susan’s commissions? Would it be the site admin, or the person that referred Bob? I’m not running an MLM style commission structure, just single level referrals.


    1. Hi Simon,

      In case of an upgrade, s2Member creates a new subscription and, unless the user is still considered as referred, the affiliate won’t get credited for it.

      You can’t limit payouts based on level with the system, it will grant the commissions as long as it sees it as a valid referral and doesn’t distinguish between member levels for that.

      If a user is downgraded, you would have to manually deactivate the affiliate account, otherwise the commissions would still be granted to the affiliate (the system uses different entities for users and affiliates and doesn’t know that your affiliates should only get credit based on their user level).

      Cheers 🙂

  2. I offer a trial period subscription method. S2member creates my paypal button, it’s set up to charge 0.00 for three days then 10.00 per month recurring. Can your software handle this? I obviously don’t want to give commission on 10.00 if they opt out after 3 days and never pay.


    1. Hi Chris,

      If the commissions are based on rates (for example if you grant a 10% commission and use 0.1 as the referral rate), then that will result in no commission for the sign-up and 1.00 commission for each recurring payment. The integration has a section for that where you can activate commissions for recurring payments.

  3. I am currently working on a site that uses recurring monthly payment for services,as well as, one time yearly payment options. I would like to know if s2membership pack is the correct package for our needs.
    I am using woocommerce with paypal subscription payment proccessing. I am looking for a plugin that will manage and control payments to members who find and sign up new subscribers to our monthly subscription service. Does s2membership work with subscriptions on recurring payments?

    1. If you’re using WooCommerce, I would rather recommend using WooCommerce Subscriptions along with Groups WooCommerce and the Affiliates Pro pack for WooCommerce which supports recurring referrals (i.e. referrals on recurring payments are credited to the affiliate who referred the initial order).

  4. We are making a purchasing decision in the next few days. It comes down to you or one other affiliate software.

    We are using s2member with paypal integration. After learning Paypal’s issues with multilevel – multitiered business models, we decided that we will pay a fixed commission on our website membership and the referrer will receive commission on every auto renewal. Is this something you can handle? Will we just need the Affiliates Pro S2Member integration?

    Also, do you have a way for affiliates to check their own commissions?

    Thanks for any help you can provide.

    1. Hi,
      you just need Affiliates Pro S2Member Integration (that includes Affiliates Pro and the S2Member Integration).
      If you need multi-tier system, with Affiliates Enterprise you can do it (includes the S2Mmeber Integration besides other integrations).

    2. Relating to affiliates consult their commissions, with the plugin you can create an affiliate page where to show information. More info here.

  5. Hi! I just installed and configured the plugin. It looks great so far. I have only one problem: the Affiliate Pro registration asks for the last name of the user. If it can´t find it, it asks the user to modify their profile and add it. But for obvious reasons the users are not allowed to access the backend and edit their profile, and the last name is not a required field in the registration form. Is is possible to customize the fields / remove the last name as a required field in Affiliate Pro?

    1. Hi Juan, there is a new filter (update to 2.4.3 please which is now available in the Downloads section) that can be used to indicate an alternative profile URL. The name fields are really both required, so the filter at least allows you to change the URL to where you have the profile and they can indicate the missing info. The filter is documented in the Filters section, it’s affiliates_registration_profile_url. The filter can be added easily e.g. to your theme’s functions.php, if you need help with that please let us know.

  6. Hi! I have a website with Buddypress and S2member installed and working. I´m interested in buying this plugin, but I don´t have programming skills. Is that a problem? How difficult the installation is? I just read this in the documentation: “Please note that use of the API requires exhaustive PHP programming skills and the service of a qualified Software Engineer is recommended”.

    1. Hi,
      generally you do not need to develop.
      With the documentation you should have no problems installing and using the plugins.

  7. Hello,

    I have installed Affiliate Pro S2 member plugin. I get this mail “A referral has been granted at Presenter Box”. What does this mean?

    Can you please let me know.


    1. Hi,
      it’s an email notification when a new affiliate is registered. You can disable this notifications of Affiliates->s2member::Notify admin.

  8. So I switched to S2 integration. We have two product groups. I need to set two different commission rates. How do I do that? One group runs on Level access the other group runs from “specific post/page buy now buttons”…

    1. Would rates based on minimums be an option? If yes, there’s this plugin

  9. Hi,

    Do you have offer a trial or money back guarantee? I would need to see that everything works well first as I tried other plugins that don’t do the job.

    1. Hi,
      there isn’t a trial period. What do you need to do exactly?

  10. hello, I am having a quick problem. Probably something on my side. I purchased the s2member integration pack and installed it as per instructions. It is tracking the hits and visits correctly but when I ran a couple test purchases, my affiliate was not getting any credit for the referral.

    am i just missing something obvious?

    1. after some digging, here is some more information:

      The payments are going through correctly and being redirected to the thank you page.
      I have the notifications for both myself and the affiliate turned on, but they are not being sent.

      1. Thanks for the update Justin, if the notifications don’t get through that’s most probably related to emails being blocked or ending up in the spam/junk folder. I would recommend to use WP Mail SMTP (see to improve how these are sent and make sure they really arrive.

    2. Hi Justin,

      What was your test procedure please? If you have all set up correctly, including the notification URLs (if using https make sure the security certificate is appropriate for the site), you should get the referrals when payment comes in (there are more options but that would be the default).


  11. Hello ,

    I need help in understanding , what is Maintaining subscription referrals and limit?
    I have checked the document but not clear exactly.

    1. “Maintaining subscription referrals”: If you enable this option, if the customer makes a subscription, this generates commission every time the subscription makes a paid. If you have a monthly subscription, every month generates a commission to initial affiliate.
      “Limit” indicates how many time this commission will be activated. If you indicate 90 days, the recurring commission is generated only the tree first month.

  12. I have purchased S2 membership pro, Affiliate pro and Affiliate pro s2 member integrations. When user register with s2member registration form, how can maintain affiliate id in registration form. I mean the affiliate URL is like and when user click on registration page the parameter goes. So I need to done custom code to send affiliate id to registration page or it will done automaticality by plugin. Please guide me.

    1. When an user uses the affiliate link, a cookie is created with the affiliate id. You don’t need “move” the parameter to the registration page.

  13. greensmoothiegirl Avatar

    When we installed affiliates s2member plugin, it overwrote the current URL we had under s2member –> API Notifications –> Payment Notifications. This happened both on our test and live servers.

    It also overwrites them when deactivating or re-activating the plugin.

    We use this Notification to run daily payment reconciliation reports. If those notifications don’t run, they’re time consuming to rebuild. I’d prefer that your plugin look for an existing value and append to it, instead.

    1. There are two options that you should turn off under Affiliates > s2Member:

      Auto-adjust payment notification URLs. and Auto-adjust refund/payment reversal notification URLs. – make sure that the notification URLs related to these options are present, just disable the auto-adjustment so that your other URLs do not get overwritten.

  14. greensmoothiegirl Avatar

    We’re using the WooCommerce integration and are working to add the s2member integration.

    If we want to use Product Rates amount method for WooCommerce, how would I also set a default rate for s2member?

    1. If you are using product rates with WooCommerce it will not work with the s2Member integration. It can be achieved, but I would rather recommend to use WooCommerce Subscriptions instead of s2Member for a site that is already running WooCommerce. Is there any particular reason why you would prefer to use s2Member or could you use WooCommerce Subscriptions instead?

      1. We’ve already got a significant investment in our s2Member setup, and we need a Members Only Area. It looks like Groups would be an option for us, but for some reason it wasn’t on the radar when we were choosing a product.

        Is there some place we can hook the s2member transaction and hard code a referral rate? Or the reverse, hook a WooCommerce transaction and force the product rates method? We’ve got the Enterprise version of Affiliates.

        1. antonio Avatar

          you can use API to create your own custom method. The affiliates-product-rates-skeleton can help you.

  15. Hi, I am looking for a affiliate plugin for s2member and I have some presale questions:
    I have only one membership for sale. Here are what I need:
    Two payout levels.
    Lv1: 40%
    Lv2: 50%

    One tier commission : 10%
    Besides, I only want affilates in Lv2 can earn tier commission? Is that possible?

    A can earn 50% from direct sale.
    B can earn 40% from direct sale.
    Tier : 10%
    A referred B and B referred C. => A earns 10% from C, and B earns 40%.
    When C refers D. => A & B earn nothing and C earns 40%.

    1. Hi Jack, based on the example you mention it looks like you actually want two tier levels, 10% at level 2 and 40% at level 1? That can be done using the Enterprise version. Assuming you want 50% for the affiliate who refers a sale, you could use a general referral rate of 0.5, then use 0.4 and 0.1 as rates in levels 1 and 2 respectively.

      1. Hi, Kento:
        Thanks for your reply. What I want is:
        B, in lv1(40%), will always earn 40% only and can’t earn tier commission. Is it possible with your method you mentioned?

        1. Ok I see. To exclude a specific affiliate from getting a commission that would correspond to her or his level isn’t possible. If you define a rate for a level, any affiliate in that level will be credited with a referral when appropriate, you can’t exclude them.

  16. Hey Kento,

    I am definitely open to using Groups. I am not married to S2. My primary objective is the above customization, and your personal support and expertise is key.

    Can I buy some some consulting time with you, or have you quote me for the above setup? I am very interested and I appreciate it!


    1. Hi John, that’s good to know, let’s talk.

  17. letsbsocial Avatar


    I have a question: I’m setting up my privacy policy for my website, and I wanted to state our policy regarding Affiliates Pro. Could you tell me what kind of security is in place with the plugin? Also, can I go by what the screenshot above shows regarding information stored on the website? Also, what is stored for the Affiliate on site and the rest I take it then would be stored in Pay Pal? Thanks so much for your help! I just got it the other day. It’s such a great plugin and so easy to set up. Thanks much!

    1. Hi there,

      The question would be what security is in place with the site, the plugin itself allows to grant access to affiliate data based on the permissions set in the Affiliates > Options section – it’s important *not* to grant access to affiliate data to roles that shouldn’t have it, the by-default and recommended setting is that only admins can access anything related to affiliates.

      So basically you don’t give affiliates access to the data that you can see on the back end, you rather choose what is shown in the affiliate area they can access on the front end.

      I hope that makes it clear, but please feel free to ask more if there’s any doubt.

      Oh and of course, it’s great to hear you like the plugin 🙂


  18. Can this integration component combined with Affiliate Enterprise and S2 Member allow me to modify membership levels (free vs. paid) inside of S2 Member based on reaching a referral amount? Example, sell 10 memberships as an affiliate and you will be upgraded to a paid member for a period of 10 months. Thanks!

    1. It wouldn’t do it automatically, the closest thing you could do is to periodically check the referrals for your affiliates and if they have the required amount of referrals, upgrade their account manually. That would be manageable for a few affiliates but if you have many it would be impractical and a customized extension providing an automated solution would be necessary.

      1. Hi Kento,

        Thank you for your response. That is exactly what I was leading to believe is that manual would be the only way. However, I would be interested in a quote for a customized extension. I went to the contact page, but there is no form. Can we please send a couple emails back and forth about the possibility of having you create a custom component to help automate this type of setup? We are expecting to have hundreds, possibly thousands of that type of affiliate and rather quickly once we launch.


        1. Sure, let’s talk and see what we can do. If you’d like to forward details on this besides what you have already mentioned?

          1. Hey Kento,

            Thank you for your time! Here are the details of what we would need.

            We are setting up the S2 Membership plugin for a yearly membership service.

            We would also like to use the Affiliate Enterprise plugin with S2 integration, along with the custom username add-on.

            We will have a 2 Tier Commission system which I believe will not be a problem with the base Affiliate Enterprise program. Tier 1: 20% of sales Tier 2: 10% of sales brought in by tier 1 affiliates.

            I am not sure if this is a base component or would require custom coding: We would like to offer our affiliates a 10% annual commission based on all of their Tier 1 sales that renew after their initial yearly membership is over. This commission would be paid every year.

            The following details definitely requiring custom coding from what I can gather:

            1) Campaign #1: We would like to offer a completely free entry into the S2 membership area for a limited time period of 12 months, which would automatically register them for the affiliate program. We would then like to have a pop up window appear when the 1 year is complete and ask them to purchase a membership for continued access.

            2) Campaign #2: We would like to have a one time $1 membership fee that gives the member 30 days access to the member’s area. If that member is able to bring in at least 5 sales within that first month, then a signal is sent to the S2 member plugin to allow them 11 months of additional access to the members area for no charge. At the end of the additional 11 months, a window would pop up requiring them to purchase a membership to retain access to their member’s area and their affiliate status.

            If they couldn’t get at least 5 sales inside of that first month, then the system would generate a pop up window and require them to buy a yearly membership after their $1 thirty day membership was over.

            Please let me know if this is possible!


            1. Hi John,

              Basically it would be possible with the appropriate customizations. Any particular reason to use s2 or could you also base it on Groups?


  19. Hi,

    Another question.

    With integration to S2Member.

    I offer 3 membership levels M1 free M2 costs 2$ M3 costs 5$

    If an affiliate refers someone who registers M1 for free but then later decides to upgrade his membership to M2 – will the affiliate then get paid for this upgrade?

    In other words, once a customer is signed to an affiliate, does it commission all future transactions this user does related to his S2Member account (such as the upgrade mentioned)

    1. Hi,
      no, the relationship between customer and affiliate is not permanent.

  20. Can Affiliate Enterprise install into multiple domains? or Only one site? And got any discount? 🙂

    1. antonio Avatar

      Affiliates Enterprise has Single Domain License (
      But discounts are available for quantities, please contact us via email to itthinx at itthinx dot com indicating the number of websites.


  21. Dear support,

    I have a website and already install s2member (free version), I would like to purchase the Affiliates Pro s2Member Integration Pack but need to find out whether this works for what i want.

    I intend to setup an affiliate program within my members with 3 memberships. Lets call it M1,M2 & M3. each membership can earn commissions from different levels ( eg: level 1 – tier 1, level 2 – tier 2 and level 3 – tier 3)

    Can this plugin do this? Each affiliate with different membership level earn with different commissions depends on tier level?


    1. Forgot to mention, it is something like MLM.

    2. antonio Avatar

      this is possible, but you need Affiliates Enterprise version (that implements multi-tier and include Affiliate Pro S2Member Integration Pack).


  22. Aloha Kento,
    I’ve looked around for a solution but nothing that I can find. Is there currently a way to use the S2Member Pro Coupon system and credit an affiliate with the Affilate Pro S2 Plugin.

    EXAMPLE: On my signup page, a new user can enter a specific coupon code that will credit the affiliate that send them. A lot of our business is word of mouth and allowing affiliates to pass a verbal coupon code would be very helpful.

    1. Hey Robb,
      This integration doesn’t support them although others do support coupons in that way.

  23. strongties Avatar

    Hi Kento, with the ability to add referals manually, is there any way to link the referal to an S2 member subscription? In other words, is it possible to maually assign the referal to an affiliate and then link the referral to a person’s S2 signup info such that should they unsubscribe/change S2 level etc., the manually created referral is updated or ended to sync with the member’s S2 status?

    1. No, that’s not possible.

  24. Thanks for the help, but it still refreshes with a checked box.

    1. Do you have the latest version installed? Just in case, try with another browser as well.

  25. Hello,

    Under the Affiliates > Options > Affiliate Registration there is an option for “Notify the site admin when a new affiliate is registered”.

    I have unchecked that – and clicked save – but then it refreshes with that option automatically checked.

    How do I make it stop sending those emails?


    1. Will need to check that, meanwhile try changing the referral timeout along with that setting please and then set the timeout back to the desired value.

  26. Hi,

    I’ve got a question about the affiliate S2member integration. Is it possible to pay a member a monthly amount for referring someone? The more that person refers, the more that person will monthly earn.

    Thanks in advance!



    1. Hi Fernon,

      Yes that is possible, there is an option that allows to grant referrals on recurring payments.

  27. Hi,

    I’m using S2 Member for selling streamed conferences. This works very well using custom capabilities of S2Member and not the membership levels since I have no membership on the website. People register for free and then use “Buy now” buttons to grant access to the conferences videos they bought.

    I have a website partner that can sell those videos too and would like to know if Affiliates Pro for S2Member can handle this.

    1. User is on the partner’s website and clicks “Buy this conference”
    2. He’s redirected to my website where he can register and buy (or buy and register) for the video
    3. I know who came from my partner’s website, when and how much I own to my partner

    This is using custom capabilities for S2 Members,

    I’m a bit loss with this affiliate things so excuse me if this seems trivial,


    1. Hi Laurent,
      This sounds like a normal usage scenario for the plugin. Just make sure (ask here if needed) the referral calculations suit what you have in mind.

  28. Kento,
    One more question. How do you add the nine + box=15 for comments to prevent spam. Is their a plugin for that.


  29. Kento
    I think your plugin will work for what I am trying to do, however I’m brand new to this coding, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
    I am an affiliate for a nationwide company that has a replicated website for each member ie: each member has their own user name. Mine, for example is

    I have my own website, that we will be using as a training/information platform. That website is On this site, I will have a members only area, that will only be available to anyone in MY immediate downline, or any of my downline members. They would have to login and create a username and password to have access to the members area, but they would only be able to log in after they have become a member on the website, or any other members site in my downline.

    The way the site will work is this; I will be having weekly conference calls explaining the benefits, and income opportunity. Prospective new members will come to the conference call either by invitation from an existing member of my downline, or just from receiving an email, phone text, etc.

    I will send that new prospect back to the person who invited the prospect so that they can manually sign up the member on their website and get the credit for the sale. I want them to also have the option of being redirected to the existing members site and signup online through the website “JOIN NOW” page.

    EXAMPLE: Bob is an existing member of my downline. Bobs’ website is
    Bob invites Sally to the call, and she wants to join. She can either go back to Bob, and he can manually sign her up and enter her on his website, or Sally can go to my “JOIN NOW” page, on the website, where she can submit her “FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, PHONE NUMBER, REFERRAL CODE”; ie. “BobsSite”. She would then be redirected to from the “JOIN NOW” page to, where she could then join under Bob as his referral.

    If Sally came to the site without an invitation or had no referral code, the join now page would default to, which is my site, where she would sign up as my referral. The “REFERRAL CODE” on the “JOIN NOW” page would have something like this:
    IF YOU HAVE A REFERRAL CODE, ENTER HERE: http://WWW.TVCMATRIX.COM/ (their code would go here) or they would by default go to to I want to show and have that not be able to be altered, but then have the “ROADMAPTOFREEDOM” default be able to be over ridden if the new member has a referral code, ie “BobsSite”. I also do not want to let anyone who is not in my down line have access to the “Members Only” area on my http://www.80dollarcommissions website. How could I monitor that?

    Maybe I’m making this to complicated, and you have a better suggestions. I am brand new to wordpress and coding, although I am very computer literate in other areas.

    When you change the coding, for example, the php area, do you change that in the parent area of the theme, or do you change that in the child area of the theme. If it is changed in the child area, where do you find the php. I can find all of those coding areas in the parent, but not in the child area
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    1. Hi Paul,
      From what you explain I don’t think it would work out for your scenario, at least not without appropriate customization to suit your business processes, and you should expect this to get quite costly. Also it is not something you would be able to do without the expertise of a PHP programmer, if you still would decide to use the system I would recommend to hire someone to do the customization. And I would first try to see if the free Affiliates plugin comes at least close enough to what you are trying to achieve, if it doesn’t, then Affiliates Pro or Enterprise wouldn’t be suitable either (again, from what you explain I don’t think either will cover what you are looking for).
      I hope that still somehow helps 🙂

  30. thecashbag Avatar

    I’m pretty much all set-up.

    Thanks for all the help and fast responses.

    I just have one more question. If I have multiple s2member buy now products around the site, for example:
    Button 1: $100 premium membership
    Button 2: $50 discount premium membership
    Button 3: $1987 for one time product purchase.

    Will the affiliate get credit for any of those purchases? So say I set it to a blanket 33% commission for affiliates… will the affiliate get 33% of all those different products sold with the s2member buy now buttons?


    1. Hi Ben,
      Glad to hear you’re making progress with it 🙂 Regarding your question, if the buyer has been referred by an affiliate and makes a purchase on any of those, then yes, the appropriate commission amount should be granted.

  31. bitofgrace Avatar

    Great plugin! Thank you. 🙂 Is there any way to set the particular landing page for the referral links? (rather than landing on the root page)


    1. Thanks for using it 🙂
      Yes you can link to any page, see the section on affiliate links in the documentation.

  32. Hello,

    Some more question to add to the above..

    Are coupon codes possible?

    If yes, how do they work exactly? Are they generated by the affiliate? Or only by admin? Will applying a coupon code auto apply a commission to a specific affiliate associated with the coupon?


    1. Hi Ben,
      The systems that currently support coupon codes are listed here on the feature comparison page. How coupon codes work exactly is described in the documentation section, but the answer to your question is basically yes.

  33. Hello,

    I’m running a membership site with s2member pro right now, and I want to integrate an affiliate option using your plugin.

    But I need some clarification if I can have my site setup as described below. And also please outline exactly which plugins, extras, or modifications I need to get this setup:

    My site is based on a “free-mium” model. So users sign up for free (s2memebr plugin) and can choose to upgrade to a premium subscription service afterwards.

    1) When they sign up for the FREE membership on my site can they also automatically become affiliates? I want them to automatically be given affiliate status and be able to start promoting the site immediately.

    2) If yes to above question, I’d like to display their affiliate information on their members homepage using short codes. I want to display their unique affiliate link, referral details, payment details, etc. Is this possible?

    3) If an affiliate refers someone to my site, and they sign up for a FREE membership, but later on that user upgrades to a PAID membership, will the initial affiliate who referred that user be credited for the sale? I’d like it so that the affiliate always gets credited for the sale once they upgrade to PAID member, for life of the customer.

    4) How are payments to affiliates handled? Is it an Auto payment or do I have to manually go to paypal and make payments?

    5)Also is it integrated with s2member so that when someone defaults on payment, cancels, refunded, etc, that the affiliate payments are auto adjusted to reflect that?

    Sorry for the long winded list of question. Best to ask all at once I think. I tried to make them as clear as possible.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


    1. Re #1 the Affiliates Users plugin creates affiliate accounts for new users, but it’s not limited to specific membership levels. That would require a customized plugin.
      For #2 best check out the documentation.
      #3 The referrals are linked to visiting an affiliate link, so that doesn’t correspond to the process you describe. You’d need some customization for that as well.
      #4 Through totals and generated file that you can use for mass payments etc. It does not send payments over automatically.
      #5 Yes the referral status is adjusted automatically.
      If you are looking for a solution that fits what you describe exactly, then this won’t give you what you need unless customized. Note that the cost for customization is rather large compared to the license cost of an OOTB solution.
      I hope that it at least helps you a bit, make sure to have a good look at the documentation and try out the free version first (along with one of the free integrations). If the free system is something you would consider working with, the Pro or Enterprise version will give you more power to handle the affiliate program. If it doesn’t seem suitable, then these won’t do it either 😉

  34. I have an s2Member Pro integration with 9 membership levels. Can I set the affiliate plugin to only automatically enroll members of a single level into the affiliate program?

    1. It can be done but not OOTB, you would need a customized plugin for that.

      1. OK, thanks. Is this what I need to buy –

        or do I need something else also?

        1. For an integration with s2member that would be the right pack, it includes Affiliates Pro and the specific integration for s2. Apart from the levels, are you using any features of the s2 Pro? I’m asking in case you would expect any of these be integrated with Affiliates Pro that aren’t.

          1. Avatar

            OK, thanks. I just bought and downloaded the pack. We are using several s2 features, including PayPal Pro and redirecting the login home page to a page specific to the level. I don’t know a lot of the things because I am not a developer, but I do have a handful of developers working on our custom software. I have a concept of how I want to integrate this affiliate plugin that I believe will require some custom modifications to it. Do you offer a custom modification service? I hope so, as if you do, your familiarity with the software would make things go easier and quicker. If not, I can get my existing guys to do it. Please let me know.

            1. Yes that is possible, consulting and development around the plugins offered is part of the services provided. Please forward a brief summary of what you have in mind.

  35. Dear Kento

    Thanks. That worked. I’ve set it up now, including the comment you made on 25 April 2012…

    (Here is how you will get registration referrals created:
    Go to s2Member > API / Notifications and under Registration Notifications, paste the following:
    Substitute with the site’s domain and don’t forget to replace the Xs with the Notification key provided on the Affiliates > s2Memberscreen.
    This will create registration referrals with their Payment Transaction ID set toregistration (in the referral’s data).

    However, when I registered a new member on my site at, it notified the affiliate as soon as the link was clicked, which isn’t what I want. I only want to inform the affiliate if they complete in total the free membership form on this page – I thought that’s what the above code would do.

    I’ve looked through all the options, and I can’t find a way to identify the new member (WP User) that’s linked to this affiliate. How do I check this?

    Also, I’ve checked the affiliate area, and it shows “Accepted referrals pending payment: 1”. This is wrong. As I explained earlier, payment will only occur if the new member goes on to buy something in the future when I’ll manually add the commission. How do I correct this?

    I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.


    1. What exactly are you trying to achieve? It sounds like you are trying to apply that notification to something that really doesn’t fit the process you have in mind.

  36. Is there a way to manually add affiliates, say for a word-of-mouth referral? e.g. a new member enters an affiliate’s name onto a form on signup and you want to manually add this as a new referral – is this possible? Can it be done?

    1. If you want a referral created when someone fills in a form after hitting an affiliate link, then the Contact Form 7 integration would cover this.

      1. I was thinking of adding referalls manually though i.e. removing the need for the affiliate link and using the name of the affiliate instead – makes it easier via word of mouth referrals (if that makes sense?)

        1. I was thinking this could be done in the database, or via a form in the backend under the Affiliates dropdown perhaps?

          1. If you mean adding a referral manually, yes that would have to be added as the system has always been intended for automated referral creation. Of course, such a manual way to add referrals wouldn’t hurt either, probably a good idea to add.

          2. I think adding referals manually would be great – this is exactly what I’m getting at…

            1. I can see it would be useful when the system is intended to work manually or only partially automated. Added this to the feature requests.

          3. Great – any timeframes at all, or am I getting too enthusiastic?

            1. A new release is scheduled for this week, can’t promise that it will be in there but it’s a possibility 🙂

          4. That would be great if it does happen! Thank you in anticipation…

        2. This is somehow covered through coupons assigned to affiliates, although if you would literally have the customers indicate who referred them, then a dropdown with affiliate names might make sense – that could be derived quite easily extending the example contact form that comes with the Affiliates plugin.

  37. Like to know if the integration package for S2 Member works in the free version of the S2 Member plugin or I have to have the S2 Pro Member?

    1. It works with the free version.

  38. RelationshipRevitalizer Avatar

    I just installed the plugin on my website that utilizes s2member. Is there any way to automatically enroll a new member (subscribing through s2member) as an affiliate? I would like to reserve affiliate capabilities for subscribers to my site.


    1. The Affiliates Users plugin creates affiliate account for new users automatically, but if you want to restrict this to specific levels, you will need a more customized solution.

  39. Hi Kento,
    We are looking into buying the affiliates plugin pro but we have some questions we would like answered before.

    Our site will be a private site. Our affiliates will link to our site. When new users register to our site [using S2 Member] we would like that specific new user to be linked to the affiliate. The users will be able to purchase products using woocommerce from the private area of the site. For every purchase we would need the affiliates to get commission if the user is a referred user.

    So to summarize:
    1) new referred user registers on our site (s2 member plugin) and is permanently linked to an affiliate
    2) any purchases made by that user will generate commission to the affiliate

    Can this be done please?

    1. It can be done, you would need an extension built that can link the user to the original referrer and grant referrals when products are purchased.

      1. How much would it cost to develop the extension for us please?

        1. Please get in touch to request a quote based on your requirements.

  40. locomotive Avatar


    Just got this plugin and everything looks cool.
    I have generated the “Affiliate Registration” page and I tried to signup one myself.
    The thing is I got the registration email that delivered to my inbox along with the login link “” to which I’d like to change to “”

    How do I do that? Thanks.

    1. One of the plugins here might help:

  41. streethitz Avatar

    Hello my friend, How are you? I just purchase and Im loving everything so far but I got stuck on two things number one what do I have to set up in order for my members to become affiliates once they paid for my product? I want them to pay via paypal and they automatically become an affiliate for the product or do they still have to register?

    2nd thing on the affiliate Registration page I want to ask for there paypal email address how do i do that?? thanks

    1. Hey there, you can use the affiliate registration form for both cases: if they are a member, the form will allow them to sign up to the affiliate program without creating a new account. If they don’t have an account already, they can sign up with a new account and to the affiliate program. Please have a look at the documentation for details. Regarding the PayPal email address, the email address they use to sign up is used by default. Please also refer to the documentation as they can provide an alternative email address if needed through their affiliate profile. You can create or adjust the profile page for them to be able to provide it. Cheers

  42. How can I get the API to create a new affiliate when they register on the members system?

    1. You would use Affiliates_Registration::store_affiliate( $user_id, $userdata ); where $userdata is an array that must provide first_name, last_name and email of the affiliate.

      So when you hook on the member registration, you would simply call that static method and will obtain the affiliate’s ID if the affiliate was created successfully.

  43. Hi, Please can you tell me if I need to purchase Affiliate Pro and Affiliate Pro Integration Pack for S2 Member or do I just buy the Integration Pack.



    1. Only the integration pack, Affiliates Pro is included.

  44. how do i configure 1 registration page for both the aff pro and s2.
    when the customer want to become an affilite (free sign up)–>register as an affiliate(when they sign up with the aff pro register page how do i get it to register/add to the s2 member area.

    1. For a free account they can just sign up through the affiliate registration form. Otherwise it’s as already explained.

  45. Hello Kento,

    Thank you for your great recommendation. I successfully integrated every thing S2 Member > Affiliate Pro > Profile Builder Pro. But, Still now i’m facing a problem. I think this is my last problem. I believe that you will help me.

    In Affiliate Pro there is an option to notify affiliate Member after sold. This field is available under Affiliate Pro > S2 Member option. I write my after sell notification email. The problem is when affiliate make any sell they are getting an email from (From this email) Why?? Because, I setup my domain for affiliate member another one in S2 Member which is Please, Tell me how i can change the notification email address from to I hope you will understand my problem and give a solution.

    Thank You!

    1. Hi there, have a look at the WP Mail SMTP plugin as suggested on the Useful Plugins page. You should find it suitable for what you need. Cheers

  46. Thanks Kinto,

    I purchased it.. really great plugin. But, Still i have another problem. I want to add more field in affiliate profile page like country, payee name, bank account number etc. I already watched all of your tutorial but i didn’t got any solution. Please, Give me a way how i can solve this problem. If it is not integrated in your plugin tell me other way if are well know about this issue.

    Thank You!

    1. The easiest way to go about this is probably to use a plugin that allows you to add custom user profile fields and provides a shortcode that you can add on the affiliate profile page where they can edit the additional information. Profile Builder seems to provide what you need.

  47. Hi Kinto,

    Thanks for your great suggestion. But, What about my first question? How affiliate member will notify in their dashboard that they have been paid! Because, I will not use PayPal for affiliate payment. I will use Moneybookers for affiliate payment. Is there any option or shortcode or checkbox which i will implement and affiliate will notified that money already sent!

    I hope you will suggest me with specific solution.

    Thank You!

    1. They can see that if you include the [affiliates_affiliate_stats] shortcode in the affiliate area. See the links at the end of the Shortcodes page that lead to detailed explanations of its use.

  48. Hi Kento,

    I decided to purchase Affiliate Pro for S2 Member. Before go on, I have few question. I hope you will help me…

    1. How affiliate earning status will show paid after payment. Because, I didn’t found it on free one. I will pay my affiliate through Moneybookers not Paypal. Is there any option will available in Premium version “Affiliate PRO” where i will check the box or mark icon etc. after payment.

    2. How affiliate will able to see their earning by selecting date/week using box or something like this from their affiliate dashboard.

    I hope you will answer above question as soon as possible then i’ll be your buyer/friend.

    Thank You!

    1. Hi Mamun,
      Have a look at the videos here – the video titled Affiliates Pro / Enterprise Jigoshop Integration from 3:00 on it shows the totals area and after that an affiliate’s view on stats which have been prepared with Affiliates Pro shortcodes.

  49. Hi Kento –

    I have a client that uses the S2Member Pro plugin, but has it setup for open registration (plans to go premium membership later). Will the plugin work with S2member with Free Registration enabled? He just wants to track his main affiliates and award them prizes.


    1. Hi James, you can set it up to handle that as well. By default, the referrals are created only through payment actions, but you can set it up so that they are created upon registration as well. If you decide on using the integration please let me know and I will indicate how you have to set it up.

    2. Here is how you will get registration referrals created:

      Go to s2Member > API / Notifications and under Registration Notifications, paste the following:

      Substitute with the site’s domain and don’t forget to replace the Xs with the Notification key provided on the Affiliates > s2Member screen.

      This will create registration referrals with their Payment Transaction ID set to registration (in the referral’s data).

      1. This couldn’t have been any easier – up and running in under 5 minutes 🙂 Thanks Kento!

        1. Thanks nice to hear that 🙂

          1. I used this (once I figured out that I had to download the S2Member integration package), but it doesn’t show any difference. The original free Affiliates I was using was not recording the referral, and now this one doesn’t seem to be either. Is there a way to make it show the referrals who have already signed up, and how do I get it to work now?

            1. For those who have already signed up, you can create the referrals manually, provided that you know which affiliates brought them in. Once you have the integration installed, activated and set up, the system will start recording referrals for new sign-ups. Make sure to follow the instructions given on this screen Affiliates > s2Member.

              If you have any questions in particular after setting this up, please use the Forums to post questions as that is where we provide premium support for the plugins.

      2. jessejarvis Avatar

        Thank you very much! I need this! 🙂

        1. Great 🙂

      3. Does not work. No new affiliate is created with this code!

        1. This is not intended to create a new affiliate. It is intended to record a referral.

          1. Yes, thank you. I just figured that out after I posted the comment. My bad there. My question is below

  50. Dear kento, I use s2Member-Pro and now I’m thinking about buying Affiliates-Pro. But I have a special request: I have several authors on the blog. I want that each author will be automatically become an affiliate. Affiliates-Pro seems to use the WP-user structure, so that should work. But it goes further: I sell specific post-Acces via s2Member. When selling a specific post-Acces, I want to credit the commission FOR THE AUTHOR of the post, not based on a referrer. Using the s2Member-API I think I can find out the author via the post-id and run a Notification-URL. But how can I submit the commission for this author to Affiliates-Pro? Is there an API to which I can submit the author-ID ​​or username using POST/GET?

    1. Hi Holger, yes you should be able to do that through its API. You will have to code (PHP) a handler that takes care of the notification. The handler can submit a referral in favor of the author, if the author is an affiliate.
