See Affiliates Pro in our shop for the latest information about our product.

For usage instructions please refer to the documentation.


1,492 responses to “Affiliates Pro”

  1. swappsee Avatar

    Awesome, thanks! Worked perfectly.

  2. Hey Kento

    I just purchased your Affiliates Pro for Woocommerce plugin and I love it. I’m just having some trouble getting edit_attributes=”paypal_email” to show on the profile page I set up. If I set it as show_attributes=”paypal_email” it works fine and displays, but it doesn’t display when I use the edit function. Please help. 🙂

    My pages aren’t live yet, so I will need to send you login details in order for you to see. If you can provide your email, I can send that over.

    Thanks vm!

    1. Hi Jen, many thanks, great to hear you like it 🙂

      You need to specify both attributes in this case, i.e. you would use show_attributes="paypal_email" *and* edit_attributes="paypal_email" – the first one is used to display and the second one enabled editing.

  3. Hi there,
    Currently using Affil Pro with a jigoshop site.. and looking into also buying it for a woocommerce site i am developing.

    Is it at all possible to pay out the earned referral income via store credit?? (ie automate making the referral income a coupon or something along those lines)

    Hoping this can be automated so staff isn’t manually creating gift certificates or coupons for our affiliates.

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Grace,
      This is not automated, now you must manually create coupons.


      1. msaizan Avatar

        + for this feature. I am also needing to pay out through a rewards program (store credit) and would like to have this automated.

  4. We have many users who aren’t affiliates (store customers). Is there a shortcode, similar to [affiliates_is_not_affiliate], that would apply to someone logged in, but not an affiliate?

    This would make our Affiliate Area Log In/Sign Up page much more user friendly. Currently, it’s a bit confusing.

    1. It would be helpful to have a “You’re halfway there! Please sign up below.” message when someone logs into the Affiliate Area with a User/Non-Affiliate account.

    2. I put a “Lost Password” link on this page, but it only applies to a user who’s not logged in. If they are logged in as a User/Non-Affiliate, they still see the link.

    1. Yes Jason, exactly that shortcode exists [affiliates_is_not_affiliate], see the Shortcodes section in the documentation.

      1. Thanks for the quick response. What I meant was, I’d like to differentiate between 3 different classes of users:
        -Not logged in
        -Logged in, not an Affiliate
        -Logged in, Affiliate

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Jason,

          you can use affiliate + groups, by example:

          [groups_non_member group="Registered"]
          Only visitors can see this.

          [groups_member group="Registered"]
          Only registered and not affiliate users can see this

          Only registered and affiliate users can see this


  5. hinschberger Avatar

    I have to say you guys are fair and very good to work with – my refund came just 10min after my email – no hassel no stupid arguments nothing – I will definitely use more of your products – Thank you

    1. Thank you so much Marcus, I really appreciate it 🙂

  6. Do the Affiliate Pro have site replication so each rep could have their own affiliate website?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Sean,
      Affiliate Pro hasn’t site replication.

  7. for some reason it seems that my system is not tracking referrals – it is tracking the hits and visitors but we did run a test with two test sign ups and the system did not catch them and is not showing them.
    any suggestions?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Marcus,
      what ecommerce/forms systems do you use?


      1. hinschberger Avatar

        WordPress, s2member and paypal – thats what we use

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi hinschberger,

          for integrate Affiliates Pro and s2Member, you need “Affiliate Pro s2Member Integration”, here more info:


          1. hinschberger Avatar

            thanks for getting back so in addition to the affiliate enterprise I need to get affiliate pro for s2member???

            1. antonio Avatar

              Affiliate enterprise contains Affiliate Pro for s2member (in the zip there is affiliates versions and integrations).
              I thought you had the pro version, not the enterprise, sorry.


  8. I love this plugin & the possibilities, especially the ability for a coupon to be assigned to an affiliate so that they can reward their users as well! Amazing. Really interested in buying, but have a couple questions first:

    Our affiliates love our product as well (prepared food) so I would like to pay them with credit to our store. Is there a way to do that? I love the idea of the PayPal Mass Pay but I’d rather give store credit than actual cash. If we have to do it manually, that’s fine. Just want to see if it’s possible.

    Also, do you anticipate any problems with WordPress Multisite? Currently we’re running just one site, but intend to expand to multiple in the next months.


    1. antonio Avatar

      by example you can pay by coupons. When you want pay to affiliate, then create a coupon, and close his referrals.

      Affiliates Pro works fine for multisite, keep in mind that they are independent affiliate programs.


  9. We hide WP Admin bar from subscribers, so I’d like to allow affiliates to edit their password right from the Affiliate Profile Page. Is there a way to do this?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Affiliate accounts and user accounts are different. You can’t change password using affiliates shortcodes, but you can use [affiliates_is_affiliate] shortcode, to show information only for affiliates, by example:

      This is visible to affiliates who are logged in only.

      If you use by example Profile Builder, you can change password for affiliates:



      1. rachidtobi Avatar

        Smart shortcodes!
        unfortunately [wppb-edit-profile] doesn’t work for my wootheme or wordpress website?
        Any suggestion?


        1. antonio Avatar

          this shortcode is used for Profile Builder plugin (you need have installed it).
          If you don’t use it, the users always can edit password in wordpress user profile page.

          1. rachidtobi Avatar

            Yes I know, but do you also know the wp shortcode, or do I need to let them login (again) in the backend?


            1. antonio Avatar

              yes, if you want that users edit their password, they must do it in their profile page or maybe throw other plugin (for example Woocommerce has [woocommerce_change_password] shortcode for this purpose).

  10. On my client’s site, we are using Affiliates Pro for WooCommerce and we accept PayPal. To do this, we use the WC PayPal Express plugin, which uses PayPal Payments Standard.

    Do we also need the Affiliates Pro PayPal Integration? Or is that handled by the Affiliates Pro for WooCommerce?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Jason,
      you ONLY need Affiliates Pro for Woocommerce Integration.
      No Paypal integration needed.


  11. filljoyner Avatar

    Excellent custom support. Thanks kento for working quickly to resolve my issue!


  12. Hi Kento,

    Ive tested on the light version, and i wish to get pro version or even better, but i need to ensure 2 things,

    Can i set different commission for different affiliate?
    Can i give commission for 2 tier? for example, single sale total payout are 20%, 10% to affiliate, 10% to another affiliate?


    1. Hi,

      You can set different commission with Affiliates Pro

      But if you need tiered system, you need acquire Affiliates Enterprise, because Pro version don’t support it.


      1. one last question…
        can i choose which product to give commission? lets say i have 2 products, one is payable, one are not.

        or set different commission on different products. thanks

        1. Hi,
          The latest version of the integration plugin for WooCommerce is now available with the Affiliates Pro for WooCommerce pack (also the Enterprise pack) and allows to set commission rates on products.


          1. ive set the product affiliate rate and also the affiliate setup to product_rate. but the payment in woocommerce cant get through. if i change to the normal referal rate it can get through. what can i do for that? urgent please!

            1. Please update to the latest version if you get errors on checkout.

              In case you already have the latest version, make sure that your settings are correct, please check under:
              Affiliates > Settings
              – Default referral calculation : Referral Amount Method
              – Default referral calculation value : Affiliates_WC_Method::product_rates
              Affiliates > WooCommerce Integration
              – [x] Enable product referral rates
              – Default rate : (rate must be set here or on individual products)
              Products > edit a product > Product Data > Affiliates :
              – Referral rate : (rate must be set here or in general with the Default rate)

  13. hello there :
    I’d like to know if affiliates pro plugin integration for woocommerce is multilingual ready ? (mainly for my affiliates who don’t speak english) .. thanks

    1. Hi Vlad,
      Yes it is, are you interested in doing a translation and contributing it back?

  14. Can this plugin be used on more than one site or do I have to purchase it for each site I own?

    1. Hi,
      I paste some of the license:

      – You have been granted this license explicitly by the copyright holder.

      – You are granted one single use of the SOFTWARE on one single domain.

      – You may use the SOFTWARE for your own purposes or for a client, anyhow,
      use of the SOFTWARE is limited to one domain only.

      – Use on multiple domains, including subdomains, requires you to obtain one
      SUSDL for each domain or subdomain you wish to use the SOFTWARE on.

      More info:


  15. Hi Kanto,

    Is it possible to auto generate Affiliate Copupins? We have like 100 new registrations every day, that takes few hour every day to crate all coupons and link them with each user. Would you think its possible to make this custom code for us? How much it would cost?

    Other cool feature would be an integration with MailChimp, once the user is registered as an Affiliate, he/she would be included in our mailing list at MailChimp. That would be awesome as well? Cpuls you make it work?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. Hi Beline,
      Yes that’s possible, please forward exact details on that through contact.

  16. filljoyner Avatar

    Hi Kento,
    I purchased the Affiliates Pro plugin and am having a bit of trouble. I checked the documentation and searched the site but didn’t see my issue so hope I’m posting this in the right place.

    I’ve installed and configured it to work with WooCommerce and created an affiliate for testing. After reaching the homepage or a product page using the affiliate link (ex: ?affiliates=2) and checking out, the site records the hit and visit but does not credit the purchase to the affiliate.

    I tried in both PayPal and PayPal sandbox, and tried an alternate browser where I wasn’t log into the site admin. Each test resulted in a successful purchase but the affilate not being credited.

    What should I do next to work through the issue?

    Thanks so much for a great plugin!

    1. Hi Phil,

      Can we have a look at the site please (admin access)? If we can run a test purchase and check the setup we should be able to fix it for you 🙂 You can send access details to the account indicated here.


      1. Philip Joyner Avatar
        Philip Joyner

        Thanks so much! I’ll send login details this evening.

        1. filljoyner Avatar

          Just sent them. Thanks!

  17. I’ve installed everything accordingly. I’ve added some banners to the Affiliate page. My question is how to make the banners direct to a specific page rather than just my main URL? I want it to direct to my shop page. Thanks.

    1. Hi,

      Please have a look at this comment:

      basically you must use:
      [affiliates_affiliate_link url="" attachment_id="XX"​ render="code"/]


  18. Hi kento,

    Nice plugin, but i have few question about how to improve user experience:

    1. Considering i must create each coupon manually, i would like to show the copupon code for each user in Affiliate Area. We plan to create a coupon for each registered affiliate like “username”. My plan was use a shortcode to do it. But i think im missing something, i tried something like “Your coupom: [referrer_user display="user_nicename"]” but is not working. Any idea what im doing wrong?

    2. It would be nice if people could enter paypal email when registering, but they cant. I just saw the video about Affiliate Profile, but again i miss something and i cant show or allow people to edit this attribute. How would be the complete shortcode for this?

    Thats all, again, congrats for the excelent work on this plugin.

    1. Hi ,
      you can do it using this shortcode:

      1. [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="coupons"]

      2. [affiliates_affiliate_profile edit_attributes="paypal_email"]

      You can see more in

      1. Hi Kanto,

        Thanks, the coupon short code works fine, but it show all profile information, not just the cupon, there is any way to hide all other information?

        The PayPal shortcode didnt work at all, i still cant edit or iclude PayPAl email from Profile Page.


        1. Hi,

          You can hide name and email information using for example:
          [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="coupons" show_name="" show_email=""]

          By default, Affiliates Pro uses the email address used at registration as the PayPal email for mass payment files, they would only need to indicate it in their profile if it was different.

        2. Hi Kanto, nevermind

          I just add show_attributes=”paypal_email” before edit_attributes=”paypal_email” and its all working now.

          As well i did enter show_name=”” and show_email=”” and it ok too.

          Thanks, nice work.

          1. Thanks Beline, glad to hear you like it 🙂 Yes, that’s how you would use it.

  19. Hi,

    I just bought Affiliates Pro for integration with S2Member pack. What kind of code do I need to add to S2Member’s API/Tracking or API/Notifications. I am really confused as to what steps I need to take to integrate the two. Where can I find a guide for setting this up?

    Thanks, Femke

    1. Hi,
      The default settings actually provide that for you. Once you have installed the s2Member integration plugin, have a look at Affiliates > s2Member which provides the needed documentation along with the settings.

      1. Thanks, Kento!

        Am I correct in copy pasting the default URL into the API Payment Notification of S2Member, and that’s it? Or do I need to do anything else?


        1. Hi Femke,
          If you have the options Auto-adjust payment notification URLs. and Auto-adjust refund/payment reversal notification URLs. enabled (they are by default), then you don’t need to copy-paste anything, as the integration plugin already takes care of making the necessary adjustments. You would only do it manually if you need to do some specific adjustments but that’s not normally the case.

          1. Cool, thanks!

  20. Hey Kento, is there a way to setup a referral amount by product, instead of just a static or by affiliate?

    e.g. I’ve got a product that sells for $400 and $2000. I want to give commissions of $50 and $200 respectively. Is there a way to do that?

    Also, can I tie an affiliate to a Direct order after the fact? Say an affiliate accidentally sends the basic link and not their own?


    – Rory

    1. The WooCommerce integration will have that shortly. You can attribute referrals manually now if needed, but in general, if they’re not using the right link it will be a bit hard for them to get their commissions on sales 😉

    2. The latest version of the integration plugin for WooCommerce is now available with the Affiliates Pro for WooCommerce pack (also the Enterprise pack) and allows to set commission rates on products.

      1. Great, thank, Kento!

        Is this update available for download already or is it automatic? I don’t see version information anywhere in our plugin, and the download link from our original purchase is now expired.

        How do I get the latest version?

        1. Hi Rory,
          You should have access to the downloads section where you can get the latest version: – if you need help in getting access or don’t have an account, please get in touch here and I will create an account for you.

  21. and one more 🙂

    I saw in another thread that you recommended linking coupons with affiliates, which we also practice and I was happy to read that you Affiliates Pro already has this feature.. ist there a way to limiting the coupon to one use per email?

    there is woocommerce plugin that supports this feature for coupons, but then i´m not sure anymore if the affiliates linking will work..

    the plugins I found for this feature:

    1. The usage limit would require such a setting in WooCommerce but AFAIK there is no standard setting that could be used to limit the usage per customer. There is a setting that limits the total number of uses but that’s different. Have you checked the extensions on WooThemes to see if there is one for that?

  22. Working on getting this integrated and it is a great plugin! My only issue is that when affiliates register, it creates them twice in the “Manage affiliates” are with two separate affiliate IDs. When they login, it only shows the first affiliate ID and they are only created as a WordPress user 1 time. For example, I tested the registration page with my alternate email address and only received one email with username and password and things work great on that side. On the admin side, it created one wordpress user and two affiliate users with IDs. The plugins I currently have are: Affilaite Pro, Akismet, Easy Digital Downloads, Easy Digital Downloads Affiliate Pro Integration, Easy Digital Downloads Aweber, Jetpack, Manual Control for Jetpack, and WP-Optimize. Any ideas as to why it is creating doubles?

    1. Hi Katie,
      That might be a conflict with a plugin or the theme. Please try to disable all plugins except the essentials: Affiliates Pro, EDD and the EDD integration and test with these only. Then enable other plugins individually and test again to see if the duplicates are created. When it happens, please let me know with which plugin so we can identify what’s causing the issue and solve it.

  23. Hi, I just purchased the Affiliate Pro with Woocommerce and am wondering about a specific function I require..

    Is it possible to assign a customer to an affiliate permanently so that the affiliate gets a % of all purchases of that customer?

    Appreciate any pointers, even work-arounds as this is a must-function for me (taking over an existing shop with 80 active affiliates that operate based on such an agreement).

    thanks and regards,

    1. Hi Nikki,
      One option you have which would work directly is to set the timeout parameter in the Affiliates > Options section to a high number. In that case, an affiliate link that has been visited would not expire unless the customers clears cookies or uses another browser. It’s not exactly what you are asking for but close. A fixed assignment would really require a customization.

      1. Hi Kento,
        many thanks for your quick response! The solution you propose is sufficient for now as our affiliates anyway believe our current solution is dependent on active cookies (it´s not).. I can imagine requiring customization down the road though, could I then approach ya´ll directly with such a requirement?

        Thanks and regards,

        1. Certainly, you can use the contact section to forward your requirements when needed.

      2. Hi Kento,

        for clarification please, under Affiliates > Options it says:
        If you enter 0, referrals will only be valid until the visitor closes the browser (session).

        so I had set this to 99999 as I understood this really to be the validity in days..

        which is the correct way please?

        thanks and regards,

        1. Whoops, I must have had my mind on something else. A high number would be appropriate, 0 is certainly as described on that screen (until the visitor closes the browser). I’ll edit my previous answer to avoid confusion.

  24. Hi Kento,

    I’m currently setting up an EDD-based eStore and had a question about Affiliates Pro, with regards to how it works in multisite.

    Basically, I’m converting my current single-site install to multisite, and setting up EDD as a subblog. What I’m wondering is, can affiliate clicks be tracked across multiple sites in the network?

    Reason: I’ve already got a lot of documentation on the main site regarding my plugin(s) – posts, pages, etc – and I’d prefer to keep it there; the subblog will be used exclusively as the eStore. Thus, it makes sense for affiliates to direct visitors to these articles on the main site, from which they are more likely to click through to the store and purchase than if they were just sent straight to the store itself (which lacks the in-depth documentation).

    I saw some comments above that Affiliates Pro does support multisite, but I wasn’t able to find specifics on how this might function. Would I be able to do what I’m hoping?

    Thanks in advance,

    1. Hi Justin,
      The way it works in a multisite setup is that you’re running separate affiliate programs on each blog/site. But if you just want to link to the site that runs EDD and Affiliates Pro, of course you can place those links on any of the sites just as you can place them externally. In that case you wouldn’t need to do a network installation of Affiliates Pro, you would just install it on the site that should run the affiliate program.

      1. Hi Kento,

        That’s not quite what I meant. Consider this situation:

        An affiliate publishes a link to my plugin documentation, which is on my main site. A potential customer clicks the affiliate link to my main site, reads the documentation, flips around a bit, and then continues on to the eStore (subblog) to make a purchase. Can this purchase be credited to the affiliate?

        It sounds like the answer is “no;” *if* that assumption is correct, is there no way at all to implement “network-wide” affiliates, or something similar, so that the above would work? Basically, I need the affiliate links to lead to pages on the main site – but then the purchase will ultimately be handled by the estore (which lives in the subblog).

        Thanks again

        1. Hi Justin,
          There is a simple solution that can be implemented quite easily for this, it consists in embedding an iframe as described in this comment, the src would have to point to the sub site where the store is running and you would have to embed the iframe on the main site (probably placing the code in a widget in the footer would be a good idea so you don’t have to modify the theme and that would allow you to place it on the main blog only).

          1. Gotcha; of course, I was more hoping for something that utilizes Multisite’s faculties directly, rather than simply loading two entire sites on the client side 😛 Needless to say this would considerably increase the weight of the site, with corresponding pagespeed penalties and any search engine penalties that come along with it. As WP does provide backend ways to access most aspects of other blogs on the network (i.e. get_blog_option()), it seems like this sort of cross-site tracking *could* be handled with far less impact to the client and site loadtime – granted I haven’t actually dug into your code, as I’m still just evaluating options for a new store I’m setting up 🙂

            So anyway, I’m assuming by the iFrame suggestion that the answer is “no, it isn’t yet possible.” So then I’d again rephrase my question to, “is this something you’d ever considered, and might it possibly be added somewhere in the near future?”

            Basically, my layout is as described: store and main site on the same network, and affiliate traffic is likely to navigate back and forth. I’d like to be able to track this, but without having to load both entire websites whenever the main site loads 😉

            1. I understand what you mean, it’s not a light-weight solution. As an alternative, it is possible to centralize the system on the main blog, I’ve done that in projects but with rather specific requirements as well. Otherwise I wouldn’t mind providing a plugin, but it doesn’t exist as something you could readily install yet without me having to prepare it. I might be able to provide at least some code fragments you could use, would that be interesting?

          2. Sure – as long as it doesn’t take *too* much work on my part to get it going, either would be fine (i.e. code fragments I could stick into my own addon plugin, or your own network-wide addon plugin to be activated network-wide in addition to Affiliates Pro).

            Just in terms of general convenience to your users, I’d personally think it’d be best for *you*, if you’ve already got some code like this, to add it as an option to the core plugin – i.e. if Affiliates Pro is detected to be activated network-wide, have a checkbox to enable tracking across blogs. Of course I recognize that it may not be as simple as this, but it’s just a thought. Either approach would be fine by me, as long as navigating back and forth between the blogs wouldn’t cause those referrals to be lost 🙂

            1. Recently a very similar solution to what you propose was developed for a particular project, it consisted of centralizing hit recording on the main blog (with the option of recording them on the individual blogs as well). That way, when you have a store sitting on the main blog, you would automatically get referrals for sales there from incoming affiliate links to any of the blogs. I would prefer to add the option to the plugins in general instead of providing an add-on. Let me check this in more detail to see if this can be provided with a new release which is pending.

          3. Yep, that would be great – thanks 🙂

            One thing I would mention, however: my store is not in the main blog, it’s in a subblog. So incoming clicks to the main blog which ultimately land on the *subblog* would need to work – or more generally, navigating back and forth between the main and subblog should not lose track of the referral, if or until a purchase is made (in the subblog store).

            Thanks for having a look – I’ll hang tight with my fingers crossed 🙂

            1. Thanks Justin, yes that would then be the other way round. I’ll keep that in mind.

          4. …Is there a way to only receive notifications to *our* discussion, rather than whenever anyone else asks another question or posts about something unrelated to our thread? Like…a threaded support forum or something? 😛

            1. I’m preparing the site to use Groups Forums for that 🙂

        2. Hey Kento,

          Just wanted to ping you once more about this; I finished getting my new store all setup & finalized, and I’m more or less ready to grab Affiliates Pro, but of course I wanted to see if there’s been any progress towards making this MS-compatible (i.e. so affiliates can be tracked across the network, rather than just on the store’s subblog itself :))

          Thanks again!

          1. Hi Justin, it hasn’t been added yet, but I hope to get there soon.

    2. Alright, thanks. Any idea on approx. when I might check back? No rush, but I prefer not to remain subscribed to this thread, as it causes me to get tons of notifications for replies to everyone else’s issues as well as my own 😉

      1. antonio Avatar

        if you want unsubscribe to this thread, you have a link in notifications to manage your subscription.


    3. Yep, I know – did before – but then since I need to manually check here if you’ve replied, I was just curious on a general timeframe. (Of course notifications *would* be better, it’s just that 90% of the emails I was getting were for unrelated conversations in other peoples’ threads :P)

      1. antonio Avatar

        It’s true !!
        We are working to have a support forum, we hope to be ready soon.


  25. moresales Avatar

    I’ve installed the Affiliates Pro with the Woocommerce add-on, however, after a referral visits an affiliate’s link, for example, here:

    the plugin redirects the referral to:

    Is there any way to redirect the user to a page of my choosing? Such as:

    1. You can link directly to the order page for that, for example:

  26. Question my client us to use idev affiliates that had the option of tracking a sale with a hidden pixel image the loads after a sale is completed. Can we do something like this to track sales?

    We are also going to be setting up a store using wordpress e-commerce plugin which I see you supports.

    Thank you for your time,

    1. Would it (pixel) be needed? If you’re going to use the integration with WP e-Commerce and the affiliate program is running on the same site, then you don’t need to use a tracking pixel. Do you have a test site or can you give details on how it’s going to be set up?

      1. Kento,

        I understand that I can use both your affiliates software and wp e-commerce. My client is selling magazine subscriptions with a third party printing company that send out their subscriptions.

        We need a way to track when a affiliated referral goes and through and purchases a subscription. idev affiliate had a pixel system that we put on the receipt portion of the page after the purchased.

        Thank you for your time,

        1. Hi Tony,
          If I understand correctly, this is a similar case to this one? A different site where affiliates link to but with the affiliate program running on the ‘main’ site with WP e-Commerce?

          1. Well let just take wp e-Commerce out of the picture.

            We are trying to use the third party subscription company with your affiliate program. The user will purchase a subscription through the third party. We want the referring site to get credit for the users subscription.

            You’ve used idevaffilates in the pass with a pixel tracker that loaded after they purchased the subscription.

            Thank you for your time, is this possible?


            1. Thanks for explaining that Tony. With this

              We are trying to use the third party subscription company with your affiliate program. The user will purchase a subscription through the third party. We want the referring site to get credit for the users subscription.

              … it seems it would either require the program running on their site or an appropriate integration through APIs on both sites. There are plans to support referral recording requests (going much beyond a tracking pixel) but that needs to be developed yet.

  27. jbrookechao Avatar

    I have installed and configured Affiliates Pro with PayPal on a WP Site:

    When I created a test Affiliate, it created two of the same Affiliate. I tried a second test, and sure enough, it created two of that Affiliate as well. Do you have any idea why this would be occurring?

    1. jbrookechao Avatar

      It doesn’t add a duplicate for manually entered Affiliates, but anyone filling out the form on the Affiliate area gets entered twice, with two separate ids/referral links.

    2. It might be a conflict, can we have a look at the admin area?

      1. jbrookechao Avatar

        I don’t feel comfortable posting that login info publicly. Is there an email I can send that information to?

        1. Never post login info publicly, please use contact for that.

          1. jbrookechao Avatar

            Just emailed you!

            1. Thanks but haven’t received anything. Send again please 🙂

  28. greensmoothiegirl Avatar

    Is there a place where we can see a changelog for the latest version of the plugin?

    1. The core Changelog and usually @itthinx with announcements.

      1. I agree that a change log should be made available and being told to search your twitter feed is inadequate. The link above to the WP plugin site does not include 2.3 changes. The downloaded files form Jigoshop does not include changes in the read me. Considering Jigoshop’s reputation and my experiences with the plugin developers in general (not you personally), I am very skidish about making upgrades to a live site that I value.

        1. Thanks for your thoughts Michael, a more detailed log for the changes exclusive to Pro would be a good idea. But I maintain that the notices on Twitter are valuable as well, probably even more because really interesting changes are sometimes highlighted there. Anyhow, I’ve taken note of this and we’ll probably add a changelog file to it.

          1. That would be great Kento. Again, I didn’t mean to indite you by association. Your actually one of the “good guys” when it comes to Jigoshop developers who actually responds to customers and takes us seriously. There is a huge void in this area from others so I hope you are benefiting from it! I know I have looked at all your other plugins to see if I could use any of them just because of this.

            1. Thanks Michael, I appreciate your feedback 🙂

          2. Hey Kento,

            Are we supposed to download the latest files from Jigoshop or somewherer else? I’ve been waiting a long time for them to update and they do say that v2.3 is the current version of the download, but the files still say the old version and the update prompt is not going away.

            1. The version on is kept very well in sync there, updates are available there the same day a new release comes out. I can’t say why you got update notices sticking around but it’s certainly not their fault.

          3. FYI – They just updated the files yesterday after prompting them in the forum.


            Even though the label in “My Downloads” still reads 2.2.7, I checked the files and they are indeed 2.3 now as they promised.

            This kind of stuff goes on with every Jigoshop plugin so I don’t buy their explanation and I don’t blame you.


  29. thesewingspace Avatar

    Hi kento. I am trying to set up Affiliates pro for ecwid. How do I point the link to specific product in ecwid shop? So far all I can do is to direct to my home page, which is pointless.

    Regards Lena

    1. Hi Lena,
      You can link to any page on the site, if you are displaying a specific product on a page you can link there by appending the affiliate parameter and ID. See the Shortcodes section in the documentation (also advanced ones).

  30. Hi,
    I installed the affiliates Pro for Jigoshop, it generally works… but don’t recognize referall to any affiliates…
    we tried different simulation, cut and paste of the referral link… but nothing to do. Can you help me?

    1. Sometimes people forget to activate the integration plugin, is it activated?

      1. perfect! thanks.
        I’ve e-mailed you the request for a copy of the last updated software. I’ve bought it trough Jigoshop store, but the make me download only the updated affiliates pro plug-in and not the new integration with jigoshop plug-in.
        thank you
        Fabio Sinibaldi

        1. Please check again there, you have access to the full package there as it is distributed just the same as here.

        2. Hey Fabio,

          As of yesterday, regardless of what version the label says, the download package is the latest version (2.3) and it includes both plugins now.

          1. now everything it’s correct! thank you!!

  31. Tyler Simpson Avatar
    Tyler Simpson

    I bought Affiliates Users for Affiliates Pro assuming it works, installed it, and never tested it. Now that I’m about to deploy the site, I realize this does nothing. Users are still given this:

    If you are not an affiliate, you can join the affiliate program here:
    Please fill in the required information in your profile first.
    First Name
    Last Name

    Please help/

    1. This would only appear for users who were already registered before you deployed the Affiliates Users plugin. You can create affiliate accounts for these by going to Tools > Import Affiliates.

  32. so should i uncheck “Use secure URLs” to make it work?

    1. For a production environment you should get a valid certificate – there are good reasons for that, see for example

  33. Hi there,

    I’m a little confused. I just downloaded and set up Affiliate Pro and i’m trying to find a way to assign a commission per sale for each item referred to by an affiliate. Do i need something else for this? I am using Simple e-commerce plug in and paypal payment system.

    Can you assist?

    1. It’s similar to this case. You need to use the PayPal integration for it, please get in touch to upgrade your account.

  34. I am having trouble finding an example of how to display an affiliate link on any page that includes that page. The closest I have come is the following:

    <a href="?affiliate=[affiliate_id]”>Affiliate Link

    Everything seems to work except [affiliate_id] renders as is rather than grabbing the affiliate id.

    Can you help?

    1. It’s [affiliates_id] – note the plural form 😉 (see shortcodes)

      1. Thanks Kento… it took me many variations and several lost hairs before I finally spotted that last night, (early this morning). That was the only thing preventing me from getting a link on every page for logged in affiliates to copy and create their own ads with. 🙂

        1. Yes these things are hard to spot sometimes 😉

  35. hi
    affiliate pro with paypal issue
    it is not tracking referals (visits are ok) i tried several paypal button codes as described, still not tracking
    please let me know contact info so i can send my log information

    1. Can you please post the code (on pastebin) you are using?

        1. Thanks, that looks ok. But your site’s certificate is not valid for the domain it is used on and the IPN at the secure URL will not get through. You need to use a valid certificate for the site – see also the notes on the Use secure URLs setting under Affiliates > PayPal.

  36. hi, i’m a dummy trying to figure this out. i’ve created a test account for an affiliate and logged in but when I log in it thinks of me as a “user” and it brings me to the “my account” page for woo e-ecommerce. I thought this would bring me to the generic affiliate area page. Can you help me here? thanks.

    1. You’re probably logging in from the My Account page as well, I would suggest to create a visible link for affiliates that will take them to the affiliate area where they can log in.

  37. thecashbag Avatar


    This is in reply to my previous comments about stopping admin emails and also my other comment regarding importing affiliates from my current 900 users.

    It is not a new user registration email. Because the email subject says “New Affiliate Registration” so it is directly related to this plugin.

    So how do I stop those emails?

    With importing my 900 current users over to affiliates. I don’t have any terms for them to accept before they become affiliates. Your Afffiliate Users plugin joins people without accepting terms, and that’s what I want to do for my current users (who signed up to my site before I installed Affiliate Users).

    So is there an import function? Or is there a more technical way I can import my current database of users?

    1. Ok I see which ones you mean now, currently there’s no option to turn that off but we could add one with a new release.
      An import function has been added to the Affiliates Users plugin version 1.2.0 – after you install the latest version, you will see a new section Tools > Import Affiliates where you can have the plugin create affiliate accounts for those user accounts that are not related to an affiliate account yet.

  38. thecashbag Avatar

    One more thing.

    I have about 900 members right now, and I want to import them all into Affiliates. How do I go about doing that?

    1. If you want them to join, you would normally need to have their consent to joining your affiliate program and acceptance of its terms by each one. As the affiliate registration form lets existing users join as well, you could invite them to join and let them decide whether they want to.

  39. hello! i need some guidance to help decide which plugin will do what i want. i provide web users a free two week trial to my site without needing a credit card. i need an affiliate referral plugin that will track the referrals from my affiliates and have api access to my credit card processor so it gives credit to the affiliate once their referral upgrades. i would like to use a mailchimp form as the primary optin and trigger that gives credit to the affiliate for the optin. on my wish list would be a way to track affiliates who refer other affiliates if possible but not absolutely necessary. which plugin will suit my needs?

    1. There is no integration with Mailchimp (at least none that I know of), if you want to have it integrated with their system, you would most likely have to pay for the custom work to get this done.

  40. thecashbag Avatar

    Also how do I stop the Admin emails?

    I am using a SMTP email service and it’s chewing up my email limit.

    I Affiliates s2Member Integration and Affiliates User plugins.

    I have checked under Affiliates > S2Member and also Affiliates > Notifications to make sure “Notify admin” is unchecked. But I am still getting them.

    1. You’re probably referring to the default emails that the site admin gets when a new user joins the site. This plugin might help?

  41. thecashbag Avatar


    I have just bought the Affiliates s2Member Integration and Affiliates User plugins.

    I am currently setting up my Affiliate Area page but I need some help please.

    When users sign up to my site they are automatically given an affiliate account (using Affiliates User plugin) but the email they use to signup to my website probably won’t be their correct PayPal email.

    So I need a section in my Affiliate Area that lets them add/update their PayPal email address.

    I tried using this shortcode: [affiliates_affiliate_profile edit_paypal_email /]

    But I three fields for first name and last name and email. And I could not edit any of those fields.

    I need it to display just one field, the PayPal email address, and it should be editable.

    How do I do that?

    1. Yes that would be almost correct, just that you have to indicate it like this: [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="paypal_email" edit_attributes="paypal_email" /] – show_attributes will render it and when present in edit_attributes the user can also edit the field. See also Setting up an affiliate profile page in the documentation.

  42. I’m working on a project I inherited, and may have found a couple bugs in the wp-init.php file of Affiliates Pro. We’re using version 2.0.0.

    It’s possible that the previous webmaster edited the file, but I thought I’d give you a heads up, in case he didn’t. What we were seeing is that links to the following files in our source code had double slashes.


    Here’s an example of one instance where I had to remove a slash in wp-init:
    AFFILIATES_CORE_URL . ‘/css/smoothness/jquery-ui-1.8.16.custom.css’

    1. That version is a bit outdated, if you update to the latest version you shouldn’t find any of the double slashes anymore.

  43. I have purchased your plugin and having problem running it. We want if a user Purchase our product then he will automatically get a affiliate in our system, No need to re-register him for the affiliate.

    User Permission – Administrator, Author, Contribute, Subscriber Will automatically become Affiliate in the system and he will get a link.

    See image:

    I use this option but it did not work.

    Check for more detail in the link given below.


    1. The Affiliates Users plugin creates affiliate accounts for new users automatically.
      The screenshot with permissions enabled for all roles is generally a bad idea, unless you want all roles to have access to all affiliate data and options.

  44. Hi I have downloaded the Affiliates by username and activated the plugin.
    However, it is still showing the id instead of the username in the affiliate link. How do I display the affiliate link with the username instead of the id? Is there a short code for doing so?

    I would also like to show the Affiliate’s username or name when its session is active. How do I go about doing so?

    1. You can build it using a shortcode from where you would indicate an affiliate link like this: [userinfo field="user_login"]
      The same shortcode can also be used to indicate the username. To display affiliate data you have specific shortcodes, please refer to the documentation of the Affiliates plugins for that.

      1. Thanks! it worked wonderfully. I am trying to achieve the following, perhaps you can advice me on how to go about it : Someone visits Mary’s affiliate link and there is a header saying “Mary brought you here”
        How do I go about calling the username in this case?

        1. I am also looking to call up a list of all the affiliates, affiliate links linked to their username.

          1. For something involving all affiliates, I would recommend to have a look at how the Affiliates admin section is rendered, or even consider giving partial access to that section to those who need to see it (you can adjust permission settings per role under Affiliates > Options for that).

        2. Basically you can obtain the referrer and the affiliate info as indicated here.

  45. I just installed affiliates pro w/ wp-ecommerce, and every time i test it out, it credits all of the sales to DIRECT. Why is this? I don’t want to make this page available to my users unless this plugin actually works. PLEASE HELP !!!

    1. You get referrals credited to Direct when the option is enabled in Affiliates > Options and no affiliate is creditable with a referral. To test it, visit an affiliate’s link and proceed to make a purchase using the same browser.

      1. I have done that, and all credit still goes to DIRECT. When the affiliate link is used it redirects to the home page of my site. And after proceeding to the store and purchasing… The credit is passed to DIRECT.

        1. When you try an affiliate link, it is supposed to end up at the target URL with the parameter stripped off. Testing a few affiliate links to your site’s pages (not only the home page) shows they work fine, you will see the hits in the stats. Would you mind someone to have a look at your setup?

          1. bullygirlmagazine Avatar

            the hits are showing up, but the credit is going to DIRECT. When I uncheck the option in AFFILIATES>Options, it rechecks upon save.

            1. Ok thanks, can you give access to the admin area please to check settings? You can use the Contact section to forward details.

  46. SEO-Alien Avatar

    All good, thanks.. it was simply an error on my part. Thanks for the prompt reply.

  47. hi
    is not showing anything for affiliate no matter if used default or with attributes (tried several browsers)
    what is the attribute called to show/change website that an affiliate registered with. it is missing on the documentation
    please help please register to replicate the issue if needed

    1. Firebug shows a syntax error on the page, if you fix that it should be fine.

  48. SEO-Alien Avatar

    I installed affiliate pro, it tracks everything but referrals.. am I missing something? I have had two referral sign ups, but they do not register. I am using s2member with paypal. What is the solution to get the referrals to track? Thanks

    1. Ok just to make sure, have you installed, activated and checked the settings of the integration plugin? Assuming that yes, make a test visiting an affiliate link and proceed to purchase a membership. You should see the referral credited to the affiliate. Note that tests on a local installation won’t receive the IPN normally.

  49. I am using Affiliates Pro with woo commerce. I have a question about how the referral link works (or doesn’t work) with discounts.

    1. I have set up a test affiliate and assigned a coupon to that affiliate.

    2. If I go directly to the store, order a product and enter the coupon, I receive the discount tied to the coupon and the affiliate receives the commission. In my test case, the customer receives 15% discount from the coupon when they enter the coupon code, and the affiliate gets 12% as I set it up. This works EXACTLY as I would expect.

    3. NOW, a second case — same test affiliate as before, however, customer goes to the shop using the affiliate link and orders a product. The affiliate gets credited with the sale (correctly), however there is NO discount automatically assigned to the customer. AND, barring some method for telling the customer what discount coupon code to use, there appears to be no way to set up a way to have a discount automatically assigned to the customer. Am I missing something??? Is there no way to automatically assign the discount coupon for a sale using a link referral? If true, is there some clever way I could implement this (without the obvious of just posting the coupon code on the affiliate’s website?)…

    To summarize, my objective is to have a customer come to my site via an affiliate referral link and when the customer buys a product, I want them to receive the coupon discount assigned to the affiliate AND the affiliate receive the commission.

    Hope I have explained everything clearly, and thanks for any help you can provide.


    1. Regarding #3 to have a coupon applied automatically when a client visits the affiliate link, this would be possible if specifically implemented, the way coupons linked to affiliates are supposed to work is as you have outlined in #2 and technically it can be a bit challenging to make things work as you have described. In other words, it can be done but it requires custom work.

  50. Hi , i have just bought the pro version and been messsing around with it, i cannot see where an affiliate enters their paypal email address, so they can be paid, i would want this to show on registration forms

    1. The user’s email address is used by default, but you can also enable a different one with the affiliate profile shortcode – see this section in the documentation.

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