See Affiliates Pro in our shop for the latest information about our product.

For usage instructions please refer to the documentation.


1,492 responses to “Affiliates Pro”

  1. Moonworks Avatar

    Do you have a list of example shortcodes that can be used?

    For example, you say that the user’s Paypal email can be created and made editable. How is that done? If I can see some examples in that way, I’ll know what I’m doing.

    Also, do you have a list of the shortcodes in one place where there are all the different sections I can add for the affiliate profile page, how much they#ve earnt, etc?

    1. Yes, there are several sections in the documentation that explain the usage of shortcodes in detail.

      1. Moonworks Avatar

        I can’t see where it says how to add the code to allow the user to change their Paypal email from the front-end.

        I’m trying to get everything done on the front, so users don’t have to go into the admin for anything.


        1. See Setting up an affiliate profile page – note that they don’t need to set a PayPal email address explicitly if it is the same as the one they used to register on the site, as that will be taken by default.

          1. Moonworks Avatar

            I’ve got the following:

            [affiliates_affiliate_profile edit_name="true" edit_email="true" paypal_email="true" /]

            But that doesn’t show the field for the user to add their Paypal email

            1. That PayPal attribute doesn’t exist. You must use show_attributes and also you need to enable these to be shown in order to be editable.

  2. Joe Jenkins Avatar
    Joe Jenkins

    can i use this on multiple sites?

    1. The plugin can be used on a multisite installation and doesn’t require additional licenses as long as it meets the SUSDL. For multiple domains there are discounts available.

      1. Joe Jenkins Avatar
        Joe Jenkins

        ok. I would offer this as an option with my web design, so if I end up more than a single licence, can we discuss discounts?

        also, is it lifetime updates or 12 months?

        1. Sure, also as an affiliate if you wish.

          Updates are unlimited in time.

          1. That’s what I think I’ll do. I’ll be buying a copy for myself anyway.

            These math captchas are really making me think, really not good 🙂

            1. Great, let’s be in touch then.

              Yeah these captchas give our brains something to think about, don’t they 😉

  3. If I purchase the WooCommerce integration, does that have everything in it, or do I al;so have to get the main plugin for it to work?

    Also, I noticed watching the video that the link took the user to the page with all the products, is it possible to send the user to the product page itself?

    1. You just need the integration pack, Affiliates Pro is included. Yes you can link to specific pages, including product pages.

      1. How? I’ve been tring this for ages now. can’t seem to get it to work. Also i’m using woocommerce integration as well, something seems to be off with cancelled orders could you help me with that?

        1. Affiliates Pro and Enterprise now also provide the [affiliates_generate_url] shortcode for this. Affiliates can input a URL and obtain the affiliate link – see Shortcodes.

  4. I’ve purchase and installed this plugin with using contact form 7. First off I’m having issues receiving emails either to the admin or to the submitter (autorespond) Not sure why it’s not sending. Also is there a way to export the data you get from the affiliates to excel?

    1. Unless you have the notifications turned off, the notifications will be sent. If you do not receive them check the spam/junk folder as, depending on your email client, they might end up there. To export the data probably the most interesting part is to use the totals section which provides you with a file you can easily open in a spreadsheet.

  5. is there a way to use your affiliate system with ecwid/joomla?

    1. There is no Joomla module …

  6. Hi, I purchased your Affiliates pro for Pay Pal and I am trying to set it up.
    Now I have a problem. I cannot add a new affiliate somehow. I fill out the form and hit the add button, but nothing happens. Also I tried to became an affiliate at the front-end site, but it didn’t work.
    Could you tell me how can I add a new affiliate?

    1. I could register successfully as an affiliate on your site and I can log in as well. Do you have any filters set on the Affiliates > Manage Affiliates page? If you’re not aware of these it might give you the impression that you don’t have any, just click the Clear button and the list will show all affiliates.

      1. Thank you for a quick response!
        I haven’t set any filters on the Manage Affiliates page.
        I tried to hit the clear button, but could not find any affiliate.
        I found you are a user on my site. I’m wondering when you log in my site, you can find a affiliate link, performance, and so on?

        1. I still cannot solve the problem. I cannot find you on the Manage Affiliates page and it says “There are no results.”. How can I fix this?

          1. It seems the affiliate isn’t created although the user is. It’s difficult to say what’s happening there without having a look at your setup. Mind giving admin access to have a look?

          2. I gave you admin access. Please have a look.

            1. Looks like a problem with the database, I’ll email you some instructions to test.

  7. Are you able to add banners for affiliates in the pro version?

    1. Yes, check out the documentation, it’s very flexible on that.

  8. I plan to use the affiliate system with ecwid/wordpress, how does it track commissions?

    Does it only pay commission for the first referral based on a cookie duration?

    or can it be set to pay commission to an affiliate every time the same person buys something?

    Can you explain how this works?

    1. You can set an expiration as a number of days or never let it expire, so you can either limit the commissions that would be earned for subsequent sales or always grant them as long as the referral information is available and valid.

      1. Is that an affiliate pro only feature?

        I’m playing around with the free version atm and I only see this:

        “If you enter 0, referrals will only be valid until the visitor closes the browser (session).

        The default value is 1. In this case, if a visitor comes to your site via an affiliate link, a suggested referral will be valid until one day after she or he clicked that affiliate link.”

  9. Hi, I’m using Affiliate Pro. Can you tell me how to use ‘refferral amount method’ option?
    I want to have a system where each affiliates get 25% commission to start with and after they have earned 1k (NOT sale, commission earned 1k), commission rate will be 30%
    after that once they have reached 2.5k as ‘commission’ rate will go to 35%
    So it would be like:
    commission earned $0>$999.99 //25%
    1k to 2499.99//30%
    >$2500 //35%
    Please let me know. Thank you.

    1. Have a look at the example implementation. You can adapt that to work with rates based on limits.

  10. Here’s just the link to the actual Pastebin page, if anyone wants to see what I’m trying to do.

      1. Awesome! Ok that worked! Now, I have another problem, haha. How can I get this block to work?
        I’m throwing all kinds of errors with it. I tried to write it out exactly the way you did the last one.


        1. Great. What errors do you get with that block?

          1. Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /homepages/…. on line 98

            Which is this line: “Thank you for being a valued affiliate! Below, you’ll find information about your affiliate link and earnings.”

            Dreamweaver is also showing errors on line 99, 102,103, 105,106, and 107.

            1. As it says, that’s a syntax error and not related to the plugin. I suggest you ask for help on programming on

          2. That block is written exactly like the last block you had me write, this would fall under a problem with the plugin, because I certainly can’t be the only one who will run into this problem, when trying to use the shortcodes on a custom template page. I bought the pro version in hopes that I could get help getting this set up.

            1. Anthony your code has a syntax error because it is not written correctly. The plugin does not have anything to do with that. You are using an unescaped single quote within a string encapsulated within single quotes. That’s simply wrong and you need to correct that : check the word you'll.

              Really this is not the place to ask for help on programming in general, if you need help on debugging your code you should ask for help on specialized forums like

  11. Ugh. It’s stripping out the code that I was trying to post. I will just email you.

    1. No, please use pastebin, this might be useful for others as well. (I’ve added the code that was stripped out to your comment)

      1. Ok, thank you. I see what I was doing wrong with the short codes. I will go give it a try now. I do hope you can find some time to look at the email I sent. After someone signs up to be an affiliate, they get a “thank you” message. Where can I edit that message at?

        1. Ok, well I guess I’m just not getting it. How can I make something like this work:

          echo do_shortcode( ‘ [affiliates_is_not_affiliate]‘ )

          echo do_shortcode( ‘[affiliates_registration]‘ )

          echo do_shortcode( ‘ [/affiliates_is_not_affiliate]‘ )

          I just tried this with no luck:

          echo do_shortcode( ' [affiliates_is_not_affiliate]','[affiliates_registration]','[/affiliates_is_not_affiliate]' )

          I need the affiliates registration to show to members who are not already affiliates, using custom template pages. Using the [affiliate registration] shortcode on it's own works fine, but how do I get it to show only to those who are not registered yet?

          1. I’m getting an option to embed the pastebin code with javascript or plain text, both of which do not work, when trying to enter into the comments.

          2. Try

            echo do_shortcode('

            Note the line breaks

  12. Hello,
    I recently emailed you about a few things. You recommended that I use the “generate” button to start an affiliate page. I am trying to get this to work, but am having some problems. Why is nothing output for the following: Performance, Earnings, Commissions pending payment ? No shortcodes are generated to output those.

    I also am having problems getting some short codes to work properly. I’m assuming it’s because I’m using them in custom template pages? In other words, I’m using :

    echo do_shortcode( '[Short Codes Go Here]' );

    Some work, and some do not. It looks to be the ending short codes that aren’t reading:

    echo do_shortcode( '[/End The Short Code]' );

    Can you help me out at all, this isn’t actually a lot harder than I thought to set everything up.

    1. Under Earnings pending or paid commissions will be shown when there are but not before. You can also use advanced shortcodes with Affiliates Pro, see shortcodes in the documentation.

      Have a look at the Codex, you’re not using this correctly. Do this:

      // In case there is opening and closing shortcode.
      echo do_shortcode('[iscorrect]'.$text_to_be_wrapped_in_shortcode.'[/iscorrect]');

  13. Thanks for your kind response ! Do you remember me, I have asked you about some features for Multisite Installation a few months ago and I think some of them were implemented

    And regarding to this fresh comment… The same – ” how to use the pro option on Multisite installation with domain mapped sub-sites?”

    1. You’re welcome, sorry I don’t remember that, do you have a link to the discussion?

  14. Can you tell me how to use the pro option on Multisite installation with domain mapped sub-sites?

    Thanks !

    1. Sure, what exactly do you want to know?

  15. aggarrohit Avatar

    i want to show stats of my affiliates program on my site, mean i want to show stats of all or top 100 affiliates to all of my users, is that possible??

    1. Hi, yes it’s possible but you would have to code it. It could be based on the shortcodes available.

      1. any tips on how can i do that??

        1. You can take for example the [affiliates_hits] shortcode implementation and derive a new one from that, it’s essentially the same just iterating over it. Or you could call the shortcode renderer itself while iterating over the affiliates.

  16. Hi, first, thank you for this plugin. I have purchased the Pro version and the WooCommerce integration. When i was testing the registration i got a link after registering that sends me to WP login page, when i got the email with User and Password i also got a link to wp-login.php. How can i change those links and send registered affiliates to a custom login page. I don’t want them to see any WP pages, especially after they logging and redirected to WP admin.

    Thank you in advance for your answer, Vlad.

    1. Hi Vlad,
      Please have a look at this comment, there is a link to a plugin you can use for that.
      Nice site by the way 🙂

      1. Thank you kento.
        I have seen this plugin, but as i understand it doesn’t give you the ability to change URL’s, only texts, so it’s can’t fix what i’m looking for. Is there some other way, maybe you can point me to hooks or something?

  17. Hi, I have a question regarding this thread. aggarrohit says “it is showing visits and hits properly but not counting the referrals, there are many referrals but it is showing 0”. Am I right in assuming that when you say ‘many referrals’, do you mean purchases resulting when someone uses an affiliate’s link?

    1. From what I have seen, he gives credit to affiliates when someone they have referred signs up. It’s not an online purchase as there doesn’t seem to be a paid membership system in place.

      1. Hi, I am having a similar problem. I have Affiliates Pro and am using the free version of Woocommerce with WordPress. All of the affiliate visits and hits are being tracked, but none of the referrals are being tracked. I have the default referral rate set to 10%. I have done a couple test orders and those orders don’t even show up under the Referral section in the Affiliates Pro portion. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!

        1. Hi Sheena,
          If it’s configured correctly and there are no conflicts with your setup, when an order has been placed you should see a referral for it as well. Any details about your setup could be useful, or a look at your admin section …

          1. Thanks for the reply. I think it is configured correctly, but it’s possible I could be missing something. Where would I send my login in details to have you take a peek at my admin section? Thanks so much.

            1. Just emailed you.

  18. aggarrohit Avatar

    yes my site is
    there i am showing only visits, as the referral are not counting

    1. From what I see there, you want to create referrals when people sign up? There is a plugin you can use for that, you can download it from this post Recording sign-up referrals.

      1. aggarrohit Avatar

        ok i am trying, i will let u know weather it worked or not,

      2. aggarrohit Avatar

        it is written there i should backup my data before installing that plugin, is there any chance of loosing data or any problem??

        1. Well that’s common good practice. That and not testing on production sites. You should set up a test site where you try things before deploying them on your production site. And backing up before you install a plugin is useful in case something happens you can revert to your last working setup.

  19. aggarrohit Avatar

    i have purchased affiliate pro software, it is showing visits and hits properly but not counting the referrals, there are many referrals but it is showing 0, how to make is work properly??

    1. Hi,
      What e-commerce system are you using please? Affiliates Pro needs to be integrated with it so that the referrals are created.

      1. aggarrohit Avatar

        i am using wordpress+buddypress, so people are using there referral link and getting referrals, but the system is only showing visits and hit, not showing referrals

        1. Ok but what kind of referral do you want to have created then? Can you give a link to the site please?

  20. Wayne Avatar

    Very interesting looking plugin. I have NOT installed it though, so forgive me if the answer is obvious in the plugin.

    What is the procedure for paying the affiliates? Is this built in (ie: via Paypal), or is this something that is done manually from reports the plugin generates?


    1. Thanks for asking Wayne, the free Affiliates plugin is perfect if you are using any of the (also free) integrated e-commerce solutions and the number of referrals is manageable without the bulk-handling features that Affiliates Pro provides. If you have a lot of referrals, then the bulk-handling features available in Affiliates Pro come in handy, as well as its ability to generate a mass payment file which can be used to pay affiliates through PayPal or other processors. Also have a look at the feature comparison and the videos for the integrations that might seem interesting.

      1. Wayne Avatar

        Excellent. Thanks for the quick reply Kento!

        1. My pleasure 🙂

  21. Ok, I don’t understand what the free version does then. So, if I buy the Pro with PayPal integration and it doesn’t work with Ultra Simple… then what?

    1. Have a look at the Feature Comparison, Affiliates Pro adds some features that the free version does not offer, but both provide what you need to handle an affiliate program. It just needs to be properly integrated with the e-commerce system.

      About it working with Ultra Simple or not, please wait until I get a chance to test it before you purchase the integration.

    2. It works (see comment above).

  22. Thanks, that was exactly what was needed. Maybe it should be a standard with the package? The average person wanting to be an affiliate would be lost after logging into the WP dashboard when they expected to be seeing an affiliate area. (and maybe there are many like me who didn’t know there was such a plugin that could change the standard WP message.)

    I’m still foggy on how the free Affiliates is going to track the purchases since I can’t test that until someone actually does it 🙂
    I’m using the ‘Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart’ for purchases.

    1. I think it’s good to have the choice, some would want the standard way that WordPress handles, others won’t. Those who don’t eventually find a solution thanks to the plugins that are available.

      About tracking the purchases, that needs to be integrated. It’s not going to work automagically … the Affiliates Pro PayPal integration might work with Ultra Simple but I haven’t tried it myself yet.

    2. I’ve tested Affiliates Pro for PayPal with WordPress Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart using:

      and it works fine.

      1. Hi, this is wonderful, but do you know if this will work when using the 3-step process in Ultra Simple Paypal Shopping Cart?
        i.e. ‘You must use [validate_wp_shopping_cart] shortcode on another page if you want to use the 3 steps process’.
        This is used when you want the buyer to fill out a form before continuing to the PayPal payment. This is what my site has.

        1. I haven’t tried that one myself but as long as that is used it should work fine as well.

          1. Well, I set up a PayPal sandbox account and made a purchase through a dummy affiliate I set up. This purchase has not shown up in the Affiliates & Referrals link. What now? 🙁

            1. Can you please provide the shortcodes you’re using? Also are you testing locally or web?

  23. Hi, I have the free version installed and to test what happens when someone becomes an affiliate, I filled out the form with my own email. When the welcome email arrived with the username/password, it had a link for the new affiliate to click. This link takes them, not the the affiliate area, but to the wp-admin page. Is there a way to change this. I don’t really want the affiliates to go into the WP dashboard, as it will only confuse them. Shouldn’t that email link take them to the affiliate area?

    1. Hi Virginia,
      The welcome email is the standard one sent by WordPress, you can use a plugin like SB Welcome Email Editor to change these.

  24. Hi,

    Also, should have asked, is there subaffiliate tracking?

    I use that to identify certain websites where I have my own links that I track through the affiliate program on the platform I’m moving away from.

    Like this:

    Is there a comparable ability in Affiliates Pro?


    1. Do you mean track your links you have with other affiliate networks? No that won’t be possible, it could be made to do that but it’s not what the system is intended to do.

  25. Hi Kento,

    I am leaning heavily on buying the Affiliates Pro plugin for WooCommerce to run on my site, but I’d like to know the redirect method used in the backend?

    Is it 302 redirect, 301 redirect? I couldn’t find that info anywhere and I guess it’s only important if someone knows to ask, but it’s important for SEO purposes.

    I’m hoping that you’ve taken that into consideration.

    Please reply at your earliest convenience, as I am really wanting to make a decision. My only real alternative is iDevAffiliate, but I’d really much prefer a plugin than a separate component like that.


    1. Hi Michael,
      There is a 302 being used to eliminate the affiliate id from the URL once recognized, that doesn’t have anything to do with the back end though.
      I hope that helps 🙂

  26. Great! Thank you!!!

  27. hi kento.
    i’ve Just bought your affiliate pro plugin for wordpress, tanks!!

    There is a little problem, I don’t understand how run the referral system. For example: If one of my affiliate put his link on Facebook, a friend click on the link and then he become a new affiliate, what happen?. My first affiliate have a new referral?

    I ask this, because if this is the process my plugin don’t run, but maybe I’ve not understand the difference between affiliate and referral…



    1. Hi Robert, there is quite a difference. For example, in the case you mention, if a visitor comes to your site through the affiliate’s link on Facebook and makes a purchase in your store, then the affiliate will be credited with a referral. There won’t be a referral if the visitor signs up as a new affiliate but when the visitor makes a purchase.

      1. so, what happen at the first affiliate if the visitor after the purchase became a new affiliate and find new clients? Is like a multilevel?

        1. Currently not, it’s being asked quite frequently lately and I’m considering adding basic multi-tier capability.

          1. ok, good!

            if I’ve understand: when the affiliate with his link make a sale he have a new referral (the client)


            Sorry but maybe the problem is the different language, I don’t speak english very well.. 😛

            1. Hi Robert, yes I think you understand now, basically the affiliate gets a commission when a sale is made through his link and that commission is recorded as a referral 🙂

  28. I was wondering how I can manually assign the affiliate ID, I am trying to move from a manual program to this platform, but need to assign an affiliate id instead of the automatic 1,2,3

    1. As the IDs are automatically generated, there is no direct way to do that through the UI. You could import entries into the database directly though.

  29. Just wanted to confirm before I buy:

    I am using s2member and want to know if the integration include option to automatically make paid members as affiliate or not.

    also, what is payment for the integration allow…i.e. lifetime update?

    1. The s2Member integration is intended to credit affiliates with referrals when someone signs up as a member, not to grant affiliate status to members who sign up.
      I don’t quite understand your second question, if you mean: Do affiliates get credited while members they have referred continue to pay for their subscriptions? Then yes they do, that’s an option that can be set.

      1. My second question relates to if the donation is a one time for the pro?

        1. Ah ok, yes it’s a single payment and you get updates without further charges.

          1. Thanks…will get it.

            1. Thank you 🙂

  30. Hi Kento

    Seriously considering buying your plugin, we tried MagicAffiliate, it worked but we ran into problems and their support is not just horrible, its completely non existent.

    I need to know though, does your plugin support a tiered system? And how many levels…

    1. Thanks for considering using Affiliates Pro, Nicholas. Actually Pro does not support multi-tier but Affiliates Enterprise does. The main reason why it’s not in Pro is that multi-tier deployments often have particular requirements and usually get some customized work done for them. But as requests for multi-tier support in Pro continue to appear, I’m seriously considering to add generalized multi-tier support to Pro. In Enterprise there is no limit to the number of levels and if it eventually gets into Pro, there won’t be a limit to levels either.

      1. Thanks Kento

        Where can I find Enterprise? Not finding an easy click on the menu…

        1. You can’t really find it for download here, it’s delivered with custom projects. But feel free to contact me with a short description of your multi-tier requirements and I’ll be happy to see what we can do.

  31. Hello from France,

    How can I translate, The Affiliates pro User interface to French. I have generate a PO file from the plugin files and made somme translation. But where do I put the MO file and under what Name?


    1. Hi Jean-Charles,
      Please create this directory: wp-content/plugins/affiliates-pro/lib/ext/languages and put the .mo file there, name it e.g. and the plugin will use it.

      1. Thanks, its works perfectly for the admin interface but not for the frontend interface. To make it works on the frontend i have to modify constant.pht et change :

        * @var string plugin domain
        define( ‘AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN’, ‘affiliates’ );

        * @var string plugin domain
        define( ‘AFFILIATES_PLUGIN_DOMAIN’, ‘affiliates-pro’ );

        thanks again

        1. There’s another way, simply copy the .mo file over to wp-content/plugins/affiliates/lib/core/languages (don’t install the plugin, just create the folders) and you don’t need to hack the constants.php file. Most probably the next update of Affiliates Pro will even relieve you of having to do that.

  32. Hi Kento,
    I created the Affiliate Banner page and made it a child of the Affiliate Area page. However, this allows anyone to see it. How do I have the Affiliate Banner page hidden from other than logged in affiliates? What code do I need and exactly where do I put it?
    Thanks again,

    1. Hi Susan, You can basically follow the same pattern that the generated Affiliate Area page applies. The basic scheme consists in enclosing whatever you want to show to affiliates online within [affiliates_is_affiliate] shortcodes, example:

      Content visible to affiliates only here ...

      You can also place the banners inside that. BTW I’ll keep an eye on the site, looks promising 😉

  33. An affiliate has signed up. How does he affiliate get the Affiliate Link that’s created and once the affiliate has the link where does he put it?
    As you can tell from my question, I’m really new to this and not a “techie”. Susan

    1. If you have not yet set up an affiliate area, you should do that now. Have a look at the documentation here. As you will see on that page, it’s a good idea to start with generating the default Affiliate Area as explain under Page generation. Then you can customize that area with more detailed options, or add separate pages in the same manner. Make sure to have a look at the videos and documentation, the documentation root is here.

      Your affiliates can use their links in emails, tweets, on their website … also they can use it through a link shortener, etc.

      1. itthinxxx Avatar

        Hey Kento, is there a way to send the (main) affiliate link with the confirmation message as soon as an affiliate has signed up? The idea is to send the affiliates their link immediately, so they don’t have to go back to the affiliate area to login. Thanks!

        1. You could customize the welcome message using SB Welcome Email Editor and hook into the message adding the affiliate’s link.

  34. Suckerpunch Avatar

    I have just purchased the Affiliates Pro plugin for WP e-Commerce. If i select “Referral rate”, Is the percentage amount worked out including the shipping or before shipping? I really need it to work out the percentage before shipping.

    Thank you

    1. The referral rate is applied to the net sales amount, i.e. excluding taxes and shipping. Also keep in mind that the rate is to be given as a decimal, for example 0.25 if you want 25% credited to affiliates. Cheers

  35. Cody Everett Avatar
    Cody Everett

    Can this be integrated with multisite marketpress stores where each store owner can set up their own affiliates?

    1. Yes that can be done, although for a multisite deployment of Affiliates Pro you need a different license. Please email me with details about your requirements.

  36. Any chance in getting an integration with theCartPress ecommerce software?

    1. If there is sufficient interest in the integration, it will be scheduled, currently there are other integrations ahead. You can also order an integration if needed urgently, in that case please contact me.

  37. Hi, just wondering with the Woo Commerce integration is there a way to enable recurring payments?


    1. It really doesn’t depend on the integration, rather than on how recurring payments would be handled. Interesting comments can be found here and here.

      Another thing you might want to consider is the actual motivation for recurring payments. If you are really looking for a way to handle memberships, then s2Member and possibly its integration with Affiliates Pro might be interesting for you.

      1. It’s a product auto-ship program, would be done most likely through PayPal. Is there a way for Affilites plugin to track the PayPal subscribe sales and continually assign commissions on a recurring basis. I did look at s2member but wasn’t sure if it would be suitable for a physical product type scenario where variable shipping charges are involved?

        We want to use WooC for carting of one time purchase items too. Hence why I asked about using just WooC. Can I use both WooC and s2member at the same time without conflict?

        1. Affiliates Pro will be able to handle that (PayPal subscriptions) but this is still pending. If you need to handle recurring orders, then I don’t think that running the site with s2Member and WooCommerce together will give you the results you are looking for (although they shouldn’t conflict).

          1. PayPal would be the easiest way to manage subscriptions since none of the carting solutions for WP seems to provide all the features I need!

            Do you have an ETA on Paypal subscriptions integration?

            1. It’s on its way to make it into the official release but no release date has been set yet.

  38. Any news on the checkfront integration. We are ready to make the donation when you tell us it is ready for us to use. We need this really badly.



    1. It’s still being worked on. Their API now seems to have been updated fully but the notifications that it is supposed to send out are still not working and I’m awaiting a reply on that from their support team. Hopefully this can get sorted out quickly. I’ll update you on this as soon as I get a response. Thanks for waiting.

  39. Great! Thanks for the support.

    Another question:

    Does any of the versions of “Affiliates” exclude the shipping costs for the affiliate commission?
    If no, would it be possible to implement this?

    Thanks in advance & regards.

    1. Sure 🙂 All integrations work that way, shipping cost and taxes are excluded from the total amount. Cheers

      1. Hi Kento,

        Thanks for the quick reply.

        I’m using Affiliates eShop Integration Light.

        It is true it doesn’t include taxes but it does include Shipping costs.
        Would you mind double checking?

        As an example:

        Product: 100€
        Tax (20%): 20€
        Shipping: 7.50€

        Total: 127.50

        Commission: 50%

        The referral marked: 53.75€ (which is 50% of 107.50€, product+shipping costs)

        Thanks in advance

        1. Thanks James,
          It’s odd that your referral amount is not in accordance with the net sales amount. Take a look at these screenshots:

          The order is for 3 Superwidgets at £30.00, 20% tax that amounts to £6.00 and shipping at £40.00 totaling £70.00. The referral rate is set at 0.2 which, applied to the net sales amount, gives £6.00. So in this case it’s fine. But we could check your setup to see why you get the referral amount you mention. Would you mind posting all your details including the referral rate you have set?

          1. I see, I must be doing something wrong!

            Please see this image:

            Referral rate: 0.5
            Product: 100 €
            Tax: 20%
            Shipping: 7.5 €
            Total: 127.50 €

            If you prefer, I can give you access to my eshop.

            1. Yeah let’s have a look, it shouldn’t look like that.

  40. Hi,

    Great work!

    I would like to know when will you launch the:
    Affiliates Pro eShop Integration Pack.

    Thanks & regards

    1. Very soon, please follow @itthinx or subscribe to the newsletter as the release will be announced shortly.

  41. Thanks for the quick response and your willingness to take a look. You have been granted edit access. Please take a look and let me know of anything further I can do to help, or anything that I will need to change on the server to make this all function correctly.

  42. Purchased Pro version today and I am having problem with profile management shortcode links not working at all.

    [itthinx_login_redirect /]
    [affiliates_affiliate_profile edit_name="true" edit_email="true" /]

    same with statistics shortcodes

    [affiliates_affiliate_stats /]

    However registration and affiliate link creation shortcodes work fine.

    Links to all pages can be seen or found from here……

    Download link was for version Version 1.1.1 – Is there something newer?

    Many thanks for you help!!!!

    1. I’ve registered and checked it, the profile shortcode works and stats as well, just keep in mind that these will only display something if the affiliate is logged in.
      The shortcode that does not seem to work is [itthinx_login_redirect/], looks like it isn’t recognized. That’s odd … if you grant me edit access to the page it’s on I could have a quick look.

      1. Can’t exactly tell which plugin or what code I’m using that is breaking the login widget. Ended-up hacking together the following code on a special template to accomplish my goals.

  43. I just purchased the pro version. How do I set up links to specific posts? I read in the features that this was available but so far have not been able to figure it out.

    Thanks a bunch.

    1. Thanks for asking, actually the current documentation about the shortcode to insert an affiliate URL is incomplete.

      There you can see that this shortcode will render the affiliate’s URL:


      But there’s more to it. To make a specific URL an affiliate link:

      [affiliates_affiliate_url url=""]

      This will result in (affiliate-id is replaced with the affiliate’s real ID when logged in).

      1. Hi, is there any way of inserting the link text automatically into every product page for logged in affiliates, so that they can share a specific product?

        1. Hi there, yes that’s possible, for example you can use the following in the template:

          do_shortcode( '[affiliates_affiliate_link]' );

          Which renders the affiliate link.

          Another option is to use the Affiliates Share plugin which also supports AddThis.

          1. Hi , thanks for that, but as far as i can see the link that is rendered just takes the customer to the home page of the website. is it possible to generate a link that goes to that specific product.

            1. antonio Avatar

              maybe this code can help you:
              echo do_shortcode('[affiliates_url]' . get_permalink( ) . '[/affiliates_url]')

  44. Hi! I read that other integrations exist and are available on request, but I can’t seem to find where to request. I am hoping I can access the one for eShop. Thank you!

    XOXO, Masuimi

    1. Hi Masuimi, that’s the right place to make your request 🙂
      I am preparing new releases and among them is the Affiliates Pro eShop integration, but I can provide it for you before the official release.

  45. First of all, great plugin!

    Is it able to trace not only hits from the affiliate link but record how many and which registered users each link has generated?



    1. Thanks Chris, to do that it must be properly integrated with the registration process. One possibility is to use the s2Member integration that will be available shortly.

        1. Awesome, thanks!

          a couple of other questions:

          1) In the pro version, is there a way for the affiliates to see their results?

          2) Is the “settings” tab (containing the Paypal address and rate options) located in the video, only available on the pro version?

          3) I am running a bidding site to allow people bid on services. How are purchases registered in the plugin? Is there a way to divide up a purchase? i.e. 50% goes to one account, 25 to another, and 25 to an affiliate?

          Sorry for the barrage of questions. I know I’ll need the pro version but just want to make sure it really is what I need.

          Thanks again!


          1. 1 – Yes, see e.g. Videos – in the video about the Jigoshop integration there’s an example (affiliate’s view on performance) of how it can look like – that’s independent of the integration pack as you set these sections up using appropriate shortcodes that the Pro plugin provides. Also see this section in the docs: Detailed referral overview.
            2 – Yes
            3 – No, you would need some customization for that. I do offer consulting and development services in these cases.

            Hope this helps and questions like these are always welcome.

  46. Have you integrated with checkfront yet? It is an online booking engine for the tourist industry and we use their software on 2 of our 3 sites. If you have not yet integrated it I want to officially request it.


    Duane Overturf

    1. Thanks for your suggestion Duane, this sounds like a good idea and I’ve just contacted them about it. I think this can be made available shortly, I’ll get in touch with you after reviewing their system’s API.

  47. Hi there,
    What are the S2member integration features? My site is running WP with S2Member to control membership and protect paid content. I’d now like to offer members the opportunity to help me market/sell my paid content.

    Is this right for me?

    1. The s2Member integration will record referrals for affiliates through its payment notification API, whenever payment transactions, including those for recurring payments, take place. So if you are already using s2Member on your site and wish to establish your own affiliate marketing program then this integration should be suitable for you. Anyhow if you’d like to double-check with me on details and your specific requirements I’ll be happy to get in touch and advise.

      1. Just want to confirm if affiliate pro uses the same user database as s2member? also, if membership can automatically become affiliate during registration.?

        1. Affiliates integrates with WordPress’ users. You can assign users to affiliates, although you do not need to do that. To make members become affiliates automatically is possible but this has to be done explicitly (meaning: the Affiliates Pro s2Member Integration does *not* do that).

  48. hi

    How about two or three tier affiliates?



    1. Multi-tier solutions are currently provided based on Affiliates Enterprise contributions with customized features depending on specific requirements. Please get in touch to clarify your case.

  49. Hi Kento,

    Thank you very much for your great creation. Anyway, I just used the Affiliate WP Plugin and it really is helpful.

    Another thing is that, I am confuse in how I can create a page for people to register as my affiliate.

    My other question is that, can we use/put the affiliate’s username in the end of the affiliate’s pretty link? See the example below for Jane Doe as an affiliate.

    Thank you and have a great day.

    – Felix

    1. Thanks Felix, great to hear it’s useful for you.
      For the registration page, please have a look at the documentation here.
      The username as affiliate id is considered to be added as an option, until that is available you can use mod_rewrite to map requests.

      1. Newbie here – what is mod_rewrite?

  50. Hi

    I just downloaded the Affiliates Pro for $50 and loaded it to my site… please provide instructions/documentation on how to enable affiliate registration (my widget says the “registration is currently closed”)… Also, where do I find the shortcodes for the affiliate stats and adding marketing resources.

    Thanks Jason

    1. Thanks Jason 🙂 I’ve sent you details by email. Please let me know if you need further help. Cheers

      1. I just purchased this as well. Can I get some info on afilitate registration and how to quickly setup coupons, commission rates, and pay outs? Thanks a million.

        1. Hi Shane, yes sure, please have a look at the Documentation section.

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