Affiliates PayPal


Purchase a license for Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise.

Boost Sales with Affiliate Marketing for your site powered by WordPress and PayPal’s Payments Standard.

Editing a page with PayPal buttons handled by Affiliates Pro

PayPal buttons handled by Affiliates Pro

This integrates Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise with PayPal Payments Standard. Place any payment button on your website, the integration captures PayPal’s IPN messages to track sales referred by affiliates. It provides various flexible shortcodes as well as an API that are used to work with PayPal HTML forms:

  • Buy Now buttons
  • Add to Cart buttons
  • Subscribe buttons
  • Buy Gift Certificate buttons
  • Automatic Billing buttons
  • Installment Plan buttons
  • Donate buttons

The Affiliates Pro and Affiliates Enterprise plugins provides an affiliate management system for sellers, shops and developers, who want to increase sales with their own affiliate program immediately.

Important features include fully automated affiliate registration, unlimited affiliate management and the ability to integrate Affiliates Pro with virtually any E-Commerce platform.

The Affiliates system also provides a solid framework for developers, who wish to build customized solutions based on a sound data model. With unlimited affiliate program management tools available on the back end and a set of shortcodes to provide Affiliates information on their performance on the front end, there is everything you need to start an affiliate program.


Also refer to the Affiliates Plugins Feature Comparison and Videos.

Real-time reporting

Referrals and affiliate link statistics are recorded and available instantly, as transactions are processed.

Integration with PayPal Payments Standard

Affiliates Pro for PayPal fully automates affiliate commissions for sales and provides additional features specific to the integration:

  • Affiliate referrals are created automatically when a client makes a payment.
  • Support for recurring payments, recurring subscription payments are credited automatically to the affiliate who referred the subscription.
  • Full refunds and reversed payments automatically reject referrals. Partial refunds put referrals on hold for review.
  • Customizable notifications are sent to the site administrator when a new referral has been granted. PayPal transaction data can be included.
  • Customizable affiliate notifications: affiliates are notified when new referrals are granted to them.
  • Supports all the features of the Affiliates Pro plugin.

Unlimited Affiliates

Simply have as many affiliates as you can get.

Easy affiliate recruitment

Affiliates can sign up automatically and can also be added manually with or without user accounts.

Fixed, percentage or formula based commissions

Referral amounts can be flat rates, percentage of net sales amounts and based on custom formulas.
These can be set in general and per affiliate.

Flexible affiliate areas

Create as many pages as you need showing affiliates their stats, banners, links, profile, etc. or let Affiliates Pro generate an Affiliate Area and customize it to your needs.

PayPal Mass Payments

Simply pay your affiliates all at once. Pay-outs can be based on accumulated totals.

Quick & Easy Installation

Upload/install and activate the plugin from your WordPress Dashboard.

Affiliates Pro provides the right tools to increase sales through your site’s own Affiliate Marketing Program.

PayPal and the PayPal logo are trademarks of PayPal, Inc.


234 responses to “Affiliates PayPal”

  1. Jesus Fabricio Rodriguez Avatar
    Jesus Fabricio Rodriguez

    How it work with woocommerce integration? i trying to make that the affilite get credited when a referal make a payment for a woocommerce’s product but i isn’t working

    1. Hi Jesus,

      For the light integration and the free Affiliates plugin please refer to WooCommerce “light” Integration and for Affiliates Pro or Affiliates Enterprise please see WooCommerce Integration.


  2. Does this integrate with Gravity Forms?

  3. Am I reading this correctly that for the Affiliate Pro Pay Pal Integration I have to purchase it. I already have Affiliate Pro, I already have a Pay Pal Standard account and I have activated the Pay Pal plugin.

    1. Hi Gary,
      the Affiliates Paypal Integration is included in the Affiliates Pro plugin. You can download the integration from Affiliates->Settings:Integration section.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  4. I’ve gotten it all sorted out now and appreciate the support!

    1. I’m glad to hear it.

  5. I cannot figure out how to buy the PayPal Integration plugin! Every time, everywhere I click on a link that says “Affiliates PayPal Integration,” it takes me to this page and the only option is to upgrade to Pro, which I’ve already done (twice!!). I only needed it once. I have searched high and low and cannot find the link to buy this. It’s the only reason I upgraded to Pro. Any assistance on this? Thank you.

    1. I figured out how to access the paypal integration, but I have still purchased Pro twice and only need it once. I hope that a refund can be arranged. Thank you.

      1. Hi Amrita,
        Affiliates Paypal Integration is included in Affiliates Pro/Enterprise, answered in this topic.
        Kind Regards,
        Antonio B.

  6. ttt bbb Avatar
    ttt bbb

    unsubscribe link not working (404)

    1. Oh, that’s true. Please send me your email to antonio[at]itthinx[dot]com, and I’ll unsubscribe you manually.
      Antonio B.

    1. antonio Avatar

      That’s true, thanks !!

      1. No problem, let me know when I am able to download integration plugin

        1. antonio Avatar

          You can download the plugin. The only problem there is that the documentation links do not work, but the plugin works.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

          1. Ok, I don’t know what page to download from can you please post

            1. antonio Avatar

              Sorry, really Github isn’t intuitive. This is the link.
              In this image you can see where is the download button.
              Kind Regards,
              Antonio B.

              1. I figured it out thanks lol and so I cannot set percentage based commissions? just flat rate?

                1. Hi,
                  the Ninja Forms integration only sets referrals based on flat amount.
                  Kind Regards,
                  Antonio B.

                  1. so does it integrate with ninja forms now? i use Paypal with ninja forms. can it track affiliates this way? planning to buy this if it does!

                    1. antonio Avatar

                      Hi Dave,
                      This new 2.0 version integrates Affiliates with Ninja Forms. You don’t need to buy the Paypal integration.
                      With our Ninja Forms integration, the affiliates gets commissions when a form is sent, always if the user visited the affiliate’s link
                      Kind Regards,
                      Antonio B.

                    2. Hi Antonio, thanks for the reply. I actually made a mistake. I use PricingTable plugin and the “Buy Now” links to Paypal where people pay for the product. Is there a way to track affiliate sales this way using your tool?

                    3. antonio Avatar

                      Hi Dave,
                      please give the plugin url, so I can test it.
                      Kind Regards,
                      Antonio B.

                    4. antonio Avatar

                      Thanks Dave,
                      I can see that the pricing plugin hasn’t a Paypal button, so I suppose that you are using your own Paypal button on a page.
                      If you add this button between our shortcode, you can trace your affiliates referrals.
                      Please have a look at this documentation page:
                      Kind Regards,
                      Antonio B.

  7. Hello, I am using Ninja Forms, will this plugin work, if not do you have plans on integrating it with Ninja Forms?

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Caulon,
      Right now there isn’t an integration with this plugin, but the idea sounds interesting. We’ll review this.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

      1. Ok, well I talked to them and here is the hook….

        We have a hook, ninja_forms_process, that can be used when the form is submitted.
        Let me know if you have any questions.

        Thanks for fast response

        1. antonio Avatar

          Thanks Caulon !!

          1. Thank you for creating the integration, would I just need to purchase license or addons as well for it to work?

            1. antonio Avatar

              the plugin is free, and you can use this with Affiliates, Aff. Pro or Aff.Enterprise.
              Kind Regards,
              Antonio B.

        2. antonio Avatar

          Hi Caulon,
          finally we have created an integration with Ninja Forms.
          Kind Regards,
          Antonio B.

          1. Also, how will payments work, do people receive commission automatically or does it have to be manually given. Thanks

            1. antonio Avatar

              From Affiliates->Ninja Forms you can set the amount, the currency amd the referral status. So when an user visits an affiliate link and submit a forms, then the affiliate gets a referral (commission).
              Remember that Affiliates doesn’t process the payment.
              Kind Regards,
              Antonio B.

              1. Hello, I do not see it there, do I have to install the integration first?

                1. antonio Avatar

                  You need to install de Affiliates plugin and the Ninja Forms plugin. Then install this integration.
                  Kind Regards,
                  Antonio B.

  8. I purchased and installed Affiliates Pro. Now I want to use PayPal to pay my affiliates. The plugin won’t install from the Affiliates Integration Page. Message: An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the support forums.


    1. Hi Peta,
      Please be sure you have set your Affiliates service key.
      Relating to the Paypal Integration, affiliates con get commissions when the customers use a paypal button to buy something, but with this integration you can not pay to the affiliates.
      Kind Regards,
      Antonio B.

  9. I am giving a free book away but charging for shipping. I want the sale to go through Papal

    #1 I am hoping the option will be available to those who don’t have a Paypal account to still purchase with a credit/debit card.

    #2 Even though a commission was not generated, I would still like the Affiliate to receive notification and information of the person who is accessing the book.

    Got any suggestions? About to pull the trigger on Affiliate Pro

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Scott,
      1.- If you are using a shopping cart for example Woocommerce, you can use the Woocommerce integration to generate commission with creadir card too.
      2.- Maybe Pay per click integration can help you.
      Antonio B.

  10. Hi,

    can your system allow delay payment for the affiliates for a successful payment and be paid after a period of 30days? , e.g if the client returns the goods or claim a refund.

    many thanks

    1. antonio Avatar

      you can set the default referral status to ‘pending’ and approve it at anytime (eg at the end of each month)

  11. It won’t let me install it says “Install Package not available” and has this
    Warning: Creating default object from empty value in /home/dminer5/public_html/wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php on line 95

    1. Please post a topic in the Forums if this is a support request related to a premium plugin. Thanks!

  12. do you have a link that I can upload it and install it…. And is this the correct one you created I believe the 1.0.3 version

    1. antonio Avatar

      Hi Debra,
      if you have installed Affiliates Pro 2.8, in Affiliates->Settings:Integrations you have available the Paypal integration.

  13. It won’t let me install this help please

  14. Raj singh Avatar
    Raj singh

    Hi Adrian,
    Is there a way to set a fee for affiliate registration. So when they register there account they need to pay fee either by paypal or any other method.


    1. Hi Raj,

      One approach to that would be using Groups + Groups for WooCommerce with an affiliate area protected by group access and a product that affiliates can purchase to gain access using WooCommerce.


  15. Pre-sale question: I am using PayPal IPN for payments on my directory site (Vantage by AppThemes). If I purchase Affiliate PRO for PayPal, is there additional coding or hooks that needs to be done? Based on your description, it seems that the plugin is “IPN aware” and everything should go smoothly. Is this correct?

    1. Hi Adrian,

      That depends, you would need an integration done for this system. If you have a developer working with you, you can point her or him to the API documentation where integration examples can be found. Also there are several free integration plugins available from which customized solutions can be derived. Note that you don’t need to buy Pro unless you are going to take advantage of the additional features it has.

      1. Thanks, kento. I looked at the API dcos on the link you gave – quite a ton of information.

        I thought I read somewhere that the integration would have been a simple shortcode that would wrap around the paypal button code?


        …PayPal Hosted Button code here…


        Would not this set of short codes cover all the API calls that are needed to credit an affiliate with the sale?

        If I do not want to use the other features of PRO and Enterprise, will the short code still be the same?

        1. Hi Adrian,

          The potential problem I see is that the theme might need to receive the IPNs itself and as the PayPal integration for Affiliates Pro also needs to receive these to grant referrals with commissions according to the purchase, you’d have to find a way to replicate the IPN to both (that’s possible but requires an additional development effort). And if that’s the case, an integration which is specific to your theme’s e-commerce features would be more appropriate.


  16. Hello
    I would like to use this affiliate programe to my site and can u please assist me on that note and i’m basically from India

    1. The Documentation is a good start 🙂

  17. That’s what I figured. Thanks for the quick response and awesome plugin.

    What happens to mass payments that are not received? For example they miss typed their email address upon registration (example@gmail.vom) and did not correct it before I issue payment. Do you know how such a scenario would be handled?

  18. We will be making payments to our affiliates using affiliates pro and mass payments. If they do not enter their PayPal email account in the box provided on [affiliates_affiliate_profile show_attributes="paypal_email" edit_attributes="paypal_email"] will the payment be sent to the email address they used to create their username and password by default? Also, what happens to the funds if the recipient’s paypal information is entered incorrectly?

    1. Hi Jerry, the affiliate’s email address is used if no specific PayPal email address is given. Note that the system does not make automated payments to the affiliates, you use the mass payment file that is generated to process the payments through your payment processor either automatically if it supports it or manually if needed.

  19. Jameson Avatar

    Hi, I have a question.. I think I set it up correctly, Affiliates Pro w/PayPal integration, but I went to run a test transaction, purchasing from another paypal account I have, and although it has registered that I clicked thru, and is tracking that, it hasn’t counted the referral. Would there be a time delay on that or did I do something wrong?

    1. antonio Avatar

      sometimes PayPal’s IPN messages have a time delay.
      Please give us an url to have a look.

      1. Jameson Avatar

        it’s at:

        specifically, the paypal button I want to affiliate-atize is at:

        also, it still hasnt registered that there were any referrals.


        1. antonio Avatar

          please try to disable “Use secure URLs.” in Affiliates->Paypal.

          1. Jameson Avatar

            thanks! that worked!

            one more quick question, will it auto-pay out to the affiliates? It asked for the affiliate’s paypal email address, that’s why I ask.


            1. antonio Avatar

              Sorry, Affiliates doesn’t process payments. You sould do it manually, for example once a month.

  20. I am interested in your Affiliate Pro for Paypal for my wordpress site.
    As I am not a techie, if I cannot get this integrated and working, can I hire you to integrate the system? Or is there someone who you recommend who can do this for us? Thanks

    1. Hi ST,

      It’s using a shortcode to enclose the PayPal button form code, so it’s pretty simple to set up actually. You wouldn’t need to hire someone to do use it, but we can help if you have problems setting it up. Also we grant refunds in case there are conflicts with your setup and a solution isn’t available.


  21. i am looking for an easier way to pay affiliates. it sounds like this plug in can do that either as they go (per transaction) or monthly. is that accurate? is there a pay pal fee for this? thanks!

    1. Affiliates Pro has a section to create period totals. See for more info on that please. Note that it won’t make automatic payments per transaction.

      1. The link above doesn’t work.

        1. antonio Avatar

          Hi Jason,
          documentation has been updated, please visit the new link.
          Antonio B.

  22. Will this Paypal Affiliate plugin work if I’m using the Paypal Link code that’s attached to my own graphic for a buy now button, or do I need to use the full embed code for the standard Paypal button?

    1. It requires the full button form, a link wouldn’t be sufficient.

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